Mitigate Risks and Innovative Accelerators

The #1 mistake in project risk management is to identify risks but do nothing about them.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Success staring in the face of failure.

In any given project things will certainly go wrong, so my approach is to plan for a few things going right in order to cancel those out.

Just make sure you have someone you trust in the helicopter, otherwise you and your project could plunge right into an abyss.

If you innovate, you are bound to fail from time to time.

There is no safety in the comfort zone.

Success is quickly forgotten, while any failure lives on interminably in the memories of coworkers like some neural zombie.

It takes real commitment to long-term greater good to build the foundation for future success.

Look risk right in the eye. When there is risk, there is the possibility of success, the kind that you company may not have seen before.This kind of success brings with it a recognition that you'd never obtain by doing just another incremental project. If you happen to fail, ouch! That'll leave a mark, but you'll live. People generally over-estimate their risk o failure, mostly because at the beginning of a long journey, it's difficult to imagine how every twist and turn will unfold.

When you have three big, ugly frogs to swallow, start with the biggest and ugliest one first.

Risk and failure can be the stepping stone to success. Just don't hang them to your neck. Keeping them under your feet instead, helping you identify and avoid the same mistakes in the future.

When you do fail, don't carry the baggage of one failed project on to the next. One man's failure is another man's character-building experience. Wrap up interpretation around the experience that won't leave you seeking mental health counseling for the next decade. Learn from the experience. Sink into the icy couch of despair for a while, swallow in your self-pity, the acknowledge the failure and move on.

Give choice a voice. Trust your team. Even if you can't imagine how to snatch victory from the salivating jaws of defeat, they will probably figure out a way.

Feel the power! ... of your team, that is. Unleash them to consider possible ways to reduce risk, accelerate the project, pull in the schedule, reduce the cost, and increase the performance, quality and overall success of the project. Now that's your secret weapon, a pre-emptive strike against disaster!

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