BW system tuning - 3

  • 3. What are the factors which influence the performance on a BW system?
    There are three major factors that influence the performance of a BW system.

ü      How we administer the BW system?

ü      Technical resources available.

ü      How the entire BW landscape is designed?


First step to resolve most of the problems in BW system is Archive. Archive the most amount of data you can.Archive data from Info Cubes and ODS objects and delete the archived data from the BW database. This reduces the data volume and, thus, improves upload and query performance.
An archiving plan can also affect the data model. For a yearly update, an Multiprovider partitioning per year

The archiving process in the BW system works slightly differently to that in an R/3 environment. In an R/3 system, the data is written to an archive file. Afterwards, this file is read and the deleted from the database, driven by the content of the file. In a BW system, the data from the archived file is not used in the deletion process (only verified to be accessible and complete). The values of the selection characteristics, which have been used for retrieving data in the 'Write' job, are passed to the selective deletion of the data target. This is the same functionality that is available within data target management in the Administrator Workbench ('Contents' tab strip). This functionality tries to apply an optimal deletion strategy, depending on the values selected, that is, it drops a partition when possible or copies and renames the data target when more than a certain percentage of the data has to be deleted.  
Reloading archived data should be an exception rather than the general case, since data should be archived only if it is not needed in the database anymore. When the archived data target is serving also as a data mart to populate other data targets, we recommend that you load the data to a copy of the original (archived) data target, and combine the two resulting data targets with a MultiProvider.  
In order to reload the data to a data target, you have to use the export Data Source of the archived data target. You then trigger the upload either   by using 'Update ODS data in data target' or by replicating the Data Sources of the MYSELF source system and subsequently scheduling an Info Package for the respective Info Source. In this scenario we have used the first option.  Load balancing:
 Load balancing provides the capability to distribute processing across several servers in order to optimally utilize the server resources that are available. An effective load balancing strategy can help you to avoid inefficient situations where one server is overloaded (and thus performance suffers on that server), while other servers go underutilized. The following processes can be balanced:
             ? Logon load balancing (via group login): This allows you to distribute the workload of multiple query/administration users across several application servers.
             ? Distribution of web users across application servers can be configured in the BEx service in SICF.
             And also, Process chains, Data loads and data extractions should be routed to perform. in specific target servers.
 In some cases, it is useful to restrict the extraction or data load to a specific server (in SBIW in an SAP source system, or SPRO in BW), i.e. not using load balancing. This can be used for special cases where a certain server has fast CPUs and therefore you may want to designate it as an extraction or data load server.
  Reorganize the table:
Logs of several processes are collected in the application log tables. These tables tend to grow very big as they are not automatically deleted by the system and can impact the overall system performance.
Table EDI40 can also grow very big depending on the number of IDOC records.
Depending on the growth rate (i.e., number of processes running in the system), either schedule the reorganization process (transaction SLG2) regularly or delete log data as soon as you notice significant DB time spent in table BALDAT (e.g., in SQL trace).
Delete regularly old RSDDSTAT entries.If several traces and logs run in the background, this can lead to bad overall performance and sometimes it's difficult to discover all active logs. So be sure to switch off traces and logs as soon as they are not used any more.
  Technical resources available:
 The capacity of the hardware resources represents highly significant aspect of the overall performance of the BW system in general. Insufficient resources in any one area can constraint performance capabilities
These include:
? Number of CPUs
? Speed of CPUs
? Memory
? I/O-Controller
? Disk architecture (e.g. RAID)
A BW environment can contain a DB server and several application servers. These servers can be configured individually (e.g. number of dialog and batch processes), so that the execution of the different job types (such as queries, loading, DB processes) can be optimized. The general guideline here is to avoid hot spots and bottlenecks.
 For optimizing the hardware resources, it is recommended to define at least two operation modes: one for batch processing (if there is a dedicated batch window) with several batch processes and one for the query processing with several dialog processes.
 Different application servers have separate buffers and caches. E.g. the OLAP cache (BW 3.x) on one application server does not use the OLAP cache on other servers.
  BW landscape design:
Info Cube modeling is the process by which business reporting requirements are structured into an object with the facts and characteristics that will meet the reporting needs.
Characteristics are structured together in related branches called dimensions.
The key figures form. the facts.
The configuration of dimension tables in relation to the fact table is denoted as "star schema".
For a BW system to perform. better we should not combine dynamic characteristics in the same dimension in order to keep dimensions rather small. Example: Don't combine customer and material in one dimension if the two characteristics are completely independent. As a general rule, it makes more sense to have many smaller dimensions vs. fewer larger dimensions. Dimension tables should be sized less than 10% of the fact table.
 Use MultiProvider (or logical) partitioning to reduce the sizes of the Info Cubes.
Example: Define Info Cubes for one year and join them via a MultiProvider so we can have parallel access to underlying basis Info Cubes, load balancing, and resource utilization.
Define large dimensions as line item dimensions (e.g. document number or customer number) if (as a rule of thumb) the dimension table size exceeds 10 % of the fact table(s) size; B-tree is generally preferable for cases where there is high cardinality (high number of distinct values)
 Info Cubes containing non-cumulative key figures should not be too granular. A high granularity will result in a huge amount of reference points which will impact aggregate build significantly. Reference points can only be deleted by deleting an object key not specifying the time period, i.e. all available records for this key are deleted.
The data model has tremendous impact on both query AND load performance. E.g. bad dimension model. Example: Customer and material in one dimension instead of separate dimensions can lead to huge dimension tables and thus slows down query performance, as it is expensive to join a huge dimension table to a huge fact table. Transaction RSRV can be used to check the fact to dimension table ratio.
As non-cumulative key figures are well defined for every possible point in time (according to the calculation algorithm), it could make sense to restrict the validity to a certain time period. Example: If a plant is closed, it should not show up any stock figures. These objects can be defined as validity objects. Note that for every entry in the validity table, a separate query is generated at query runtime.

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