mysqld - 官方详细文档(MySQL社区版Ver 8.0.20 for Win64)_2

                      Enable MDL for applications direct access InnoDB through
                      InnoDB APIs
                      InnoDB API transaction isolation level
                      Data file autoextend increment in megabytes
                      The AUTOINC lock modes supported by InnoDB: 0 => Old
                      style AUTOINC locking (for backward compatibility); 1 =>
                      New style AUTOINC locking; 2 => No AUTOINC locking
                      (unsafe for SBR)
                      Size of a single memory chunk within each buffer pool
                      instance for resizing buffer pool. Online buffer pool
                      resizing happens at this granularity.
                      Dump the buffer pool into a file named
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-buffer-pool-dump-at-shutdown to disable.)
                      Trigger an immediate dump of the buffer pool into a file
                      named @@innodb_buffer_pool_filename
                      Dump only the hottest N% of each buffer pool, defaults to
                      Filename to/from which to dump/load the InnoDB buffer
                      This option has no effect if @@core_file is OFF. If
                      @@core_file is ON, and this option is OFF, then the core
                      dump file will be generated only if it is possible to
                      exclude buffer pool from it. As soon as it will be
                      determined that such exclusion is impossible a warning
                      will be emitted and @@core_file will be set to OFF to
                      prevent generating a core dump. If this option is enabled
                      (which is the default), then core dumping logic will not
                      be affected.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-buffer-pool-in-core-file to disable.)
                      Number of buffer pool instances, set to higher value on
                      high-end machines to increase scalability
                      Abort a currently running load of the buffer pool
                      Load the buffer pool from a file named
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-buffer-pool-load-at-startup to disable.)
                      Trigger an immediate load of the buffer pool from a file
                      named @@innodb_buffer_pool_filename
                      The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data
                      and indexes of its tables.
                      Maximum on-disk size of change buffer in terms of
                      percentage of the buffer pool.
                      Buffer changes to reduce random access: OFF, ON,
                      inserting, deleting, changing, or purging.
                      The algorithm InnoDB uses for page checksumming. Possible
                      values are CRC32 (hardware accelerated if the CPU
                      supports it) write crc32, allow any of the other
                      checksums to match when reading; STRICT_CRC32 write
                      crc32, do not allow other algorithms to match when
                      reading; INNODB write a software calculated checksum,
                      allow any other checksums to match when reading;
                      STRICT_INNODB write a software calculated checksum, do
                      not allow other algorithms to match when reading; NONE
                      write a constant magic number, do not do any checksum
                      verification when reading; STRICT_NONE write a constant
                      magic number, do not allow values other than that magic
                      number when reading; Files updated when this option is
                      set to crc32 or strict_crc32 will not be readable by
                      MySQL versions older than 5.6.3
                      Enable INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmp_per_index, may have
                      negative impact on performance (off by default)
                      Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent
                      If the compression failure rate of a table is greater
                      than this number more padding is added to the pages to
                      reduce the failures. A value of zero implies no padding
                      Compression level used for compressed row format.  0 is
                      no compression, 1 is fastest, 9 is best compression and
                      default is 6.
                      Percentage of empty space on a data page that can be
                      reserved to make the page compressible.
                      Number of times a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB
                      within the same SQL query after it has once got the
                      Path to individual files and their sizes.
                      The common part for InnoDB table spaces.
                      Enable/disable InnoDB deadlock detector (default ON). if
                      set to OFF, deadlock detection is skipped, and we rely on
                      innodb_lock_wait_timeout in case of deadlock.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-deadlock-detect to disable.)
                      Automatically scale innodb_buffer_pool_size and
                      innodb_log_file_size based on system memory. Also set
                      innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC, if supported
                      The default ROW FORMAT for all innodb tables created
                      without explicit ROW_FORMAT. Possible values are
                      REDUNDANT, COMPACT, and DYNAMIC. The ROW_FORMAT value
                      COMPRESSED is not allowed
                      List of directories 'dir1;dir2;..;dirN' to scan for
                      tablespace files. Default is to scan
                      Whether to disable OS system file cache for sort I/O
                      Enable InnoDB doublewrite buffer (enabled by default).
                      Disable with --skip-innodb-doublewrite.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-doublewrite to disable.)
                      Number of double write pages to write in a batch
                      Use a separate directory for the doublewrite buffer
                      Number of double write files
                      Number of double write pages per thread
                      Speeds up the shutdown process of the InnoDB storage
                      engine. Possible values are 0, 1 (faster) or 2 (fastest -
                      Stores each InnoDB table to an .ibd file in the database
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-file-per-table to disable.)
                      Percentage of B-tree page filled during bulk insert
                      Write and flush logs every (n) second.
                      Set to 0 (write and flush once per second), 1 (write and
                      flush at each commit), or 2 (write at commit, flush once
                      per second).
                      With which method to flush data
                      Set to 0 (don't flush neighbors from buffer pool), 1
                      (flush contiguous neighbors from buffer pool) or 2 (flush
                      neighbors from buffer pool), when flushing a block
  --innodb-flush-sync Allow IO bursts at the checkpoints ignoring io_capacity
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-flush-sync to disable.)
                      Number of iterations over which the background flushing
                      is averaged.
                      Force InnoDB to load metadata of corrupted table.
                      Helps to save your data in case the disk image of the
                      database becomes corrupt.
                      The value of this variable determines how often InnoDB
                      calls fsync when creating a new file. Default is zero
                      which would make InnoDB flush the entire file at once
                      before closing it.
                      FTS internal auxiliary table to be checked
                      InnoDB Fulltext search cache size in bytes
                      Whether to enable additional FTS diagnostic printout
                      Create FTS index with stopword.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-ft-enable-stopword to disable.)
                      InnoDB Fulltext search maximum token size in characters
                      InnoDB Fulltext search minimum token size in characters
                      InnoDB Fulltext search number of words to optimize for
                      each optimize table call
                      InnoDB Fulltext search query result cache limit in bytes
                      The user supplied stopword table name.
                      InnoDB Fulltext search parallel sort degree, will round
                      up to nearest power of 2 number
                      Total memory allocated for InnoDB Fulltext Search cache
                      User supplied stopword table name, effective in the
                      session level.
                      Up to what percentage of dirty pages to be flushed when
                      server is found idle.
                      Number of IOPs the server can do. Tunes the background IO
                      Limit to which innodb_io_capacity can be inflated.
                      Timeout in seconds an InnoDB transaction may wait for a
                      lock before being rolled back. Values above 100000000
                      disable the timeout.
                      The size of the buffer which InnoDB uses to write log to
                      the log files on disk.
                      Whether to compute and require checksums for InnoDB redo
                      log blocks
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-log-checksums to disable.)
                      Enables/disables the logging of entire compressed page
                      images. InnoDB logs the compressed pages to prevent
                      corruption if the zlib compression algorithm changes.
                      When turned OFF, InnoDB will assume that the zlib
                      compression algorithm doesn't change.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-log-compressed-pages to disable.)
                      Size of each log file (in bytes).
                      Number of log files (when multiplied by
                      innodb_log_file_size gives total size of log files).
                      InnoDB writes to files in a circular fashion.
                      Path to InnoDB log files.
                      Minimum value of cpu time for which spin-delay is used.
                      Expressed in percentage of single cpu core.
                      Maximum value of cpu time for which spin-delay is used.
                      Expressed in percentage of all cpu cores.
                      Maximum value of average log flush time for which
                      spin-delay is used. When flushing takes longer, user
                      threads no longer spin when waiting forflushed redo.
                      Expressed in microseconds.
                      Log write ahead unit size to avoid read-on-write, it
                      should match the OS cache block IO size.
                      How deep to scan LRU to keep it clean
                      Percentage of dirty pages allowed in bufferpool.
                      Percentage of dirty pages at which flushing kicks in.
                      Desired maximum length of the purge queue (0 = no limit)
                      Maximum delay of user threads in micro-seconds
                      Maximum size of an UNDO tablespace in MB (If an UNDO
                      tablespace grows beyond this size it will be truncated in
                      due course).
                      Turn off a monitor counter
                      Turn on a monitor counter
                      Reset a monitor counter
                      Reset all values for a monitor counter
                      Percentage of the buffer pool to reserve for 'old'
                      Move blocks to the 'new' end of the buffer pool if the
                      first access was at least this many milliseconds ago. The
                      timeout is disabled if 0.
                      Maximum modification log file size for online index
                      How many files at the maximum InnoDB keeps open at the
                      same time.
                      Only optimize the Fulltext index of the table
                      Page cleaner threads can be from 1 to 64. Default is 4.
                      Page size to use for all InnoDB tablespaces.
                      Number of threads to do parallel read.
                      Print all deadlocks to MySQL error log (off by default)
                      Print all DDl logs to MySQL error log (off by default)
                      Number of UNDO log pages to purge in one batch from the
                      history list.
                      Dictates rate at which UNDO records are purged. Value N
                      means purge rollback segment(s) on every Nth iteration of
                      purge invocation
                      Purge threads can be from 1 to 32. Default is 4.
                      Whether to use read ahead for random access within an
                      Number of pages that must be accessed sequentially for
                      InnoDB to trigger a readahead.
                      Number of background read I/O threads in InnoDB.
  --innodb-read-only  Start InnoDB in read only mode (off by default)
                      Limit the location of the redo log archive to the
                      semicolon separated list of labeled directories
                      Enable or disable Encryption of REDO tablespace.
                      Replication thread delay (ms) on the slave server if
                      innodb_thread_concurrency is reached (0 by default)
                      Roll back the complete transaction on lock wait timeout,
                      for 4.x compatibility (disabled by default)
                      Number of rollback segments per tablespace. This applies
                      to the system tablespace, the temporary tablespace & any
                      undo tablespace.
                      Memory buffer size for index creation
                      Maximum delay between polling for a spin lock (6 by
                      Controls how many times in a row to use a PAUSE
                      instruction to achieve one unit of delay in a spin lock
                      (see @@innodb_spin_wait_delay), defaults to 50
                      InnoDB automatic recalculation of persistent statistics
                      enabled for all tables unless overridden at table level
                      (automatic recalculation is only done when InnoDB decides
                      that the table has changed too much and needs a new
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-stats-auto-recalc to disable.)
                      Include delete marked records when calculating persistent
                      Specifies how InnoDB index statistics collection code
                      should treat NULLs. Possible values are NULLS_EQUAL
                      (default), NULLS_UNEQUAL and NULLS_IGNORED
                      Enable statistics gathering for metadata commands such as
                      SHOW TABLE STATUS for tables that use transient
                      statistics (off by default)
                      InnoDB persistent statistics enabled for all tables
                      unless overridden at table level
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-stats-persistent to disable.)
                      The number of leaf index pages to sample when calculating
                      persistent statistics (by ANALYZE, default 20)
                      The number of leaf index pages to sample when calculating
                      transient statistics (if persistent statistics are not
                      used, default 8)
                      Enable SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output in the
                      innodb_status.<pid> file
                      Enable InnoDB monitor output to the error log.
                      Enable InnoDB lock monitor output to the error log.
                      Requires innodb_status_output=ON.
                      Use strict mode when evaluating create options.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-strict-mode to disable.)
                      Size of the mutex/lock wait array.
                      Count of spin-loop rounds in InnoDB mutexes (30 by
                      Enable InnoDB locking in LOCK TABLES
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-table-locks to disable.)
                      Path to files and their sizes making temp-tablespace.
                      Directory where temp tablespace files live, this path can
                      be absolute.
                      Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent
                      environments. Sets the maximum number of threads allowed
                      inside InnoDB. Value 0 will disable the thread
                      Time of innodb thread sleeping before joining InnoDB
                      queue (usec). Value 0 disable a sleep
                      Directory for temporary non-tablespace files.
                      Directory where undo tablespace files live, this path can
                      be absolute.
                      Enable or disable Encrypt of UNDO tablespace.
                      Enable or Disable Truncate of UNDO tablespace.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-undo-log-truncate to disable.)
                      Number of undo tablespaces to use. (deprecated)
                      Use native AIO if supported on this platform.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-use-native-aio to disable.)
                      Number of background write I/O threads in InnoDB.
                      The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an
                      interactive connection before closing it
                      The default storage engine for in-memory internal
                      temporary tables.
                      The size of the buffer that is used for full joins
                      Don't overwrite stale .MYD and .MYI even if no directory
                      is specified
  --key-buffer-size=# The size of the buffer used for index blocks for MyISAM
                      tables. Increase this to get better index handling (for
                      all reads and multiple writes) to as much as you can
                      This characterizes the number of hits a hot block has to
                      be untouched until it is considered aged enough to be
                      downgraded to a warm block. This specifies the percentage
                      ratio of that number of hits to the total number of
                      blocks in key cache
                      The default size of key cache blocks
                      The minimum percentage of warm blocks in key cache
                      Keyring plugin to which the keys are migrated to. This
                      option must be specified along with
                      Connect to host.
  -p, --keyring-migration-password[=name]
                      Password to use when connecting to server during keyring
                      migration. If password value is not specified then it
                      will be asked from the tty.
                      Port number to use for connection.
                      The socket file to use for connection.
                      Keyring plugin from where the keys needs to be migrated
                      to. This option must be specified along with
                      User to login to server.
  -L, --language=name Client error messages in given language. May be given as
                      a full path. Deprecated. Use --lc-messages-dir instead.
  --lc-messages=name  Set the language used for the error messages.
                      Directory where error messages are
                      Set the language used for the month names and the days of
                      the week.
  --local-infile      Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
                      Timeout in seconds to wait for a lock before returning an
  --log-bin[=name]    Configures the name prefix to use for binary log files.
                      If the --log-bin option is not supplied, the name prefix
                      defaults to "binlog". If the --log-bin option is supplied
                      without argument, the name prefix defaults to
                      "HOSTNAME-bin", where HOSTNAME is the machine's hostname.
                      To set a different name prefix for binary log files, use
                      --log-bin=name. To disable binary logging, use the
                      --skip-log-bin or --disable-log-bin option.
                      File that holds the names for binary log files.
                      If set to FALSE (the default), then when --log-bin is
                      used, creation of a stored function (or trigger) is
                      allowed only to users having the SUPER privilege and only
                      if this stored function (trigger) may not break binary
                      logging. Note that if ALL connections to this server
                      ALWAYS use row-based binary logging, the security issues
                      do not exist and the binary logging cannot break, so you
                      can safely set this to TRUE
                      If equal to 1 then version 1 row events are written to a
                      row based binary log.  If equal to 0, then the latest
                      version of events are written.  This option is useful
                      during some upgrades.
  --log-error[=name]  Error log file
                      Services that should be called when an error event is





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