Google Desktop: now a widget engine

Google Desktop:

Google Desktop until not long ago worked as the right way to gain desktop search powered by google along a way to get shortcuts for google services. that is no more because now Google desktop is a Widget Engine in a move that really put them in advantage over Yahoo, something that is not so surprising if you care to read my review of the Yahoo Widget engine. the pint is that this move allow Google not only to power up their brand on the desktop but also boost significantly their Igoogle start page that was starting to slow down in adoption some months back because google gadgets are compatible with google desktop.

With this swift move, google could have put in jeopardy Yahoo Widgets dominance very fast, if Yahoo don´t respond before the year ends, it could be game over for them in terms of dominance if it not already is.

Google desktop also respond to 2007 "year of the widget" theme that turned to be totally true.

What is Google aiming for?

is a question that most be asking themselves, and the answer is "catch up and extend". something that can be pointed out to any of the big 3. Google Widget initiatives were pretty weak just 3 months ago and now look at them: there is widget adsense, igoogle got quite ramped up and now the final part of that angle is finally completed with the revamp of Google desktop.

By adopting a Bridge philosophy with the way their gadgets should work in the desktop and online ( The same) they can counteract Yahoo and Microsoft advancements with their respective start pages, they can take a shot at Yahoo domance with a hefty chance of winning and become the number one widget provider, take ashot at MS because not having a version of Windows Vista Sidebar for XP, a system that easily will reach a 10 year relevance period and also counter act the way MS is bridging their gadgets in the Windows Ecosystem before it could gain dominance.

Google has also showed quite a bold stance by duplicating the vista Sidebar for XP and even as a daring replacement for it in Vista. certainly a move Google would not have dared to make just a year ago…

Google Desktop Sidebar

What does it means?

That the widget game is getting even bigger and changing as fast as the landscape of web development. it also means that if the trends are right we should have only a handful of "universal" widget platforms when all is said and done and that even then, with all the widget translating services, there will be a easy way to shift from one to the other and that the change from online and desktop widgets will be not existing in terms of form and use.

Igoogle meet Desktop gadgets






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