
Planning Exceptions


1.Items allocated across projects: items whose supply for one project has been allocated to the demand of a different project

2.Items below safety stock: items for which demand, less supply, brings the projected quantity on hand to a negative level or below safety stock

3.Items that are over–committed: items for which ATP is negative or below safety stock

4.Items with a shortage(短缺物料): items whose quantity on hand is less than the sum of the requirements plus safety stock, within the exception time fence defined by the item’s planning exception set(在手量少于(总需求量+安全库存量)被视为短缺物料,在例外集定义)

5.Items with a shortage in a project(一个项目中无论短缺物料): items whose demand exceeds supply with a project/task for an item(在一个项目中,需求大于供给的短缺物料)

6.Items with excess inventory(超出库存料件): items whose quantity on hand exceeds the total requirements against the item, within the exception time fence defined by the item’s planning exception set(当前库存超出总需求数量,在例外集设定值之上的料件)

7.Items with excess inventory in a project(在一个项目中超出库存料件): items whose supply exceeds demand with a project/task for an item(在一个项目中,一个料件供给超出需求)

8.Items with expired lot(过期料件): lots that expire within the planning horizon(在水平展望期内批量过期)

9.Items with negative starting on hand(在手量开始为负库存料件): items with a negative onhand beginning balance(在手量开始为负库存料件)

10.Items with no activity(不具有活动的物料): items with no demand or supply in the current plan(在当前MRP中没有参与运算的料件)

11.Items with repetitive variance: items with suggested aggregate schedules that differ from current aggregate schedules by more than a user–defined repetitive variance percentage, up to the exception date defined by the item’s planning exception set

12.Late order due to resource shortage(由于瓶颈资源导致order推后): items that will cause a late order because a resource required to manufacture the item is overloaded

13.Late supply pegged to forecast(最迟供给反查预测): items with shortages that prevent forecast demand from being met, caused by component shortages (短缺物料导致预测延迟满足)

14.Late supply pegged to sales order(最迟供给反查订单): items with shortages that prevent sales order demand from being met, caused by component shortages(短缺物料导致订单延迟满足)

15.Orders to be cancelled(要取消的订单): items with orders that the planning process recommends be cancelled MRP建议取消工单,采购单)

16.Orders to be rescheduled in(重新计划提前的单): items with orders that the planning process recommends be rescheduled to an earlier dateMRP建议提前工单,采购单)

17.Orders to be rescheduled out(重新计划延期的单): items with orders that the planning process recommends be rescheduled to a later dateMRP建议推后工单,采购单)

18.Orders with compression days(具有压缩天数的订单): items with planned orders, discrete jobs and purchase orders that have compression days and need to be expedited(对计划订单,工单,采购订单需要压缩时间来加速完成)

19.Past due forecast(过期预测): items with a forecast demand due date earlier than the plan start date(料件预测日期早于计划起始日期)

20.Past due orders(过期订单): items with planned orders, discrete jobs and purchase orders that are past due(指过期的计划订单,工单,采购单)

21.Past due sales orders(过期销售订单): items with a sales order due date earlier than the plan start date(销售订单日期早于计划起始日期)

22.Resource Overloaded(资源超载): a resource is overloaded, as defined by the load ratio entered in the exception set(资源超载是定义在例外集里面)

23.Resource Underloaded(资源欠载): a resource is underloaded resources, as defined in load ratio entered in the exception set(资源欠载是定义在例外集里面)

组 例外信息 解释
02 订单创建日期在过去,可能是没有及时处理
03 订单开始日期在过去,可能是没有及时处理
04 订单结束日期在过去,可能是没有及时处理
64 无法满足订单交货期,系统根据工艺路线排产后,发现实际完成日期在交货期之后。
01 例行提示,告诉你此订单已由系统自动改变,适用于没有作过任何处理的订单
42 订单的建议已经被改变,用于数量的变化
62 工艺路线错误或没有工艺路线
52 无BOM
96 现有库存低于安全库存
10 建议将交货期提前,会给出再计划日期
15 建议将交货期延后,会给出再计划日期
20 建议取消此订单,一般情况下用于上层的需求已取消,或此订单是手工建立的
30 系统根据上层需求的变化对订单的交货期提出建议,一般会给出一个再计划日期
98 计划不正常结束

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