

介绍 (Introduction)

In part 1 of this article, we discussed concept of Email as a Service, and benefits it can bring. In this part we will talk a bit more about three leading and upcoming providers in this market -Sendgrid, Mailgun and Postmark. Each of these companies have their own set of unique features, and I will review these, along with the pricing and an inside look. These providers were selected by the fact that they all cover the important parts like SMTP hosting, inbound mail, scalability and analytics, together with many ways to integrate their service into your app (which can be a mobile app, or a website app).

在本文的第1部分中,我们讨论了电子邮件即服务的概念及其带来的好处。 在这一部分中,我们将进一步讨论该市场中三个领先和即将推出的提供商-Sendgrid,Mailgun和Postmark。 这些公司中的每一个都有自己的一套独特功能,我将对它们以及定价和内部外观进行审查。 选择这些提供程序的原因是它们都覆盖了SMTP托管,入站邮件,可伸缩性和分析等重要部分,以及将服务集成到您的应用程序(可以是移动应用程序或网站应用程序)中的多种方法。

森格 (Sendgrid)

We’ll start off with Sendgrid, which can be considered the largest player in this market. They have some pretty impressive customers like Pinterest, Spotify and FourSquare. SMTP hosting seems to be their core business, even though they also provide inbound mail. They give you lots of choice with their pricing plans, while the other companies provide a more simpler pricing.

我们将从Sendgrid开始,Sendgrid被认为是这个市场上最大的参与者。 他们有一些相当可观的客户,例如Pinterest,Spotify和FourSquare。 SMTP托管似乎是他们的核心业务,即使它们还提供入站邮件。 他们为您提供多种定价方案,而其他公司则提供了更简单的定价。

SMTP托管 (SMTP hosting)

Sendgrid’s massive infrastructure makes sure they can always handle your email volume, no matter how much you want to send. What sets them apart is that from a relatively low price commitment, you can get advanced stuff like a dedicated or multiple IP address(es), or even IP white labeling. In features they are close to Mailgun, and  their scale and customer base has to convince you they’re a good fit.

Sendgrid庞大的基础架构可确保无论您要发送多少邮件,它们都能始终处理您的电子邮件量。 使它们与众不同的是,从相对较低的价格承诺中,您可以获得高级的东西,例如专用或多个IP地址,甚至IP白标。 在功能上,它们接近Mailgun,其规模和客户群必须说服您,他们非常适合。

入站邮件 (Inbound mail)

The ability to process inbound mails is offered by Sendgrid, which can be used to handle replies from within your app. You can specify a hostname for your inbound mail domain, and after that you can integrate it with their API into your app. You can use JSON or XML for adding, editing or removing an entry. You can have incoming mails checked for spam before being parsed. There are no statistics for your inbound mail.

Sendgrid提供了处理入站邮件的功能,可用于处理应用程序中的回复。 您可以为入站邮件域指定一个主机名,然后将其与它们的API集成到您的应用程序中。 您可以使用JSON或XML来添加,编辑或删除条目。 在解析之前,您可以检查传入的邮件是否存在垃圾邮件。 您的入站邮件没有统计信息。

分析工具 (Analytics)


Sendgrid offers you the option to integrate Google Analytics, and provide an extensive set of reporting in their interface. They have a dashboard to display email metrics like sent mails, and open and click rates. And you can open reports to find out more about your spam reports, unsubscribes, bounces etc. There is an option to combine all these parameters, and dive into a specific time frame to see how it all works together. It’s quite extensive, and it should give you a good feel about your email handling.

Sendgrid为您提供了集成Google Analytics(分析)的选项,并在其界面中提供了广泛的报告集。 他们有一个仪表板来显示电子邮件指标,例如已发送的邮件,以及打开率和点击率。 而且,您可以打开报告以查找有关垃圾邮件报告,退订,退回等的更多信息。可以选择将所有这些参数组合在一起,并深入特定的时间范围以查看它们如何协同工作。 它涉及面很广,应该使您对电子邮件的处理感觉良好。

配置 (Setting up)

Sendgrid offers a clean interface, with everything neatly divided into interest areas. They make it easy for you to select what you want in an email service, segregated as apps which you can add to your service. This is also where you should look if you want to send an newsletter, because this is an app too. Overall their interface is easy to work with.

Sendgrid提供了一个干净的界面,将所有内容整齐地划分为感兴趣的区域。 它们使您可以轻松地在电子邮件服务中选择想要的内容,将其分离为可以添加到服务中的应用程序。 如果要发送新闻通讯,也应该在这里查看,因为这也是一个应用程序。 总体而言,它们的界面易于使用。


价钱 (Pricing)

Sendgrid’s pricing is quite similar to that of Mailgun, and you are looking at a $80+ monthly commitment if you want to all the professional goodies. Prices per 1.000 emails are ranging from $0,85 to $0,45 and even lower if you send more than 1.7 million emails per month.

Sendgrid的价格与Mailgun的价格非常相似,如果您想要所有专业的物品,则每月要支付80美元以上的费用。 每1.000封电子邮件的价格在$ 0.85到$ 0.45之间,如果您每月发送超过170万封电子邮件,价格甚至更低。

Mailgun (Mailgun)

Acquired by recently, Mailgun is becoming a serious contender in the Email as a Service market. They have a wide range of features and competitive pricing. Their customer base is not as impressive as Sendgrid, but has some nice names like Uservoice and the Financial Times. Their pricing is mostly based on send volume, instead of features, except for professional features like a dedicated IP.

Mailgun最近被Rackspace.com收购,已成为电子邮件即服务市场的重要竞争者。 它们具有广泛的功能和具有竞争力的价格。 他们的客户群并不像Sendgrid那样令人印象深刻,但是有一些不错的名字,例如Uservoice和Financial Times。 它们的价格主要基于发送量,而不是功能,除了专用IP之类的专业功能外。

SMTP托管 (SMTP hosting)

You get all the features right away, even with their free plan. The only difference with their higher paid plans are the IP addresses (shared) and DKIM signing (Mailgun’s). But that’s no problem when you’re just starting up, and want to keep your overhead low. Mailgun offers all the features described in part 1, and is up to par with Sendgrid on their more expensive plans. This is also their main selling point, giving you pro features right from the start.

您可以立即获得所有功能,即使有免费计划也是如此。 他们的高薪方案的唯一区别是IP地址(共享的)和DKIM签名(Mailgun的)。 但是,当您刚启动并希望保持较低的开销时,这没问题。 Mailgun提供了第1部分中描述的所有功能,并且在其更昂贵的计划上可与Sendgrid媲美。 这也是他们的主要卖点,从一开始就为您提供专业功能。

入站邮件 (Inbound mail)

Mailgun offers you two ways for accepting inbound mail. You can set up a mailbox within Mailgun, which works like a normal email address. You can use this for a specific function, like for example adding a calendar event from within your app or ordering items. This triggers an email to your specified email address, which can be fetched with POP and IMAP after which your backend can process it. You can also use “Mailgun Routes”, where you define a list of sequenced routes to process your incoming mail. You can have the message stripped from signatures and replies, and have it forwarded to an URL via HTTP or a different email address. This can be used for triggering a specific action after a message is filtered based on one or more expressions. This gives you more flexibility in processing your inbound mails.

Mailgun为您提供了两种接受入站邮件的方式。 您可以在Mailgun中设置一个邮箱,该邮箱的工作方式类似于普通的电子邮件地址。 您可以将其用于特定功能,例如从应用程序内添加日历事件或订购商品。 这会触发一封电子邮件到您指定的电子邮件地址,可以使用POP和IMAP提取该电子邮件地址,然后您的后端即可对其进行处理。 您还可以使用“ Mailgun路由”,在其中定义顺序路由列表以处理传入邮件。 您可以删除签名和回复中的消息,然后通过HTTP或其他电子邮件地址将其转发到URL。 在基于一个或多个表达式过滤消息后,可将其用于触发特定操作。 这使您在处理入站邮件时更具灵活性。


分析工具 (Analytics)


All the basics are here, but not as fancy as Sendgrid’s. There’s an overview for all the important metrics like open and click rates, bounces and unsubscribes. And that’s about it actually, that is for the normal mail processing. The secret is in their campaign module, which has some nice features like daily activity charts for what’s happening in the receiver’s inbox and even reporting on geo coverage.

所有基本知识都在这里,但不像Sendgrid的那么花哨。 关于所有重要指标的概述,例如打开率和点击率,跳出率和退订率。 就是这样,这是用于常规邮件处理的。 秘诀在于他们的广告系列模块,该模块具有一些不错的功能,例如接收者收件箱中发生的事情的每日活动图表,甚至是地理覆盖率报告。

配置 (Setting up)


Mailgun shows what it’s got right after you login when it comes to their main functionality. This might come as a bit overwhelming, but saves you the search. And once you get the hang of it, you might appreciate this approach. Because their really detailed features are uncovered after you set up things like a mailing list or a mailbox. So you’re only shown what you need at first.

登录后,Mailgun会显示其主要功能时显示的内容。 这可能有点让人不知所措,但是可以节省您的搜索。 一旦掌握了这些技巧,您可能会喜欢这种方法。 因为在设置诸如邮件列表或邮箱之类的内容后,它们的真正详细功能才被发现。 因此,一开始只显示您的需求。

价钱 (Pricing)

Like mentioned above, Mailgun’s pricing is really straightforward  Pricing is based on a monthly commitment, and raising your commitment gives you a lower price per mail, and more professional features like (up to) a dedicated IP subnet and custom DKIM signing. Pricing ranges from $1 tot $,10 per 1.000 mails.

如上所述,Mailgun的定价确实非常简单。定价基于每月承诺,提高承诺可以使您降低每封邮件的价格,并拥有更专业的功能,例如(最多)专用IP子网和自定义DKIM签名。 定价范围为每1.000封邮件$ 1至$ 10。

邮戳 (Postmark)

New kid on the block Postmark tries to battle the competition with a one price fits all attitude, and a sales which actually doesn’t say anything about their features. They try to assure you that their experience and technical skills are all you need, using layman’s terms to describe what they are offering. Their customer base has some interesting names like Tender App and Readability.

邮戳市场上的新手正试图以一种适合所有态度的价格与竞争进行竞争,而销售实际上并没有说明其功能。 他们使用外行的术语来描述您所提供的服务,以确保您只需要他们的经验和技术技能。 他们的客户群有一些有趣的名称,例如Tender App和Readability。

SMTP托管 (SMTP hosting)

Postmark has some nice features like a weekly digest reports with your important metrics, but also a WordPress plugin for easy integration. They also provide a Spam Score API (based on SpamAssassin), which you can use for both your outbound and inbound mail traffic to have it checked for spam. Using it for your outbound mail before a message is sent is a good prevention for being marked as spam.  There is no option for sending a newsletter.

邮戳具有一些不错的功能,例如具有重要指标的每周摘要报告,还具有WordPress插件,可轻松集成。 他们还提供了垃圾邮件评分API(基于SpamAssassin),您可以将其用于出站和入站邮件流量,以检查是否存在垃圾邮件。 在发送邮件之前将其用于出站邮件,可以很好地防止被标记为垃圾邮件。 没有发送通讯的选项。

入站邮件 (Inbound mail)

The ability to receive inbound mail is fairly new within Postmark, and they are actively expanding its features. Every mail is parsed into a JSON object for you to have it processed (as a with outbound mail, you can run it through their Spam Score API first). You can also set up an MX record to use your own domain name for receiving mail.

在Postmark中,接收入站邮件的功能还很新,他们正在积极扩展其功能。 每个邮件都解析为一个JSON对象,以供您处理(与出站邮件一样,您可以首先通过其垃圾邮件评分API运行它)。 您还可以设置MX记录以使用您自己的域名来接收邮件。

分析工具 (Analytics)

Postmark offers some nice looking graphs, which give you a quick view into your sent and received mails. It also includes your bounce rate and number of spam complaints. You can also keep track of your statistics by using their API.

邮戳提供了一些美观的图形,可让您快速查看已发送和已接收的邮件。 它还包括您的跳出率和垃圾邮件投诉数。 您还可以使用其API跟踪统计信息。

配置 (Setting up)


Talk about a clean interface, Postmark starts with nothing but the ability to start a server, a dedicated mail processor for each app you have. After that you can send an email with their API as an HTTP request (using JSON), or via SMTP. In the interface you can setup hooks to give a signal when an email bounces, or send parsed JSON data from inbound mail to have it processed in your backend. Most of the setting up is done using the API however.

谈论一个干净的界面,邮戳从一开始就是启动服务器的能力,这是您拥有的每个应用程序的专用邮件处理器。 之后,您可以使用其API作为HTTP请求(使用JSON)或通过SMTP发送电子邮件。 在该界面中,您可以设置挂钩以在电子邮件退回时发出信号,或者从入站邮件发送已解析的JSON数据以在后端对其进行处理。 但是,大多数设置是使用API​​完成的。


价钱 (Pricing)

As stated Postmark just offers one price, being $1,50 per 1.000 emails, up to a volume of 500.000. All of their features are included in this price.

如前所述,邮戳仅提供一个价格,即每1.000封电子邮件$ 1,50,最多500.000。 其所有功能都包含在此价格中。

结论 (Conclusion)

Sendgrid and Mailgun are in a neck and neck race when it comes to features and price per mail, but offer a different pricing strategy. Their interfaces are quite different, but both offer a free plan for you to see what you prefer. Postmark has basic set of features to begin with, but is definitely catching up with it’s competitors. Let me know your thoughts and views based on your experience.

在功能和每邮件价格方面,Sendgrid和Mailgun并驾齐驱,但是提供了不同的定价策略。 它们的界面完全不同,但是两者都提供了免费计划供您查看自己喜欢的东西。 邮戳从一开始就具有一些基本功能,但肯定会赶上它的竞争对手。 根据您的经验,让我知道您的想法和观点。



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