BW system tuning - 6

6 / 7. How to tune your queries and aggregates?
 The data in a Data Warehouse is largely very detailed. In SAP BW, the Info Cube is the primary unit of storage for data for reporting purposes. The results obtained by executing a report or query represent a summarized dataset. 
An aggregate is a materialized, summarized view of the data in an Info Cube. It stores a subset of Info Cube data in a redundant form. When an appropriate aggregate for a query exists, summarized data can be read directly from the database during query execution, instead of having to perform. this summarization during runtime. Aggregates reduce the volume of data to be read from the database, speed up query execution time, and reduce the overall load on the database.
A sound data model in BW should comprise of the following
Dimensional modeling.
Logical partitioning.
Physical partitioning.
 The main purpose of aggregate is to accelerate the response time of the queries, by reducing the amount of data that must be read in the database for a navigation step. Grouping and filtering will enhance the value of an aggregate.
We can group according to the characteristic or attribute value, according to the nodes of the hierarchy level, and also filter according to a fixed value.
It is guaranteed that queries always deliver consistent data when you drilldown. This means that data provided when querying against an aggregate is always from the same set of data that is visible within an Info Cube.
New data packets / requests that are loaded into the InfoCube cannot be used at first for reporting if there are aggregates that are already filled. The new packets must first be written to the aggregates by a so-called "roll-up". Data that has been recently loaded into an InfoCube is not visible for reporting, from the InfoCube or aggregates, until an aggregate roll-up takes place. During this process you can continue to report using the data that existed prior to the recent data load. The new data is only displayed by queries that are executed after a successful roll-up. See the attachment for more details on the technical process of a roll-up.
 The split of a query is rule-based.
Parts of the query on different aggregation level are split.
Parts with different selections on characteristic are combined.
Parts on different hierarchy levels or parts using different hierarchies are split.
After the split, OLAP processor searches for an optimal aggregate each part. Parts which use the same aggregate will be combined again (in some cases it is not possible to combine them)
 Maintaining an aggregate: RSDDV.
 After selecting a particular info cube, we could drill down to the options of the aggregate to tune each of them.   
This is the same screen for BI Accelerator index. 
This is another important T code where we could perform. the following actions. Possible actions
 Restart host: restarts the BI accelerator hardware
Restart BIA server: restarts all the BI accelerator servers and services. This includes the name server and index server
Restart BIA index server: restarts the index server. (The name servers are not restarted.) Rebuild BIA indexes: If a check discovers inconsistencies in the indexes, you can use this action to delete and rebuild all the BI accelerator indexes.
Reorganize BIA landscape: If the BI accelerator server landscape is unevenly distributed, this action redistributes the loaded indexes on the BI accelerator servers
 Connection Check
Index Check
In our system BIA monitor is not set up. So, we need to set up this. Here am not going to set up this, because it might affect few other RFC destinations. 
Query design: Multi-dimensional Query.
Inclusion / Exclusion.
Multi provider query.
Cell calculation
Customer exits.
Query read mode.
 Every Query should start with a relatively small result set; let the user drill down to more detailed information.
 Do not use ODS objects for multi-dimensional reporting.
 Queries on Multi Providers usually access all underlying Info Providers, even if some cannot be hit as no key figures within the query definition are contained in this Info Provider.
 In ORACLE, fact tables can be indexed either by bitmap indices or by B-tree indices. A bitmap index stores a bitmap stream for every characteristic value. Bitmap indices are suitable for characteristics with few values. Binary operations (AND or OR) are very fast.
B-tree indices are stored in a (balanced) tree structured. If the system searches one entry, it starts at the root and follows a path down to the leaf where the row ID is linked. B-tree indices suit for characteristics with lots of values.
In some cases, ORACLE indices can degenerate. Degeneration is similar to fragmentation, and reduces the performance efficiency of the indexes. This happens when records are frequently added and deleted.
The OLAP Cache can help with most query performance issues. For frequently used queries, the first access fills the OLAP Cache and all subsequent calls will hit the OLAP Cache and do not have to read the database tables. In addition to this pure caching functionality, the Cache can also be used to optimize specific queries and drill-down paths by 'warming up' the Cache; with this you fill the Cache in batch to improve all accesses to this query data substantially.

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