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转载 Oracle Materialized Views Containing Joins Only

介绍 只包含表连接而没有聚合的物化视图。与聚合类似,表连接也是相当消耗资源的操作,将其结果预先计算并存储于物化视图中,可以提高SQL执行效率。 每一个基表(包括inline vie...

2013-12-13 14:09:23 138

转载 Oracle物化视图3 - Prebuilt MV

Oracle中,Prebuilt MV建立在同名的普通表上。Prebuilt MV的列是该同名表的列的一个子集。也就是说,该同名表可以包含不在MV中出线的列(Unmanaged columns)。 在MV刷新...

2013-12-09 23:02:32 157

转载 Oracle物化视图2 -- Query Rewrite及参数

Query Rewrite的条件 Individual materialized views must have the ENABLE QUERY REWRITE clause. ...

2013-12-09 22:44:39 170

转载 Oracle 物化视图1 - 单表聚合及其快速刷新

简介物化视图在数据仓库中常用,将结果预先计算好并存储在物化视图中,Oracle数据库通过Query Rewrite访问物化视图。可以提高SQL反应速度,改善用户体验。整个过程对用户是透明的。对于每个物化视图,Ora...

2013-12-09 11:22:08 270

转载 ORA-04091和Compound Trigger(Oracle 11g)

Trigger 常见有两种:行(Row Trigger)和语句(Statement Trigger) 还有:Instead of Trigger和Event trigger。 例子1...

2013-12-05 23:51:04 117

转载 Oracle Query Result Cache

IntroductionThe server result cache is a memory pool within the shared pool.When a query executes, the da...

2013-12-04 17:49:19 112

转载 Oracle Data Integrator和GoldenGate集成

先上架构图: 先决条件1.Oracle database 11g已安装,2. Oracle GoldenGate 11g for Linux已安装3. Oracle Data In...

2013-12-04 15:46:15 133

转载 Oracle取随机数函数

The basic function gets a random number, greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, with 38 digits to the right o...

2013-12-04 14:53:27 83

转载 DBMS_Utility学习

Comma_to_table 和 Table_to_Comma,比较有用。以下是例子:DECLARE v_len BINARY_INTEGER; v_tab DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY;...

2013-12-04 14:46:40 141

转载 Oracle Deterministic Function

Specify DETERMINISTIC to indicate that the function returns the same result value whenever it is called with the s...

2013-12-04 13:22:09 69

转载 【总结】去重的SQL

1. Group-by,最简单的办法select owner from all_objects group by owner;2. 分析函数select owner from (select owner, r...

2013-12-04 10:47:30 96

转载 Oracle Sequence Nocache


2013-12-03 14:20:50 143

转载 Oracle Linux 6.4配置NFS

1. Installsu - rootyum install nfs-utilsservice nfs startchkconfig --list nfschkconfig nfs on2. Turn...

2013-12-02 10:15:31 88

转载 利用Data Pump快速创建schema及其权限

expdp schemas= content=metadata_onlyimpdpremap_schema=: ...

2013-11-28 23:27:28 97

转载 Oracle分区表迁移

有时,我们需要在另一个Oracle服务器上重建一个表,而这个表包含非常多的分区/子分区时,DB Link +CTAS不是个好选择,因为我们需要列出所有分区,得到所有分区信息也需要一些时间。这时imp/exp或者Data Pum...

2013-11-28 17:20:32 112

转载 Oracle常见数字函数

Round - 四舍五入Trunc - 简单截取Ceil - The CEIL function determines the smallest integer greater than (or equal to) a ...

2013-11-27 21:40:00 80

转载 Oracle Reporting 7 - Model Examples

Looping in Model:select product, country, year, week, inventory, sale, receiptsfrom sales_factwhere countr...

2013-11-27 14:58:50 81

转载 Oracle Reporting 6 - Model

Example:SELECT SUBSTR(country, 1, 20) country,SUBSTR(product, 1, 15) product, year, salesFROM sales_viewW...

2013-11-26 18:18:11 132

转载 Oracle Reporting 5 - Windowing

Winodwingclause : rows | range between ... and .... ROWS - specifies the window in physical units (rows...

2013-11-26 16:04:43 104

转载 Oracle Create Table as Select

CTAS employs thedirect path load, in other words, it skips loading data into buffer cache. PGA...

2013-11-26 13:30:30 220

转载 Oracle Linux xargs Command

This manual page documents the GNU version of xargs. xargs reads items from the standard input, delimited by blan...

2013-11-25 22:54:11 58

转载 ORA-00001 : Unique Constraint Violated caused by DATE VS Timestamp(6)

Create table tt1 (dt date primary key);Create table tt2(dt timestamp(6) primary key);Insert into tt2 v...

2013-11-25 21:56:01 87

转载 Oracle Reporting 4 - Time Series Calculations

Query 1:SELECT SUBSTR(p.Prod_Name,1,6) Prod, t.Calendar_Year,sum(s.amount_sold) salesFROM Sales s, Times t, ...

2013-11-25 21:50:30 71

转载 Oracle Reporting 3 - Aggregation Level

To determine the aggregation level in a report, Oracle provides grouping_id and group_id functions.Grouping_ID:G...

2013-11-25 21:19:16 112

转载 Oracle Reporting 2 - Subtotals and Grand Total

Oracle provides rollup, cube, and grouping sets extensions to groupto calculate subtotals and grandtotals. Each o...

2013-11-24 20:47:08 155

转载 Oracle Reporting 1 - Ratio_to_Report Function

The RATIO_TO_REPORT function computes the ratio of a value to the sum of a set ofvalues.RATIO_TO_REPORT ( expr )...

2013-11-24 20:09:25 74

转载 ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this systemCause: The MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on thi...

2013-11-24 13:31:42 62

转载 Oracle nologging

The size of a redo log generated for an operation in NOLOGGING mode is significantly smaller than the log generate...

2013-11-24 00:37:16 79

转载 Linux sed Tips

--Removing the last comma from each line.sed 's/,$//' xxx.file ...

2013-11-23 17:49:26 50

转载 Oracle Database Compression 2 - Advanced/OLTP Compression

Advanced Row Compression - OLTP CompressionThis type of compression is intended for OLTP applications and compre...

2013-11-21 23:10:35 80

转载 Oracle Database Compression 3 - Hybrid Columnar Compression

Hybrid Columnar CompressionHybrid Columnar Compression is a feature of the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database...

2013-11-21 23:08:57 138

转载 Oracle Database Compression 1 - Basic Compression

Basic Row CompressionThis type of compression is intended for bulk load operations.The database does not compres...

2013-11-21 22:19:37 139

转载 Oracle Timezone

Oracle中相关的时区大体可以分为两类:数据库时区和session时区。select dbtimezone from dual;ALTER DATABASE SET TIME_ZONE='+08:00';selec...

2013-11-20 23:25:56 160

转载 Linux Ctrl Z

Ctrl +Z putsa process in background. For instance, while you're editing a file using vi, hitting Ctrl+z brings us...

2013-11-20 11:24:56 50

转载 SELinux tips

Disabling SELinuxsudo vi /etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled: ...

2013-11-20 09:58:17 52

转载 Oracle Lock Information Queries

--Find out what objects are locked.select c.owner, c.object_name, c.object_type, b.sid, b.se...

2013-11-19 13:51:33 57

转载 Setting up Samba3.6.9 on Oracle Linux 6

This post is based on:http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Sharing_Files_between_RHEL_6_and_Windows_Systems_with_S...

2013-11-18 22:48:26 92

转载 GoldenGate Tips

1. Download OGG forWindows 7 64 bitLogin Oracle E-Delivery,Select "Oracle Fusion Middleware" for proudct pack...

2013-11-18 10:14:13 66

转载 Export with Spool and Parallel Utl_File

Dumpwith SPOOLset trimspool on --removes trailing blanks at the end of each displayed or spooled line.set fee...

2013-11-12 15:00:18 87

转载 Oracle Parallel Parameters

PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICYSpecifies whether or not automatic degree of Parallelism,statement queuing, and in-memory...

2013-11-12 10:59:46 76



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