CSS Quick Tip

CSS Quick Tip: CSS Arrows and Shapes Without Markup

Often it's useful to show an arrow or some sort of contextual indication of what element something is related to. We see this frequently with tooltips that use arrows to point to the item that is triggering them.
Usually, however, adding in this arrow has a cost, both in markup and in CSS, which forces people who do not wish to use this style to not only compensate for this extra markup by hiding it from display, but also in the actual weight of the page for the markup of each arrow. The cost is even higher if you use an image to display this arrow, because there is the extra overhead of the data that needs to be transferred (and possibly an extra request if the treatment is not sprited).
Today I'm going to show you a way to add in these visual hints without having to create any markup. We use this technique inside of Liferay and AlloyUI for our tabs system. We had a legacy set of tabs we needed to style that support having the tabs live separately in the markup from the section they're logically related to, which makes it very difficult to visually indicate relationship. For instance, you can't put a border around both the tab section and the tabs, because they don't share a common parent.
Instead, we had to come up with some other way to indicate that the selected tab related to the currently displayed section. The other challenge was that each tab item needed to share the same markup and css structure as the AlloyUI tabview where they do share a common parent.
So we didn't want to add in custom markup to show visual relationship for one set of tabs vs. another.
This technique builds on one that has been discussed by the Filament Group and expertly pioneered by Tantek ?elik (whom we had the pleasure of seeing at this year's YUIConf 2010).
这个技术建立在Filament group讨论和Tanek Celik成熟开发的基础之上。
I'll quickly cover the concept of what we'll be doing.
The root concept is creating polygonal shapes using very large borders. The way this is done is by setting the width and height of an element to 0, and setting a large border on the element. At the corner of a element's border, a natural shape is created. By selectively setting different sides of the border color to transparent, we can create different shapes.

Generating CSS Content

CSS allows us to generate content using a property called, appropriately enough, "content". However, we can only use this property using the :after or :before pseudo-elements, and we're somewhat limited on what we can insert (we can't insert more HTML for instance).

What's cool about this though is that with the content we insert, we can style it as if it is an element. This means we can transform it into a polygonal shape. And because the :after and :before pseudo-elements insert after or before the content of our element (and not outside of the element), we can move it around and position it relative to our element. From there we can use it as a contextual pointer.

Let's go through the code.
First, our HTML:


Let's style our box to look like a box:

#demo {
	background-color: #333;
	height: 100px;
	position: relative;
	width: 100px;
You'll notice that we set position to relative. This is to allow us to set our pointer to absolute and have it stay relative to our box.
Now, let's go ahead and insert the base styling for our pointer:
#demo:after {
	content: ' ';
	height: 0;
	position: absolute;
	width: 0;
现在来让我们为pointer设置基本的 样式
You'll notice a few things. One, we inserted just a blank space, which is enough to give us a handle to style. Second, we're setting position to absolute so we can move the pointer where we want in relation to box.

Now, here is the code to style the pointer to look like a shape:

#demo:after {
	content: ' ';
	height: 0;
	position: absolute;
	width: 0;

	border: 10px solid transparent;
	border-top-color: #abcdef;

Now, to top it off, let's go ahead and position the pointer around the box. Since our relative parent is our #demo element, our coordinates are relative to it's coordinates. It's also important to mention that the dimension of our pointer is controlled by the border width. So the overall width of our pointer in this case is 20px (one sloping side is 10px and the other sloping side is the other 10px).

So let's say we want to use the arrow to make the box look like a comment or tooltip, we would place it on the bottom and move it a few pixels in.

#demo:after {
	...previous code...

	top: 100%;
	left: 10px;
Which makes our box look like this:
... ...

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在信号处理领域,DOA(Direction of Arrival)估计是一项关键技术,主要用于确定多个信号源到达接收阵列的方向。本文将详细探讨三种ESPRIT(Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques)算法在DOA估计中的实现,以及它们在MATLAB环境中的具体应用。 ESPRIT算法是由Paul Kailath等人于1986年提出的,其核心思想是利用阵列数据的旋转不变性来估计信号源的角度。这种算法相比传统的 MUSIC(Multiple Signal Classification)算法具有较低的计算复杂度,且无需进行特征值分解,因此在实际应用中颇具优势。 1. 普通ESPRIT算法 普通ESPRIT算法分为两个主要步骤:构造等效旋转不变系统和估计角度。通过空间平移(如延时)构建两个子阵列,使得它们之间的关系具有旋转不变性。然后,通过对子阵列数据进行最小二乘拟合,可以得到信号源的角频率估计,进一步转换为DOA估计。 2. 常规ESPRIT算法实现 在描述中提到的`common_esprit_method1.m`和`common_esprit_method2.m`是两种不同的普通ESPRIT算法实现。它们可能在实现细节上略有差异,比如选择子阵列的方式、参数估计的策略等。MATLAB代码通常会包含预处理步骤(如数据归一化)、子阵列构造、旋转不变性矩阵的建立、最小二乘估计等部分。通过运行这两个文件,可以比较它们在估计精度和计算效率上的异同。 3. TLS_ESPRIT算法 TLS(Total Least Squares)ESPRIT是对普通ESPRIT的优化,它考虑了数据噪声的影响,提高了估计的稳健性。在TLS_ESPRIT算法中,不假设数据噪声是高斯白噪声,而是采用总最小二乘准则来拟合数据。这使得算法在噪声环境下表现更优。`TLS_esprit.m`文件应该包含了TLS_ESPRIT算法的完整实现,包括TLS估计的步骤和旋转不变性矩阵的改进处理。 在实际应用中,选择合适的ESPRIT变体取决于系统条件,例如噪声水平、信号质量以及计算资源。通过MATLAB实现,研究者和工程师可以方便地比较不同算法的效果,并根据需要进行调整和优化。同时,这些代码也为教学和学习DOA估计提供了一个直观的平台,有助于深入理解ESPRIT算法的工作原理。




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