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翻译 所见即所得编辑器_Froala所见即所得编辑器

所见即所得编辑器Froala WYSIWYG Editor Froala Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG rich text editor with a nice flat design. It is the first WYSIWYG editor with image resize that works even on mobile devices. The ...

2020-08-05 22:15:49 916

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤1

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 1 Do you like Pinterest? I am sure that yes, and, it is likely that you would like to create a similar photo website. I made up my mind to write a series of...

2020-08-05 22:05:13 260

翻译 日期选择器| jQuery UI

Full calendar datepicker. If you are not familiar with jquery ui, and you are looking for a way to add a datepicker to your website, it would be superfluous to read this article, where we will tell ho...

2020-08-05 21:55:32 430

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤2

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 2 Today I would like to introduce our second turorial where we are creating own Pinterest-like script. For today I prepared next interesting features: html5...

2020-08-05 21:35:47 232

翻译 学习外来词

带有外来语的日语句子Learning Foreign Words Do you think that learning new foreign words is tedious? Each of us could face with learning of new languages. Sure, it can be tiresome especially if you try to remem...

2020-08-05 21:26:46 99

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤5

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 5 Today – the first article in 2013. We are about to finish our Pinterest like script. In our fifth lesson I prepared next things: like and repin functional...

2020-08-05 21:17:03 162

翻译 带倍速音频播放器_带有播放列表HTML5音频播放器

带倍速音频播放器HTML5 Audio player with playlist HTML5 audio player. Many of you faced with the task of creating audio player at least once in your life. Quite often , you simply choose one of the available ...

2020-08-05 21:06:04 757

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤4

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 4 Welcome our friends and sorry for the delay, I had to do a lot of things in real life. But in any case, I am glad to give you our fourth lesson where we c...

2020-08-05 20:56:24 159

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤3

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 3 I hope you’re looking forward to a new lesson. For today I prepared few important changes. For the first – this is a new login and registration system for...

2020-08-05 20:35:40 278

翻译 如何创建类似Pinterest的脚本-步骤6

How to create Pinterest-like script – step 6 Several our readers asked us to implement an infinite scroll for our Pinterest script, thus I decided to implement it today. I made some research, and cam...

2020-08-05 20:25:44 92

翻译 ae以图像作为蒙版_带蒙版的Webkit图像效果

ae以图像作为蒙版Webkit image effects with masks Today’s article may seem short, but it describes some interesting features of webkit browsers, in particular – the animation of images using masks. I want to w...

2020-08-05 20:16:35 272

翻译 jquery缩放图片_jQuery CSS缩放图像教程

jquery缩放图片Today I will tell you about another one useful tool of JQuery – Zoomimage plugin. It allow to reach different design ideas with images resizing. Features 今天,我将向您介绍JQuery的另一个有用工具-Zoomimage插件...

2020-08-05 16:16:46 441

翻译 使用AngularJS的自适应网站

Responsive website using AngularJS In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you the process of creating almost an entire website with a new library – AngularJS. However, firstly, I would like to introd...

2020-08-05 16:06:55 590

翻译 用jQuery定位背景

Jquery Tutorial on how to Position Backgrounds 关于如何定位背景的jQuery教程 Today I will tell you about another one useful tool of JQuery – backgroundPosition plugin. It allow to reach different design ideas wi...

2020-08-05 14:57:43 126

翻译 jquery导入实现导入_使用jFeed(jQuery)导入RSS feed

jquery导入实现导入RSS feed – using jFeed (jQuery) to aggregate RSS This simple tutorial will show you how to Import rss feeds of any site into your own custom area/block of website. It can be used as news i...

2020-08-05 14:47:01 122

翻译 angularjs css_带有AngularJS和CSS3的照片库

angularjs cssPhoto Gallery with AngularJS and CSS3 Today I will show you the process of creating photo slider with AngularJS and CSS3. The slider itself is not very complicated, but it will have a un...

2020-08-05 14:14:41 1393

翻译 DataTables –来自Ajax的数据,就地编辑

DataTables – Data from Ajax, Edit in Place Quite often, when it comes to tabular data and the need to put them on the screen in a convenient form with various additional features, we can seriously co...

2020-08-05 14:04:12 171

翻译 jexpand_使用jExpand创建可扩展表

jexpandCreating expandable tables with jExpand Haven’t you thought about making your tables expandable? Recently I stumbled to a very interesting and incredibly useful (in my opinion) plugin – jExpan...

2020-08-05 13:33:10 140

翻译 redis 哨兵 票数_内容组织上的票数

redis 哨兵 票数Content organization on the number of votes Quite often, we have the task to display any content (from the database) on the screen, many may argue that this is quite simple and trite. This ...

2020-08-05 13:00:57 233

翻译 计数循环和条件循环_使用TimeCircles创建循环计数器

计数循环和条件循环Creating circular counter with TimeCircles Today we will talk about new jQuery plugin – TimeCircles, this is truly remarkable jQuery plugin that allows counting up and down (from a certain t...

2020-08-05 12:11:47 573

翻译 使用HTML5 Canvas和KineticJS的Snake游戏

Snake game using HTML5 Canvas and KineticJS Snake game. In the beginning, before start making a new game, you need to prepare the concept (logic) of the game. You need to have a clear idea about it. ...

2020-08-05 11:51:59 141

翻译 高图– jQuery的更深入实践

matlab中等高图Highcharts – deeper practice for real statistics Everyone of us can face with a situation, when we need to handle with some statistics. Me too, I was going to make a short review on how to b...

2020-08-05 11:32:03 139

翻译 带有LazyLoad的响应式照相馆(least.js)

lazyload.jsResponsive Photo Gallery with LazyLoad (least.js) Looking for a great responsive photo gallery with lazy load effect, then our new article is for you. During my wanderings on the internet ...

2020-08-05 11:22:34 115

翻译 导入多个RSS feed-使用newsWidget(jQuery)

Importing multiple RSS feeds – using newsWidget (jQuery) 导入多个RSS feed-使用newsWidget(jQuery) Some times ago I told how to display rss feed at our website. But some times ago my friend ask me how to dis...

2020-08-05 10:05:49 79

翻译 使用jQuery和VisualLightBox创建照片库

Creating photo gallery using jQuery and VisualLightBox 使用jQuery和VisualLightBox创建照片库 Today I will tell you about one useful JQuery plugin – VisualLightBox. This plugin can help you to create good-look...

2020-08-05 09:54:54 135

翻译 jquery创建css_创建一个简单而时尚CSS Jquery菜单

jquery创建cssNowadays, css menus are becoming more and more popular, which is not surprising. Small size, fast speed, ease to create. In today’s tutorial I will tell you how to create a stylish navigati...

2020-08-05 07:02:45 211

翻译 ajax 文件上传 文件名_创建基于Ajax的文件上传器

ajax 文件上传 文件名I got one interesting theme. How to upload files without refreshing whole page during submitting. Hope this will interesting to you. Lets check 2 methods – using ordinary iframes and exte...

2020-08-05 06:41:18 144

翻译 jcarousel_带jCarousel的固定滑块

jcarousel?ontent slider with jCarousel Today we are going to develop a nice content slider with jCarousel. It is possible that you have already seen similar sliders before, and were looking forward to...

2020-08-05 05:20:08 222

翻译 jquery 封装幻灯插件_21个jQuery幻灯片插件

jquery 封装幻灯插件21 jQuery Slideshow plugins 21个jQuery幻灯片插件 In today`s article I collected most attractive jQuery plugins which you can use for creating photo album or galleries. I used several of them i...

2020-08-05 04:50:41 608

翻译 带有JcropHTML5图片上传器

HTML5 Image uploader with Jcrop We have received several inquiries for the last time from our readers with a question – how to upload photos to website. I think that this is an interesting question, a...

2020-08-05 04:12:30 134

翻译 last.fm apk_Last.fm javascript API实践

last.fm apkLast.fm javascript API practice Today I would like to give you something new, we have already talked about different social networks like facebook, google or twitter, but we haven’t tried o...

2020-08-05 03:52:32 372

翻译 jparallax_使用jParallax创建动画电子贺卡

jparallaxE-cards with jParallax. During browsing web I came across a very interesting plugin – jParallax, and suddenly remembered that soon the international women’s day, and decided that today will d...

2020-08-05 03:31:57 149

翻译 如何使用jQuery和UI Slider控制文本属性

jQuery UI Slider tutorial. Today I will tell how you can use jQuery to animate and control your text. We will changing font size, font family and other properties. Where we can use this? As example to...

2020-08-05 03:11:27 204

翻译 带有jQuery的3D CSS3图书生成器

3D CSS3 Book Generator with jQuery Today we made up my mind to develop something really interesting and useful for you. A new jQuery plugin – as a generator of books. The main idea is to display user ...

2020-08-05 02:11:48 163

翻译 如何使用jPlayer插件(jQuery)在您的网站上添加音频和视频

jPlayer video player. Today we continue jQuery lessons, and will talk about adding customizable player for audio or video files to our website. This new plugin jPlayer is pretty good: it allows play m...

2020-08-05 00:53:55 833

翻译 jquery-ui 对话框_如何使用UI对话框(jQuery)创建动画对话框

jquery-ui 对话框UI Dialog tutorial. Today we continue jQuery lessons, and we will talk about creating user window dialogs. We will using UI Dialog plugin. This plugin allow us to choose text, buttons (an...

2020-08-05 00:44:35 242

翻译 使用Jcrop(jQuery)在运行时裁剪图像

Today we use jcrop api. During browsing the Internet I noticed one new good plugin which we can use to work with images. This is JCrop plugin, it can help us to perform different effect with images (a...

2020-08-05 00:25:55 130

翻译 ndarray 花式_花式图片库– jqFancyTransitions

ndarray 花式Fancy Image gallery – jqFancyTransitions In our new tutorial I would like to show you how to create a nice looking photo gallery with transition effects. I’m going to use a ready jQuery plug...

2020-08-05 00:16:33 128

翻译 skitter_新的很棒的jQuery照片库– Skitter

skitterNew Great jQuery Photo Gallery – Skitter Building photo gallery with Skitter. Today we will continue overviews of available photo galleries. Next gallery is Skitter. This is jQuery gallery. Thi...

2020-08-04 23:55:57 366

翻译 您网站的Javascript跨域API

Javascript cross-domain api for your website Welcome our readers. Today I would like to give a small but very important lesson where we will create our own cross-domain javascript api. I think that ma...

2020-08-04 22:55:39 106



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