ORA-00600 memory leak

Case study: http://www.ubtools.com/jira/browse/QA-20


Investigation: https://dioncho.wordpress.com/2009/06/09/707/


$ cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tetrix02_oxita2odb01/tetrix02/trace

$ ls alert*


/00600 enter


vim /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tetrix29_prod02odb05/tetrix29/incident/incdir_87650/tetrix29_q003_8519910_i87650.trc

//根据trace 内容

--使用metalink,搜ora 600 [723]

-- freeable  "KPON Callback A" 说明内存泄露,可释放的内存块


Dump file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tetrix29_prod02odb05/tetrix29/incident/incdir_87650/tetrix29_q003_8519910_i87650.trc

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/1120/db11g01

System name:    AIX

Node name:      prod02odb05

Release:        1

Version:        6

Machine:        00F63A5B4C00

Instance name: tetrix29

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 <none>

Oracle process number: 0

Unix process pid: 8519910, image: oracle@prod02odb05.hosting.eu (Q003)


*** 2015-01-21 04:25:42.960

Dump continued from file: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tetrix29_prod02odb05/tetrix29/trace/tetrix29_q003_8519910.trc

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [723], [118312], [456968], [memory leak], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Three Argument format:
  Arg [a] Minimum acceptable leak (This indicates that EVENT 10262 is already active)
  Arg [b] Logoff PGA size in bytes  (This value should be > Arg [a] - however, see Note below)
  Arg [c] "memory leak"

========= Dump for incident 87650 (ORA 600 [723]) ========

----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) -----

******** ERROR: PGA memory leak detected 456968 > 118312 ********

Version:        6

Machine:        00F63A5B4C00

Instance name: tetrix29

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 <none>

Oracle process number: 0

Unix process pid: 8519910, image: oracle@prod02odb05.hosting.eu (Q003)


*** 2015-01-21 04:25:42.960

Dump continued from file: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tetrix29_prod02odb05/tetrix29/trace/tetrix29_q003_8519910.trc

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [723], [118312], [456968], [memory leak], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


========= Dump for incident 87650 (ORA 600 [723]) ========

----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) -----

******** ERROR: PGA memory leak detected 456968 > 118312 ********


HEAP DUMP heap name="pga heap"  desc=110004a58

 extent sz=0x20c0 alt=216 het=32767 rec=0 flg=3 opc=3

 parent=0 owner=0 nex=0 xsz=0xfff0 heap=0

 fl2=0x60, nex=0, dsxvers=1, dsxflg=0x0

 dsx first ext=0x1062e910

EXTENT 0 addr=110b9b4c0

  Chunk        110b9b4d0 sz=    13088    free      "               "

  Chunk        110b9e7f0 sz=      448    freeable  "KPON Callback A"

Dump of memory from 0x0000000110B9E7F0 to 0x0000000110B9E9B0

110B9E7F0 00B38F00 000001C1 00000001 10B9B4D0  [................]

110B9E800 00000001 099DECAC 00000000 00000000  [................]

110B9E810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]

        Repeat 1 times

110B9E830 00000000 00000000 00000100 00000000  [................]

110B9E840 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]

        Repeat 7 times

110B9E8C0 00000001 10004A58 00000001 1041FC18  [......JX.....A..]

110B9E8D0 00000001 1041FC48 00000001 1041FC30  [.....A.H.....A.0]

110B9E8E0 00000001 104B5F10 00000000 00000000  [.....K_.........]

110B9E8F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]

        Repeat 4 times

Oracle kernel function from which the problem is raised:

------------------- start error stack dump with barriers

   <error barrier> at 0xfffffffffffdd30


------------------- end   error stack dump with barriers

----- END DDE Action: 'dumpKGEState' (SUCCESS, 0 csec) -----

----- START DDE Action: 'kpuActionDefault' (Sync) -----

Begin OCI Current State Dump

End OCI Current State Dump



ORA-600 [723] "PGA memory leak" (Doc ID 39308.1)

Note: For additional ORA-600 related information please read Note:146580.1
  This article discusses the internal error "ORA-600 [723]", what 
  it means and possible actions. The information here is only applicable 
  to the versions listed and is provided only for guidance.

  Format: ORA-600 [723] [a] [b] [c]

  versions 6.0 and later
  There is a memory leak in the Program Global Area (PGA)
  The PGA is checked for Space Leaks at logoff time. This error is reported when a leak was found.
  There is no data corruption with this error.
There are two formats for this error.
Two Argument format:
  Arg [a] Logoff PGA size in bytes
  Arg [b] Text related to the leak. Typically "memory leak"
Three Argument format:
  Arg [a] Minimum acceptable leak (This indicates that EVENT 10262 is already active)
  Arg [b] Logoff PGA size in bytes  (This value should be > Arg [a] - however, see Note below)
  Arg [c] "memory leak"
  Note: Due to a bug, before Oracle 11gR1, Arg [a] and Arg [b] were reported as being the same value.
  PROCESS FAILURE - but only during session delete so impact is minimal
  NON CORRUPTIVE - No underlying data corruption.
  Event 10262 can be set to safely ignore small memory leaks.
  Set the following event in the init.ora file to disable, for example, space leaks less than 4000 bytes:
        event = "10262 trace name context forever, level 4000"
  Then stop and restart the database.
  Repeated errors can be diagnosed further by sending the alert.log and trace files to Oracle Support Services.
  Known Issue:

We suggest to:

  • Determine if you have any script that is killing sessions.

    In other words, find out why you have dozens of:
    opidcl aborting process unknown ospid (...) as a result of ORA-28 written to your alert log.
    There must be a script that is killing sessions.
    Avoiding the killing of sessions should prevent these ORA-600 error messages.
  • Safely ignore these harmless ORA-600 [723] errors if they happen sporadically.
  • Or set event 10262 in your init.ora / spfile to safely ignore small space leaks.
    There is no output from this event.
    It only affects the self checking code used within Oracle.

    Refer to Note 21235.1 - EVENT: 10262 "Do not check for memory leaks"-Reference
  • Try to isolate a mean to reproduce this issue and log a service request


Wed Jul 08 14:33:23 2015

Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/oxybus01_dexca2odb01/oxybus01/trace/oxybus01_q001_8978456.trc 


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [723], [118336], [277320], [memory leak], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Incident details in:



Situation: Restart the db for parameter modify.


Reference to: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=39308.1&displayIndex=4&_adf.ctrl-state=3gyk4dj33_159&_afrLoop=239396287284484

There is 1 bug listed.







ORA-600 [723] UGA leak of "KPON Callback A" memory in QMNC slave (Qnnn process)

  • '*' indicates that an alert exists for that issue.
  • '+' indicates a particularly notable issue / bug.
  • See Note:1944526.1 for details of other symbols used

Symbols details: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=239541229372416&parent=DOCUMENT&sourceId=39308.1&id=1944526.1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=3gyk4dj33_306


Bug fix



This issue is fixed in


 ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdsgrp1], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Check following 2 document ,  these should  resolve the issue.
Causes and Solutions for ora-600 [kdsgrp1] (Doc ID 1332252.1)
Detailed Steps for Troubleshooting ORA-00600 [kdsgrp1] (Doc ID 1492150.1)



ORA-00600 [msqcol:idnlen] (Doc ID 1535824.1)






Mon Aug 10 22:45:25 2015

Archived Log entry 60337 added for thread 1 sequence 60109 ID 0x5dd026c2 dest 10:

Mon Aug 10 22:50:22 2015

Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/tetrixl2_proda2odt02/tetrixl2/trace/tetrixl2_j003_61931522.trc 


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [msqcol:idnlen], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Incident details in:



Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/1120/db11g01

System name:    AIX

Node name:      proda2odt02

Release:        1

Version:        6

Machine:        00F7B78D4C00

Instance name: tetrixl2

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

Oracle process number: 201

Unix process pid: 61931522, image: oracle@proda2odt02.hosting.eu (J003)


*** 2015-08-10 22:50:22.555

*** SESSION ID:(450.42391) 2015-08-10 22:50:22.555

*** CLIENT ID:() 2015-08-10 22:50:22.555

*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2015-08-10 22:50:22.555

*** MODULE NAME:(DBMS_SCHEDULER) 2015-08-10 22:50:22.555

*** ACTION NAME:(ORA$AT_SQ_SQL_SW_19467) 2015-08-10 22:50:22.555


Dump continued from file:


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [msqcol:idnlen], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


----- PL/SQL Stack -----

----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----

  object      line  object

  handle    number  name

700000135f6eff0     11816  package body SYS.DBMS_SQLTUNE_INTERNAL

7000001bb5f2e88         7  SYS.WRI$_ADV_SQLTUNE

7000001b89615c8       587  package body SYS.PRVT_ADVISOR

7000001b89615c8      2655  package body SYS.PRVT_ADVISOR

7000001b9e53b98       241  package body SYS.DBMS_ADVISOR

7000001b963e300       821  package body SYS.DBMS_SQLTUNE

7000001b9d53b50         4  anonymous block


Since the bugs we have with this error have never been resolved, we do not currently know if the solution is permanent or not.

In case the error is seen again at a later point in time, first try to resolve the issue through the use of:
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_system_stats;


Select from Compressed Table Gets ORA-00600 [kgh_heap_sizes:ds] Error (Doc ID 1614071.1)




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