mysqld - 官方详细文档(MySQL社区版Ver 8.0.20 for Win64)_4

                      Maximum number of opened instrumented sockets. Use 0 to
                      disable, -1 for automated scaling.
                      Maximum length of displayed sql text.
                      Maximum number of stage instruments.
                      Maximum number of statement instruments.
                      Number of rows per thread in EVENTS_STATEMENTS_CURRENT.
                      Maximum number of opened instrumented tables. Use 0 to
                      disable, -1 for automated scaling.
                      Maximum number of instrumented tables. Use 0 to disable,
                      -1 for automated scaling.
                      Maximum number of lock statistics for instrumented
                      tables. Use 0 to disable, -1 for automated scaling.
                      Maximum number of thread instruments.
                      Maximum number of instrumented threads. Use 0 to disable,
                      -1 for automated scaling.
                      Size of session attribute string buffer per thread. Use 0
                      to disable, -1 for automated sizing.
                      Maximum number of rows in SETUP_ACTORS. Use 0 to disable,
                      -1 for automated scaling.
                      Maximum number of rows in SETUP_OBJECTS. Use 0 to
                      disable, -1 for automated scaling.
                      Maximum number of instrumented users. Use 0 to disable,
                      -1 for automated scaling.
                      The client peer certificate name required to enable
                      setting all system variables via SET PERSIST[_ONLY]
                      When this option is enabled, config file mysqld-auto.cnf
                      is read and applied to server, else this file is ignored
                      even if present.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-persisted-globals-load to disable.)
  --pid-file=name     Pid file used by safe_mysqld
  --plugin-dir=name   Directory for plugins
  --plugin-load=name  Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load,
                      where each plugin is identified as name=library, where
                      name is the plugin name and library is the plugin library
                      in plugin_dir.
                      Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load,
                      where each plugin is identified as name=library, where
                      name is the plugin name and library is the plugin library
                      in plugin_dir. This option adds to the list specified by
                      --plugin-load in an incremental way. Multiple
                      --plugin-load-add are supported.
  -P, --port=#        Port number to use for connection or 0 to default to,
                      my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT, /etc/services, built-in default
                      (3306), whatever comes first
                      Maximum time in seconds to wait for the port to become
                      free. (Default: No wait).
                      The size of the buffer that is allocated when preloading
                      SHOW CREATE USER will print the AS clause as HEX if it
                      contains non-prinable characters
                      Limit of query profiling memory
                      List of compression algorithms supported by server.
                      Supported values are any combination of zlib, zstd,
                      uncompressed. Command line clients may use the
                      --compression-algorithms flag to specify a set of
                      algorithms, and the connection will use an algorithm
                      supported by both client and server. It picks zlib if
                      both client and server support it; otherwise it picks
                      zstd if both support it; otherwise it picks uncompressed
                      if both support it; otherwise it fails.
                      Allocation block size for query parsing and execution
                      Persistent buffer for query parsing and execution
                      Allocation block size for storing ranges during
                      Maximum amount of memory used by the range optimizer to
                      allocate predicates during range analysis. The larger the
                      number, more memory may be consumed during range
                      analysis. If the value is too low to completed range
                      optimization of a query, index range scan will not be
                      considered for this query. A value of 0 means range
                      optimizer does not have any cap on memory.
                      Each thread that does a sequential scan allocates a
                      buffer of this size for each table it scans. If you do
                      many sequential scans, you may want to increase this
  --read-only         Make all non-temporary tables read-only, with the
                      exception for replication (slave) threads and users with
                      the SUPER privilege
                      When reading rows in sorted order after a sort, the rows
                      are read through this buffer to avoid a disk seeks
                      Stack size limit for regular expressions matches
                      Timeout for regular expressions matches, in steps of the
                      match engine, typically on the order of milliseconds.
  --relay-log=name    The location and name to use for relay logs
                      File that holds the names for relay log files.
                      The location and name of the file that remembers where
                      the SQL replication thread is in the relay logs
                      Defines the type of the repository for the relay log
                      information and associated workers.
  --relay-log-purge   if disabled - do not purge relay logs. if enabled - purge
                      them as soon as they are no more needed
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-relay-log-purge to disable.)
                      Enables automatic relay log recovery right after the
                      database startup, which means that the IO Thread starts
                      re-fetching from the master right after the last
                      transaction processed
                      Maximum space to use for all relay logs
                      Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the
                      specified database. To specify more than one database,
                      use the directive multiple times, once for each database.
                      Note that this will only work if you do not use
                      cross-database queries such as UPDATE some_db.some_table
                      SET foo='bar' while having selected a different or no
                      database. If you need cross database updates to work,
                      make sure you have 3.23.28 or later, and use
                      Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the
                      specified table. To specify more than one table, use the
                      directive multiple times, once for each table. This will
                      work for cross-database updates, in contrast to
                      Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the specified
                      database. To specify more than one database to ignore,
                      use the directive multiple times, once for each database.
                      This option will not work if you use cross database
                      updates. If you need cross database updates to work, make
                      sure you have 3.23.28 or later, and use
                      Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the specified
                      table. To specify more than one table to ignore, use the
                      directive multiple times, once for each table. This will
                      work for cross-database updates, in contrast to
                      Updates to a database with a different name than the
                      original. Example:
                      In replication, if set to 1, do not skip events having
                      our server id. Default value is 0 (to break infinite
                      loops in circular replication). Can't be set to 1 if
                      --log-slave-updates is used.
                      Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the
                      tables that match the specified wildcard pattern. To
                      specify more than one table, use the directive multiple
                      times, once for each table. This will work for
                      cross-database updates. Example:
             will replicate only
                      updates to tables in all databases that start with foo
                      and whose table names start with bar.
                      Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the tables
                      that match the given wildcard pattern. To specify more
                      than one table to ignore, use the directive multiple
                      times, once for each table. This will work for
                      cross-database updates. Example:
             will not do updates
                      to tables in databases that start with foo and whose
                      table names start with bar.
  --report-host=name  Hostname or IP of the slave to be reported to the master
                      during slave registration. Will appear in the output of
                      SHOW SLAVE HOSTS. Leave unset if you do not want the
                      slave to register itself with the master. Note that it is
                      not sufficient for the master to simply read the IP of
                      the slave off the socket once the slave connects. Due to
                      NAT and other routing issues, that IP may not be valid
                      for connecting to the slave from the master or other
                      The account password of the slave to be reported to the
                      master during slave registration
  --report-port=#     Port for connecting to slave reported to the master
                      during slave registration. Set it only if the slave is
                      listening on a non-default port or if you have a special
                      tunnel from the master or other clients to the slave. If
                      not sure, leave this option unset
  --report-user=name  The account user name of the slave to be reported to the
                      master during slave registration
                      When this option is enabled, connections attempted using
                      insecure transport will be rejected.  Secure transports
                      are SSL/TLS, Unix socket or Shared Memory (on Windows).
  --rpl-read-size=#   The size for reads done from the binlog and relay log. It
                      must be a multiple of 4kb. Making it larger might help
                      with IO stalls while reading these files when they are
                      not in the OS buffer cache
                      Timeout in seconds to wait for slave to stop before
                      returning a warning.
  --safe-user-create  Don't allow new user creation by the user who has no
                      write privileges to the mysql.user table.
                      The number of cached schema definitions
                      Controls which statements to consider for execution in a
                      secondary storage engine. Only statements that have a
                      cost estimate higher than this value will be attempted
                      executed in a secondary storage engine.
                      Limit LOAD DATA, SELECT ... OUTFILE, and LOAD_FILE() to
                      files within specified directory
  --server-id=#       Uniquely identifies the server instance in the community
                      of replication partners
  --server-id-bits=#  Set number of significant bits in server-id
                      Controls the amount of global transaction ids to be
                      included in the response packet sent by the
                      server.(Default: OFF).
                      Track changes to the 'default schema'.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-session-track-schema to disable.)
                      Track changes to the 'session state'.
                      Track changes in registered system variables.
                      Track changes to the transaction attributes. OFF to
                      disable; STATE to track just transaction state (Is there
                      an active transaction? Does it have any data? etc.);
                      CHARACTERISTICS to track transaction state and report all
                      statements needed to start a transaction with the same
                      characteristics (isolation level, read only/read write,
                      snapshot - but not any work done / data modified within
                      the transaction).
                      Auto generate RSA keys at server startup if corresponding
                      system variables are not specified and key files are not
                      present at the default location.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-sha256-password-auto-generate-rsa-keys to disable.)
                      A fully qualified path to the private RSA key used for
                      If set to FALSE (the default), then the sha256_password
                      authentication plugin will not signal for authenticated
                      users to be checked for mapping to proxy users.  When set
                      to TRUE, the plugin will flag associated authenticated
                      accounts to be mapped to proxy users when the server
                      option check_proxy_users is enabled.
                      A fully qualified path to the public RSA key used for
  --shared-memory     Enable the shared memory
                      Base name of shared memory
                      When this option is enabled, it increases the verbosity
                      of 'SHOW CREATE TABLE'.
                      When this option is enabled, the pre-5.6.4 temporal types
                      will be marked in the 'SHOW CREATE TABLE' and
                      'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS' table as a comment in
                      COLUMN_TYPE field. This variable is deprecated and will
                      be removed in a future release.
                      Show user and password in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this
  --skip-grant-tables Start without grant tables. This gives all users FULL
                      ACCESS to all tables.
  --skip-host-cache   Don't cache host names.
  --skip-name-resolve Don't resolve hostnames. All hostnames are IP's or
  --skip-networking   Don't allow connection with TCP/IP
  --skip-new          Don't use new, possibly wrong routines.
                      Don't allow 'SHOW DATABASE' commands
  --skip-slave-start  If set, slave is not autostarted.
  --skip-stack-trace  Don't print a stack trace on failure.
                      Allow slave to batch requests
                      Maximum number of processed transactions by
                      Multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is
                      called to update progress status.
                      Gather workers' activities to Update progress status of
                      Multi-threaded slave and flush the relay log info to disk
                      after every #th milli-seconds.
                      Use compression on master/slave protocol
                      Modes for how replication events should be executed.
                      Legal values are STRICT (default) and IDEMPOTENT. In
                      IDEMPOTENT mode, replication will not stop for operations
                      that are idempotent. In STRICT mode, replication will
                      stop on any unexpected difference between the master and
                      the slave
                      The location where the slave should put its temporary
                      files when replicating a LOAD DATA INFILE command
                      The maximum packet length to sent successfully from the
                      master to slave.
                      Number of seconds to wait for more data from a
                      master/slave connection before aborting the read
                      Specifies if the slave will use database partitioning or
                      information from master to parallelize
                      transactions.(Default: DATABASE).
                      Number of worker threads for executing events in parallel
                      Max size of Slave Worker queues holding not yet applied
                      events. The least possible value must be not less than
                      the master side max_allowed_packet.
                      Force slave workers to make commits in the same order as
                      on the master. Disabled by default.
                      Set of searching algorithms that the slave will use while
                      searching for records from the storage engine to either
                      updated or deleted them. Possible values are: INDEX_SCAN,
                      TABLE_SCAN and HASH_SCAN. Any combination is allowed, and
                      the slave will always pick the most suitable algorithm
                      for any given scenario. (Default: INDEX_SCAN, HASH_SCAN).
                      Tells the slave thread to continue replication when a
                      query event returns an error from the provided list
                      Force checksum verification of replication events after
                      reading them from relay log. Note: Events are always
                      checksum-verified by slave on receiving them from the
                      network before writing them to the relay log. Enabled by
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-slave-sql-verify-checksum to disable.)
                      Number of times the slave SQL thread will retry a
                      transaction in case it failed with a deadlock or elapsed
                      lock wait timeout, before giving up and stopping
                      Set of slave type conversions that are enabled. Legal
                      values are: ALL_LOSSY to enable lossy conversions,
                      ALL_NON_LOSSY to enable non-lossy conversions,
                      ALL_UNSIGNED to treat all integer column type data to be
                      unsigned values, and ALL_SIGNED to treat all integer
                      column type data to be signed values. Default treatment
                      is ALL_SIGNED. If ALL_SIGNED and ALL_UNSIGNED both are
                      specified, ALL_SIGNED will take higher priority than
                      ALL_UNSIGNED. If the variable is assigned the empty set,
                      no conversions are allowed and it is expected that the
                      types match exactly.
                      If creating the thread takes longer than this value (in
                      seconds), the Slow_launch_threads counter will be
  --slow-query-log    Log slow queries to a table or log file. Defaults logging
                      to a file hostname-slow.log or a table mysql.slow_log if
                      --log-output=TABLE is used. Must be enabled to activate
                      other slow log options
                      Log slow queries to given log file. Defaults logging to
                      hostname-slow.log. Must be enabled to activate other slow
                      log options
                      Maximum number of milliseconds that the service control
                      manager should wait before trying to kill the windows
                      service during startup(Default: 15000).
  --socket=name       Socket file to use for connection
                      Each thread that needs to do a sort allocates a buffer of
                      this size
                      Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
  --sql-mode=name     Syntax: sql-mode=mode[,mode[,mode...]]. See the manual
                      for the complete list of valid sql modes
                      When set, tables must be created with a primary key, and
                      an existing primary key cannot be removed with 'ALTER
                      TABLE'. Attempts to do so will result in an error.
  --ssl               Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with
                      other flags).
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-ssl to disable.)
  --ssl-ca=name       CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl)
  --ssl-capath=name   CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl)
  --ssl-cert=name     X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl)
  --ssl-cipher=name   SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl)
  --ssl-crl=name      CRL file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies
  --ssl-crlpath=name  CRL directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl)
                      SSL FIPS mode (applies only for OpenSSL); permitted
                      values are: OFF, ON, STRICT
  --ssl-key=name      X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl)
  --standalone        Dummy option to start as a standalone program (NT).
                      The soft upper limit for number of cached stored routines
                      for one connection.
                      The number of cached stored program definitions
  --super-read-only   Make all non-temporary tables read-only, with the
                      exception for replication (slave) threads.  Users with
                      the SUPER privilege are affected, unlike read_only.
                      Setting super_read_only to ON also sets read_only to ON.
  -s, --symbolic-links
                      Enable symbolic link support (deprecated and will be
                      removed in a future release).
  --sync-binlog=#     Synchronously flush binary log to disk after every #th
                      write to the file. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
                      Synchronously flush master info to disk after every #th
                      event. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
  --sync-relay-log=#  Synchronously flush relay log to disk after every #th
                      event. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
                      Synchronously flush relay log info to disk after every
                      #th transaction. Use 0 to disable synchronous flushing
  --sysdate-is-now    Non-default option to alias SYSDATE() to NOW() to make it
                      safe-replicable. Since 5.0, SYSDATE() returns a `dynamic'
                      value different for different invocations, even within
                      the same statement.
                      The number of cached table definitions
                      Indicates if server enables privilege check when user
                      tries to use non-default value for CREATE DATABASE or
                      CREATE TABLESPACE or when user tries to do CREATE TABLE
                      with ENCRYPTION option which deviates from per-database
                      The number of cached open tables (total for all table
                      cache instances)
                      The number of table cache instances
                      The number of cached tablespace definitions
                      Decision to use in heuristic recover process. Possible
                      values are OFF, COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
                      Maximum amount of memory (in bytes) the TempTable storage
                      engine is allowed to allocate from the main memory (RAM)
                      before starting to store data on disk.
                      Use mmap files for temptables
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-temptable-use-mmap to disable.)
                      How many threads we should keep in a cache for reuse
                      Define threads usage for handling queries, one of
                      one-thread-per-connection, no-threads, loaded-dynamically
  --thread-stack=#    The stack size for each thread
                      TLS v1.3 ciphersuite to use (implies --ssl)
  --tls-version=name  TLS version, permitted values are TLSv1, TLSv1.1,
                      TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3
  --tmp-table-size=#  If an internal in-memory temporary table in the MEMORY
                      storage engine exceeds this size, MySQL will
                      automatically convert it to an on-disk table
  -t, --tmpdir=name   Path for temporary files. Several paths may be specified,
                      separated by a semicolon (;), in this case they are used
                      in a round-robin fashion
                      Allocation block size for transactions to be stored in
                      binary log
                      Default transaction isolation level.
                      Persistent buffer for transactions to be stored in binary
                      Default transaction access mode. True if transactions are
                      This option is used to let the server know when to
                      extract the write set which will be used for various





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