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原创 2: Definition:Big Data (大数据)

Big DataDefinitionIt refers to a massive, complex, structured, and unstructured data set that cannot be captured, managed and processed with traditional methods or conventional software tools within an affordable time frame.But the most important of Bi

2020-10-12 05:11:08 1687 1

原创 1. Definition: Business Intelligence (BI)

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of processes, applications, and practices, that combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, and other technologies to convert the raw data into valuable information,

2020-10-04 22:18:58 747

原创 Basic of Robotic 1: What is automation? And what is Robotics?

What is automation?• Completely autonomous without human interact• Improved efficiency of a task & productivity (A singular task within an entire process)• Lake of intelligence (Limited capabilities & Capacity)• Repetition of a single/menial ta

2020-09-30 01:19:15 295

原创 Game Development Theory 1:What makes a game ‘good’?

The factors would affect a game to be good a good game:• Immersive Environment/Experience• Interesting & Captivating background storyline• A Fun Experience (make people feel happy)• Sense of realism• Preferred type of game• A sense of Achievement

2020-09-29 20:46:29 740

原创 Basic of computer Network 11: Network Services

Directory ServicesThere are various types of hosts and various kinds of resources in the internet. These things are scattered in the network and need a certain regulation to access these resources and set up the relevant services. As a result, there is a

2020-09-27 21:53:20 107

原创 Basic of computer Network 10:Network Software

Network Operating System (NOS)Network operating system (NOS) is a software that can be used by computers on the network to share network resources conveniently and effectively and provide various services needed by network users. The network operating sys

2020-09-27 21:51:15 189

原创 Basic of computer Network 9:Network Hardware (DCE+DTE) + Transmission Media (Guide and Unguided)

DTEDTE stand for Data Terminal Equipment, it is the devices allow user to sending and receiving data information which is set at source point and the end point of the data communication system. It allows user input and output data for system. It includes

2020-09-27 21:47:18 13601

原创 Basic of computer Network 8:The process of data transmission across a data network

Each layer in the OSI 7-layer reference model receives the data from the upper layer and adds the control information of the layer to the header of the data unit. Some layers also attach the checksum information to the tail of the data unit. This process i

2020-09-27 21:03:47 186

原创 Basic of computer Network 7:The importance of Network Protocol and Network Standards

Network protocol is a set of rules governing data communication which include three elements: Syntax refers to the structure and format of communication data; Semantics are used to explain what the communicating parties should do, it also control informati

2020-09-27 20:57:16 112

原创 Basic of computer Network 6: Define Protocol and Network Standards with examples

Define Protocol and Network Standards with example that linked with OSI 7 Layer (14 examples)The communication network is consisted of a number of interconnected nodes. So, it needs rules to guide all the nodes in the network to work in an orderly manner.

2020-09-27 20:48:50 212

原创 Basic of computer Network 5: OSI 7 Layer Model VS TCP/IP

ModelIt allows user to send date across different network under a series of protocol. It mainly uses to control the data and process it, like how can two users communicate by sending data from one device and other devices, such as OSI 7-layer model, TCP/I

2020-09-27 20:39:58 366

原创 Basic of computer Network 4: Topology(拓扑结构) - Bus, Ring, Star, Modern Tree, Semi-Structured, Dynamic

The word of topology is borrowed from geometry. It is used to describe the shape of the network and how its layout or how network connected in physically. Topology will show how network server, network configurate of workstation interconnect. There are man

2020-09-27 20:17:05 1098

原创 Basic of computer Network 3: Difference between PAN, HAN, VAN, LAN, CAN, MAN, WAN (Size of Network)

A network can compose of few devices around one person in a room, or millions of devices around the whole world. It also can be defined by size, location or purpose which tells user how big the coverage area it is, what geographic footprint it is. It incl

2020-09-27 07:40:54 690

原创 Basic of computer Network 2: Network Architecture (Virtual Connection ) (网络架构)

The computer network is composed of computer systems, communication links, and network nodes. It is the field that combines computer technology and communication technology, which undertake data communication and data processing these two kinds of work. Lo

2020-09-26 20:03:03 621

原创 Basic of computer Network 1: What is Network?And the Advantage & Disadvantage of the Network.

标题 Basic of Computer Network**欢迎使用Markdown编辑器你好! 这是你第一次使用 Markdown编辑器 所展示的欢迎页。如果你想学习如何使用Markdown编辑器, 可以仔细阅读这篇文章,了解一下Markdown的基本语法知识。新的改变我们对Markdown编辑器进行了一些功能拓展与语法支持,除了标准的Markdown编辑器功能,我们增加了如下几点新功能,帮助你用它写博客:全新的界面设计 ,将会带来全新的写作体验;在创作中心设置你喜爱的代码高亮样式,Mar

2020-09-26 19:36:59 891

原创 什么是网络? 以及其优缺点

简介自古以来, 人们通过不同的载体, 例如壁画、语言、烽火台、竹简、纸书、手势、钟、鼓等;以不同的方式, 例如古代的飞禽传书、烽火狼烟、驿马邮递、点孔明灯、击鼓名号、鱼传尺素等,以及后来的手势交通指挥, 航海的旗语等 , 来交流。传递这些信息的基本方式是依靠人们的视觉与听觉。自19世纪中期以来,随着电报和电话的发展,人们发现了改变人类通讯领域的电磁波。它实现了利用金属线传输信息,甚至通过电磁波进行无线通信。从那以后,人们将视觉和听觉的交流方式转变为以电信号作为新的载体,购买了一系列铁的技术创新,开启了人

2020-09-26 19:33:12 1072



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