DIY Linux with Buildroot


In today's blog post I will explain how to build your own custom Linux system for the Raspberry Pi.

The ideal tool for such an endeavour would be an automated build system which took a set of requirements - the list of packages to include, kernel configuration, etc. - and created a self-contained root filesystem for the Pi, together with a freshly built kernel (kernel.img), boot loader, firmware (bootcode.binstart.elf) and config files (config.txtcmdline.txt) ready to be placed onto the /boot partition of the SD card.

As it turns out, there is a system like that out there - it's called Buildroot - and with a little bit of customization we can shape it exactly into the build system we want.

Buildroot grew out from the µClibc (microcontroller libc) project, a reimplementation of the standard Unix C library specially targeted for embedded Linux systems. The µClibc people needed a tool which would automate the creation of such systems and this need led them to the development of Buildroot.

Test drive

As the best way to learn something is by doing it, first I'll show you how to build a basic root filesystem.

Download and extract the latest stable Buildroot to a local directory:

mkdir -p $HOME/buildroot
cd $HOME/buildroot
tar xvzf buildroot-2012.11.1.tar.gz

The archive will be unpacked into a directory called buildroot-2012.11.1. Enter this directory (referred to as $TOPDIR from now on):

cd buildroot-2012.11.1

and invoke the following make target to configure the system:

make menuconfig

The configuration tool uses kconfig, so you'll find it quite familiar if you have ever configured a Linux kernel.

Here are the settings you should change (everything else can be left at defaults):

Top level configuration
Target Architecture ARM (little endian)
Target Architecture Variant arm1176jzf-s

These correspond to what we have on the Raspberry Pi.

Build options
Download dir $(HOME)/buildroot/dl
Enable compiler cache YES
Compiler cache location $(HOME)/buildroot/ccache

Download dir specifies the directory where Buildroot will download the sources of all packages we have selected for the build. In the default setup, this is a directory under$TOPDIR, but I preferred an external location to enable reuse and prevent accidental removal.

Buildroot can use ccache for compilation of C/C++ source code; this means that object files built with a given command line (compiler configuration) are saved in a cache and are reused when the same object file is to be built again. This saves a lot of time with repeated builds (typical when tinkering) so I turned it on.

Kernel Headers Linux 3.6.x kernel headers
GCC compiler Version GCC 4.7.x
Additional gcc options --with-float=hard --with-fpu=vfp

We'll use the latest rpi-3.6.y kernel branch from the foundation's git repository, so here we select matching kernel headers. The additional GCC options are required for hardfp.

Purge unwanted locales YES
Locales to keep C en_US
Generate locale data en_US

You may want to add others - I prefer to keep these pruned to the absolute minimum.

Use software floating point by default NO
Target Optimizations -pipe -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp
Use ARM Vector Floating Point unit YES

We need these for hardfp. Essential stuff.

Enable large file (files > 2 GB) support YES
Enable IPv6 support YES
Enable RPC support YES
Enable WCHAR support YES
Enable C++ support YES

These seemed like a good idea (and without them, certain packages cannot be selected). RPC is needed only if you want to mount NFS filesystems to the Pi.

System configuration
System hostname rpi
System banner Welcome to Raspberry Pi!
/dev management Dynamic using mdev
Port to run a getty (login prompt) on tty1
Baudrate to use 38400

The system hostname and the banner can be anything you wish.

Dynamic using mdev means that:

  1. Buildroot will mount the kernel-provided devtmpfs filesystem to /dev - this pseudo fs is automatically populated when Linux detects new hardware
  2. we'll be able to write hotplug scripts to handle device attach/disconnect events, which sounds nice

The getty baudrate is 38400 because that's what I've seen in my /etc/inittab.

Package selection for target

This is the section where you specify which packages get in and which will be left out.

Busybox - which is enabled by default - gives us a fairly complete userland, so the only extra you should enable here is dropbear, a small SSH server under Networking applications which will let us log in remotely.

Also, if you want to mount NFS filesystems, you should enable Networking applications /Portmap.

You may select other packages too, as you see fit.

Filesystem images
Compression method gzip

Here we ask Buildroot to generate a rootfs.tar.gz (besides rootfs.tar).

Linux Kernel YES
Kernel version Custom Git tree
URL of custom Git repository
Custom Git version rpi-3.6.y
Kernel configuration Using a defconfig
Defconfig name bcmrpi
Kernel binary format zImage

With these settings, Buildroot will clone the foundation's rpi-3.6.y branch, configure it using arch/arm/configs/bcmrpi_defconfig (included in the source) and build a zImage which we can then shove into /boot. (Note that post-processing with the script is not needed anymore as the latest firmware can load zImagekernels without a hitch.)

Now exit the configuration program - save the new configuration as you leave! - and initiate a full build of the system by executing:

make all

Buildroot will go through the following steps:

  1. Build a compiler toolchain (gcc, binutils, libtool, autoconf, automake, m4, cmake, pkg-config, etc.) for the host machine running Buildroot 
    => $TOPDIR/output/host
  2. Build a gcc which can cross-compile to the ARM architecture, together with an ARM µClibc 
    => $TOPDIR/output/toolchain
  3. Unpack, configure and build all selected packages using the compiler (and µClibc) built in step 2 
    => $TOPDIR/output/build/<package>-<version>
    (build dependencies are also installed to $TOPDIR/output/staging)
  4. Install packages 
    => $TOPDIR/output/target
  5. Create a root file system image 
    => $TOPDIR/output/images/rootfs.tar.gz
    and install the kernel
    => $TOPDIR/output/images/zImage
Post-build fixup

There are some minor issues which we'll have to deal with before we can use our freshly baked root fs on the Pi.

As root, unpack output/images/rootfs.tar.gz to its destined place (most likely/dev/mmcblk0p2 or your NFS root - we'll call this place $ROOTDIR from now on) and go through the following steps:

Set a root password

In the default fs, root has no password:

# cat /etc/shadow

This would be fine if we logged in via the console (or over telnet), but dropbear requires a password to be set if we want to SSH to the box.

A crypt-based password is fine, so let's create a crypted version of the word passpass and set it as the root password in /etc/shadow:

CRYPTEDPASS=$(perl -e 'print crypt("passpass","salt")')
sed -i -e "s#^root:[^:]*:#root:$CRYPTEDPASS:#" $ROOTDIR/etc/shadow
Mount /boot

We want to mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 to /boot on the Pi, so we create a mount point and write the necessary entry to /etc/fstab:

install -d -m 0755 $ROOTDIR/boot
echo '/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults 0 0' >> $ROOTDIR/etc/fstab
Copy firmware files and kernel to /boot

Mount the SD card's first partition to - let's say - /mnt/rpi/boot ($BOOTDIR), then:

cp $TOPDIR/output/images/zImage $BOOTDIR/kernel.img
git clone
cp firmware/boot/bootcode.bin $BOOTDIR
cp firmware/boot/start.elf $BOOTDIR
cp firmware/boot/fixup.dat $BOOTDIR

We also need a command line for our kernel, so put the following line into$BOOTDIR/cmdline.txt:

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 elevator=deadline rootwait root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4

This comes from Raspbian, you may vary it as you wish - here is my latest NFS root cmdline for example:

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 elevator=deadline rootwait ip=::::rpi::dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768

(For the syntax and semantics of the ip parameter see the relevant kernel docs.)

Now the system is ready: put the SD card into your Pi and hope for the best. :-) (But seriously, it should work.)

In the first part of this article, we built a minimal Linux system with Buildroot. In today's session, we'll automate the post-build fixups and extend Buildroot with two RPi-specific packages.

Automating post-build actions

This is easy: just create a script somewhere which contains the commands to execute after a successful build, then let Buildroot know about it by setting theBR2_ROOTFS_POST_BUILD_SCRIPT config variable (which can be found under System configuration / Custom script to run before creating filesystem images in kconfig).

The location of this script can be specified relative to $TOPDIR, so it makes sense to store it somewhere in the Buildroot tree. My solution was to create a board/rpi directory for this purpose and symlink it to the actual content which is stored in a git repository:

cd $HOME/repos
git clone
cd $HOME/buildroot
tar xvzf buildroot-2012.11.1.tar.gz
cd buildroot-2012.11.1
ln -s $HOME/repos/rpi-buildroot/board/rpi board/rpi

This way I can easily add all my personal customizations to a freshly unpacked Buildroot tree.

The script (board/rpi/ could look like this:


# set root password to `passpass'
install -T -m 0600 $BR_ROOT/system/skeleton/etc/shadow $TARGETDIR/etc/shadow
sed -i -e 's#^root:[^:]*:#root:saWv8UefZU43.:#' $TARGETDIR/etc/shadow

# create an empty /boot directory in target
install -d -m 0755 $TARGETDIR/boot

# setup mount for /boot
install -T -m 0644 $BR_ROOT/system/skeleton/etc/fstab $TARGETDIR/etc/fstab
echo '/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults 0 0' >> $TARGETDIR/etc/fstab

(don't forget to chmod the script file to 755)

As you see, Buildroot runs the script from $TOPDIR and passes the location of the target file system as the first argument.

A small change compared to the previous article is the hard-coding of the crypted password, this was done to avoid the dependency on Perl.

The /etc/shadow and /etc/fstab files are copied from a Buildroot-provided skeleton filesystem and then updated with our stuff. If we left out the copy and ran makerepeatedly, $TARGETDIR/etc/fstab would contain several entries for /boot.

Extending Buildroot with new packages

Buildroot stores its packages (or rather package definitions) in the $TOPDIR/packagedirectory. For instance, the busybox package may be found under$TOPDIR/package/busybox.

Packages may have sub-packages, sub-packages may have sub-sub-packages and so on, these are stored in an analogous directory structure under package/<main-package> (seex11r7 for an example).

Each package has a file which specifies what options the package has and defines how kconfig should display these in the configuration menu.

When kconfig starts, it parses $TOPDIR/, which pulls in the files of thetoolchainsystempackagefsboot and linux directories. These recursively include their child files and this way a configuration tree is built. Kconfig presents this tree to the user who makes her selections. Upon exiting, all config settings are merged together into a .config file which is then saved to $TOPDIR.

As an example, here is the file from the tcpdump package:

    bool "tcpdump"
      A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.

    bool "smb dump support"
    depends on BR2_PACKAGE_TCPDUMP
      enable possibly-buggy SMB printer

Each config stanza defines one configuration variable. The first line of the stanza defines the type and label of the config entry. The select entry tells kconfig that selectingtcpdump would automatically enable the libpcap package as well, while depends declares that smb dump support can be selected only if tcpdump has been already selected (in practice this means that this entry won't be visible until tcpdump has been selected).

All lines below the config stanzas must be indented with a single tab. Help lines must have an extra prefix of two extra spaces (after the tab).

Upon executing make, Buildroot goes over the selected packages and for each one executes a package-specific makefile located at package/<package-name>/<package-name>.mk.

Let's see how tcpdump gets built (package/tcpdump/

# tcpdump
# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Erik Andersen <>
# Copyright (C) 2002 by Tim Riker <>


TCPDUMP_CONF_ENV = ac_cv_linux_vers=2 td_cv_buggygetaddrinfo=no
TCPDUMP_CONF_OPT = --without-crypto \
                $(if $(BR2_PACKAGE_TCPDUMP_SMB),--enable-smb,--disable-smb)

# make install installs an unneeded extra copy of the tcpdump binary
    rm -f $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/sbin/tcpdump.$(TCPDUMP_VERSION)


$(eval $(autotools-package))

Every makefile in Buildroot works in the same way: first it sets up a set of make variables to configure the build (their names are prefixed with the uppercase name of the package, hyphens converted to underscores), then invokes one or several macros (in this case,autotools-package) which carry out the actual build process.

The system provides three major mechanisms/macros for building packages:

  1. autotools-package for autotools-based ones (./configure && make && make install)
  2. cmake-package for cmake projects
  3. generic-package for the rest

A package gets built in several stages: first it's downloaded, then unpacked, patched, configured, built and finally installed (it can be also cleaned and uninstalled - if the package supports this).


To download a package called pkg, Buildroot tries to fetch it from $(PKG_SITE)/$(PKG)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz (it can also clone it from a version control system - SVN, Bazaar, Git, Mercurial are all supported -, scp it from somewhere or simply copy it from a directory on the local system). If we define a variable named PKG_SOURCE, then Buildroot will use that instead of $(PKG)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz. The downloaded file will be stored in the download directory ($(HOME)/buildroot/dl in our case).


The downloaded package gets unpacked into output/build/$(PKG)-$(PKG_VERSION).


If there are any files called $(PKG)-*.patch in the package/$(PKG) directory, then these are all applied to the unpacked source in alphabetical order.


In the case of autotools-based packages, this step invokes the ./configure script with parameters given by $(PKG)_CONF_OPT and an environment extended with the variables in$(PKG)_CONF_ENV.

In the case of generic packages, we must define a variable called $(PKG)_CONFIGURE_CMDSand Buildroot will invoke that:

       # do what is required here to configure package `pkg'

In case of autotools-based packages, this step executes make.

For generic packages, we must define the build steps in $(PKG)_BUILD_CMDS.


Buildroot knows about four types of installation:

  1. Install to the host directory (output/host)
  2. Install to the staging directory (output/staging)
  3. Install to the images directory (output/images)
  4. Install to the target directory (output/target)

The host directory is used for packages which must be built for the host machine (host gcc, m4, autotools, cmake, etc.)

The staging directory is used to install dependencies of other packages. For instance,tcpdump depends on zlib and libpcap, so these must be built and installed (as ARM binaries) to output/staging before tcpdump can get built.

The images directory is the target for the Linux kernel and the final root fs. Not many packages use this kind of install.

The target directory serves as a base for the final root fs: each package which wants to have files in the root fs must install something here.

For generic packages, the corresponding make variables prescribing the install steps are$(PKG)_INSTALL_CMDS$(PKG)_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS$(PKG)_INSTALL_IMAGES_CMDS and$(PKG)_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS, respectively.

Creating a package for RPi firmware

In the previous article, we copied the firmware files (bootcode.binstart.elf andfixup.dat), the Linux kernel and cmdline.txt to the /boot partition of the SD card by hand.

It would be nice to modify Buildroot in such a way that when the build process is over, we get a bootfs.tar.gz file under output/images which we can extract to the /boot partition.

We'll create a new package under package/rpi/rpi-firmware to take care of this.

The new package's file looks like this (watch out for tab characters if you copy/paste):

    bool "Raspberry Pi GPU firmware + boot files"
      If you select this, you'll get a bootfs.tar.gz in output/images
      with a filesystem ready to be written to the first partition
      of the Raspberry Pi SD card.

    string "Linux kernel command line"
    default "dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 elevator=deadline rootwait ip=dhcp root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4"
      String to be written to /boot/cmdline.txt

The corresponding makefile:

# rpi-firmware
RPI_FIRMWARE_VERSION = ffbb918fd46f1b0b687a474857b370f24f71989d

    $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(STAGING_DIR)/boot || /bin/true
    $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(@D)/boot/bootcode.bin $(STAGING_DIR)/boot
    $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(@D)/boot/fixup.dat $(STAGING_DIR)/boot
    $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(@D)/boot/start.elf $(STAGING_DIR)/boot
    echo "$(call qstrip,$(BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_FIRMWARE_CMDLINE))" > $(STAGING_DIR)/boot/cmdline.txt

$(eval $(generic-package))

$(@D) is the build directory of the package (output/build/rpi-firmware-ffbb918fd46f1b0b687a474857b370f24f71989d in this case).

We take advantage of the fact that a given commit on GitHub can be downloaded in .tar.gz format from the<user>/<repo>/archive/<sha1>.tar.gz URL.

RPI_FIRMWARE_INSTALL_STAGING = YES declares that this package wants to install something to output/staging so the build process will execute the commands inRPI_FIRMWARE_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS.

The reason for assembling the boot directory under staging is that we don't want these files to be present on target (there we need an empty directory which will serve as a mount point).

To activate this package, we need to pull in its from one of the main Config.infiles.

As we'll most likely create several RPi-specific packages, I created the following Config.inin the package/rpi directory:

menu "Raspberry Pi"
source "package/rpi/rpi-firmware/"

and sourced it at the end of package/ (before the last endmenu):

source "package/rpi/"

The result: a new menu entry - Raspberry Pi - shows up under Package Selection for the target, and when we enter it, we see the options defined by package/rpi/rpi-firmware/

The corresponding makefile (package/rpi/

include package/rpi/*/*.mk

This just pulls in all the package-specific makefiles it finds under the package/rpi/*directories.

The last thing we must do is to package up the contents of the staging /boot folder tooutput/images/bootfs.tar.gz. Let's do this with an images install:


    $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(BINARIES_DIR)/zImage $(STAGING_DIR)/boot/kernel.img
    tar -C $(STAGING_DIR)/boot -cvzf $(BINARIES_DIR)/bootfs.tar.gz .

First we copy the kernel zImage to /boot on staging (BINARIES_DIR is specified by the top-level Makefile), then we create the tar.gz.

As we need the kernel image before we can pack up bootfs.tar.gz, we have to declare a dependency on the linux package:


That's all.

Creating a package for RPi userland

The RPi userland consists of the following libraries:


These will become important when we want to experiment with the facilities provided by the Broadcom VideoCore GPU from our programs.

Fortunately, the complete source code of these libraries is available on GitHub and the package uses cmake as its build system which means it's a snap to integrate it into Buildroot.

Here are all the files required for our new package rpi-userland:


    bool "Raspberry Pi userland"
      Raspberry Pi Userland

(Don't forget to reference it from package/rpi/


# rpi-userland
RPI_USERLAND_VERSION = 9852ce28826889e50c4d6786b942f51bccccac54
RPI_USERLAND_SOURCE = 9852ce28826889e50c4d6786b942f51bccccac54.tar.gz

        $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(@D)/build/lib/*.so $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib
        $(INSTALL) -m 0755 $(@D)/build/bin/* $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin

$(eval $(cmake-package))

First I used master as the value of RPI_USERLAND_VERSION, but this led to name clashes between packages in the download directory (several packages wanted to download their archive to master.tar.gz), so I switched to SHA-1 hashes instead.

One last thing before we can build this: the interface/vcos/glibc/vcos_backtrace.c file must be patched because it refers to a C function (backtrace) which is not available in µClibc:


--- userland.old/interface/vcos/glibc/vcos_backtrace.c  2013-01-06 21:19:45.642055469 +0100
+++  2013-01-06 21:17:55.592626490 +0100
@@ -26,16 +26,19 @@

 #include <interface/vcos/vcos.h>
-#ifdef __linux__
+#ifdef __GLIBC__
+#ifndef __UCLIBC__
 #include <execinfo.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>

 void vcos_backtrace_self(void)
-#ifdef __linux__
+#ifdef __GLIBC__
+#ifndef __UCLIBC__
    void *stack[64];
    int depth = backtrace(stack, sizeof(stack)/sizeof(stack[0]));
    char **names = backtrace_symbols(stack, depth);
@@ -49,5 +52,6 @@

(Note: a fix for this has been merged to upstream on Jan 22 2013 which made this patch unnecessary.)

If you don't want to fiddle with copy/pasting these files, just fetch them from my Git repository at

Now execute make menuconfig, enable the new package(s), make the whole thing and unpack the resulting bootfs.tar.gz and rootfs.tar.gz (as root) to the correct places.





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