
















Sometimes when I look at the world, I can see a line behind it.

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原创 Change Queue Not Work In Unity Shader

Problem:It seems like there is some sort of bug with shaders / materials regarding render queues.I have shader that is set to be in Geometry+10, and another shader that is set to be in the Geome

2016-03-19 10:22:02 1263

转载 Default Access Modifiers (C#)

Short answer: minimum possible access Long answer:Non-nested types, enumeration and delegate accessibilities (may only have internal or public accessibility) | Defaul

2016-02-16 09:48:13 944

转载 GTA V - Graphics Study

Part 1: Dissecting a Framehttp://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2015/11/02/gta-v-graphics-study/Part 2: LOD and Reflectionshttp://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2015/11/02/gta-v-graphics-stu

2016-01-05 12:25:28 1153

转载 Edge Padding


2015-11-02 16:52:13 2656

转载 Mesh Simplification Algorithm


2015-10-21 14:18:51 1840

原创 Unity Terrain Optimze

1、Important FactResolutionProperty:Function:Terrain WidthSize of the terrain object in its X axis (in world units).Terrain LengthSize of the terrain o

2015-10-16 11:06:21 2511

原创 Hide Warn Global In Unity

Sometime, The warn info are turn into error msg in unity's console, Although we can find the error msg in the bottom of msg's detail,But when we have a lot of warn, It can be showed until you fixed most of the warn.So we need to hide the warn infos simplel

2015-09-17 21:04:19 1453

转载 Rectangle Bin Packing

1、From:http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/default.htmlPop Quiz: You have 765,618 lightmaps for a scene and very few of them have power of 2 dimensions, what do you do? If your answer was t

2015-08-24 11:59:24 3326 1


From:https://unity3d.com/cn/learn/tutorials/modules/intermediate/editor/menu-itemsThe Unity editor allows adding custom menus that look and behave like the built-in menus. This can be very useful

2015-08-21 11:29:36 1072

转载 Measuring Performance with the Built-in Profiler[Unity]

Unity iOS and Android contain a built in profiler. The built-in profiler emits console messages from the game running on device. These messages are written every 30 seconds and will provide insight in

2015-07-01 09:38:41 1338

原创 UIToggle修改状态无效的原因及解决办法[NGUI]


2015-05-23 12:49:39 3490

原创 Pixel gap / lines that appear at the edges of sprites[NGUI]

If you use texture compression, that will cause bleeding problems. And texture filtering mode is an another culprit. There are few solutions.* Use uncompressed 32 bit textures atlas with point f

2015-05-19 16:30:31 996

转载 Unity destructor Or OnDestory

In 99% of all cases you don't want to use a destructor (finalizer) at all:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3649066/use-of-destructor-in-chttp://blog.stephencleary.com/2009/08/how-to-implement-

2015-05-04 12:10:11 1085

转载 Show Dictionary in Inspector[Dictionary serialize]

ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerializeDescriptionImplement this method to receive a callback after unity serialized your object.In contrast to many other programming envi

2015-04-25 12:17:46 2901

转载 Unity DEBUG DLL(C#)

Many people are writing reusable code components in external DLL files, and deploy them in their Unity project. Using UnityVS, it's also possible to debug them.Please note that UnityVS currently onl

2015-04-16 21:45:56 1377

转载 Optimizing Unity Games for Mobile Platforms


2015-04-10 17:11:43 1057

转载 Extension Methods - C#

Oftentimes you’ll find yourself using classes you can’t modify. Whether they’re basic data types or part of an existing framework, you’re stuck with the functions that are provided. That being said, C

2015-04-09 14:18:32 603

转载 Making AI Fun: When Good Enough is Good Enough

Making good artificial intelligence for computer opponents is difficult. Programming a game like draughts isn't terribly challenging; adding convincing AI, however, might take longer than making the g

2015-04-03 16:12:49 817

转载 如何计算两个有序整型数组的交集

例如两个含有n个元素的有序(非降序)整型数组a和b(数组a与b中都没有重复元素),求出其共同元素,a = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4b = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9那么它们的交集为{1, 3}。计算数组交集可以采用很多种方法,但数组的相对大小一般会影响算法的效率,所以需要根据两个数组的相对大小来确定采用的方法:(1)对于两个数组长度相当的情况,一般可以采取

2015-03-24 15:41:15 977

转载 NGUI Drawcall 优化

NGUI 方面的Draw Call 优化:(1)     打包图集一、每个材质/纹理的渲染一定是会产生DrawCall的,这个DrawCall只能通过打包图集来进行优化。二、从功能角度进行划分,例如UI可以划分为公共部分,以及每个具体的界面,功能上,显示上密切相关的图片打包到一起  (2)渲染顺序一、  U3D的渲染是有顺序的,NGUI的渲染顺序是由

2015-03-20 11:01:56 2299

转载 High Level Networking Concepts

This section covers general networking concepts that should be understood before developing a game with Unity’s networking architecture.What is Networking?Networking is communication between two or mo

2015-03-12 17:34:05 834

转载 最小生成树

4. 最小生成树4.1 生成树(1)定义:所有顶点均由边连接在一起,但不存在回路的图叫该图的生成树(2)深度优先生成树与广度优先生成树(3)    一个图可以有许多棵不同的生成树    所有生成树具有以下共同特点:           生成树的顶点个数与图的顶点个数相同           生成树是图的极小连通子图4.2 最小生成树

2015-03-10 11:24:11 761

转载 最短路径之Dijkstra算法详细讲解

原文地址:http://2728green-rock.blog.163.com/blog/static/43636790200901211848284/1  最短路径算法在日常生活中,我们如果需要常常往返A地区和B地区之间,我们最希望知道的可能是从A地区到B地区间的众多路径中,那一条路径的路途最短。最短路径问题是图论研究中的一个经典算法问题, 旨在寻找图(由结点和路径组成的)中两结点之间的

2015-03-10 10:37:47 2717

转载 理解A*寻路算法具体过程

原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/technology/archive/2011/05/26/2058842.html        当然寻路算法不止 A* 这一种, 还有递归, 非递归, 广度优先, 深度优先, 使用堆栈等等, 有兴趣的可以研究研究~~简易地图        如图所示简易地图, 其中绿色方块的是起点 (用 A 表示), 中间蓝色的

2015-03-10 10:35:07 5886

转载 Performance and Optimization For Mecanim[Unity]

This page contains some tips to help you obtain the best performance from Mecanim, covering character setup, the animation system and runtime optimizations.Character SetupNumber of Bones

2015-03-08 20:44:43 1026

转载 Interpolate-Curve

InterpolateContents [hide] 1 Description2 Usage3 Code3.1 Interpolate.js3.2 Interpolate.csDescriptionInterpolation utility functions for easing, Bezier splin

2015-01-19 16:53:07 1659

原创 Bezier curves And Catmull-Rom spline

Bezier curves are very convenient when you don't know the entire set of points in advance because they are very easy to build piece by piece. They are pretty efficient and conceptually straightforwa

2015-01-09 15:24:56 2160

原创 Problem When use "Custom Editor" and "Property Drawers" The Same Time

When you use "Custom Editor" for a custom class (Mark as A,Use DrawDefaultInspector () in OnInspectorGUI()), And the class contain a list of other class(Mark as B) which will use custom property Drawe

2015-01-05 09:58:38 1022

转载 CustomPropertyDrawer-Change the height of Property field

The last blog post didn't cover a certain nifty method in PropertyDrawer, which is the GetPropertyHeight. GetPropertyHeight: Determines the height in pixel of the property field. 

2014-12-31 18:38:21 1190

转载 Custom List in inspector, displaying data your way[Unity]

原文地址:http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/editor/custom-list/In this Unity C# tutorial you will create a custom visualization for arrays and lists in the editor.You will learn tocrea

2014-12-31 11:06:38 1413

转载 Protecting Content With AssetBundle[Unity]

Whilst it is possible to use encryption to secure your Assets as they are being transmitted, once the data is in the hands of the client it is possible to find ways to grab the content from them. For

2014-12-16 10:54:14 695

转载 C# ? and ??

Nullable Types in C#One of the "late breaking" features in C# 2.0 is what is known as "Nullable Types". The details can be found in the C# 2.0 language spec.Nullable types address the scenar

2014-12-11 11:32:58 529

转载 Lightmapping In-Depth[Unity]

If you are about to lightmap your first scene in Unity, this Quickstart Guide might help you out.Lightmapping is fully integrated in Unity, so that you can build entire levels from within the Edit

2014-12-10 10:51:58 1785

原创 Difference Between Select and SelectMany

定义:SelectTSource, TResult>(IEnumerableTSource>, FuncTSource, Int32, TResult>)Projects each element of a sequence into a new form by incorporating the element's index.SelectManyTSource,

2014-12-09 14:30:13 672

转载 Optimizations On Mobile[Unity]

Just like on PCs, mobile platforms like iOS and Android have devices of various levels of performance. You can easily find a phone that’s 10x more powerful for rendering than some other phone. Quite e

2014-12-04 18:07:29 1501

转载 Copy and Paste Unity Animation Curves / Extract Animation Curve From Animation

I use AnimationCurves for a lot of things ( tweens, changing colors, simulating root motion without Mecanim, faking physical interactions between adjacent pieces in a game I’m working on ) and sometim

2014-12-04 18:03:23 3235

转载 How to Lerp like a pro

I see this sort of thing far too often:transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, Time.deltaTime);The person posting it is usually convinced that Vector3.Lerp is “broken”, but the real

2014-11-20 18:00:20 1459

原创 Collider2D碰撞检测异常-Rotating sprite does not rotate collider[Unity]


2014-11-20 14:46:16 2499

转载 Unpack Png Files From The Plist File

脚本:#! /usr/lical/bin/pythonimport os,Image,sysfrom xml.etree import ElementTreedef tree_to_dict(tree): d = {} for index, item in enumerate(tree): if item.tag == 'key':

2014-11-17 10:57:54 2097

原创 Delete Shapes In Sprite Editor On Mac[Unity}

Because the key to delete shape in Sprite Editor on window is ""

2014-11-14 11:39:47 917



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