Basic of computer Network 1: What is Network?And the Advantage & Disadvantage of the Network.


Human communication has a long history. As early as ancient times, people exchanged information through simple language, murals, and others. For thousands of years, people have been using language, symbols, bells, drums, fireworks, bamboo slips, paper books, and other methods to transfer information, for example, ancient people’s fireworks, wolf smoke, flying pigeons, post-horse mail. In modern society, traffic policemen’s sign language and flag language in navigation are just the results of the further development of ancient communication methods. The basic way to transmit this information is to rely on people’s vision and hearing.

Since the mid-nineteen centuries, with the development of the Telegraph and Telephone, people found electromagnetic waves that changed the field of human communication. It has realized the use of metal wires to transmit information, and even wireless communication through electromagnetic wave. Since that, people change the way of communication from vision and hearing to use electric signals as a new carrier, which bought a series of iron technological innovations and opened a new era of human communication—-computer networking. This is an epoch-making reform.

With the development of the network, it has formed the scale from small office LAN to large WAN. It brings a huge impact on production, economy, life and other aspects to people.

Nowadays, Computer network has become a basic part of our social structure. It is used in all aspects of business, include advertising, production, sales, accounting, and so on. Most companies had multiple networks. School at all levels, from primary school through graduate school, the network provides global books and information in real-time and search service. Etc. In short, computer networks have spread all over the world. People can’t live without it.

The words use to describe Network

Community /Communication
Professional Relationships
Structured System
Sharing resource/information/something
Unique address (IP+MAC)

What is Network?And the Advantage & Disadvantage of the Network.

A network is a collection of entities that interact with each other to enable an event to take place. Therefore, a data network is a collection of devices that interact (collaborate/Communicate/Co-operate) with each other, to enable users to share, store, retrieve & manipulate information (the event)!
On this platform, people can collaborate, communicate, cooperate with each other through the devices that also allow them to share, store, retrieve, and manipulate information.

The biggest advantage of the network system is everything is connected that can cover the whole word to make it become a global village. So, time and distance will not be the factor to stop people to communicate.

The network brings a powerful way for information dissemination, and greatly shortened the information release and receive the time, to avoid any unnecessary resource wastes.

Since the network becomes popular, companies have set up their own web pages and websites on the Internet, to introduce their company’s situation, to promote their products. Most companies use the internet to gain a bigger market for their products. Similar sites are opening up, and many different kinds of online stores also open up and advertise their products as cheaper and more economical than buying them in the shop. Instantly, information spreads widely among Internet users, leading to the full exchange of information on supply and demand. As long as people input the goods they want on the Internet, a search will present a large volume of supplier information, and suppliers can also use network information to inquire which consumers have the largest consumption capacity for their products, statistical data, in order to better-targeted advertising. Without leaving home, people can reach a deal on the Internet, greatly promoting the market’s supply and demand two flourishing situation.

Network, shorten the distance between people greatly.

As we all know, the number of games on the Internet is growing, and so are social media, for example, Facebook, WeChat, QQ, Instagram, Messenger, and so on. Which we deal with most often. Many friends because of the distance between time and space, there is no way to often contact in reality. They provide a good way to contact friends in these situations. On them, you can not only keep in touch with old friends but also get to know many new friends. In short chat and communication, make the heart distance between people closer. In different network games, people also can cooperate with each other, to know each other, to help with each other and become good friends. People can also exchange letters on the Internet through E-mail, to tell his family and friends their current situation.

While the biggest disadvantage also is everything is connected. First of all, the rapid development of the Internet has brought a loophole for illegal businessmen. Many pornography, violence, gambling, and other bad sites emerged. These illegal businessmen in order to gain profit, they just don’t care about whether the website information will bring harm to the mental health of teenagers or not, they just constantly spread pornography profiteering information on the website. Some have gone so far as to create different porn mini-movies that require viewers to pay first and view later. In addition to pornographic sites, there are also some sites set up in the phone charging system, once visitors open their web page browsing, will be charged extremely expensive and unreasonable long-distance phone charges, leaving visitors to suffer huge economic losses. There are also many intermediary websites on the Internet that introduce jobs, seek friends, and seek marriage, but there are also some websites that cheat people and do not fulfill their obligations. If netizens are not careful, they will step into these elaborate traps.

Secondly, the Internet brings many disputes between people. Because the government’s policies on the Internet are not perfect, there are many problems with intellectual property rights. For example, after some articles are published on the Internet, they are copied and modified many times, and then re-published as their own, which seriously violates the copyright of the original author. However, due to the complexity of the network, uncertainty, the owner often cannot find the source of plagiarism adaptation. Again, like the account that we have in-network game, it can be misappropriated illegally sometimes, this also is a kind of criminal responsibility actually, but we often because can’t find the person who steals it and make not end thing end. The account of the game is a small matter if the theft steals a piece of important business information, the relevant trade secrets are leaked, the company will be serious losses, even bankrupt. If the theft steals a state secret, the consequences are even worse. The military and defense systems of the whole country are likely to be greatly damaged, and even incalculable human and material resources will be required to rebuild military data.

What the Internet brings to people is not only the intangible harm in thinking but also the harm to the health of many netizens. On TV, I have seen such reports for many times: some teenagers play games online for too long, resulting in the lower body suddenly paralyzed, unable to move, serious cases of shock coma. The most significant is the damage to vision. According to statistics, the overall vision of people who work on computers for a long time is much worse than that of people who seldom touch computers.

Overall, the network has brought people immeasurable convenience, opportunities, wealth, but also brought people unexpected many potential crises. The Internet is a love-hate place. But the advantage of the network is bigger than its disadvantage, so I think the National healthcare group should investigate the network system, as it can bring more benefits to its group and gain more profits.

Where do we use network?

An organization’s data network
Social Media
National Grid Electricity Network
Home Data Network
Telephone/telecom infrastructure
Biological network (human body)
Blood System
Digestion System
Traffic System
Internet (WWW, World Wide Web)





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