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翻译 gpt-2 生成文本_对gpt 2进行了微调,以实现神奇的收集风味文本生成

gpt-2 生成文本A template for fine-tuning your own GPT-2 model. 用于微调您自己的GPT-2模型的模板。 GPT-3 has dominated the NLP news cycle recently with its borderline magical performance in text generation, but for ever...

2020-09-18 01:09:03 1364

翻译 数据科学家 数据工程师_有效数据科学家的9个习惯

数据科学家 数据工程师Working in the fast paced world of data science? Here are some habits that are bound to increase your productivity. 在快速发展的数据科学世界中工作? 这里有一些习惯必将提高您的生产力。 Data science is quite the trend right...

2020-09-18 00:58:05 263

翻译 每个仪表板中包含三个动态文本

*While dashboard is a hotly debated topic, for the purposes of this story, I am referring to a dashboard as a collection of data visuals that a user can interact with. For example, a turnover dashboar...

2020-09-15 16:00:15 391

翻译 javascripts范围

JavaScript的作用域是什么? (What is Scope in JavaScript?)In JavaScript, Scope refers to where something is available to us. It is defined by where variables are declared and where they are available for us ...

2020-09-12 15:51:31 185

翻译 让网页响应环境光线_如何设置多个环境以响应本机

让网页响应环境光线In this article I’ll explain a bit more about how to setup different environments in React Native and how to properly manage them across Javascript and native code. 在本文中,我将进一步解释如何在React Nativ...

2020-09-12 15:41:01 149

翻译 没有同理心_在设计上超越同理心

没有同理心We talk a great deal about empathy in design. It’s the first step in design thinking and the heart of human-centered design. Agencies love it, clients love it, designers love it. It’s a buzzword ...

2020-09-10 12:11:13 547

翻译 精通css和css权威指南_CSS中的笔触文字:权威指南

精通css和css权威指南Original Article: Stroke Text CSS — The Definitive Guide 原始文章: 描边文本CSS —权威指南 In this tutorial, I will show you how to create the stroke text CSS effect. 在本教程中,我将向您展示如何创建笔触文本CSS效果。 Befor...

2020-09-10 12:02:01 266

翻译 报有一个初学者的心态_初学者的心态

报有一个初学者的心态“Read the books, practice everyday. Focus … Be a monk.” “读书,每天练习。 专注……成为一个和尚。” This post-it note was sitting on my full-length bedroom mirror for the last four months. I wrote it down during...

2020-09-10 11:51:25 508

翻译 快速的UX批评:Kanye West的总统签名收集网站

Before we get started, I have to say that I am not at all commenting on Kanye’s politics or his right to run for office. Mostly because I don’t know what his politics are, but also because I want to k...

2020-09-10 11:41:11 101

翻译 视觉设计师跟平面设计_用户体验设计师应了解的6条视觉设计原则

视觉设计师跟平面设计 重点 (Top highlight)When I was studying visual communications design in college, I was fascinated by how much power designers have in making people think, feel, and act a certain way. 当我在大学学习...

2020-09-10 11:31:08 302

翻译 圣诞颂歌 结构_颂歌

圣诞颂歌 结构Sitting quietly, minding its own business somewhere in my Steam library is a quaint little game named Night in the Woods. Its promotional art features cute little animal people, with a captivat...

2020-09-10 11:21:05 353

翻译 彼得原理定义_定义设计系统原理

彼得原理定义What is a 什么是 good design system? Depending on who you ask, it can mean different things. Good for who? In what way is it good? How do I measure its goodness? I think this is normally where so...

2020-09-10 11:10:56 279

翻译 lynda ux_UX训练营不是您所想的

lynda uxI really enjoyed my UX bootcamp experience. I was a star student. I risked a lot to attend and I received an amazing return: I landed a mid-level UX Design role that I love, with a salary and ...

2020-09-10 10:50:13 349

翻译 追踪捕捉-人体追踪-地屏_只是我的类型-追踪字母的演变

追踪捕捉-人体追踪-地屏When we talk about “design”, we usually mean a designer crafting an object or idea, like a car or an advertising campaign. Running shoes are designed, rocks are not. Buildings are designed...

2020-09-09 02:29:32 2391

翻译 如何让你爱的人爱上你_不要爱上你的设计

如何让你爱的人爱上你As a designer, artist, inventor, we love our design. After all, we have given our hearts and soul to the design. We have done everything we could to make it the best, and we want everyone to...

2020-09-09 02:10:21 143

翻译 测试可视化_流行测验:这些COVID-19可视化怎么了?

测试可视化My professional duties include building data visualizations that a) contain useful information and b) are intuitive to use and interpret. Therefore, it bugs me when I encounter visualizations in ...

2020-09-09 01:59:57 403

翻译 沉浸式ui设计_有助于沉浸的视频游戏UI —武器轮

沉浸式ui设计Many action-adventure games rely on the feeling of thrills via bullets, fire, grenade, more bullets, and gigantic booms. The way to enable all these is to offer a massive arsenal, from machetes...

2020-09-09 01:50:33 1015

翻译 被动收入_我花了54天的时间才能获得100美元的被动式设计收入

被动收入Back in July, I’ve started my quest of creating a passive income design project from scratch. I’ve been documenting and measuring success, failures, and the things I’ve learned for since the start...

2020-09-09 01:39:47 634

翻译 对马鬼怪的幽灵

With such a large volume of attention surrounding it, attempting to approach a game like Ghost of Tsushima is extremely daunting. Along with the swathes of key Twitch personalities streaming it and al...

2020-09-09 01:29:43 725

翻译 网卡驱动程序设计_设计卡

网卡驱动程序设计 牌? 你是说喜欢扑克? (Cards? You mean like Poker?)Close. But no, not exactly. 关。 但是不,不完全是。 We’re talking about “cards” in User Interface terms. Although it’s not untrue that the concept of cards in ...

2020-09-09 01:19:55 136

翻译 qimage 缩放失真_缩放级别错误如何导致设计反馈失真

qimage 缩放失真I notice that many people (myself included) tend to create, observe, present, and critique designs in a zoomed out state. This can be the case when looking at work-in-progress designs in an...

2020-09-09 01:10:25 630

翻译 figma下载_如何在Figma中添加多个交互

figma下载Figma prototypes have historically been limited to one interaction per object, but they recently* introduced the feature for multiple interactions. Using single interactions has been our bread ...

2020-09-09 01:00:48 3021

翻译 无法找到设计注释_您如何找到时间进行设计?

无法找到设计注释For the past few months, I’ve noticed an increasing number of designers online complaining about their lack of time to design. 在过去的几个月中,我注意到越来越多的在线设计师抱怨他们缺乏设计时间。 They have a packed agenda ful...

2020-08-26 07:55:03 1021

翻译 ux工具_13个有用的UX研究工具

ux工具The landscape of UX research tools has been growing to cover everything from recruiting participants, logistics, capturing remote or in person sessions, usability tests, generating reports and mor...

2020-08-26 07:44:21 496

翻译 分布式系统设计和开发_计划,设计和开发设计系统

分布式系统设计和开发Here is a topic discussed in every company: communication between departments. 这是每个公司讨论的主题: 部门之间的沟通 。 As Front-End developers, we sit in between UX designers and Back-End developers. Our ap...

2020-08-26 07:35:09 1166

翻译 蓝牙配对不弹配对框_人工智能和字体配对。

蓝牙配对不弹配对框First, a quick ML vs AI difference to make me sound cool. ???? 首先,ML与AI的快速差异使我听起来很酷。 ???? Artificial Intelligence is a broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way that we wo...

2020-08-26 07:15:03 158

翻译 产品设计中重要的用户体验_为什么好的设计对任何产品都重要?

产品设计中重要的用户体验 设计,设计层次 (Design, Layers of design)Good design is always been a clear success to many of the big companies in the world. The good design has been a interest, which has been increased in t...

2020-08-26 07:05:49 350

翻译 ui设计基础_UI设计基础:如何开始

ui设计基础 第5部分 (Part 5)After we went through all the very basics of UI design based on Designing User Interfaces free chapters it’s time to start moving those rectangles! 在基于“免费设计用户界面”一章介绍完UI设计的所有基础知识之后...

2020-08-26 06:55:44 180

翻译 界面设计 视觉层次_如何为界面设计实现视觉层次结构

界面设计 视觉层次As much as we would like to consider design as a form of art, its foundations are strongly built on scientific grounds. So, the next time you look at a wonderful website UI mockup on Pinteres...

2020-08-26 06:45:58 798

翻译 ux和ui_编写样式以获得更好的UI和UX

ux和ui 重点 (Top highlight)Every product team should make an informed decision that makes sense for its own brand. Often there are many inconsistencies in a product/platform. Every product will benefit f...

2020-08-26 06:35:45 106

翻译 ux和ui_10个关键的UX和UI设计元素将提供最佳的积极用户体验

ux和uiUX designers are constantly thinking about the experience of a concept or product. As we work through the UX process it allows us to discover growth opportunities for existing products or explore...

2020-08-26 06:25:13 338

翻译 线上幽灵:世界头号黑客_开放世界设计的经验教训:幽灵行动的故事

线上幽灵:世界头号黑客 游戏设计案例研究 (GAME DESIGN CASE STUDY)Video games convey the exquisite sense of escapism like no other medium. Documentaries about exotic places, exciting fantasy tales, and delicious novels a...

2020-08-26 06:15:07 1742

翻译 瑞思康达交换机命令_英国广播公司瑞思和卡兰

瑞思康达交换机命令Content By The Readability Group 可读性组的内容 Typefaces are the foundation of accessible visual reading experiences, so choosing a performant typeface that enhances legibility and readability for...

2020-08-26 06:05:11 1056

翻译 认识有远见的人,将Aretha Franklin的传记片“尊重”带入生活

When the Aretha Franklin biopic Respect comes out (hopefully later this year), you can credit production designer Ina Mayhew for how it looks. It’s her job to create sets and designs that make the loc...

2020-08-26 05:56:04 382

翻译 网站样式快速设计软件_如何(快速)设计样式指南

网站样式快速设计软件Creating a styleguide is often a lengthy, decision-intensive exercise. Most large organizations will spend loads of time and money to make sure it fully encompasses their brand, company cult...

2020-08-26 05:45:15 169

翻译 第一次开发react项目_第一次与开发人员合作

第一次开发react项目This is a reflection from my rewarding 5-weeks experience in my TechPoint SOS Challenge, where my team won the first prize in the Work from Home category!???? Big thanks to all my teammates a...

2020-08-26 05:35:05 198

翻译 设计世界中的阴阳:带有微妙文字的强大英雄形象

Tom Hanks once said, “I have gone through so many examinations of what a hero is, between World War II stuff and the astronaut stuff.” 汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)曾经说过: “在第二次世界大战和宇航员之间 , 我经历了很多关于英雄是什么的检查。” Ofte...

2020-08-26 05:15:45 415

翻译 内存 technology_iPad Technology可以成为插画家吗?

内存 technologyI have no links to the developers of any of the apps mentioned. 我没有提到的任何应用程序的开发人员的链接。 Maybe you are a professional illustrator, or a committed hobbyist, or someone who wants to give thei...

2020-08-26 05:04:52 577

翻译 模仿不再受宠若惊

If you haven’t heard of the Jio-Zoom plagiarism clash, you’re probably living under a rock (which may not be a bad idea given the state of the world right now). The turf war between Jio Meet and Zoom ...

2020-08-23 17:18:19 115

翻译 linkedin爬虫_UX信息采访:如何在LinkedIn上让陌生人喝咖啡

linkedin爬虫If you are fresh to UX, nothing is more powerful than the “coffee chat”. Here is a strategic approach on how — and who — to ask for an informational interview, so you can move closer to your...

2020-08-23 17:08:24 605



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