

It turns out the Boy Scouts had it right all along. Sufficient preparation is what separates successful product launches from the ones that crash into your neighbor’s backyard.

事实证明,童子军一直以来都是正确的。 充分的准备工作是将成功推出的产品与坠入邻居后院的产品区分开来的原因。

If you want your product to leave orbit, you need a plan.


According to Bplans, companies that plan grow 30 percent quicker than those that don’t, while 71 percent of fast-growing companies have a plan in place.

根据Bplans的说法 ,计划的公司比没有计划的公司增长30%,而71%的快速增长的公司已经制定了计划。

But plans take time to make, and with so many new products launching every day, many entrepreneurs feel if they don’t act immediately, they’ll be left in the dust. Just visit the product curation platform Product Hunt to get an idea of how crowded the marketplace is. Since its inception in November 2013, the site has compiled an evergreen database of 15,000 products. That’s nearly 30 product launches per day on just one website.

但是制定计划需要花费时间,并且每天都有如此多的新产品发布,许多企业家认为,如果不立即采取行动,就会被尘封。 只需访问产品策划平台Product Hunt即可了解市场的拥挤程度。 自2013年11月成立以来,该网站已编制了一个包含15,000种产品的常青数据库。 每天在一个网站上发布的产品将近30种。

Considering those numbers, it’s easy to see how someone might feel pressured to rush their product to market. But pressure is something that scuba divers think about, and you’re not a scuba diver.

考虑到这些数字,很容易看出有人可能会感到有压力将其产品推向市场。 但是潜水员会考虑压力,而您不是潜水员。

Take the time to launch your product the right way. Start planning its release by addressing these three elements.

花些时间以正确的方式发布产品。 通过解决这三个要素,开始计划其发布。

分配 (Distribution)

Distribution – How you will deliver your product or feature to your intended market.


Too many startups put all their eggs into the marketing basket while neglecting distribution, but the two are equally important. You can create the greatest marketing campaign since “Buy The World A Coke,” but if you can’t get your product in front of your customers, you’ll be stuck dancing on that hill forever.

太多的初创公司在忽略分销的同时把所有的精力都投入了市场,但是两者同等重要。 您可以创建自“买世界可乐”以来最伟大的营销活动,但是如果您无法在客户面前展示您的产品,那么您将永远陷入困境。

To create a strong distribution strategy, you need to accomplish the following:


注意:如果您尚未研究和分析您的理想客户,请将本文放在您的Pocket中,并阅读有关开发客户资料的文章。 (Note: If you haven’t researched and analyzed your ideal customers yet, put this article in your Pocket, and read this post on developing customer profiles. )
  • Establish whether your customer is more likely to buy your product online or in a physical store.

  • Identify the most cost-effective way of getting your product in front of your customers without sacrificing quality.

  • Establish your distribution channels. Will they be direct or indirect? Both? An example of a direct distribution channel is selling something you made through Etsy. An example of an indirect distribution channel is selling your products through an intermediary, such as a wholesaler or retailer.

    建立您的分销渠道。 它们是直接还是间接? 都? 直接分销渠道的一个例子是出售您通过Etsy制造的商品。 间接分销渠道的一个示例是通过中介(例如批发商或零售商)销售产品。
  • Take into account the needs of the end-user. If you’re selling clothes, will they need dressing rooms? Does your product require a live demonstration? Is your product something someone would go out of their way to locate, or is it more of an impulse buy?

    考虑到最终用户的需求。 如果您要卖衣服,他们会需要更衣室吗? 您的产品需要现场演示吗? 您的产品是有人会轻易找到的,还是更多的冲动购买?
  • Take into account the the needs of the product. Is it perishable? Is it overly large? Is it extremely fragile? Does it require a specific display setup?

    考虑到产品的需求。 容易腐烂吗? 它太大了吗? 它非常脆弱吗? 是否需要特定的显示设置?

Answering these questions will make planning your distribution strategy much simpler.


For example, the meal subscription service Plated needed to create a distribution strategy that would quickly and safely get pre-packaged ingredients into the hands of its customers. They decided to sell their product online, and use an indirect distribution channel where the food travels from the farmer to the fulfillment center to the customer. To ensure speedy deliveries, Plated maintains multiple fulfillment centers across the country. Knowing how perishable their products are, the company designed an innovative packaging system that keeps its contents cold for up to 24 hours.

例如,膳食订购服务Plated需要制定一种分销策略,以快速,安全地将预先包装的食材送到客户手中。 他们决定在线销售他们的产品,并使用间接分销渠道,将食物从农民运送到配送中心再到客户。 为了确保快速交货,Plated在全国设有多个履行中心。 知道产品的易腐性后,该公司设计了一种创新的包装系统,可将其内含物冷至24小时。

晋升 (Promotion)

Promotion – What you will tell your intended market and how you will tell them.


When planning a product launch, it is vital that your promotion strategy begins before the product is released and continues until the end of the product launch period.


The purpose of the pre-distribution promotion is to drum up interest in the product and have buyers lined up when distribution begins.  Depending on the product, promotion may start a month, six months or even a year before launch.

分销前促销的目的是提高对产品的兴趣,并在分销开始时让买家排队。 根据产品的不同,促销活动可能在发布前一个月,六个月甚至一年开始。

推广策略 (Promotion Strategies)

网站 (Website)

Your website is the face of your business, so make sure it’s a face people wouldn’t mind looking at for a while. Ensure it’s SEO friendly, smartly designed and well organized.

您的网站是您业务的代名词,因此请确保人们不介意一会儿。 确保它是SEO友好的,设计巧妙且井井有条的。

Try to finalize all the website copy at least six weeks prior to the product launch. Make sure that all of your web pages are complete at least two weeks prior. Begin to tantalize users with images and videos of your product two weeks prior, and continue posting content until launch.

尝试在产品发布前至少六周确定所有网站副本。 确保所有网页至少在两周前完成。 在两周前开始用产品的图片和视频吸引用户,然后继续发布内容直到发布。

博客 (Blog)

A blog is an easy and effective way to reach potential customers and keep them interested. Use your blog to update people on the progress of your product, any press you may have received and any big happenings or announcements related to your business. Always include “Coming soon” posts and sneak peeks to get people talking.

博客是一种轻松有效的方法,可以吸引潜在客户并使他们保持兴趣。 使用您的博客向人们介绍产品的进度,您可能收到的任何新闻以及与您的业务有关的重大事件或公告。 始终包括“即将到来”帖子和偷看,以使人们交谈。

社交媒体 (Social Media)

Leveraging social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook is another way to keep everybody informed about the latest product news. Similar to your blog, generate buzz with sneak peeks and “Coming soon” posts. Focus on making your social media messaging shareable so it reaches as many potential customers as possible.

利用Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体平台是使所有人了解最新产品新闻的另一种方法。 与您的博客类似,通过偷窥和“即将到来”帖子引起嗡嗡声。 着重于使您的社交媒体消息共享,以便尽可能多地吸引潜在客户。

电子邮件营销 (Email Marketing)

If you already have a user base, email marketing is a great way to get them excited about your product launch. Like blog posts and social media messaging, you can use emails to share your latest product news. You can also send people links to your blog posts, your website or any other relevant online content. Don’t forget to send an email on your release day! And make sure it includes an appropriate number of exclamation points. Also, here’s a good product launch sequence to follow by Ramit Sethi.

如果您已经有用户群,那么电子邮件营销是使他们对您的产品发布感到兴奋的好方法。 像博客文章和社交媒体消息传递一样,您可以使用电子邮件来共享您的最新产品新闻。 您还可以向人们发送指向您的博客文章,您的网站或任何其他相关在线内容的链接。 不要忘记在发布当天发送电子邮件! 并确保它包含适当数量的感叹号。 此外, 这是 Ramit Sethi遵循的良好的产品发布顺序


Whether it’s mining your existing network or cold emailing bloggers, do everything you can to gain press coverage. Six weeks prior to launch, begin letting the press know about your product. Two weeks prior, start pitching them your story. When pitching, be sure to highlight compelling product features and unique selling points. Make it easy for someone to write an article about your product or tweet about its features. Don’t make them work for a news angle. Give it to them.

无论是挖掘您现有的网络还是发送冷门电子邮件博客作者,都将尽一切可能获得新闻报道。 发布前六周,开始让媒体了解您的产品。 两周前,开始向他们介绍您的故事。 投球时,请务必突出引人注目的产品功能和独特的卖点。 使某人可以轻松撰写有关您的产品的文章或有关其功能的推文。 不要让他们为新闻而努力。 给他们。

支持 (Support )

Before you launch your product, you need to have a customer support system in place. Who knows, you might need it on day one.

在发布产品之前,您需要有一个客户支持系统。 谁知道,您可能在第一天就需要它。

A strong support system is also necessary for long-term success. Things are going to go wrong, and when they do, you need to be ready and able to fix them. Otherwise your customer experience will suffer, and when that suffers, so does everything else. Did you know it takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for one unresolved negative one? Yikes.

一个强大的支持系统对于长期成功也是必要的。 事情会出错,而一旦发生,您需要做好准备并能够修复它们。 否则,您的客户体验会受到影响,而当这一切受到影响时,其他一切也会受到影响。 您是否知道需要用12种积极的客户体验来弥补一种未解决的负面体验 ? kes

Here are some tips on setting up a strong customer support system.


  • Decide how to handle customer feedback. Will you incorporate it into your business strategy? Will you respond to feedback?

    确定如何处理客户反馈。 您是否会将其纳入您的业务策略? 您会回应意见吗?
  • Ensure you have the necessary technology for any scenario. For example, does your website have enough bandwidth to handle additional traffic? How about your telephone system?

    确保您具有适用于任何情况的必要技术。 例如,您的网站是否有足够的带宽来处理更多流量? 您的电话系统怎么样?
  • Automate tasks to help solve repetitive problems. For example, you can publish a FAQ, or set up canned replies to common issues.

    自动化任务以帮助解决重复性问题。 例如,您可以发布常见问题解答,或设置对常见问题的罐头答复。
  • Create a crisis playbook that establishes the protocol for any conceivable disaster such as getting sued, bad press, or security breaches. Make sure this playbook is available to all personnel at a moment’s notice.

    创建一个危机剧本,为任何可能发生的灾难(例如被起诉,不良新闻或安全漏洞)建立协议。 确保此手册可立即供所有人员使用。
  • For a customer support horror story, check out Groove HQ’s tell-all.

    有关客户支持的恐怖故事,请查看Groove HQ的全部信息

关于时间的注意事项 (A Note on Timing )

  • Don’t launch on major holidays.

  • If you already have a good number of beta users, Mondays and Tuesdays are optimal days to go live.

  • If you’re dependent on a third party to facilitate your launch, make sure you’re launching on a day that suits their schedule

  • If your product has competitors, find out when they’re launching. Do you want to go head to head? Do you want to wait until the market becomes familiar with the competing product before introducing your own? Remember, don’t rush to beat your competitors to market if you’re not truly ready.

    如果您的产品有竞争对手,请找出他们何时推出。 你想去面对吗? 您是否要等到市场熟悉竞争产品后再介绍自己的产品? 请记住,如果您还没有真正做好准备,请不要着急击败竞争对手进入市场。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/product-launch-strategy/






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