What is Terrarium?(让你加强.net程序编写能力的东西)

Terrarium, a sample application built by Microsoft®, is game for software developers that provides a great introduction to software development on the .NET Framework.  In Terrarium, developers create herbivores, carnivores, or plants and then introduce them into a peer-to-peer, networked ecosystem for a survival-of-the-fittest type competition.  The game provides both a competitive medium for testing your software development and strategy skills as well as a realistic evolutionary biology/artificial intelligence model for evaluating the role that various behaviors and traits can play in the fight for survival.  Terrarium also demonstrates some of the features of the .NET Framework, including the Windows Forms integration with DirectX® for generating powerful user interface (UI); XML Web services; support for peer-to-peer networking; support for multiple programming languages; the capability to update smart client, or Windows-based, applications via a remote Web server; and the evidence-based and code access security infrastructure that protects participating computers from the mobile code they are running.  This paper will focus on the technological merits of Terrarium, presenting a high-level overview of the role that the above features of the .NET Framework play in the game.

Game Overview

Before diving into the technical details, let’s present a brief look at the actual flow-of-action involved in running the game.  The game can run in two modes:

·        Terrarium Mode – This gives the user two options.  The user may run alone, without peers.  In this case, the ecosystem presented on the screen represents the whole of the ecosystem.  This is good for creature testing purposes.  The user may also elect to join with a select group of peers, expanding the ecosystem across all of the participating peer computers.  This is simple to do.  Each participating user opts into a special, private network by entering an agreed upon character string in the “channel” textbox on the Terrarium console.  Upon entering that string, the user’s computer is matched with only those computers which also entered that same string.

·        Ecosystem Mode – This is the standard mode, in which the user’s computer runs just a small slice of an ecosystem which spans all of the participating peer computers, worldwide. 

In both modes, developers are free to develop their own creatures, using the Terrarium class libraries coupled with the .NET Framework SDK or Visual Studio .NET.  Alternatively, they may simply watch as other developers’ creatures battle it out for survival by running Terrarium as a standalone application or as a screensaver.

In creating a creature, developers have complete control over everything from genetic traits (eyesight, speed, defensive power, attacking power, etc.) to behavior (the algorithms for locating prey, moving, attacking, etc.) to reproduction (how often a creature will give birth and what “genetic information,” if any, will be passed on to its offspring).  Upon completing the development process, the code is compiled into an assembly (dynamically linked library, or DLL) that can be loaded into the local ecosystem slice, viewable through the Terrarium console.  When a creature is initially introduced in Ecosystem Mode, ten instances of it are scattered throughout the local ecosystem.  No more instances of that creature may be introduced by that user or any other on the network until the creature has died off completely.  By contrast, if running in Terrarium Mode, an infinite number of instances of a given creature may be entered into the environment.

Once the creature is loaded into Terrarium, it acts on the instructions supplied by its code.  Each creature is only granted between 2 and 5 milliseconds (depending on the speed of the machine) to act before it is destroyed.  This prevents any one creature from hogging the processor and halting the game, in the case of an infinite loop, for example.

Within each peer in the network, a blue “teleporter” ball rolls randomly about.  If the user is running with active peers logged in (either in Ecosystem Mode or using a private channel in Terrarium Mode), whenever this blue ball rolls over a creature that creature is transported to a randomly selected peer machine.

A central, “master” server provides peer discovery and reporting features.

User Interface

The screenshot above is of the Terrarium console and shows a small piece of the ecosystem as well as some of the controls available to clients running the game which enable introducing a creature, providing reporting information, etc. 

The form and buttons on the screen above were all generated using Windows Forms, the classes of the .NET Framework for Windows-based UI development.  These developer-friendly, extensible libraries effectively combine the ease-of-use of Visual Basic with the power of C++.

The ecosystem graphics – both the creatures and the landscape, which are presented at a rate of 20 frames per second – were developed using DirectX, a set of graphics libraries which gives developers direct access to the system’s video card, enabling powerful, optimized graphics performance.  Interestingly, at the time of development, the DirectX SDK had not been implemented for managed, or .NET Framework-based, code.  As a result, the developers of Terrarium took advantage of COM Interop, a .NET Framework service used to tie into existing unmanaged code from within a .NET Framework-based application.  The ability to call unmanaged code is a powerful one and can enable developers to leverage existing, legacy components as they go forward in their application development. 

XML Web Services

An XML Web service is an application that exposes its functionality programmatically over the Internet or intranet using Internet protocols and standards, such as SOAP, WSDL, and XML.  Essentially, XML Web services provide a loosely-coupled, message-oriented, platform-neutral model for distributed computing, allowing a client machine running any platform to invoke functionality on a remote server machine running any platform, even through a firewall. 

XML Web services are used throughout Terrarium.  While the game itself runs on a peer-to-peer network, in which every participant is equal, acting as both a client and a server, there is one master server used for purposes such as peer discovery and reporting.  The peer computers interact with this master server using XML Web services. 

Validating the IP Address

When a peer computer first loads its instance of Terrarium, it calls an XML Web service hosted by the master server to find out what IP address is exposed to the master server.  By comparing the returned IP address (the one exposed to the world outside) to the IP address the computer is using locally, the game is able to find out if its IP address is being changed in a way that would prevent other peers from communicating with it.  This may happen, for example, if the client computer goes through a proxy server or if Network Address Translation is at work. If this is the case, the peer computer will not be allowed to join the ecosystem, as its peers will not be able to communicate directly with it.

Registration and Peer Discovery

Assuming the peer computer has a static, public IP address, it calls another XML Web service on the master server that will register it on the list of enrolled peers.  In turn, the peer computer is returned a count of all the peers participating as well as a “peer contact list” of 20-30 IP addresses representing geographically close peers which will be used for creature exchange later in the game.  The list of 20-30 peers returned overlaps in such a way that a fully connected network is formed – meaning that there are no “islands” of peers that are isolated from the rest of the network. A given peer will reject any connection attempts from a peer that is not in its “peer contact list”.  Each peer computer renews its registration status every five minutes.  If a peer computer fails to renew its registration status in over 15 minutes, that peer computer is assumed to have left the network and is removed from the registration list and replaced in all of the “peer contact lists” which contained it.

Loading a Creature Assembly

Once developers have written their creature assemblies, they may use the “Introduce Animal” button to load the creature into the ecosystem.  Behind the scenes, the assembly’s code is quickly scanned to ensure all the critical methods are in place and that functionality which might support cheating has not been implemented.  If the assembly passes this test, the peer computer calls an XML Web service on the master server to register the creature and actually sends along a copy of the assembly for storage on the server.  (If the creature ever becomes extinct, a user may reintroduce the creature into the ecosystem, using the version stored on the master server.)  Only after all this has taken place will 10 copies of the creature actually be loaded into the local Terrarium ecosystem slice.

When the creatures are deployed into the Terrarium ecosystem, they are hosted securely using the .NET Framework’s evidence-based and code access security infrastructure.  This prevents them for accessing and potentially tampering with any resources on the local machine.  See the section below entitled “Evidence-based and Code Access Security” for more information on how this works.


Roughly every six minutes, each peer computer gathers together information on the number and types of creatures alive in its environment, rolls this data up into a data set, and sends this to the central server, where it will be aggregated with the data sets from the other participating peers and published to a public website for statistical reporting purposes.

Peer-to-Peer Networking

Peer-to-peer networking functionality is implemented via the System.Net and System.IO classes in the .NET Framework.  When the teleporter ball rolls over a creature, one peer computer is selected at random from the 20-30 listed in the machine’s server-assigned “peer contact list.”  This random peer is queried by the sending peer to see if it has the assembly for the creature in question.  If not, the assembly is streamed across to the receiving peer using a network stream, which is easy to set up as a developer, using the functionality provided by the System.Net classes.  Once the assembly is on the receiving computer’s local disk, the creature’s state object (which contains information on its present size, energy level, etc.) is serialized, using the System.Runtime.Serialization classes, and sent across to the receiving peer over another network stream.  It is then deserialized and associated with the creature assembly.  The resulting creature, an exact replica of the one transported out of the sending peer, is then inserted into the receiving peer’s ecosystem slice and activated.

Support for Multiple Programming Languages

The .NET Framework supports over 20 programming languages, including C++, C#, COBOL, Fortran, and Java, to name just a few.  Developers can select the language that best meets their needs and skill sets and know that the code they write will be able to transparently communicate with and even inherit from classes written in any of the 20+ other .NET Framework programming languages.  At present, creatures for Terrarium can be developed in either C# or Visual Basic .NET.  This is to prevent cheating.  As mentioned earlier, when a creature is loaded, its code is scanned by the Terrarium client to ensure that it does not harbor any functionality that could give it an unfair advantage over the other creatures.  Static methods, threading calls, and deconstructors could all be used to effectively cheat.  Unfortunately, some language compilers automatically generate a static constructor method, for example.  The Terrarium code scan picks up on this and denies that code the right to run.  In the future, Terrarium will support more programming languages.

Version Updates from a Remote Web Server

The .NET Framework greatly improves the deployment process for smart client, or Windows-based, applications, by preventing DLL conflicts and allowing systems administrators to both deploy and update these applications via a remote Web server.  To accomplish this, Terrarium actually uses another sample application, the .NET Application Updater, to transparently handle all of the work involved.  This component (which will be released along with documentation on MSDN in February) calls an XML Web service hosted by the master server to see if an update for the Terrarium application is available.  This XML Web services is called 30 seconds after the Terrarium application is launched on the peer computer and every 15 minutes thereafter. The XML Web service simply takes with it the peer computer’s application version number and compares it to the latest version number available.  If there is a new version available, it returns to the peer computer the URL where the new version is available for download.   Using the System.Net classes, the peer computer will download the new files into a new folder, while continuing to run the older version.  Digital signatures ensure that the new version files are authentic and have not been tampered with.  Once the download is complete, the configuration file which directs the Terrarium application executable stub to the folder with the assemblies which provide the game’s UI and functionality is overwritten so as to point to the new folder containing the new assemblies.  The next time the Terrarium application is launched, it will launch with the new version.  The folder containing the last version is always kept around in case there is an error with the new version.  Any older version folders will be deleted to recycle disk space.

Evidence-based and Code Access Security

Creatures represent mobile code that is transmitted from one machine to the next in the peer-to-peer Terrarium network.  Thanks to the .NET Framework’s evidence-based and code access security infrastructure, machines are kept safe from code that might be intentionally or unintentionally harmful. 

Generally speaking, evidence-based security in the .NET Framework enables code to be trusted to varying degrees, depending upon its origin and other characteristics such as the identity of the author.  These characteristics represent evidence which is used to assign the code in question to a code group, or category, each of which has a permission set which determines what resources can and cannot be accessed by that code.  At runtime, thanks to a technology known as code access security, the .NET Framework’s common language runtime (CLR) performs low-level security checks, ensuring that code executes only those operations allowed by the security permissions it has been granted.  In doing so, the CLR checks not only the permissions allotted to the assembly attempting a particular operation, but those of all the other assemblies in the stack that might be calling the active assembly to act on their behalf.  Only operations approved in this comprehensive stack walk will be performed.  Others will not.

Code groups and their corresponding permission sets can be set at the enterprise, machine, user, or application domain level.  At runtime, the permissions are intersected, so effectively, machine level settings can only be more restrictive than enterprise settings and so on.  With Terrarium, the principal security settings take place at the application domain level.  Within the Terrarium application domain, creature code is given execute-only security permissions.  That is to say, the code may run, but it is forbidden access to any system resources, such as the local disk, the system registry, etc.  While highly restrictive, this policy grants creatures the freedom they require to exist and act in the Terrarium ecosystem, while providing users with the protection they need to participate in this peer-to-peer network.


Terrarium provides a great way to gain an introduction to .NET Framework programming, a showcase for some of the many technological advancements built into the .NET Framework, and a powerful modeling tool for use by those studying evolutionary biology or artificial intelligence.  First and foremost, though, it is a game.  Developing a creature can be as easy or as challenging, as leisurely or as competitive, as you wish to make it.  Have fun and good luck.





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