

Ok. You’ve built your site. Found a good host. Promoted your URL and submitted to search engines. You constantly trawl resources like SitePoint for the latest ways to boost traffic, generate loyalty, and build a community.

好。 您已经建立了网站。 找到一个好的主人。 提升您的网址并提交给搜索引擎。 您不停地拖曳SitePoint等资源,以获取最新的方式来增加流量,提高忠诚度并建立社区。

But sales are still slow. Why? Your catalog could be letting you down.

但是销售仍然很慢。 为什么? 您的目录可能会让您失望。

Whether it displays only branded merchandise as a side-issue to the main purpose of your site, or it’s the core of your business as an online store, your electronic catalogue is critical to your sales.


It sounds obvious, but few people actually put any planning into their online catalog. Perhaps they’ve bought an off-the-shelf ecommerce solution, and think that all they need to do is simply follow the product instructions. Or maybe they’ve left the maintenance of their catalogue to their Webmaster. Either way, a half-hearted approach to your online catalog will result in sub-standard sales.

听起来很明显,但实际上很少有人将任何计划纳入他们的在线目录中。 也许他们已经购买了现成的电子商务解决方案 ,并认为他们只需要按照产品说明进行操作即可。 也许他们已经将目录的维护留给了网站管理员。 无论哪种方式,如果您三心二意地处理在线目录,都会导致销售不合格。

分析您的商店 (Analyze your Store)

Take a look at your site stats and identify just how many shoppers you lose at the point of purchase. Users may click away from your online store for a number of reasons. For instance:

查看您的网站统计信息,并确定在购买时您失去了多少购物者。 用户出于多种原因可能会点击离开您的在线商店。 例如:

  • They don’t think your product meets their needs

  • They can’t find a product they want

  • They lose interest and decide to look elsewhere

  • They don’t like the look of what they see in your catalog

  • They think they can get a better deal elsewhere

  • They don’t trust the security of their personal details on your site


Each of these failures can be easily fixed if you simply take the time to identify where your site lets you down.


考虑您的媒介和使用情况 (Consider your Medium and Usage Situation)

Because the online store is a metaphor borrowed in totality from real life, we tend to think very literally about our electronic shopfronts and their associated collateral. However, shopping online is not just like shopping in a bricks-and-mortar store. Why not?

由于在线商店是从现实生活中整体借用的隐喻,因此我们倾向于从字面上考虑一下我们的电子店面及其相关抵押品。 但是,在线购物不只是在实体店购物。 为什么不?

  1. Shoppers can’t experience your product as easily – if you sell music or books, you’re lucky. If it’s clothes or bicycles or a giant inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex, product experience will be a challenge for your customers.

    购物者无法轻松体验您的产品-如果您销售音乐或书籍,那么您很幸运。 如果是衣服,自行车或巨型充气霸王龙,则产品体验将对您的客户构成挑战。

  2. Shoppers make purchase decisions based on images in your catalog – they’re not standing in a store surveying shelves of goods from which to choose. The online search process can take a long time, particularly when it comes to choosing between products on different sites.

    购物者根据目录中的图像来做出购买决定-他们并不站在商店里调查可以选择的商品货架。 在线搜索过程可能会花费很长时间,尤其是在不同站点的产品之间进行选择时。

  3. Shoppers don’t usually have access to instant, face-to-face assistance in an estore – sure, you might have to wait for help in the local shopping centre, but once you’ve got the sales assistant’s full attention, you’re unlikely to let them go until you’ve asked them all you need to know.

    购物者通常无法在网上商店中获得即时的面对面帮助 -当然,您可能必须在当地的购物中心等待帮助,但是一旦获得了销售助理的全力支持,您就可以在您问完所有您需要知道的内容之前,不太可能让他们离开。

  4. While online shopping might be allotted more of the user’s time than are some other online tasks, speed is still of the essence – where a user might sit down with a cup of tea to look through your physical catalog, they face different pressures in the online environment.

    尽管与其他一些在线任务相比,在线购物可能会分配给用户更多的时间,但速度仍然至关重要 -在这种情况下,用户可能会坐下来喝杯茶浏览您的实物目录,但他们在在线上面临着不同的压力环境。

So what do your shoppers want? Speed. Brevity. Information. Security. Ease.

那么您的购物者想要什么? 速度。 简短。 信息。 安全。 缓解。

使您的网站销售 (Make Your Site Sell)

Jay Levinson and Charles Rubin’s essential text, Guerilla Marketing Online Weapons, suggests a number of techniques to improve the sales success of your catalog:

杰伊·莱文森(Jay Levinson)和查尔斯·鲁宾(Charles Rubin)的基本文章《 游击营销在线武器 》提出了许多提高目录销售成功率的技术:

Logical Organization A well-presented contents page that lists your categories in an easy-to-understand, navigable manner will give your users a good starting point. Consider http://www.sony.com/. Here, menu item rollovers provide a sub-menu for extra information, in case you’re not sure which top level menu item to select.

逻辑组织一个内容清楚的内容页面,以易于理解的导航方式列出您的类别,这将为您的用户提供一个良好的起点。 考虑http://www.sony.com/ 。 如果您不确定要选择哪个顶级菜单项,此处的菜单项过渡会提供一个子菜单,以提供更多信息。

Use of Graphics Use high-quality, fast-loading thumbnails which, when the user clicks on them, appear in a more detailed popup window. This puts control over the purchase experience back into the user’s hands: they’re not forced to wait for long downloads of pages heavy with graphics.

使用图形使用高质量,快速加载的缩略图,当用户单击它们时,它们会显示在更详细的弹出窗口中。 这将对购买体验的控制权交还给用户:他们不会被迫等待长时间下载大量带有图形的页面。

Also, try to include images alongside (not amongst) text. And remember that the inclusion of extra items to make your picture more attractive not only wastes precious download speed and page space on superfluous graphics, but also means that you run the risk of confusing users. Australia’s http://www.greengrocer.com.au exemplifies these guidelines to the letter.

另外,请尝试在图片旁边(而不是文字之间)添加图片。 请记住,添加额外的项目使您的图片更具吸引力,不仅浪费了宝贵的下载速度和多余图形上的页面空间,还意味着您有使用户困惑的风险。 澳大利亚的http://www.greengrocer.com.au将该信中的这些准则作为例证。

Product Descriptions Avoid forcing readers to scroll or click through extra pages in order to get essential product information. You want them to be able to understand all they need to know at a glance. http://www.petsmart.com is a great example. Not only are product descriptions punchy and written with personality, but they’re descriptive, and the user has the option to access more detailed information on each product type if they need it.

产品说明避免强迫读者滚动或单击多余的页面,以获得重要的产品信息。 您希望他们能够一目了然地理解所有需要了解的内容。 http://www.petsmart.com是一个很好的例子。 产品说明不仅带有个性,而且内容丰富,而且具有描述性,用户可以选择访问每种产品类型的详细信息。

Search Facilities A decent search facility is essential to any online store. Allow your users to search by any parameter they could conceivably imagine – and let them to click through easily from the results listing to view information on each product. There’s a good search facility at http://www.landsend.com. If your search returns a huge number of results, the search page will display only a couple from each category, offering users the option to click through in order to view all the results returned from a particular category.

搜索工具体面的搜索工具对任何在线商店都是必不可少的。 允许您的用户通过他们可以想象到的任何参数进行搜索,并让他们轻松地从结果列表中单击以查看每个产品的信息。 http://www.landsend.com上有一个很好的搜索工具。 如果您的搜索返回了大量结果,则搜索页面将仅显示每个类别中的几个,用户可以选择单击以查看特定类别返回的所有结果。

支持您的目录 (Support your Catalog)

There’s a literally unlimited range of other techniques that you can employ to complement your efforts in your online catalog:


1. Offer samples and guarantees


It’s old news, but surprisingly few sites do it. If you can’t offer a sample of the product (either online, as a download, or through the mail), make sure your guarantee is reasonable, and that you stand by it. Shoppers need reassurance that they’re not going to get something they don’t want.

这是个老新闻,但令人惊讶的是,很少有网站这样做。 如果您不能(在线,下载或通过邮件)提供该产品的样品,请确保您的保证是合理的,并坚持使用该产品。 购物者需要放心,他们不会得到他们不想要的东西。

http://www.landsend.com allows users to view items of clothing assembled on a model – handy if your shoppers are putting together outfits, or want to see what a new garment will look like with an item they already have.


2. Cater to different information needs


While shoppers may be united in certain aspects (e.g. they all want to be able to assess your offering quickly and easily) it’s true that you won’t know what particular aspect of a product or service they really care about.


For instance, if you sell whitegoods, one shopper might be most interested in a refrigerator’s size, temperature settings, and bonus features (like that handy automatic ice crusher!), while another might be more concerned with warranties, whether you carry out repairs and maintenance, and your delivery areas. The solution? If you can’t fit everything you need to one that first page of product content, provide more detailed information in an optional format, such as a printable fact sheet, popup or alternate page.

例如,如果您出售白色家电,则一个购物者可能对冰箱的尺寸,温度设置和附加功能(例如便捷的自动碎冰机!)最感兴趣,而另一个可能更关心保修,是否进行维修和保养。维护,以及您的送货区域。 解决方案? 如果不能满足您所需的所有内容,请以可选格式提供更详细的信息,例如可打印的情况说明书,弹出窗口或替代页面。

3. Facilitate return visits


Often, users buy on subsequent visits to your site, not on their first. So you need to make it easy for them to come back:

用户通常是在随后访问您的网站时购买的,而不是第一次访问。 因此,您需要让他们轻松回来:

  • allow users to bookmark individual product information pages

  • allow visitors to email themselves (or friends) information on products, and print information directly from your site with ease

  • provide them with the opportunity to store favourites etc. in your system for future access


4. Make it easy for shoppers to contact you


While we can’t all afford a full customer service staff to man phones and participate in online chat, the provision of a quick, easy channel for customers to communicate with your business can mean the difference between making a losing a customer.


5. Use appropriate language


That is, use language that suits your users, your brand personality, and the look and feel of your site. Avoid all those marketing clichés and terminology that will baffle, intimidate, or confuse.

也就是说,使用适合您的用户,您的品牌个性以及网站外观的语言。 避免使用所有会混淆,恐吓或混淆的行销陈词滥调和术语。

And remember: your online catalog is the point at which all your targeting and promotional efforts will succeed or fail. It’s worth the effort to get it right!

请记住:在线目录是您所有定位和促销工作成功或失败的关键所在。 值得付出正确的努力!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/online-catalog-sales/






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