BW system tuning - 5

 5. What are the factors to consider while loading the data?
There are two major aspects to consider while loading data. 
I/O contention.

O/S Monitors. I/O contention.
High number of DB writes during large data loads.

Disk Layout and Striping. (What is located on the same disk or table space/DB space etc.?)At the time of data load we need to also check the transformation rules. à Use SE30 and ST05.The master data load creates all SIDs and populates the master data tables (attributes and/or texts). If the SIDs does not exist when transaction data is loaded, these tables have to be populated during the transaction data load, which slows down the overall process.

Another major function which could be performed at data load is buffering number ranges.SID number range can be buffered instead of accessing the DB for each SID.
If you encounter massive accesses to DB table NRIV via SQL trace (ST05), increase the number range buffer in transaction SNRO.
Always load master data before transaction data. The transaction data load will be improved, as all master data SIDs are created prior to the transaction data load, thus precluding the system from creating the SIDs at the time of load.
In transaction RSCUSTV6 the size of each PSA partition can be defined. This size defines the number of records that must be exceeded to create a new PSA partition. One request is contained in one partition, even if its size exceeds the user-defined PSA size; several packages can be stored within one partition.
The PSA is partitioned to enable fast deletion (DDL statement DROP PARTITION). Packages are not deleted physically until all packages in the same partition can be deleted.
Transformation rules are transfer rules and update rules. Start routines enable you to manipulate whole data packages (database array operations) instead of changing record-by-record. In general it is preferable to apply transformations as early as possible in order to reuse the data for several targets.
Flat files: Flat files can be uploaded either in CSV format or in fixed-length ASCII format. If you choose CSV format, the records are internally converted in fixed-length format, which generates overhead.
You can upload files either from the client or from the application server. Uploading files from the client workstation implies sending the file to the application server via the network - the speed of the server backbone will determine the level of performance impact, Gigabit backplanes make this a negligible impact.
The size (i.e., number of records) of the packages, the frequency of status IDocs can be defined in table RSADMINC (Transaction RSCUSTV6) for the flat file upload. If you load a large amount of flat file data, it is preferable to use fixed-length ASCII format, to store the files on the application server rather than on the client and to set the parameters according the recommendations in the referenced note.

If possible, split the files to achieve parallel upload. We recommend as many equally-sized files as CPUs are available.   

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