REVIEW: vertical raymond mill is a mechanical hydraulic electrical automation as one of the devices, but for production, and sometimes frequent vertical mill vibration mediation phenomenon. Exactly what causes it?
Vertical raymond mill is running sometimes find current and vibration larger phenomenon, manifested in poor stability frequent jump stop, which affects the yield and quality of raw material. Then start making the power consumption due to the frequent rise, affecting the safe operation of the raymond mill stand. Its analysis of the causes and treatment, are presented below.
Stop vibration causes are varied, in particular production, if there exists a lot of powder materials, dust concentration will increase the pressure surge, ventilation resistance increases, the destruction of the normal flow of the running track, enhance the ability of the gas so weakened. Without timely considerably less material, make the necessary adjustments, will soon lead to vertical Raymond Mill machine vibration stops. When a severe drop rollers will cause severe vibration, if a large number of powdered materials into the raymond mill, when suddenly, the chance of a sudden vertical mill suddenly stopped vibrating, even have time to adjust, so this situation is more serious.
Because the material is thin, easy to stabilize the material layer, plus if you do not use water spray device, so the temperature can not control the high ground, so as not to make the material is too loose, resulting in vertical mill vibration. Determine the cause of the vibration stop and start grinding methods: pressure decreases rapidly vertical mill, the vertical roller mill temperature is rapidly increasing, and high vertical mill vibration alarm, vibration transport stop. This is generally three feed off valve stuck. Because the material is jammed into the mill, the mill material is not flat, you can start to take the first normal wear.
If the bed is too thin, it will form a more severe vibration. Factors affecting the thickness of the material layer has the volume of feed material particle size, the amount of exhaust and air leakage, separator efficiency, pressure roller, ring gauge height, material moisture content and water quantity, air temperature, etc. into the mill. Such vibration jump stop characterization appeared in an instant will stop vibrating mill inlet pressure within the pressure, the main motor current while the rapid rise, and no signs of stopping before the vibration. Mill ventilation unreasonably affect the bed thickness is an important reason.
Judgment and post-start-up method to stop grinding vertical mill grinding roller wear reason: the vertical mill in the late operation is very easy to stop the vibration, the vibration stops, there are many reasons. Able to correctly determine the cause of the failure to detect troubleshooting, reducing downtime is very important.
Can correctly understand these phenomena, our production has brought great help. In the event of production problems, it can be in touch with Shanghai vertical roller mill manufacturers, Shanghai World State will make the best service.
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