These Romans had been

These Romans had been

The one states the actual and inward effects of the forgiveness of sins through faith, the other merely refers us to the influence of an external rite."«Continue It may be further observed, that the passage before us describes a great moral change as effected by baptism. baptized into Christ. It was this baptism that associated them with Christ, and thus accomplished the great spiritual transformation they had undergone. I confess Louboutin Outlet that I see no alternative between adopting the spiritual interpretation of Christian Louboutin Mens Shoes this passage, or the Puseyite doctrine of baptismal regeneration. Hence this is one of the texts appealed to in its support. Is it any reply to this doctrine to assume that baptism by water is a figurative Christian Louboutin Sale representation of the believers' burial and Christian Louboutin Men Sneakers resurrection with Christ? It is no easy task, as our Baptist friends have found, and I venture to add, will continue Christian Louboutin Discount to find, to convince others that there is any resemblance between the immersion of a body in water, and the burial and resurrection of the Christian Louboutin Outlet Online Lord Jesus Christ* Is it not a far better reply, that baptism in this passage is not that of* I am informed that, when Mr. Noel was baptized, Mr. Sheppard, the esteemed minister who officiated, previous to baptizing one of the candidates, said, "Come, see the place where the Lord lay." The effect Christian Louboutin Outlet produced on many minds was most painful. I am persuaded that very many Baptist ministers would shrink from using language so solemn and affecting in such a connexion; but the unguarded use of this and similar expressions, is by no means calculated to produce on thoughtful minds a favourable impression, either as towater, but of the Spirit? because a spiritualbaptism was promised; and here are results,such as we might reasonably expect spiritualbaptism would produce. For experience provestheir interpretation of the passage in the Romans, or their mode of administering the ordinance of baptism.


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