查理·芒格留给我们的 84 条名言

你好,我是 EarlGrey,喜欢翻译点东西,偶尔写写代码。



查理·芒格(Charlie Munger),美国投资大师、亿万富翁、伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司副主席、沃伦·巴菲特的得力助手,于2023年11月28日去世,享年99岁。



1. It takes character to sit with all that cash and to do nothing. I didn't get to the top where I am by going after mediocre opportunities. 手握那么多现金却不投资,是需要定力的。我并不是靠追求平庸的机会才走到今天的巅峰。

2. To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. That world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of people. 要想得到你想要的东西,你必须配得上你想要的东西。这个世界还没有疯狂到可以奖励一大堆人的地步。

3. Being something and doing something that no one had done before are two different things. 做一件事和做一件前无古人的事是两码事。

4. Those who keep learning will keep rising in life. 不断学习的人,人生才会不断升华。

5. If you keep learning all the time you have a huge advantage. 如果你一直在学习,你就会拥有巨大的优势。

6. You don't have to be brilliant, only a little bit wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long, long time. 你不必才华横溢,只需在很长很长的时间里,平均比其他人聪明一点点。

7. People calculate too much and think too little. 人们算计太多,思考太少。

8. A majority of life's errors are caused by forgetting what one is really trying to do. 人生中的大多数错误都是由于忘记了自己真正要做的事情。

9. The best thing a human can do is to help another human being know more. 一个人能做的最好的事情就是帮助另一个人了解更多。

10. Knowing what you don't know is more useful than being brilliant. 知道自己不知道什么比聪明更有用。

11. The habit of committing far more time to learning and thinking than to doing is no accident. 学习和思考的时间远远多于做事的时间,这种习惯绝非偶然。

12. Like Warren, I had a considerable passion to get rich, not because I wanted Ferrari's -I wanted the independence. I desperately wanted it. 和沃伦一样,我也对致富充满热情,但并不是因为我想要法拉利跑车--我想要独立。我非常渴望独立。

13. One of the greatest ways to avoid trouble is to keep it simple...the system often goes out of control. 避免麻烦的最大方法之一就是保持简单......系统经常会失控。

14. If you skillfully follow the multidisciplinary path, you will never wish to come back. It would be like cutting off your hands.  如果你能巧妙地走多学科道路,你将永远不会希望回到过去。这就像砍掉自己的双手。

15. Just the discipline of having to put your thoughts in order with somebody else is very useful thing. 与他人一起整理自己的思绪是非常有用的事情。

16. Opportunity comes to the prepared mind. 机会总是留给有准备的人。

17. I met the towering intellectuals in books, not in classroom, which is natural. My family was into all that stuff, getting ahead through discipline, knowledge, and self-control. 我是在书本上而不是在课堂上认识伟大的知识分子的,这很自然。我的家人都喜欢这些东西,通过纪律、知识和自我控制来出人头地。

18. I paid no attention to the territorial boundaries of academic disciplines and I just grabbed all the big ideas that I could. 我不理会学科的地域界限,我只是抓住我所能抓住的所有大思想。

19. It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be intelligent. 像我们这样的人,通过努力做到始终不笨,而不是努力变得聪明,获得了多少长期优势,这一点很了不起。

20. To this day, I have never taken a course anywhere, in chemistry, economics, psychology, or business. 时至今日,我从未在任何地方选修过化学、经济学、心理学或商业课程。

21. I try to get rid of people who confidently answer questions about which they don't have any real knowledge. 我试图摆脱那些自信满满地回答自己并不真正了解的问题的人。

22. I believe in the discipline of mastering the best that other people have ever figured out. I don't believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up yourself. 我相信掌握别人已经摸索出的最佳方法是一门学问。我不相信只是坐下来自己空想。

23. Another thing I think should be avoided is extremely intense ideology because it cabbages up one's mind...when you're young it's easy to drift into royalties and when you announce that you're a loyal member...and you're gradually ruining your mind. 我认为应该避免的另一件事是极度强烈的意识形态,因为它会使人的思想白菜化......当你年轻时,很容易沉浸在旧思想中,当你宣布自己是忠实成员时......你就会逐渐毁掉自己的思想。

24. Simplicity has a way of improving performance by enabling us to better understand what we are doing. 简洁有一种提高绩效的方法,它能让我们更好地理解我们正在做的事情。

25. You should avoid sloth and unreliability. 你应该避免懒惰和不可靠。

26. Generally speaking, envy, resentment, and self-pity are disastrous modes of thoughts. Self-pity gets fairly close to paranoia, and paranoia is one of the very hardest things to reverse. 一般来说,嫉妒、怨恨和自怜都是灾难性的思想模式。自怨自艾与偏执狂相当接近,而偏执狂是最难扭转的。

27. People should take away less than they're worth when they are favored by life...I would argue that when you rise high enough in American Business you've got a moral duty to be underpaid. 当人们受到生活的眷顾时,他们应该拿走比他们价值更低的东西......我认为,当你在美国商业界升到足够高的位置时,你就有道义上的责任接受低薪。

28. Those of us who have been fortunate have a duty to give back. Whether one gives a lot as one goes along as I do, or a little and then a lot (when one dies) as Warren does, is a matter of personal preference. 我们这些幸运的人有责任回馈社会。至于是像我这样边走边捐,还是像沃伦那样先捐一点,然后(死后)再捐很多,这是个人喜好问题。

29. No man is fit to hold office who isn't perfectly willing to leave it at any time... 如果一个人不完全愿意随时离职,就不适合担任公职......

30. Acknowledging what you don't know is the dawning of wisdom. 承认你不知道什么是智慧的曙光。

31. We recognized early on that smart people do very dumb things, and we wanted to know why and who, so that we could avoid them. 我们很早就认识到,聪明人会做非常愚蠢的事情,我们想知道为什么,是谁,这样我们就能避免这些事情。

32. We have a passion for keeping things simple. 我们热衷于把事情简单化。

33. We have three baskets for investing: yes, no, and too tough to understand. 我们有三个投资篮子:"投"、"不投 "和 "太难理解"。

34. Live within your income and save so you can invest. Learn what you need to learn. 量入为出,储蓄投资。学习你需要学习的东西。

35. It's waiting that helps you as an investor and a lot of people just can't stand to wait. If you didn't get the deferred -gratification gene, you've got to work very hard to overcome that. 作为投资者,等待对你有帮助,但很多人就是无法忍受等待。如果你没有延迟满足的基因,你就必须努力克服。

36. A great business at a fair price is superior to a fair business at a great price. 价格合理的伟大企业胜过价格便宜的好企业。

37. An intelligent investing is value investing, acquiring more than you are paying for. 聪明的投资是价值投资,获得的比你付出的更多。

38. The big money is not in buying or selling, but in the waiting.  赚大钱不在于买卖,而在等待。

39. A lot of people with high IQs are terrible investors because they've got terrible temperaments. 很多智商高的人都是糟糕的投资者,因为他们的性格太糟糕了。

40. When you borrow a man's car, always return it with a tank of gas. 借车时,一定要加满油再还。

41. .. the most famous composer in the world but was utterly miserable most of the time, and of the reasons was because he always overspent his income. This was Mozart. If Mozart couldn't get by with this kind of asinine conduct, I don't think you should try. .....他是世界上最有名的作曲家,但大部分时间都非常痛苦,其中一个原因就是他总是透支自己的收入。这个人就是莫扎特。如果有这种行为的莫扎特都过的不好,我想你也不应该尝试。

42. We're not interested in taking a substantial chance of taking a lot of very decent people back to 'Go' so we can have one more zero on our net worth. 我们没有兴趣冒着很大的风险,把很多非常正派的人的钱财归零的方式让自己的净资产多一个零。

43. The liabilities are always 100 percent good. It's the assets you have to worry about. 负债总是百分之百的好。你要担心的是资产。

44. Take a simple idea, and take it seriously. 一个简单的想法,要认真对待。

45. Mimicking the herd invites regression to the mean. 模仿羊群会导致向均值回归。

46. Wall Street has too much wealth and political power. 华尔街拥有太多的财富和政治权力。

47. It's like the slaughter of the innocents. It makes the people who run Las Vegas seem like good people. 这就像屠杀无辜。这让经营拉斯维加斯的人看起来像好人。

48. I've seen so much folly and stupidity on the part of our major philanthropic groups, including the world bank. I really have more confidence in building up the more capitalistic ventures like Costco. 我看到我们的主要慈善团体,包括世界银行,有太多的愚蠢和愚昧。我真的对建立 Costco 这样的资本主义企业更有信心。

49. We both (Warren Buffett) insist on a lot of time being available almost every day to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. We read and think. 我们俩(沃伦-巴菲特)都坚持几乎每天都有大量时间坐下来思考。这在美国商界非常罕见。我们阅读和思考。

50. Our game is to recognize a big idea when it comes along when one doesn't come along very often. 我们的任务是,当一个伟大的想法出现时,我们就能意识到它的存在,因为这种想法并不常见。

51. Ninety-nine percent of the troubles that threaten our civilization come from too optimistic, therefore we should have a system where the accounting is a way more conservative. 威胁我们文明的99%的麻烦都来自于过于乐观,因此我们应该有一个更加保守的会计制度。

52. A lot of people think if you just had more process and more compliance- checks and double-checks and so forth-you could create a better world. We just try to operate in a seamless web of deserved trust and be careful of whom we trust. 很多人认为,如果有更多的程序和更多的合规性--检查和双重检查等等--就能创造一个更好的世界。我们只是试图在一个无缝的信任网络中运作,并谨慎对待我们所信任的人。

53. Everywhere there is a large commission, there is a high probability of a rip-off. 凡是有高额佣金的地方,就很有可能存在欺诈行为。

54. Part of what you must learn is how to handle mistakes and new facts that change the odds. Life, in part, is like a poker game wherein you have to learn to quit sometimes when holding a much-loved hand. 你必须学会的一部分是如何处理错误和改变胜算的新事实。生活在某种程度上就像一场扑克游戏,当你拿着一手心爱的牌时,有时必须学会放弃。

55. In my whole life, I have known no wise people...who didn't read all the time --none, zero. You'd be amazed at how much Warren reads --at how much I read...They think I'm a book with a couple of legs sticking out. 在我的一生中,我认识的智者......没有一个不是一直在读书的--没有,没有。你会惊讶于沃伦读了多少书--我读了多少书......他们认为我是一本伸出两条腿的书。

56. Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day. 通过贪婪的阅读,成为一个终身自学者;培养好奇心,努力让自己每天都变得更聪明一点。

57. Assume life will be really tough, and then ask if you can handle it. If the answer is yes, you've won. 假设生活会非常艰难,然后问自己能否承受。如果答案是肯定的,你就赢了。

58. Just because you like it does not mean that the world will necessarily give it to you. 你喜欢的东西,并不意味着世界一定会给你。

59. I would argue that passion is more important than brainpower. 我认为,激情比脑力更重要。

60. Is there such a thing as a cheerful pessimist? That's what I am. 世界上有开朗的悲观主义者吗?我就是这样的人。

61. The iron rule of nature is: You get what you reward for. If you want ants to come, you put sugar on the floor. 大自然的铁律是:有得必有失 如果你想让蚂蚁来,你就在地上放糖。

62. Another thing, of course, is that life will have terrible blows in it, horrible blows, unfair blows. It doesn't matter. And some people recover and others don't... 当然,还有一点是,生活中会有可怕的打击、可怕的打击、不公平的打击。这并不重要。有些人会挺过去,有些人则不会......

63. Confucious said that real knowledge is knowing the extent of one's ignorance. Aristotle and Socrates said the same thing. Is it a skill that can be taught or learned? It probably can, if you have enough of a stake riding on the outcome... 孔子说,真正的知识是知道自己无知的程度。亚里士多德和苏格拉底也说过同样的话。这是一种可以传授或学习的技能吗?也许可以,只要你对结果有足够的兴趣......

64. Wisdom acquisition is a moral duty. It's not something you do just to advance in life...You are not going to get very far in life based on what you already know. You're going to advance in life by what you learn after you leave here. 获取智慧是一种道德责任。这不是你为了生活的进步而做的事情......你不会因为你已经知道了什么而在生活中走得很远。离开这里之后,你要靠自己学到的东西来提升自己。

65. Some people are extraordinarily good at knowing the limits of their knowledge because they have to be. 有些人特别善于了解自己的知识极限,因为他们必须这样做。

66. Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Discharge your duties faithfully and well. Systematically you get ahead, but not necessarily in fast spurts...At the end of the day if you live long enough most people get what they deserve. 每天都要努力变得比起床时聪明一点。忠实而出色地履行职责。你会有条不紊地出人头地,但不一定会一蹴而就......最后,如果你活得足够长,大多数人都会得到他们应得的。

67. One solution fits all is not the way to go. All these cultures are different. The right culture for the Mayo Clinic is different from the right culture at a Hollywood movie studio. You can't run all these places with a cookie-cutter solution. 一刀切不是办法。所有这些文化都是不同的。梅奥诊所的正确文化与好莱坞电影制片厂的正确文化是不同的。你不可能用 "一刀切 "的解决方案来管理所有这些地方。

68. There's a tendency to think that our present politicians are much worse than we had in the past. But we tend to forget how awful our politicians were in the past. 人们往往认为,现在的政客比过去的政客要糟糕得多。但我们往往忘记了过去的政客有多糟糕。

69. The highest form that civilization can reach is a seamless web of deserved trust-not much procedure, just totally reliable people correctly trusting one another... 文明所能达到的最高境界是无缝的信任之网--没有太多的程序,只有完全可靠的人们正确地相互信任......

70. You must force yourself to consider opposing arguments. Especially when they challenge your best-loved ideas. 你必须强迫自己考虑反对的论点。尤其是当他们挑战你最喜爱的观点时。

71. Remember that reputation and integrity are your most valuable assets and can be lost in a heartbeat. 记住,声誉和诚信是你最宝贵的资产,这些可能在瞬间丧失。

72. Most people are too fretful, they worry too much. Success means being very patient, but aggressive when it's time. 大多数人都过于焦虑,担心太多。成功意味着要非常有耐心,但该出手时就出手。

73. Always take the high road, it's far less crowded. 总是走大路,路上没有那么拥挤。

74. You don't have to have the ability that quantum mechanics requires. You just have to know a few simple things and really know them. 你不必具备量子力学所要求的能力。你只需要知道一些简单的事情,并真正了解它们。

75. Don't drift into self-pity because it doesn't solve any problems. 不要自怨自艾,因为这解决不了任何问题。

76. It's not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid. 这不应该是一件容易的事。任何觉得容易的人都是愚蠢的。

77. You need patience, discipline, and agility to take losses and adversity without going crazy. 你需要耐心、自律和敏捷,才能承受损失和逆境而不发疯。

78. There is not more money to be made from law, but less time to enjoy it. 从法律中赚到的钱不会更多,但享受法律的时间会更少。

79. No wise pilot, no matter how great his talent and experience, fails to use a checklist. 任何优秀的飞行员,无论他有多么高的天赋和丰富的经验,都不会不使用检查表。

80. If something is too hard, we move on to something else. What could be more simpler than that? 如果一件事太难,我们就换别的。还有比这更简单的吗?

81. I think that one should recognize the reality even when one doesn't like it; indeed, especially when one doesn't like it. 我认为,即使不喜欢现实,也应该承认现实;事实上,尤其是在不喜欢现实的时候。

82. The best armor of old age is a well-spent life perfecting it. 老年最好的盔甲就是追求完美、没有虚度的一生。

83. There is no way you can live an adequate life without making mistakes. 不犯错误,你就不可能过上充实的生活。

84. Invert, always invert: Turn a situation or problem upside down. Look at it backward. 颠倒,永远颠倒:把情况或问题颠倒过来。倒过来看。





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