

Image sliders (also known as image carousels or slideshows) can be a convenient way to display multiple images, videos, or graphics on your website. The thought of big, beautiful, flashy image shows can be quite alluring. Compelling images can draw new visitors into your site, capturing their attention immediately. And, there are plenty of WordPress image sliders and image carousel plugins on the market, just waiting to give your homepage that added pinch of pizzazz, that smidgen of sparkle that it’s been missing all along.

图像滑块(也称为图像轮播或幻灯片)是一种在您的网站上显示多个图像,视频或图形的便捷方法。 大型,精美,浮华图像显示的想法可能很诱人。 引人入胜的图像可以吸引新访客进入您的网站,立即吸引他们的注意力。 而且,市场上有很多WordPress图像滑块和图像轮播插件,只是在等待提供您的主页时,出现了些许麻烦,一直不见了。

The problem is, sliders may not always be the best choice when it comes to website image display. Industry experts contend that sliders cause confusion, dilute your key messages, and impact negatively on SEO, website loading times, and even click-through and conversion.

问题是,当涉及到网站图像显示时,滑块可能并不总是最佳选择。 行业专家认为,滑块会引起混乱,稀释您的关键信息,并对SEO,网站加载时间甚至点击和转化产生负面影响。

So, before you install and activate any of the image sliders mentioned below, consider carefully whether you need a slider at all.


图像滑块始终是最佳选择吗? (Are Image Sliders Always the Best Choice?)

Before I launch into a run down of the most popular image sliders on the market today, I thought I’d take a minute and broach the subject of whether image sliders are always the best choice for a website.


With any type of feature that you decide to build into your website, it is always a good idea to critically evaluate the impact of the feature first. Don’t start designing or building before you consider how a feature is likely to impact user experience, SEO, conversion, and loading time. The fact that you think an image slider looks cool is not reason enough to include one on each and every page of your website.

对于您决定内置到网站中的任何类型的功能,始终最好先对其进行认真评估,这是一个好主意。 在考虑功能可能如何影响用户体验,SEO,转换和加载时间之前,请不要开始设计或构建。 您认为图像滑块看起来很酷的事实不足以在网站的每个页面上都包含一个。

There have been countless industry studies that indicate that sliders perform particularly poorly when it comes to customer conversion. Sliders rarely generate high click-through rates, with website visitors more inclined to view them as spammy advertisements; an affliction dubbed ‘banner blindness’. Given such disappointing conversion rates, including an image slider directly underneath the main menu bar of your website’s homepage, might not be the best use of such valuable real estate.

大量的行业研究表明,在转换客户方面,滑块的效果特别差。 滑块很少会产生高点击率,网站访问者更倾向于将其视为垃圾广告。 被称为“横幅失明”的痛苦。 考虑到如此令人失望的转换率,包括在网站首页主菜单栏正下方的图像滑块,可能不是最佳利用这种有价值的房地产的方法。

The team over at Yoast even go so far as to say that sliders suck. Their arguments (and the statistics that they have to back them up) are quite compelling:

在Yoast的团队甚至说滑子很烂 。 他们的论点(以及他们必须支持的统计数据)非常有说服力:

  • Only 1% of people actually ever click on an image included in a slider or carousel (usually the first one).

  • Image sliders tend to slow down websites, which, in turn, results in negative SEO impacts, as well as reduced conversion and click-through rates. If your website is an e-commerce platform, this has the potential to impact your sales figures and the bottom-line of your business.

    图片滑块会降低网站速度,进而导致负面的SEO影响,并降低转化率和点击率。 如果您的网站是电子商务平台,则有可能影响您的销售数据和业务底线。
  • Rarely do image sliders work as intended on mobile devices (and, with the ever rising tide of mobile usage rates, this is a huge problem).

  • Naturally, due to their positioning, image sliders bump the content on your web page down. In fact, image sliders are often so big that they occupy an entire screen. As a result, there is no actual content on a web page until after the fold. According to the almighty Google, this is definitely not a good idea.

    自然,由于其位置,图像滑块会将您网页上的内容向下凸出。 实际上,图像滑块通常很大,以至于它们占据了整个屏幕。 结果,直到折叠之后,网页上才有实际内容。 根据全能的Google所说,这绝对不是一个好主意。
  • Image sliders can cause confusion for your website visitors, and dilute your key message, because, all of a sudden, there are multiple messages all fighting for the same real estate. If you don’t know what the most important piece of information on your website homepage is, how are your website visitors meant to know?

    图片滑块可能会使您的网站访问者感到困惑,并稀释您的关键信息,因为突然之间,有许多信息都在争夺同一个房地产。 如果您不知道网站首页上最重要的信息是什么,您的网站访问者将如何知道?

在图像滑块插件中寻找什么 (What to Look for in an Image Slider Plugin)

So, if I haven’t scared you off, and you’re still keen to include an image slider on your website, then there are a few features that I’d suggest keeping an eye out for:


  • Make sure that the image slider you choose has top-notch usability.

  • Make sure that you select a slider that is responsive (many sliders aren’t!).

  • Make sure that you have the ability to change the settings of your image slider, including speed and the look and feel.


Apart from the in-built features of the slider itself, these tactics can also work quite well:


  • Stick with just one offer, one message, one piece of written content. So, you might have three or four different images rotating, but the message that is overlaid on each should be exactly the same, and placed in the exactly the same position. At least this way, you overcome the issue of multiple messages fighting for attention within the same space.

    坚持只提供一个报价,一条消息,一份书面内容。 因此,您可能会旋转三个或四个不同的图像,但是覆盖在每个图像上的消息应该完全相同,并放置在完全相同的位置。 至少以这种方式,您克服了在同一空间内争夺注意力的多个消息的问题。
  • Give users the ability to completely control your slider. So, your slider might not actually slide at all, unless your website visitor wants it to. Include left and right arrows on the sides of each image in your slider, so that website visitors can click through at their leisure.

    使用户能够完全控制滑块。 因此,除非您的网站访问者希望,否则滑块实际上可能根本不会滑动。 在滑块中的每个图像的侧面包括左右箭头,以便网站访问者可以随意单击。
  • Make sure your image slider isn’t enormous. It shouldn’t occupy the entire area above the fold. There should always be some written content at the top of your web page, somewhere.

    确保图像滑块不是很大。 它不应占据折痕上方的整个区域。 网页顶部某处应始终有一些书面内容。

Above all, test. Keep track of the statistics associated with your slider. See if people are actually clicking through. If so, which sliders are they clicking on? May even try removing your slider for a few weeks or a month and see what traffic and click through rates are like then. Replace the image slider with a static image and test again. At the end of the day, whatever works best for your website, and your audience, is most important.

首先,进行测试。 跟踪与滑块相关的统计信息。 查看人们是否真的点击了。 如果是这样,他们单击哪些滑块? 甚至可以尝试将滑动器移除几周或一个月,然后查看流量和点击率如何。 用静态图像替换图像滑块,然后再次测试。 归根结底,最适合您的网站和受众的是最重要的。

WordPress图像滑块插件 (WordPress Image Slider Plugins)

So, if you’ve decided to take the plunge and include an image slider on your website, here some of the most popular WordPress image slider plugins on the market.


下一代画廊 (NextGen Gallery)

The most popular WordPress image gallery and slider plugin on the market (and arguably one of the most popular WordPress plugins ever), NextGen Gallery has been downloaded an astonishing 11 million times.

NextGen Gallery是市场上最流行的WordPress图像库和滑块插件(可以说是有史以来最流行的WordPress插件之一),已被下载了1100万次。

It is not surprising that WordPress users are found of this particular plugin. It is diverse and packs a punch in the functionality arena. Using NextGen Gallery, you can upload batches of photos in a single click, automatically import all image metadata, edit individual images, and easily add watermarks. When it comes to image galleries, NextGen offers two formats, either slideshow or thumbnail, and your website visitors can actually toggle between the two views (taking care of the usability issues mentioned above). And, if you do opt for a slideshow view, there are plenty of easily customisable settings, including slideshow size, the speed and type of transition between images, and even navigation settings.

WordPress用户被发现使用此特定插件并不奇怪。 它是多种多样的,并在功能领域发挥了重要作用。 使用NextGen Gallery,您可以单击一次上传一批照片,自动导入所有图像元数据,编辑单个图像,并轻松添加水印。 当涉及到图像库时,NextGen提供了两种格式,即幻灯片放映或缩略图,您的网站访问者实际上可以在两种视图之间切换(注意上面提到的可用性问题)。 而且,如果您选择幻灯片显示视图,则有很多易于自定义的设置,包括幻灯片显示大小,图像之间的过渡速度和类型,甚至导航设置。

Next Gen Slider

There is a ‘Plus’ version (priced at $49 per annum) of NextGen that includes additional gallery displays, a full screen lightbox, fully responsive design and social sharing and commenting options. And, there is even a ‘Pro’ version (priced at $79 per annum) of NextGEN, which comes complete with e-commerce functionality, enabling the sale of prints and even digital downloads.

NextGen有一个“ Plus”版本(每年定价49美元),其中包括额外的画廊显示,全屏灯箱,完全响应式设计以及社交共享和评论选项。 而且,甚至还有NextGEN的“专业版”(价格为每年79美元),它具有电子商务功能,可以销售印刷品甚至数字下载。

For more information, visit: Meta Slider

有关更多信息,请访问: Matcha Labs, Meta Slider is quite a popular image slider plugin for WordPress. With more than 1.2 million downloads, and a 4.8 star rating, Meta Slider makes creating slideshows quite easy. It takes literally minutes to create a slideshow: drag and drop images from your Media Library, and then create captions and links and complete your SEO fields all in the one place. That’s right: SEO fields. This particular image slider plugin generates SEO optimised slideshows, going someway to overcoming at least one of the pitfalls that we mentioned earlier. Other features include intelligent image cropping, drag and drop slide reordering, extensive developer API (including hooks and filters), and, best of all, it is fast, including only minimum CSS on your website page. It is also available in 15 different languages.

Meta Slider由英国的Matcha Labs创建,是相当流行的WordPress图片滑块插件。 Meta Slider拥有超过120万次的下载量和4.8星的评分,使幻灯片制作变得非常容易。 创建幻灯片需要大约几分钟的时间:从媒体库中拖放图像,然后创建标题和链接,并一次完成SEO字段。 没错:SEO字段。 这个特定的图像滑块插件生成SEO优化的幻灯片,以某种方式克服了我们前面提到的至少一个陷阱。 其他功能包括智能图像裁剪,拖放幻灯片重新排序,广泛的开发人员API(包括挂钩和过滤器),最重要的是,它非常快,包括您网站页面上的最少CSS。 它还提供15种不同语言的版本。

Meta Slider

Meta Slider boasts four different options, with plenty of easily configurable usability features:

Meta Slider拥有四个不同的选项,并具有大量易于配置的可用性功能:

  • Flex Slider 2: a responsive image slider that comes complete with two different transition effects as well as carousel mode.

    Flex Slider 2:响应式图像滑块,具有两种不同的过渡效果以及轮播模式。
  • Nivo Slider: another responsive image slider with an astounding 16 different transition effects (how did they think of that many?!) and four different themes.

    Nivo Slider:另一个响应式图像滑块,具有惊人的16种不同过渡效果(他们怎么想到这么多?!)和四个不同主题。
  • Responsive Slides: responsive image slider that is incredibly light weight (and unlikely to slow down the loading time of your website (overcoming yet another of the drawbacks mentioned above).

  • Coin Slider: that includes four unique transition effects.

Coin Slider

Much like NextGen Gallery, Meta Slider also has a ‘Pro’ version which, according to the website, will supercharge your slideshows. Ranging in price from $19 (for a single site personal licence) to $99 (for a developer licence), the ‘Pro’ version features slide layering, thumbnail navigation, and the ability to embed YouTube and Vimeo slides.

与NextGen Gallery一样,Meta Slider也有一个“ Pro”版本,据该网站称 ,它将增强您的幻灯片显示。 “专业版”的价格从19美元(单站点个人许可证)到99美元(开发人员许可证)不等,具有幻灯片分层,缩略图导航以及嵌入YouTube和Vimeo幻灯片的功能。

For more information, visit: metaslider.com

欲了解更多信息,请访问: metaslider.com

独白 (Soliloquy)

While this plugin isn’t anywhere near as popular as NextGen or Meta Slider, its claim to fame is that Mark Jaquith (a lead developer of WordPress itself) audits its code. As such, you can be certain that this plugin is secure, and the code that powers it is as optimised as is human possibly. Soliloquy works a little differently to other image slider plugins, relying on custom post types to create sliders.

尽管此插件没有NextGen或Meta Slider受欢迎,但它的成名之处在于Mark Jaquith(WordPress本身的首席开发人员)正在审核其代码。 这样,您可以确定此插件是安全的,并且为其提供支持的代码已像人类一样被优化。 Soliloquy的工作方式与其他图像滑块插件略有不同,它依靠自定义帖子类型来创建滑块。


Soliloquy allows you to create an unlimited number of sliders, and is built for SEO optimisation, allowing you to enter titles, HTML captions and alt tags for all images. It’s also completely mobile responsive, adds CSS to pages only where sliders are installed, and has a myriad of hooks and filters available that allow easy manipulation of the look and feel of your sliders.

Soliloquy允许您创建无限数量的滑块,并且专为SEO优化而设计,允许您为所有图像输入标题,HTML标题和alt标签。 它还具有完全的移动响应能力,仅在安装了滑块的页面上添加CSS,并且具有大量钩子和过滤器,可轻松操纵滑块的外观。

As with all these plugins, there are multiple paid options, which offer additional features, including Personal ($19 per annum), Multi ($49 per annum), Developer ($99 per annum), and Master ($249 which includes a lifetime of support and updates). These additional features include a range of ‘Addons’, which extend the functionality of the slider plugin. One of these ‘Addons’ caught my eye. It is a seemingly unique feature within the image slider plugin market: the ability to easily add a ‘Pin It’ button to images in your slider, through the aptly named ‘Pinterest Addon’.

与所有这些插件一样,有多个付费选项,提供其他功能,包括个人(每年19美元),多功能(每年49美元),开发人员(每年99美元)和大师(249美元,包括终身支持和更新)。 这些附加功能包括一系列“附加组件”,可扩展滑块插件的功能。 这些“附加组件”之一吸引了我的注意。 这是图片滑块插件市场中看似独特的功能:通过恰当地命名为“ Pinterest插件”,可以轻松地在滑块中的图片上添加“ Pin It”按钮的功能。

Soliloquy Pinterest Addon

Other Soliloquy ‘Addons’ include Themes, Lightbox, Instagram (which enables you to create slideshows out of the photos included in your Instagram feed), Crop, Feature Content, Thumbnails, Filters (with more than 25 filters, there is no need for you to be a professional photographer to get your images looking schmick), and Carousel.


For more information, visit: soliloquywp.com

有关更多信息,请访问: soliloquywp.com

照片库 (Photo Gallery)

If you’re looking for a more all-encompassing image plugin, then take a look at Photo Gallery. It is regularly updated, has a 4.7 star rating and approximately 350,000 downloads. The image slideshow features and functionality offered by Photo Gallery are quite good. Using this plugin, you can program your slideshow view to include both auto play and shuffle features, and an audio track can be installed to accompany your slideshow. In addition, there is a separate slideshow gallery widget that you can add to any widgetted area of your site, and its lightbox comes with 15 different effects.

如果您正在寻找功能更全面的图像插件,请查看Photo Gallery 。 它会定期更新,并获得4.7星评级,下载量约为350,000次。 Photo Gallery提供的图像幻灯片功能非常出色。 使用此插件,您可以对幻灯片视图进行编程,使其既包括自动播放功能,也包括随机播放功能,并且可以安装音频轨道以伴随幻灯片显示。 此外,还有一个单独的幻灯片库小部件,您可以将其添加到网站的任何小部件区域,其灯箱具有15种不同的效果。

Photo Gallery

Plus, Photo Gallery has a whole range of other image features. It can handle an unlimited number of photos, galleries and albums, supports a range of file types, is 100% responsive, allows for multiple photo tagging simultaneously, and even has commenting and social sharing capabilities.

此外,Photo Gallery还具有其他各种图像功能。 它可以处理不限数量的照片,画廊和相册,支持各种文件类型,具有100%响应速度,允许同时标记多个照片,甚至具有评论和社交共享功能。

所以……滑动还是不滑动? (So… to Slide or Not to Slide?)

There are clearly some pitfalls to installing image sliders on your website: website visitors tend to be confused by the multiple messages and reluctant to click-through images on sliders, and the negative impacts on SEO are quite extensive.


But, it looks as though the major image slider WordPress plugins are starting to combat some of these major pitfalls. Both Meta Slider and Sililioquy have some built-in some SEO functionality, and all of the plugins boast easily configurable usability features.

但是,看起来主要的图像滑块WordPress插件似乎已开始应对其中的一些重大陷阱。 Meta Slider和Sililioquy都具有一些内置的SEO功能,并且所有插件都具有易于配置的可用性功能。

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that your website serves your website visitors in the best, most effective way possible. So, do some testing to make sure that an image slider really is the best option for your site. There are plenty of other ways to add imagery and effects to your WordPress site without using sliders, take a look at 8 WordPress Plugins to Create Awe-Inspiring Image Effects.

归根结底,最重要的是,您的网站以最好,最有效的方式为网站访问者提供服务。 因此,请进行一些测试以确保图像滑块确实是您网站的最佳选择。 有很多其他方法可以在不使用滑块的情况下将图像和效果添加到WordPress网站,请看一下8个WordPress插件来创建令人敬畏的图像效果

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-image-sliders/






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