A Frustrated Friend
When is it OK to say no to a friend?
Aug 1st 2006

Chris and Mike spend a lot of time together .They are university classmates and good friends. But they are very different! Mike is charming, popular and often forgets things. Chris is quiet, kind and helpful.

Lately, Chris is a little frustrated with Mike. “Mr. Popular” often asks Chris to do things for him. Chris is glad to help his friend. But when Chris asks Mike for help. Mike says he’s too busy. Helping Mike is taking up more and more of Chris’s time. And Chris is staring to feel like Mike really takes advantage of him.

If you were Chris, what would you do?

Decision 1
(Chris talks to his girlfriend, Alyssa )
Chris: I’m not sure what to do. Should I just keep helping Mike whenever he asks me?
Alyssa: I don’t know. You might start to resent him. That’s not good for your friendship.
Chris: I know.
Alyssa: Could you talk to him about this?
Chris: I could, but I don’t like to confront people. You know that.
Alyssa: Well, then, what are you going to do? Just resent him?
Chris: No. But I don’t have to do everything he asks, either. I can just tell him I’m busy.
Alyssa: So you’re just going to make up excuses not to help him?
Chris: Sure. That’s probably the easiest way to handle it.

Word Bank
frustrated (adj.) 挫败的;泄气的
Mark is frustrated. His boss never listens to anything he says.

charming (adj.) 迷人的;有魅力的
Lucy is very charming. Everyone likes her.

resent ( v. ) 生气;憎恶
Saran resents the fact that her parents treat her like a child.

confront ( v. ) 与……正面冲突
Edward was late to work every day last week. Finally, his boss confronted him about it.

More information
take advantage of someone (idiom)
I never ask other people for favors. I don’t want to take advantage of anyone.

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