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转载 两表关联实验

原创[@more@]两表关联实验create table test1(a integer,b integer);create table test2(a integer,b integer);insert into test1 ...

2009-11-09 16:39:25 129

转载 没有硝烟的战场

--记电信网优产品开发[@more@]没有硝烟的战场 --记电信网优产品开发 2009年8月1日中午,一支队伍正在从北京的四面八方向北京火车站集结,手提行李箱,背着电脑。在候车大厅里,20几人集中到一起...

2009-09-18 16:38:56 154

转载 终于又盼到周末了

随笔[@more@]稍稍轻闲的一周,今天晚上可以去找我的WN了,一起做面吃.周日晚上又要出差,去南京,不会太长,一周多吧.因为马上就要十一了,十一前肯定要赶回来,然后可以回家享受国庆假期了. ...

2009-09-18 16:35:09 147

转载 What is the first thing you will do in the morning?

mark[@more@]What is the first thing you will do in the morning?What is the first thing you will do after you open ...

2009-07-21 19:02:41 149

转载 it is too hot of beijing today

mark[@more@]it is too hot of beijing todaywhen i got my company i was full of sweat.i didn't go down for breakfast...

2009-07-21 19:01:37 119

转载 can i see the solar total eclipse tomorrow morning?

mark[@more@]can i see the solar total eclipse tomorrow morning?I am in beijing now.i am not sure whether i can see...

2009-07-21 19:01:09 84

转载 It is the time to do exercise.

mark[@more@]It is the time to do exercise.we do exercise at 3:30 in the afternoon every day in the company.it is f...

2009-07-21 19:00:33 205

转载 What is the feeling of love?

mark[@more@]What is the feeling of love?sweet,however sometimes it is bitter hehewhen you love him(her),you will p...

2009-07-21 19:00:03 164

转载 what will you do when you are bored?

mark[@more@]what will you do when you are bored?be in a daze,take a rest,chat with others,browse the net news ...i...

2009-07-21 18:59:29 297

转载 several colleague come here from changchun today

mark[@more@]several colleague come here from changchun todayi took a part_time job in changchun before i graduated...

2009-07-21 18:59:04 96

转载 i came to company so early this morning!

mark[@more@]i came to company so early this morning!about at 5 o' clock,i was awake,and coundn't fall asleep,so i ...

2009-07-18 07:52:30 146

转载 Have you marked out your direction of profession

mark[@more@]Have you marked out your direction of professionwhat is your Career planning?have you already made it ...

2009-07-18 06:11:05 78

转载 It rained heavily yesterday morning.

mark[@more@]It rained heavily this morning.It began to rain at 5 o' clock maybe.I was awaked because of it.until 7...

2009-07-18 06:04:43 232

转载 中英对照:30句经典英语广告词欣赏

classic[@more@]中英对照:30句经典英语广告词欣赏1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3. The...

2009-07-18 06:03:22 484

转载 I am puzzled recently.

mark[@more@]I am puzzled recently.I am puzzled recently.For a period of time,I doesn't know what is the purpose of...

2009-07-16 18:27:35 92

转载 What is the most important in life:house,car,money?

mark[@more@]What is the most important in life:house,car,money?of course,house,car,money is significant,but they c...

2009-07-16 18:26:49 154

转载 There are many topic besides learning english that we can talk about.

mark[@more@]There are many topic besides learning english that we can talk about.for example,stock,education,music...

2009-07-16 18:25:12 94

转载 What is the most deficient of you in your life?

mark[@more@]What is the most deficient of you in your life?1.confidence,2.spirit,3.chance,4.persist5.family backgr...

2009-07-16 18:24:55 79

转载 A survey:What is the purpose of you to study english?

mark[@more@]A survey:What is the purpose of you to study english?1.improve it(interest)2.change your job3.use it e...

2009-07-16 18:23:13 140

转载 My new english name:luyis

mark[@more@]My new english name:luyisI made it myself.you can call me luyis lateri has thought about it for a long...

2009-07-16 18:22:12 112

转载 the topic today:stock

mark[@more@]the topic today:stockwe can discuss a topic each day from now on.today's topic is stock.i believe most...

2009-07-16 18:21:15 105

转载 You must always raise your bar.

mark[@more@]You must always raise your bar.I learned a new logion and shares it with you:You must always raise you...

2009-07-16 18:20:15 85

转载 the most efficient way to improve your english is

mark[@more@]the most efficient way to improve your english isspeak more,write more,read more,listen more!why is yo...

2009-07-16 18:19:34 105

转载 what is the factor for your success

mark[@more@]what is the factor for your successindustry,staidness.a splendid company,a friendly leader..besides,a ...

2009-07-16 18:18:33 165

转载 dream and realism

mark[@more@]dream and realismWhen i was in school i thought that i would own my house,car soon after graduate.I th...

2009-07-16 18:17:29 114

转载 it's a new day,i comes here again.

mark[@more@]it's a new day,i comes here again.new feeling,new day,full spirit.keep,every one!how is your mood toda...

2009-07-16 18:16:18 126

转载 健康是我们的另一项长期投资

大家来学学养生[@more@]健康是我们的另一项长期投资刘纯在《短命条辨》里说:“经曰。正气存内。邪不可干。夫正气衰者有三。过饱。气恼。不劳。故尔养生者以十条克之。”。 ★第一条:早晨起床第一件事就是喝凉开水。  这就是刘纯说的...

2009-06-16 13:11:36 157

转载 印度风情


2009-04-24 10:00:48 451

转载 一个印度人的表述

看看印中之间的差异[@more@]Hi All, Let me share my experiences. 1. Iam Indian. 2. Iam a Software Proffessional 3. I stay...

2009-04-22 01:46:41 138

转载 印度之旅

绝对原创[@more@] 2月18日下午,开始了我们这次的印度之旅,既有欣喜,又有几分忐忑。欣喜的是这是自己的第一次出国经历,终于有机会走出国门,看看外面的世界,不知道是不是真如齐秦所唱的“外面的世界很精彩”;忐忑的...

2009-03-31 19:15:21 127

转载 informix 从文本导入海量数据(informix load)

防止缓存被充满而无法导入[@more@]informix 从文本导入海量数据(informix load)从文本导入数据到informix数据一般使用SQL语句:load from file.dat insert into yo...

2009-02-04 09:19:03 782

转载 登山的故事(什么是XP,设计)

看看什么是规划和设计[@more@]登山的故事(什么是XP,设计)作者:秦梦瑶 来源:csdn从前,有一个A型血的人和一个B型血的人去登山。显然A和B有着不同的登山方法。 A到了山脚下,总是先停下来,仔细打量山势。接着,围着山脚...

2009-01-22 17:31:45 46

转载 informix配置参数

参数解释[@more@]1. Page Size 页面大小,由系统决定,用户无权更改。 2. Mirror { MIRROR } 是否作镜像处理。 3. Tape Dev. { TAPEDEV} 数据备份所用的磁带设备,需要选择...

2009-01-16 10:07:23 1002

转载 影响ontape的几个参数

影响ontape的几个参数[@more@]环境变量: ARCHIVE_BUF_COUNT 该值的有效范围为3到99 ,默认为4 。它的作用是可以增加备份时 的缓冲区个数,减少...

2009-01-16 10:01:27 128

转载 ontape -r恢复总结(全)

比较全[@more@]Ontape -r 恢复大总结By lianyong(wangly@ustc.edu) 2003/12/22以下是我做ontape -r 的总结,我只是将自己的经验共享出来(因为我看到论坛里虽然有这方面的帖...

2009-01-16 09:59:36 811

转载 Informix配置1.做好计划:考虑优先级和资源

Informix配置1.做好计划:考虑优先级和资源[@more@]本文就Informix-Online Dynamic Server v7.2及以上版本进行简单介绍。 考虑优先级 在初始化配置之前,首先要考虑好数据库服务器的特征...

2009-01-16 09:58:55 98

转载 informix备份

备份方案[@more@]1. 使用ontape 命令OnLine动态服务器7.1为数据库管理员提供一种联机的增量备份工具,在命令行时,数据库 管理员可以用ontape来作数据备份和逻辑日志备份。还提供了一个具有交互界面和菜单驱动...

2009-01-16 09:54:52 367

转载 ontape -r恢复

恢复测试[@more@]一、恢复的前提用ontape备份的数据恢复到另一台服务器上时,环境如下:1.两台服务器机型一样(HPL2000系列) 2.操作系统一样(HP-UXB.11.00)、数据库版本一样(IDS7.31.FC6)...

2009-01-16 09:52:07 215

转载 informix datatime类型

时间类型[@more@]一个datetime型的字段可以存储的日期范围是从1753年1月1日第一毫秒到9999年12月31日最后一毫秒。如果你不需要覆盖这么大范围的日期和时间,你可以使用SMALLDATETIME型数据。 它与d...

2009-01-16 09:44:41 364

转载 informix函数

供参考[@more@]聚集函数avg,求平均值 count,统计记录的条数 max,求最大值 min,求最小值 range,计算所选行的最大值与最小值的差 stdev,计算所选行的标准偏差 sum,求和函数 variance,函...

2009-01-16 09:42:50 630



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