No matter what type of business you’re in, creating a membership is a lucrative method of increasing your income. You can create recurring revenue, get ongoing support from your audience, and expand your brand’s reach. You can use memberships to sell online courses, coaching, and anything else you can imagine.
无论您从事哪种业务,创建会员都是增加收入的一种有利可图的方法。 您可以创造经常性收入,获得受众的持续支持,并扩大品牌影响力。 您可以使用会员资格来销售在线课程,教练以及您可以想象的其他任何东西。
It’s surprisingly easy to create a fully functioning membership site using nothing more than WordPress. In fact, you can use just one plugin and have an entire WordPress membership site up and running in less than an hour.
使用WordPress创建一个功能齐全的会员网站非常容易。 实际上,您仅需使用一个插件,即可在不到一个小时的时间内启动并运行整个WordPress会员网站。
In this guide, I’ll explore the different options you have to create a WordPress membership site, then I’ll show you exactly how to set it up.
哪个WordPress会员插件适合您? (Which WordPress Membership Plugin Is for You?)
There are several robust membership plugins on the market, and they all provide a ton of features. Here’s a brief overview of some of the most popular choices:
市场上有几种健壮的会员插件,它们都提供大量功能。 以下是一些最受欢迎的选择的简要概述:
s2member (s2member)
s2member gives you everything you need to start a membership site using WordPress. It gives you a wide range of customizable options, nicely integrates with PayPal, and uses shortcodes to make the entire process as easy as possible. There are both free and paid versions, but the free version has more than enough to get you started.
s2member为您提供使用WordPress建立会员网站所需的一切。 它为您提供了广泛的可自定义选项,可以与PayPal很好地集成,并使用短代码使整个过程尽可能地容易。 有免费版和付费版,但免费版足以让您入门。
会员2 (Membership 2)
The team behind the Membership plugin have revamped it into its current version, Membership 2. This plugin comes packed with all the abilities you’d expect from a membership plugin: access to downloads, automated recurring payments, paywall options, and several membership types, including dripped content membership. While there’s also a Pro version, the free version is a great framework that doesn’t cost a penny.
Membership插件背后的团队已将其修改为当前版本,即Membership2。该插件包含了您希望从Membership插件获得的所有功能:访问下载,自动定期付款,付费专区选项和几种会员类型,包括滴落的内容会员资格。 虽然还有Pro版本,但免费版本是一个很棒的框架,不需要花一分钱。
简单会员 (Simple Membership)
As the name implies, this plugin offers an easy solution to a WordPress-based membership site. It has all the bells and whistles, with various membership levels, recurring payments, and PayPal integration. One nice feature unique to this plugin is a login widget you can place in the sidebar so members can easily access their accounts.
顾名思义,此插件为基于WordPress的会员网站提供了一种简单的解决方案。 它具有所有的功能,具有不同的会员级别,定期付款和PayPal集成。 该插件独有的一个不错的功能是您可以将其放置在侧栏中的登录小部件,以便会员可以轻松访问其帐户。
There are several other options as well, but these three are some of the most popular contenders. For the purposes of this guide, s2member will be our plugin of choice, but any membership plugin you use should have similar features.
还有其他几种选择,但是这三个是最受欢迎的竞争者。 就本指南而言,s2member将是我们的首选插件,但是您使用的任何会员插件都应具有类似的功能。
入门 (Getting Started)
After you’ve installed and activated your plugin, the first step is to set up the basic memberships. You need to make some important decisions here:
安装并激活插件后,第一步是设置基本成员资格。 您需要在这里做出一些重要的决定:
- How many membership levels will you have? 您将拥有多少会员级别?
- What will you call each level? (ex. Silver, gold, etc.) 您将如何称呼每个级别? (例如,银,金等)
- How much will each level cost? 每个级别将花费多少?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can go through a few steps to bring those answers to life. You can complete these steps in any order.
回答完这些问题后,您可以通过一些步骤将这些答案付诸实践。 您可以按任何顺序完成这些步骤。
As I mentioned above, for this tutorial we’ll be using s2member.
如前所述,在本教程中,我们将使用s2member 。

步骤1:修改会员页面 (Step 1: Modify the Membership Page)
The Membership Options Page is a page on your site where readers can purchase memberships. You’ll need to create a new page for this. s2member recommends calling it Membership Signup, but you can call it whatever you’d like.
成员资格选项页面是您网站上的页面,读者可以在其中购买会员资格。 您需要为此创建一个新页面。 s2member建议将其称为“成员资格注册”,但您可以根据需要进行调用。
After you’ve made the page, you can tweak your options in the Membership Options Page section in s2member. Navigate to s2member > General Options > Membership Options Page. Make sure that the Membership Options Page is the correct one, and you’re good to go here.
制作完页面后,您可以在s2member的Membership Options Page部分中调整选项。 导航到s2member>常规选项>成员资格选项页面。 确保“成员资格选项”页面是正确的页面,并且您可以转到此处。
步骤2:修改登录欢迎页面 (Step 2: Modify the Login Welcome Page)
Head over to s2member > General Options > Login Welcome Page. Like you did with the membership page, you can create a new page that members will see after they log in. Alternatively, you can specify a redirect URL. s2member also provides a helpful knowledge base article here in case you get stuck.
转到s2member>常规选项>登录欢迎页面。 就像您对成员资格页面所做的一样,您可以创建一个新页面,成员登录后将看到该页面。或者,您可以指定重定向URL。 s2member还会在此处提供有用的知识库文章 ,以防您陷入困境。
步骤3:自定义注册 (Step 3: Customize Registration)
Go to s2member > General Options > Registration/Profile Fields & Options. Here, you can customize the registration process new members will go through. You can set up custom fields, toggle custom passwords, select a minimum password length, force personal emails, and more.
转到s2member>常规选项>注册/配置文件字段和选项。 在这里,您可以自定义新成员将要经历的注册过程。 您可以设置自定义字段,切换自定义密码,选择最小密码长度,强制输入个人电子邮件等等。
步骤4:注册设计 (Step 4: Registration Design)
This step is optional. It allows you to change the design of the login interface. Users will login just like you do, at If you want an aesthetic advantage, this is the page for you. You can change fonts and colors, insert your logo, and create a custom footer.
此步骤是可选的。 它允许您更改登录界面的设计。 用户将像您一样登录 。 如果您想要美学上的优势,那么此页面适合您。 您可以更改字体和颜色,插入徽标并创建自定义页脚。
步骤5:建立会员资格 (Step 5: Create Memberships)
Now it’s time to create the different memberships you’ll offer. In s2member, you can do this by going to s2member > General Options > Membership Levels/Labels. Here, you can create specific memberships for different levels of access. s2member gives you the ability to allow free memberships, and it also has 4 levels of paid membership. (You’ll see how these work in a moment.)
现在是时候创建您将提供的不同成员资格了。 在s2member中,您可以通过转到s2member>常规选项>成员资格级别/标签来执行此操作。 在这里,您可以为不同的访问级别创建特定的成员资格。 s2member使您能够允许免费会员资格,并且它还具有4个级别的付费会员资格。 (您稍后将看到它们如何工作。)
For now, choose how many memberships you’ll have. Then decide what kind of content each level will have access to. You’ll use that information a bit later on.
现在,选择您将拥有的会员资格。 然后确定每个级别可以访问的内容类型。 您稍后会使用该信息。
步骤6:整合付款 (Step 6: Integrate Payment)
s2member works with PayPal, which is one of the most popular payment processors for most membership plugins. In s2member, you can link your PayPal account by going to s2member > PayPal Options. In the PayPal Account Details tab, you’ll need to input your basic details, such as your PayPal email, merchant ID, and API credentials.
s2member可与PayPal一起使用,PayPal是大多数会员插件最受欢迎的付款处理器之一。 在s2member中,您可以转到s2member> PayPal Options链接您的PayPal帐户。 在“ PayPal帐户详细信息”标签中,您需要输入基本详细信息,例如您的PayPal电子邮件,商家ID和API凭据。
Next, go to the PayPal PDT/Auto-Return Integration. You’ll need to find your PDT Identity Token on PayPal, but don’t worry – s2member kindly tells you exactly where to find it.
接下来,转到PayPal PDT /自动返回集成。 您需要在PayPal上找到您的PDT身份令牌,但不用担心– s2member会告诉您确切的位置。
You can also change the signup confirmation email, post/page confirmation email, and change EOT (end of term) behavior. Modifying the EOT behavior is crucial, as you can decide what happens to customers once their membership is over.
您还可以更改注册确认电子邮件,帖子/页面确认电子邮件,以及更改EOT(学期结束)行为。 修改EOT行为至关重要,因为一旦客户结束,您就可以决定对客户的处理方式。
第7步:创建自定义购买按钮 (Step 7: Create a Custom Buy Button)
Now, you need to create a specific buy button that members can use to sign up. Navigate to s2member > PayPal Buttons. s2member leaves no stone unturned; it provides you with custom button generators for each level of membership.
现在,您需要创建一个特定的购买按钮,成员可以用来注册。 导航到s2member> PayPal按钮。 s2member不遗余力; 它为您提供了针对每个成员级别的自定义按钮生成器。
To create the Level 1 button, click on “Buttons for Level #1 Access.” You’ll see the button generator. Change the options to reflect the price and duration of your Level #1 membership, then click “Generate Button Code.” The code will be displayed in the WordPress Shortcode section below the form. Copy this and paste it onto the page you made for new members to sign up. When a reader visits the page, they’ll see the custom PayPal button. You will need to add some text to describe the membership.
要创建1级按钮,请单击“用于1级访问的按钮”。 您会看到按钮生成器。 更改选项以反映您的1级会员资格的价格和期限,然后单击“生成按钮代码”。 该代码将显示在表格下方的WordPress短代码部分中。 复制此内容并将其粘贴到您创建的页面上,以供新成员注册。 读者访问该页面时,他们会看到自定义的PayPal按钮。 您将需要添加一些文本来描述成员资格。
You can then simply repeat this for Levels #2, #3, and #4. You have the option of placing all of the PayPal buttons on the same page or using different pages for different levels of membership.
然后,您可以简单地对2级,3级和4级重复此操作。 您可以选择将所有PayPal按钮放在同一页面上,也可以将不同页面用于不同级别的成员资格。
步骤8:完成页面 (Step 8: Finalize Your Pages)
Recall the pages you set up earlier – your membership signup and login welcome page. Make sure these are to your liking.
回顾您之前设置的页面-您的会员注册和登录欢迎页面。 确保这些符合您的喜好。
步骤9:创建和保护内容 (Step 9: Create and Protect Content)
Whenever you create a page or post, you’ll see a section for s2member protection at the top right. Here you can choose which levels of members can see the content. You’ll mostly be concerned with the restriction option, as custom capabilities are outside the scope of this guide.
每当您创建页面或发布时,都会在右上角看到s2member保护部分。 在这里,您可以选择可以查看内容的成员级别。 您将主要关注限制选项,因为自定义功能不在本指南的范围内。
It’s important to note that if you make content available to a certain level, all of the higher level members will also be able to view it. So if you publish a post and require Level #3 membership, then Level #4 members will also be able to see it.
重要的是要注意,如果您将内容提供给特定级别,则所有更高级别的成员也将能够查看它。 因此,如果您发布帖子并要求#3级成员身份,那么#4级成员也将能够看到它。
With s2member’s protection functions, you have multiple options for displaying content. You can make an entirely members-only site so that people have to register to see content, or you can publish both public and members-only content.
使用s2member的保护功能,您可以使用多个选项来显示内容。 您可以建立一个完全仅限会员的网站,以便人们必须注册才能查看内容,或者可以发布公共内容和仅限会员的内容。
结论 (Conclusion)
And there you have it – you’ve now got a working membership site, and it took less than an hour. I didn’t go over all of the features, and there’s so much more you can tweak if you’d like. What you have right now is fully operational and ready for new members to sign up.
一切就绪–您现在拥有一个正常工作的会员网站,并且花费了不到一个小时的时间。 我并没有介绍所有功能,如果您愿意,还有更多可以调整的功能。 您现在拥有的功能已经完全投入使用,可以供新成员注册。
Please use the comments below to tell us what are your favourite membership plugins and why?