

Chapter 1. Fundamentals

1.1. Request execution

The most essential function of HttpClient is to execute HTTP methods.


Quite naturally, the main entry point of the HttpClient API is the HttpClient interface that defines the contract described above.

Here is an example of request execution process in its simplest form:

CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("http://localhost/");
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
try {
} finally {

1.1.1. HTTP request

All HTTP requests have a request line consisting a method name, a request URI and an HTTP protocol version.

HttpClient supports out of the box all HTTP methods defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE and OPTIONS. There is a specific class for each method type.: HttpGet, HttpHead, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete, HttpTrace, and HttpOptions.

The Request-URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies the resource upon which to apply the request. HTTP request URIs consist of a protocol scheme, host name, optional port, resource path, optional query, and optional fragment.

HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(
HttpClient provides URIBuilder utility class to simplify creation and modification of request URIs.
URI uri = new URIBuilder()
        .setParameter("q", "httpclient")
        .setParameter("btnG", "Google Search")
        .setParameter("aq", "f")
        .setParameter("oq", "")
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri);

stdout >

1.1.2. HTTP response

HTTP response is a message sent by the server back to the client after having received and interpreted a request message. The first line of that message consists of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase.
HTTP responsehi一个服务器返回的响应。第一行包含了协议版本,数字状态码及相关的文本短语。

HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1,
HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");


1.1.3. Working with message headers

An HTTP message can contain a number of headers describing properties of the message such as the content length, content type and so on. HttpClient provides methods to retrieve, add, remove and enumerate headers.

HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, 
    HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
    "c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost");
    "c2=b; path=\"/\", c3=c; domain=\"localhost\"");
Header h1 = response.getFirstHeader("Set-Cookie");
Header h2 = response.getLastHeader("Set-Cookie");
Header[] hs = response.getHeaders("Set-Cookie");

stdout >

Set-Cookie: c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost
Set-Cookie: c2=b; path="/", c3=c; domain="localhost"
The most efficient way to obtain all headers of a given type is by using the HeaderIterator interface.
It also provides convenience methods to parse HTTP messages into individual header elements.
HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, 
    HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
    "c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost");
    "c2=b; path=\"/\", c3=c; domain=\"localhost\"");

HeaderElementIterator it = new BasicHeaderElementIterator(

while (it.hasNext()) {
    HeaderElement elem = it.nextElement(); 
    System.out.println(elem.getName() + " = " + elem.getValue());
    NameValuePair[] params = elem.getParameters();
    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
        System.out.println(" " + params[i]);

stdout >

c1 = a
c2 = b
c3 = c

1.1.4. HTTP entity

HTTP messages can carry a content entity associated with the request or response. Entities can be found in some requests and in some responses, as they are optional. Requests that use entities are referred to as entity enclosing requests. The HTTP specification defines two entity enclosing request methods: POST and PUT. Responses are usually expected to enclose a content entity. There are exceptions to this rule such as responses to HEAD method and 204 No Content, 304 Not Modified, 205 Reset Content responses.

HttpClient distinguishes three kinds of entities, depending on where their content originates:

  • streamed:  The content is received from a stream, or generated on the fly. In particular, this category includes entities being received from HTTP responses. Streamed entities are generally not repeatable.

  • self-contained:  The content is in memory or obtained by means that are independent from a connection or other entity. Self-contained entities are generally repeatable. This type of entities will be mostly used for entity enclosing HTTP requests.

  • wrapping:  The content is obtained from another entity.

This distinction is important for connection management when streaming out content from an HTTP response. For request entities that are created by an application and only sent using HttpClient, the difference between streamed and self-contained is of little importance. In that case, it is suggested to consider non-repeatable entities as streamed, and those that are repeatable as self-contained.

当从HTTP响应中获取流时,这个区别对于连接管理来讲十分重要。对于应用创建的仅仅用于HTTP客户端发送的请求实体,流和自包含的内容的区别并不重要。在这种情况下,对于不可重复的实体建议使用流,而可以重复的建议使用自包含。 Repeatable entities

An entity can be repeatable, meaning its content can be read more than once. This is only possible with self contained entities (like ByteArrayEntity or StringEntity)
一个实体如果是可重复的,意味着实体内容可以被多次读取。只有自包含的实体是可重复的。 Using HTTP entities

Since an entity can represent both binary and character content, it has support for character encodings (to support the latter, ie. character content).

The entity is created when executing a request with enclosed content or when the request was successful and the response body is used to send the result back to the client.

To read the content from the entity, one can either retrieve the input stream via the HttpEntity#getContent() method, which returns an, or one can supply an output stream to the HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) method, which will return once all content has been written to the given stream.

When the entity has been received with an incoming message, the methods HttpEntity#getContentType() and HttpEntity#getContentLength() methods can be used for reading the common metadata such as Content-Type and Content-Length headers (if they are available). Since the Content-Type header can contain a character encoding for text mime-types like text/plain or text/html, the HttpEntity#getContentEncoding() method is used to read this information. If the headers aren't available, a length of -1 will be returned, and NULL for the content type. If the Content-Type header is available, a Header object will be returned.
当实体从消息中取出的时候,getContentType和getContentLength方法能够用于读取xxx。由于getContentType能够为text/plain or text/html包含一个字符编码。getContentEncoding用于读取这个信息。如果消息头不可用,则返回长度-1.内容类型为null.如果内容类型头信息可用,将返回一个消息头对象。

When creating an entity for a outgoing message, this meta data has to be supplied by the creator of the entity.


1.1.5. Ensuring release of low level resources

In order to ensure proper release of system resources one must close either the content stream associated with the entity or the response itself

为了保证合理释放系统资源我们必须关闭与实体相关的内容流或者 响应本身相关联的内容流

The difference between closing the content stream and closing the response is that the former will attempt to keep the underlying connection alive by consuming the entity content while the latter immediately shuts down and discards the connection.

Please note that the HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) method is also required to ensure proper release of system resources once the entity has been fully written out. If this method obtains an instance of by calling HttpEntity#getContent(), it is also expected to close the stream in a finally clause.

When working with streaming entities, one can use the EntityUtils#consume(HttpEntity) method to ensure that the entity content has been fully consumed and the underlying stream has been closed.

There can be situations, however, when only a small portion of the entire response content needs to be retrieved and the performance penalty for consuming the remaining content and making the connection reusable is too high, in which case one can terminate the content stream by closing the response.

但是会有这种情况:只需要获取返回内容的一小部分内容,消耗剩余内容会 使该连接可重复使用的性能损失过高?????这种情况下我们可以通过关闭相应中断内容流。
The connection will not be reused, but all level resources held by it will be correctly deallocated.

1.1.6. Consuming entity content

The recommended way to consume the content of an entity is by using its HttpEntity#getContent() or HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) methods. HttpClient also comes with the EntityUtils class, which exposes several static methods to more easily read the content or information from an entity. Instead of reading the directly, one can retrieve the whole content body in a string / byte array by using the methods from this class. However, the use of EntityUtils is strongly discouraged unless the response entities originate from a trusted HTTP server and are known to be of limited length.

In some situations it may be necessary to be able to read entity content more than once. In this case entity content must be buffered in some way, either in memory or on disk. The simplest way to accomplish that is by wrapping the original entity with the BufferedHttpEntity class. This will cause the content of the original entity to be read into a in-memory buffer. In all other ways the entity wrapper will be have the original one.

1.1.7. Producing entity content

HttpClient provides several classes that can be used to efficiently stream out content throught HTTP connections. Instances of those classes can be associated with entity enclosing requests such as POST and PUT in order to enclose entity content into outgoing HTTP requests. HttpClient provides several classes for most common data containers such as string, byte array, input stream, and file: StringEntity, ByteArrayEntity, InputStreamEntity, and FileEntity.


Please note InputStreamEntity is not repeatable, because it can only read from the underlying data stream once. Generally it is recommended to implement a custom HttpEntity class which is self-contained instead of using the generic InputStreamEntity. FileEntity can be a good starting point.
请注意InputStreamEntity是不可重复的,因为他只能从底层数据流读取一次。通常推荐实现一个自定义的HttpEntity类 HTML forms

Many applications need to simulate the process of submitting an HTML form, for instance, in order to log in to a web application or submit input data. HttpClient provides the entity class UrlEncodedFormEntity to facilitate the process.

The UrlEncodedFormEntity instance will use the so called URL encoding to encode parameters and produce the following content:
UrlEncodedFormEntity实例使用所谓的URL encoding对参数编码生成如下内容
xxxx Content chunking

Generally it is recommended to let HttpClient choose the most appropriate transfer encoding based on the properties of the HTTP message being transferred. It is possible, however, to inform HttpClient that chunk coding is preferred by setting HttpEntity#setChunked() to true. Please note that HttpClient will use this flag as a hint only. This value will be ignored when using HTTP protocol versions that do not support chunk coding, such as HTTP/1.0.


1.1.8. Response handlers

The simplest and the most convenient way to handle responses is by using the ResponseHandler interface, which includes the handleResponse(HttpResponse response) method. This method completely relieves the user from having to worry about connection management. When using a ResponseHandler, HttpClient will automatically take care of ensuring release of the connection back to the connection manager regardless whether the request execution succeeds or causes an exception.

1.2. HttpClient interface

HttpClient interface represents the most essential contract for HTTP request execution. It imposes no restrictions or particular details on the request execution process and leaves the specifics of connection management, state management, authentication and redirect handling up to individual implementations. This should make it easier to decorate the interface with additional functionality such as response content caching.

Generally HttpClient implementations act as a facade to a number of special purpose handler or strategy interface implementations responsible for handling of a particular aspect of the HTTP protocol such as redirect or authentication handling or making decision about connection persistence and keep alive duration. This enables the users to selectively replace default implementation of those aspects with custom, application specific ones.


1.2.1. HttpClient thread safety

HttpClient implementations are expected to be thread safe. It is recommended that the same instance of this class is reused for multiple request executions.

1.2.2. HttpClient resource deallocation

When an instance CloseableHttpClient is no longer needed and is about to go out of scope the connection manager associated with it must be shut down by calling the CloseableHttpClient#close() method.


1.3. HTTP execution context

Originally HTTP has been designed as a stateless, response-request oriented protocol. However, real world applications often need to be able to persist state information through several logically related request-response exchanges. In order to enable applications to maintain a processing state HttpClient allows HTTP requests to be executed within a particular execution context, referred to as HTTP context. Multiple logically related requests can participate in a logical session if the same context is reused between consecutive requests. HTTP context functions similarly to a java.util.Map. It is simply a collection of arbitrary named values. An application can populate context attributes prior to request execution or examine the context after the execution has been completed.

HttpContext can contain arbitrary objects and therefore may be unsafe to share between multiple threads. It is recommended that each thread of execution maintains its own context.

In the course of HTTP request execution HttpClient adds the following attributes to the execution context:

  • HttpConnection instance representing the actual connection to the target server.代表和服务器的实际连接

  • HttpHost instance representing the connection target.代表连接目标(服务器)

  • HttpRoute instance representing the complete connection route。代表完整的连接路由

  • HttpRequest instance representing the actual HTTP request. The final HttpRequest object in the execution context always represents the state of the message exactly as it was sent to the target server. Per default HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 use relative request URIs. However if the request is sent via a proxy in a non-tunneling mode then the URI will be absolute.代表一个实际的HTTP请求,最终的在上下文中执行的请求对象代表信息状态xxxx。前面默认的1.0 1.1协议使用相对请求URI。但是如果请求是通过一个无隧道代理模式,则是用绝对URI。

  • HttpResponse instance representing the actual HTTP response.

  • java.lang.Boolean object representing the flag indicating whether the actual request has been fully transmitted to the connection target.表示请求是不是完全传递给了目标主机。

  • RequestConfig object representing the actual request configuation.

  • java.util.List object representing a collection of all redirect locations received in the process of request execution.代表了处理请求中所有重定向的URI集合

One can use HttpClientContext adaptor class to simplify interractions with the context state.


Multiple request sequences that represent a logically related session should be executed with the same HttpContext instance to ensure automatic propagation of conversation context and state information between requests.

In the following example the request configuration set by the initial request will be kept in the execution context and get propagated to the consecutive requests sharing the same context.


1.4. Exception handling

HttpClient can throw two types of exceptions: in case of an I/O failure such as socket timeout or an socket reset and HttpException that signals an HTTP failure such as a violation of the HTTP protocol. Usually I/O errors are considered non-fatal and recoverable, whereas HTTP protocol errors are considered fatal and cannot be automatically recovered from.

1.4.1. HTTP transport safety

It is important to understand that the HTTP protocol is not well suited to all types of applications. HTTP is a simple request/response oriented protocol which was initially designed to support static or dynamically generated content retrieval. It has never been intended to support transactional operations. For instance, the HTTP server will consider its part of the contract fulfilled if it succeeds in receiving and processing the request, generating a response and sending a status code back to the client. The server will make no attempt to roll back the transaction if the client fails to receive the response in its entirety due to a read timeout, a request cancellation or a system crash. If the client decides to retry the same request, the server will inevitably end up executing the same transaction more than once. In some cases this may lead to application data corruption or inconsistent application state.

Even though HTTP has never been designed to support transactional processing, it can still be used as a transport protocol for mission critical applications provided certain conditions are met. To ensure HTTP transport layer safety the system must ensure the idempotency of HTTP methods on the application layer.

1.4.2. Idempotent methods

HTTP/1.1 specification defines an idempotent method as

[Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request]

In other words the application ought to ensure that it is prepared to deal with the implications of multiple execution of the same method. This can be achieved, for instance, by providing a unique transaction id and by other means of avoiding execution of the same logical operation.

Please note that this problem is not specific to HttpClient. Browser based applications are subject to exactly the same issues related to HTTP methods non-idempotency.

HttpClient assumes non-entity enclosing methods such as GET and HEAD to be idempotent and entity enclosing methods such as POST and PUT to be not.

1.4.3. Automatic exception recovery

By default HttpClient attempts to automatically recover from I/O exceptions. The default auto-recovery mechanism is limited to just a few exceptions that are known to be safe.

  • HttpClient will make no attempt to recover from any logical or HTTP protocol errors (those derived from HttpException class).

  • HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that are assumed to be idempotent.

  • HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that fail with a transport exception while the HTTP request is still being transmitted to the target server (i.e. the request has not been fully transmitted to the server).

1.4.4. Request retry handler

In order to enable a custom exception recovery mechanism one should provide an implementation of the HttpRequestRetryHandler interface.


1.5. Aborting requests

In some situations HTTP request execution fails to complete within the expected time frame due to high load on the target server or too many concurrent requests issued on the client side. In such cases it may be necessary to terminate the request prematurely and unblock the execution thread blocked in a I/O operation. HTTP requests being executed by HttpClient can be aborted at any stage of execution by invoking HttpUriRequest#abort() method. This method is thread-safe and can be called from any thread. When an HTTP request is aborted its execution thread - even if currently blocked in an I/O operation - is guaranteed to unblock by throwing a InterruptedIOException


1.6.2. HTTP parameters beans

The HttpParams interface allows for a great deal of flexibility in handling configuration of components. Most importantly, new parameters can be introduced without affecting binary compatibility with older versions. However, HttpParams also has a certain disadvantage compared to regular Java beans: HttpParams cannot be assembled using a DI framework. To mitigate the limitation, HttpClient includes a number of bean classes that can used in order to initialize HttpParams objects using standard Java bean conventions.
HTTP 参数beans接口允许灵活处理大量组件配置。最重要的是新组件能够被引入,而且不影响与旧版本二进制文件的兼容性????但是HttpParams与普通Java Bean相比也有一个明显的缺点:HttpParams不能用DI框架组装。为了减少限制,HTTP客户端使用了大量bean为了能够用标准的Java规范初始化HttpParams对象。

1.7. HTTP request execution parameters

These are parameters that can impact the process of request execution:

  • CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION='http.protocol.version':  defines HTTP protocol version used if not set explicitly on the request object. This parameter expects a value of type ProtocolVersion. If this parameter is not set HTTP/1.1 will be used.

  • CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_ELEMENT_CHARSET='http.protocol.element-charset':  defines the charset to be used for encoding HTTP protocol elements. This parameter expects a value of type java.lang.String. If this parameter is not set US-ASCII will be used.

  • CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET='http.protocol.content-charset':  defines the charset to be used per default for content body coding. This parameter expects a value of type java.lang.String. If this parameter is not set ISO-8859-1 will be used.

  • CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT='http.useragent':  defines the content of the User-Agent header. This parameter expects a value of type java.lang.String. If this parameter is not set, HttpClient will automatically generate a value for it.

  • CoreProtocolPNames.STRICT_TRANSFER_ENCODING='http.protocol.strict-transfer-encoding':  defines whether responses with an invalid Transfer-Encoding header should be rejected. This parameter expects a value of type java.lang.Boolean. If this parameter is not set, invalid Transfer-Encoding values will be ignored.

  • CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE='http.protocol.expect-continue':  activates the Expect: 100-Continue handshake for the entity enclosing methods. The purpose of the Expect: 100-Continue handshake is to allow the client that is sending a request message with a request body to determine if the origin server is willing to accept the request (based on the request headers) before the client sends the request body. The use of the Expect: 100-continue handshake can result in a noticeable performance improvement for entity enclosing requests (such as POST and PUT) that require the target server's authentication. The Expect: 100-continue handshake should be used with caution, as it may cause problems with HTTP servers and proxies that do not support HTTP/1.1 protocol. This parameter expects a value of type java.lang.Boolean. If this parameter is not set, HttpClient will not attempt to use the handshake.

  • CoreProtocolPNames.WAIT_FOR_CONTINUE='http.protocol.wait-for-continue':  defines the maximum period of time in milliseconds the client should spend waiting for a 100-continue response. This parameter expects a value of type java.lang.Integer. If this parameter is not set HttpClient will wait 3 seconds for a confirmation before resuming the transmission of the request body.

STRICT_TRANSFER_ENCODING 定义了,当响应信息携带了不合法的传输编码消息头是否要丢弃返回信息。默认不合法的传输编码会被忽略。
USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE 触发期望:为了封装实体方法的100继续握手。Expect的目的:100继续握手允许客户端继续发送一个请求信息和请求体去确定源端服务是否愿意接受请求(基于请求消息头)在客户端发送请求体之前。使用100继续握手能够有效的提高需要目标服务器健全的封装实体方法的请求(如POST和PUT)。100继续握手需要小心使用,因为对于不支持1.1协议的HTTP服务器和代理服务器可能会产生问题。这个参数如果不设置,HTTP客户端不会尝试去使用握手。

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