

In this day and age, it seems everything online has a price associated with it. Whether you’re subscribing to a pay site for full articles or clicking on ads in a blog, everything online seems to have money associated with it. Luckily there’s still a large, and very healthy, movement online for media files listed under the Creative Commons licenses.

在当今时代,似乎所有在线商品都有与之相关的价格。 无论您是订阅付费网站以获取全文,还是点击博客中的广告,所有在线内容似乎都与之相关。 幸运的是,仍然存在大量的,非常健康的在线移动,其中包含知识共享许可下列出的媒体文件。

For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, these are files you can use in the creation of web sites and other media, free of charge. However, do be mindful that there are different degrees of the license, and some of them are for private use only, or they may require that you include an attribution to the original creator. Make sure to read and understand the various licenses, and which one each file you discover uses.

对于不熟悉该概念的人,可以免费使用这些文件来创建网站和其他媒体。 但是,请注意,许可的程度不同,其中有些许可仅供私人使用,或者它们可能要求您包括原始创作者的署名。 确保阅读并理解各种许可证,以及发现的每个文件使用哪个许可证。

When this article was first published in 2009, SitePoint had gathered over 30 of the best resources online for audio, video, images and more for use in your next project. As the years have passed, the Creative Commons movement has gained a lot of momentum. While a few of the sites in the initial list have gone silent, the new updated list boasts a much larger number of new entries.

当本文于2009年首次发布时,SitePoint已在线收集了30多种最佳音频,视频,图像资源,并在您的下一个项目中使用了更多资源。 随着时间的流逝,知识共享运动蓬勃发展。 虽然初始列表中的一些站点已变得无声,但新的更新列表拥有更多的新条目。

How large? Too large to go into full details for each entry. That’s why we will highlight, for each section, five websites we find most interesting, while the rest of the entries will follow in alphabetical order. All this being said, it’s time to get things rolling.

多大? 太大,无法进入每个条目的完整详细信息。 因此,对于每个部分,我们将重点介绍五个我们认为最有趣的网站,而其余条目将按字母顺序排列。 话虽这么说,现在该让事情进展了。

音讯 (Audio)

Free audio clips and songs essentially have a limitless number of uses, from playing in the background of videocasts, to being the opening theme to a podcast, or even just being used as a sound effect when users click on a link. Of all the resources out there, Creative Commons licensed music has the most potential uses for content creators and designers alike.

从视频播放的背景播放到作为播客的开幕主题,甚至当用户单击链接时,它们甚至只是用作声音效果,免费的音频剪辑和歌曲实际上都有无限的用途。 在所有资源中,知识共享许可的音乐对于内容创作者和设计师而言都有最大的潜在用途。

The spread of media creation on YouTube, Vimeo and other platforms has raised the demand for quality audio clips that can be used by small content creators without losing the option to monetize their content. It’s no surprise these kinds of resources are very popular. The large number of new entries on our list proves it.

媒体创作在YouTube,Vimeo和其他平台上的广泛传播提高了对高质量音频剪辑的需求,这些音频剪辑可供小型内容创作者使用,而又不会失去通过其内容获利的选择。 这些资源非常受欢迎也就不足为奇了。 我们列表上的大量新条目证明了这一点。

ccMixter.org (ccMixter.org)

ccMixter offers up thousands of Creative Commons licensed remixed songs in just about every genre available. Make sure to read each track’s info page to see just which version of the license it follows.

ccMixter几乎在每种流派中提供多达数千种Creative Commons许可的混音歌曲。 确保阅读每个曲目的信息页面以查看其遵循的许可证版本。


开放音乐 (MusOpen)

MusOpen is the online repository for music in the public domain. The vast majority of the tracks are classic music with all the famous composers present in the lineup. There’s also a large collection of sheet music, as well as numerous music education resources.

MusOpen是公共领域中音乐的在线存储库。 绝大部分曲目都是古典音乐,阵容中所有著名的作曲家都在场。 还有大量的活页乐谱,以及大量的音乐教育资源。


FMA –免费音乐档案 (FMA – Free Music Archive)

The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads where all of the audio has been hand-picked by one of their established audio curators. Every MP3 you discover on The Free Music Archive is pre-cleared for certain types of uses that would otherwise be prohibited by copyright laws not designed for the digital era.

免费音乐档案馆是一个互动式图书馆,提供高质量的合法音频下载,所有音频均由其既定的音频策展人之一亲自挑选。 您在“免费音乐档案”中发现的每个MP3均已针对某些特定用途进行了预先清除,否则,这些版权将被非数字时代设计的版权法所禁止。


Tyk诺 (TeknoAXE)

TeknoAXE hosts a very large collection of music (over 1200), with new pieces added every week. All songs are distributed under CC 4.0 license and are free to use everywhere as long as one posts the attribution info.

TeknoAXE拥有大量音乐(超过1200种),并且每周都会添加新作品。 所有歌曲均根据CC 4.0许可证分发,只要其中一则发布了归属信息,便可以在任何地方免费使用。


西尔弗曼声音工作室 (Silverman Sound Studios)

Siverman Sound Studios is the place where musician Shane Ivers shares his music. You can browse through almost 100 free songs in various genres — all of them being offered under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Siverman Sound Studios是音乐家Shane Ivers分享音乐的地方。 您可以浏览近100种不同类型的免费歌曲-所有歌曲均根据“ 知识共享署名4.0国际许可”提供

Silverman Sound Studios

其他提供音频资源的网站 (Other websites offering audio resources)

If you couldn’t find the tracks you wanted in the featured entries above, don’t despair. One can find plenty of audio tracks under Creative Commons license in the following websites (listed here in alphabetical order):

如果您在上面的精选条目中找不到想要的曲目,请不要失望。 在以下网站(这里按字母顺序列出)下,您可以在Creative Commons许可下找到大量音轨:

一般搜寻 (General Searches)

While it’s great to have all of this Creative Commons media out there for people to use, finding it can be a whole different matter. Luckily, there are several sites that have come along to ease your pain and help you search for just the right files. While some, such as the Archive.org one, only search their site, their collection is so extensive, it’s still worth including.

尽管所有这些Creative Commons媒体都可以供人们使用是很棒的,但发现它可能是完全不同的事情。 幸运的是,有几个网站可以缓解您的痛苦并帮助您搜索正确的文件。 尽管某些文件(例如Archive.org)仅搜索他们的网站,但它们的馆藏如此广泛,仍然值得包括在内。

知识共享搜索 (Creative Commons Search)

The first stop in a generic CC search should be the search interface provided by the Creative Commons organization itself. While not a search engine in itself, this tool instead connects to various other search engines and resources in order to fetch the best result.

常规CC搜索的第一站应该是知识共享组织本身提供的搜索界面。 虽然该工具本身并不是搜索引擎,但可以连接到其他各种搜索引擎和资源,以获取最佳结果。


They also provide a beta version of a new tool dedicated only to image search, which you can access at ccsearch.creativecommons.org.


CCSearch Beta

Archive.org (Archive.org)

Most people only think of Archive.org for the Wayback Machine, but it also offers up a huge selection of audio, video and text documents under the Creative Commons license.

大多数人只想到Wayback Machine的Archive.org,但根据Creative Commons许可,它也提供了大量的音频,视频和文本文档选择。


维基共享资源 (Wikimedia Commons)

Everyone knows about Wikipedia. Not that many people know about its Creative Commons section, Wikimedia Commons. This is a collection of over 40 million media files that may be freely reused subject to certain restrictions (in many cases). Be sure though to check the license details for each file to see how you can use it.

每个人都知道维基百科。 没有多少人知道它的知识共享部分,Wikimedia Commons。 这是超过4000万个媒体文件的集合,这些文件可以在一定的限制下(在许多情况下)可以自由重用。 确保检查每个文件的许可证详细信息,以了解如何使用它。

Wikimedia Commons

让我们抄送 (Let’s CC)

Let’s CC is a Korean website that acts as an interface to search for CC licensed files. It doesn’t have an index of its own, instead using other search engines like Flickr or YouTube. Just like in every other case, make sure to check the license details for each file.

CC是韩国的网站,充当搜索CC许可文件的界面。 它没有自己的索引,而是使用Flickr或YouTube等其他搜索引擎。 就像在其他情况下一样,请确保检查每个文件的许可证详细信息。

Let's CC

Pond5的公共领域项目 (The Public Domain Project by Pond5)

Pond5 initiated the Public Domain Project as a way to make historic media files available for your creative projects. With over 60 thousand files in the collection, it is a place worth checking.

Pond5启动了“公共领域项目”,以使历史媒体文件可用于您的创意项目。 馆藏有6万多个文件,是一个值得检查的地方。

The Public Domain Project

主流搜索引擎 (Mainstream search engines)

Of course, one doesn’t necessarily need a specialized tool to find Creative Commons resources. The same thing can be done using either of the mainstream search engine. No matter if you prefer Google, Bing, Yahoo or something else, add “Creative Commons” to any of your media search query and you should get some good results.

当然,不一定需要专门的工具来查找知识共享资源。 使用任一主流搜索引擎都可以完成相同的操作。 无论您是喜欢Google,Bing,Yahoo还是其他工具,都可以在您的任何媒体搜索查询中添加“知识共享”,这样您将获得不错的结果。

图片 (Images)

Back in 2009, finding free pictures under a Creative Commons license was a fairly daunting task, as most of the market was dominated by the stock photography sites. Fast forward several years and we find that this is the category of resources with the greatest growth. Where our initial list had 10 entries, the updated lineup has over 70 items. This makes the job of selecting 5 featured websites even more difficult, and it’s inevitable not everyone might agree with our pick.

早在2009年,在知识共享许可下寻找免费图片是一项艰巨的任务,因为大部分市场都由股票摄影网站主导。 快进几年,我们发现这是增长最快的资源类别。 我们的初始列表有10个条目,而更新后的阵容有70多个条目。 这使选择5个特色网站的工作变得更加困难,而且不可避免的是,并非每个人都会同意我们的选择。

A special mention needs to be made to a subcategory of websites — the one author collections. Many photographers have chosen to offer their work under various flavors of Creative Commons license. In some cases, a few people pooled their images together for a larger collection. While the total number of pictures in each of these websites is not that large, you can find amazing shots that won’t be featured anywhere else.

需要特别提及网站的一个子类别-“一个作者收藏”。 许多摄影师选择以各种不同的Creative Commons许可提供作品。 在某些情况下,少数人将他们的图像集中在一起以收集更大的图像。 虽然这些网站中的图片总数不是那么大,但是您可以找到在其他任何地方都不会出现的惊人照片。

Flickr知识共享 (Flickr Creative Commons)

Flickr was, and still remains, the best place to find images licensed under Creative Commons. There are pre-filtered searches for each flavor of CC with results often numbering in the tens of millions. Some of the entries in the list below are powered by the Flickr API. This is definitely the first website you should visit if you’re searching for Creative Commons pictures.

Flickr曾经是,现在仍然是查找根据知识共享许可的图像的最佳场所。 对CC的每种风味都有预过滤的搜索,结果通常数以千万计。 下面列表中的某些条目由Flickr API提供支持。 如果您要搜索知识共享图片,这绝对是您应该访问的第一个网站。

Flickr Creative Commons

Unsplash (Unsplash)

Unsplash is, without a doubt, the poster child of the free pictures movement that has taken the internet by storm over the last several years. What started in 2013 as a Tumblr site with 10 pictures leftover from a photoshoot is today a thriving community with over 200,000 images, more daily views than The New York Times, close to 100 million downloads, and partnerships with industry giants such as Apple.

毫无疑问,自由飞溅是过去几年来风靡互联网的免费图片运动的发源子。 成立于2013年的Tumblr网站最初仅拍摄了10张照片,如今已成为一个繁荣的社区,拥有超过20万张图片,每日观看量超过《纽约时报》,下载量接近1亿,并与苹果等行业巨头建立了合作伙伴关系。


500px创用CC (500px Creative Commons)

500px is another community portal aiming to replace Flickr, as the latter has been fading out of public interest over the last decade. With over 12 million users, it looks like they can back up their claims. And just like Flickr, they offer similar predefined searches to make it easier for you to find out any images released under Creative Commons licenses.

500px是另一个旨在取代Flickr的社区门户,因为Flickr在过去十年中一直出于公共利益而淡出。 拥有超过1200万用户,他们似乎可以备份自己的声明。 就像Flickr一样,它们提供类似的预定义搜索,使您可以更轻松地找到根据Creative Commons许可发布的任何图像。

500px Creative Commons

Pixabay (Pixabay)

Pixabay is another example of a thriving online community focused on sharing photos, illustrations, vector graphics and videos. Unlike Flickr and 500px, all content is exclusively available under CC0 — meaning they’re all part of the public domain. All submissions are screened and approved before being admitted, and there’s even an API for all you app developers out there.

png是繁荣的在线社区的另一个例子,该社区致力于共享照片,插图,矢量图形和视频。 与Flickr和500px不同,所有内容只能在CC0下使用-这意味着它们都是公共领域的一部分。 所有提交内容都经过筛选和批准后才被接受,甚至还有一个API供您所有的应用程序开发人员使用。


自由射击 (Libreshot)

Last of the featured spots goes to Libreshot. We’re dipping here into the growing pool of single-author websites — in this case that of Martin Vorel, from Prague, Czech Republic. There are several hundred pictures available, and you can view the most popular images over the last 24 hours, 30 days or from the beginning of the site.

最后的特色景点是Libreshot。 我们将在这里进入不断增长的单一作者网站库-在这种情况下,是来自捷克共和国布拉格的Martin Vorel的网站。 有数百张图片,您可以查看过去24小时,30天或从站点开始的最受欢迎图片。


其他提供知识共享图片的网站 (Other websites offering creative commons images)

As promised above, we have here a very large list of websites, arranged in alphabetical order.


文字 (Texts)

The use of the licensed texts can be a bit odd, but they’re great for pulling quotes and phrases from to go in site headers.


古腾堡计划 (Project Gutenberg)

Project Gutenberg started in 1971 and can be safely considered the first digital repository of public-domain content. The philosophy behind the project is to make information, books and other materials available to the general public in forms a vast majority of the computers, programs and people can easily read, use, quote, and search.

古腾堡计划始于1971年,可以被公认为第一个公共领域内容数字存储库。 该项目的理念是以绝大多数计算机,程序和人们可以轻松阅读,使用,引用和搜索的形式,向公众提供信息,书籍和其他材料。

Project Gutenberg

文字内 (Intratext)

The IntraText library contains over 12 millions texts dating back as far as 900 B.C., and as recent as the 21st century. Make sure to check what license is used for each resource individually before using it.

IntraText库包含超过1200万条文本,其历史可追溯到公元前900年,最早可追溯到21世纪。 在使用每个资源之前,请确保分别检查用于每个资源的许可证。


智慧共享 (Wisdom Commons)

The Wisdom Commons is a place to find and discuss information about virtues that human beings generally agree are important — like generosity, compassion and courage, and so on. This is backed up with several thousands quotes, poems, fables, essays and other similar works that are all free to use.

智慧公地是寻找和讨论人类普遍认同的美德的信息的地方,例如慷慨,同情和勇气等。 这是由数千行情,诗歌,寓言,散文和其他类似作品免费提供的。

Wisdom Commons

公共领域评论 (The Public Domain Review)

The Public Domain Review is an online journal and not-for-profit project dedicated to the exploration of curious and compelling works from the history of art, literature, and ideas.


The Public Domain Review

美国政府出版物目录 (The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications)

The CGP is the finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive information for historical and current publications as well as direct links to the full document, when available. Users can search by authoring agency, title, subject, and general keywords.

CGP是联邦出版物的查找工具,其中包括历史和当前出版物的描述性信息,以及直接链接到完整文档(如果可用)的信息。 用户可以按创作机构,标题,主题和常规关键字进行搜索。

The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

其他提供知识共享文本,书籍和出版物的网站 (Other websites offering creative commons texts, books and publications)

Just as before, here are some other websites leading to lesser-known caches of public domain and creative commons texts.


影片 (Videos)

More and more of the web is turning to video, and online video viewing has hit an all time high. Nowadays, there’s a very large demand for quality stock video that’s free to use without paying a fortune for the right to do it. If you find yourself needing such videos, here’s where you should start searching.

越来越多的网络正在转向视频,并且在线视频观看量创历史新高。 如今,对高质量的免费视频的需求非常大,这些视频可以免费使用而无需为此付出巨额资金。 如果您发现自己需要此类视频,请在这里开始搜索。

Vimeo知识共享 (Vimeo Creative Commons)

Vimeo is aiming to be the second largest video community after YouTube. They back this position with one of the largest collections of Creative Commons licensed videos and by providing the tools to find these videos fast enough to matter.

Vimeo的目标是成为仅次于YouTube的第二大视频社区。 他们提供了最大的知识共享许可视频集之一,并提供了足够快地找到这些视频的工具,以此来支持这一立场。

Vimeo Creative Commons

维德沃 (Videvo)

Videvo offers completely free stock video footage and motion graphics for use in any project. It boasts a collection of around 6000 clips and more are added every day. But be sure to check all the details of the license before you use the clips.

Videvo提供了完全免费的股票录像带和动态图形,可用于任何项目。 它拥有大约6000个剪辑的集合,而且每天都会增加更多的剪辑。 但是,在使用剪辑之前,请务必检查许可证的所有详细信息。


Pixabay (Pixabay)

We’ve featured Pixabay in the Images section and for good reason. We’re mentioning here again as it also boasts a great collection of video clips in HD and 4K resolution.

我们在“图像”部分中精选了“ Pixabay”,这是有充分理由的。 我们在这里再次提及,因为它还拥有大量高清和4K分辨率的视频剪辑。


Flickr (Flickr)

This list of featured websites must include Flickr and its over 95,000 videos licensed under Creative Commons. While most of them are amateur home made clips, you can find some hidden gems to use in your projects.

此特色网站列表必须包括Flickr及其根据知识共享许可的超过95,000个视频。 尽管其中大多数都是业余家庭自制的剪辑,但您可以在项目中找到一些隐藏的宝石。

Flickr CC Video

打开图像 (Open Images)

Open Images is an open media platform that offers online access to audiovisual archive material to stimulate creative reuse. Open Images also provides an API, making it easy to develop mashups. Access to the material on Open Images is provided under the Creative Commons licensing model.

Open Images是一个开放媒体平台,可在线访问视听档案材料,以刺激创意的重复使用。 Open Images还提供了API,使开发混搭变得容易。 在知识共享许可模式下,可以访问“打开图像”上的材料。

Open Images

其他提供知识共享视频资源的网站 (Other websites offering creative commons video resources)

Here are some more places where you can go searching for creative commons licensed video clips.


整理东西 (Wrapping things up)

Here we are at the end of our journey, with a huge list of new places to search for various Creative Commons resources. Hopefully this will make it a lot easier for you to find the right media for your projects.

这是我们旅程的终点​​,这里有大量的新地方可以搜索各种知识共享资源。 希望这将使您更轻松地找到适合您项目的媒体。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/creative-commons-sources/


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