

When building and maintaining WordPress websites, it’s important to find ways to improve site performance and decrease page load times. This helps reduce bounce rates and increase rankings on search engines.

在构建和维护WordPress网站时,重要的是找到提高网站性能并减少页面加载时间的方法。 这有助于降低跳出率并提高搜索引擎的排名。

There are several ways of achieving performance through a WordPress site’s theme and plugin code – for example, minifying JavaScript, CSS and images. There’s also server based configuration options – for example, enabling caching, or using a WordPress Plugin to help cache static content.

有多种方法可以通过WordPress网站的主题和插件代码来提高性能,例如,最小化JavaScript,CSS和图像。 还有基于服务器的配置选项–例如,启用缓存,或使用WordPress插件来帮助缓存静态内容。

However, we can’t control the content – specifically images – that clients will add to their WordPress web site. Images may be uploaded in their original form, leading to site performance issues and increasing page load times.

但是,我们无法控制客户端将添加到其WordPress网站的内容(尤其是图像)。 图片可能会以其原始形式上传,从而导致网站性能问题并增加页面加载时间。

In this article we will explore different ways of optimizing JPEG and PNG images, which are uploaded by clients and site owners into WordPress.


主题图片大小 (Theme Image Sizes)

When a WordPress user uploads an image, WordPress provides two functions which we can use to create copies of the original image, at specific dimensions. This is useful where we want to output an image at a specific size within our theme.

当WordPress用户上传图片时,WordPress提供了两个功能,我们可以使用这些功能创建特定尺寸的原始图片的副本。 当我们要在主题内以特定尺寸输出图像时,这很有用。

缩略图,中型和大号 (Thumbnail, Medium and Large Sizes)

Within the WordPress Administration, under Settings > Media, there are three predefined image sizes: thumbnail, medium and large. Each can have their own dimensions set.

在WordPress管理中的“设置”>“媒体”下,有三种预定义的图像尺寸: thumbnailmediumlarge 。 每个都可以设置自己的尺寸。

Because WordPress will always resize images to these sizes (resulting in 4 images being stored – the original, thumbnail, medium and large sizes), it’s worth setting these first and using them within your WordPress Theme where possible.


To use a predefined image size in your WordPress Theme, use:


while ( have_posts() ) {
    the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ); // Or 'medium', or 'large'
set_post_thumbnail_size() (set_post_thumbnail_size())

If you need additional image sizes, we can use set_post_thumbnail_size():


Set the default Featured Image (formerly Post Thumbnail) dimensions.


This allows us to define the width and height of Featured Images for Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types, which we output in our theme using the_post_thumbnail().


To define the Featured Image size, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file. This would set Featured Images to be 500px width x 500px height:

要定义“特色图像”大小,请将以下代码添加到主题的functions.php文件中。 这会将Featured Images设置为500px宽x 500px高:

add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
set_post_thumbnail_size( 500, 500, true );

To output a Post’s Featured Image at the specified dimensions, use the_post_thumbnail() within the WordPress Loop:


while ( have_posts() ) {
add_image_size() (add_image_size())

Whilst set_post_thumbnail_size() is useful, we can only call it once to define one set of image dimensions, alongside WordPress thumbnail, medium and large sizes. We’re stuck if we then want to output additional sizes – for example, a 500px x 500px image for our Posts, and a 400px x 400px image for our Pages.

尽管set_post_thumbnail_size()很有用,但我们只能调用一次来定义一组图像尺寸,以及WordPress缩略图,中号和大号图像。 如果我们随后想要输出其他尺寸,则会陷入困境,例如,“帖子”的尺寸为500px x 500px,而“页面”的尺寸为400px x 400px。

Thankfully, WordPress also provides the add_image_size() function:


Registers a new image size. This means WordPress will create a copy of the image with the specified dimensions when a new image is uploaded.

注册新的图像尺寸。 这意味着当上传新图像时,WordPress将创建具有指定尺寸的图像副本。

We can call this function within our theme’s functions.php file as many times as we need, in order to register as many image sizes as our theme requires. Let’s register two image sizes, for Posts and Pages respectively:

我们可以根据需要在主题的functions.php文件中多次调用此函数,以便注册主题所需的图像大小。 让我们注册两个图像大小,分别用于Posts和Pages:

add_image_size( 'post', 500, 500, true );
add_image_size( 'page', 400, 400, true );

We can now specify which image size we want to output by modifying our the_post_thumbnail() calls:


while ( have_posts() ) {
    the_post_thumbnail( 'post' ); // Or 'page'
结果 (Results)

Using our test JPEG and PNG images, we can see the file size reduction and performance gains:


JPEG图像 (JPEG Image)
Original Dimensions – File Size: 504KB
500px x 500px – File Size: 29KB
400px x 400px – File Size: 21KB
500px x 500px –文件大小:29KB
400px x 400px –文件大小:21KB
PNG图片 (PNG Image)
Original Dimensions – File Size: 697KB
500px x 500px – File Size: 354KB
400px x 400px – File Size: 236KB
500px x 500px –文件大小:354KB
400px x 400px –文件大小:236KB

影像压缩 (Image Compression)

Image compression aims to reduce image file sizes further by removing redundant data, with little or no sacrifice to image quality.


There are two main methods for image compression: lossy and lossless.


有损图像压缩 (Lossy Image Compression)

Lossy compression uses inexact approximations, discarding partial amounts of image data, to produce an image that will have a lower file size, whilst maintaining the original image as best as possible.


Metadata (such as EXIF information, telling us about the camera make, model and location) can be discarded with no effect on image quality.


The disadvantage is that image quality may suffer, so it’s important to find the right balance between fast image loading times and image quality.


Lossy compression is typically used on JPEG images and photographs, where there is a lot of data within the image file to render the image output.


Using our test images and tinypng.com, we can see the effects of lossy compression on our JPEG and PNG images:

使用我们的测试图像和tinypng.com ,我们可以看到有损压缩对JPEG和PNG图像的影响:

JPEG图像 (JPEG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 504KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 367KB, Saving: 27%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 29KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 17.1KB, Saving: 41%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 21KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 12.5KB, Saving: 39%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:29KB,有损压缩文件大小:17.1KB,节省:41%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:21KB,有损压缩文件大小:12.5KB,节省:39%
PNG图片 (PNG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 697KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 229.6KB, Saving: 67%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 354KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 94.3KB, Saving: 73%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 236KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 64.6KB, Saving: 73%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:354KB,有损压缩文件大小:94.3KB,节省:73%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:236KB,有损压缩文件大小:64.6KB,节省:73%
无损图像压缩 (Lossless Image Compression)

Lossless compression allows partial discarding and compression of image data, with no loss of image quality. Images that are ‘losslessly’ compressed will render the same as the original image.

无损压缩允许部分丢弃和压缩图像数据,而不会损失图像质量。 “无损”压缩的图像将呈现与原始图像相同的图像。

The disadvantage is that it doesn’t usually provide any file size improvement on more complex images, such as photographs. For that reason, it’s best used on PNG and GIF images.

缺点是它通常不会在照片等更复杂的图像上提供任何文件大小的改进。 因此,最好在PNG和GIF图像上使用。

图像压缩:WordPress解决方案 (Image Compression: WordPress Solutions)

WordPress provides two ways of adjusting image quality, using lossy compression. We can use both by adding the following code to our theme’s functions.php file:

WordPress提供了两种使用有损压缩来调整图像质量的方法。 我们可以通过将以下代码添加到主题的functions.php文件中来使用两者:

add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', 'custom_image_quality' );
add_filter( 'wp_editor_set_quality', 'custom_image_quality' );
function custom_image_quality( $quality ) {

    return 60;


jpeg_quality defines the quality of JPEG images uploaded to WordPress, or edited within WordPress’ Image Editor.


wp_editor_set_quality defines the quality of (in this case) any image edited within WordPress’ Image Editor. For JPEG images, because we’ve specified the jpeg_quality filter, this will override this filter.

wp_editor_set_quality定义(在这种情况下)在WordPress图像编辑器中编辑的任何图像的质量。 对于JPEG图片,由于我们指定了jpeg_quality过滤器,因此它将覆盖此过滤器。

Uploading our test images to WordPress with these changes produces the following results:


JPEG图像 (JPEG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 504KB, 60% Quality File Size: 504KB, Saving: 0%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 29KB, 60% Quality File Size: 14KB, Saving: 51%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 21KB, 60% Quality File Size: 10KB, Saving: 52%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:29KB,60%质量文件大小:14KB,节省:51%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:21KB,60%质量文件大小:10KB,节省:52%
PNG图片 (PNG Image)
Original500px x 500px400px x 400px
File Size697KB354KB236KB
60% Quality File Size697KB354KB236KB
原版的 500px x 500px 400像素x 400像素
文件大小 697KB 354KB 236KB
60%的优质文件大小 697KB 354KB 236KB
保存 0% 0% 0%

You’ll notice that our uploaded PNG images are not changed – this is because the jpeg_quality filter only affects JPEG images, and the wp_editor_set_quality is only used if we edit an image through the Media Library.


Furthermore, our original images aren’t changed – this is because WordPress only applies the quality filters to resized images.


图像压缩:插件解决方案 (Image Compression: Plugin Solutions)

Whilst we’ve explored how image compression works, and used an online tool to run some tests, we’d ideally want our images to be automatically compressed in WordPress. This means we’re not relying on clients (or ourselves) to remember to use a third party tool before uploading images into WordPress, and we’re simplifying the process.

尽管我们探索了图像压缩的工作原理,并使用在线工具进行了一些测试,但理想情况下,我们还是希望图像可以在WordPress中自动压缩。 这意味着在将图像上传到WordPress之前,我们不依赖客户(或我们自己)记住使用第三方工具,而是在简化流程。

There are a few WordPress Plugins which provide automatic image compression:


EWWW图像优化器 (EWWW Image Optimizer)

EWWW Image Optimizer provides lossless compression, using a variety of JPEG, PNG and GIF compression libraries/services. It requires exec() access, which some shared hosts may not have – however they do provide an EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud, which is a paid for service that processes images on their servers.

EWWW Image Optimizer使用多种JPEG,PNG和GIF压缩库/服务提供无损压缩。 它需要exec()访问权限,某些共享主机可能没有访问权限-但是它们确实提供了EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud,这是为在其服务器上处理图像的服务付费的。

Again, for lossy compression, you’ll need to pay for an API key, with rates starting at $1 for 1,000 images.

同样,对于有损压缩,您需要支付API密钥的费用,每1,000张图像的费率开始为$ 1。

To setup EWWW Image Optimizer, navigate to Plugins > Add new in your WordPress Administration interface, and search for “EWWW Image Optimizer”:

要设置EWWW Image Optimizer,请在WordPress管理界面中导航至Plugins> Add new,然后搜索“ EWWW Image Optimizer”:

EWWW Image Optimizer

Click the Install Now button, and activate the plugin once installed.


By default, the plugin will provide lossless compression on our images, with no further configuration required. Let’s create a new Post, and set our Featured Image to our test image to get some results:

默认情况下,该插件将在我们的图像上提供无损压缩,而无需进一步配置。 让我们创建一个新的帖子,并将“特色图片”设置为测试图片以获取一些结果:

JPEG图像 (JPEG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 504KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 503KB, Saving: 0.2%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 29KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 28KB, Saving: 3.5%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 21KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 20KB, Saving: 4.8%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:29KB,有损压缩文件大小:28KB,节省:3.5%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:21KB,有损压缩文件大小:20KB,节省:4.8%
PNG图片 (PNG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 697KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 669KB, Saving: 4%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 354KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 300KB, Saving: 15.3%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 236KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 200KB, Saving: 15.3%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:354KB,有损压缩文件大小:300KB,节省:15.3%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:236KB,有损压缩文件大小:200KB,节省:15.3%

We’re able to get better performance when ‘losslessly’ compressing PNG images over JPEG images, which is to be expected. However, these images are still quite large, so let’s try another plugin that provides lossy compression instead.

当“无损”压缩JPEG图像上的PNG图像时,我们能够获得更好的性能,这是可以预期的。 但是,这些图像仍然很大,因此让我们尝试另一个提供有损压缩的插件。

压缩JPEG和PNG图像 (Compress JPEG & PNG Images)

As well as providing a web based image compression service, TinyPNG also provide a WordPress Plugin to automatically provide lossy compression to JPEG and PNG images.


The first 500 image compressions per month are free. After that, it costs $0.009 per image compression.

每月前500次图像压缩是免费的。 之后,每次图像压缩的费用为$ 0.009。

To setup the TinyPNG plugin, navigate to Plugins > Add new in your WordPress Administration interface, and search for “Compress JPEG & PNG Images”:

要设置TinyPNG插件,请在WordPress管理界面中导航至Plugins> Add new,然后搜索“ Compress JPEG&PNG Images”:

Compress JPEG & PNG Images

Click the Install Now button, and activate the plugin once installed.


Next, obtain an API key by visiting https://tinypng.com/developers and entering your name and email address:


TinyPNG Developer API Signup

You’ll receive an email with a link to obtain your API key. Click the link, and make a note of your API key:

您会收到一封包含链接的电子邮件,以获取您的API密钥。 单击链接,并记下您的API密钥:

TinyPNG Developer Email Confirmation

In the WordPress Plugin, navigate to Settings > Media, and insert your TinyPNG API key. You can also choose which image sizes to compress – each image size counts as a compression out of the 500 free allocated compressions per month, so let’s just select the original image, Page and Post sizes for our tests:

在WordPress插件中,导航到“设置”>“媒体”,然后插入TinyPNG API密钥。 您还可以选择要压缩的图像大小-每个图像大小都算作每月500种免费分配的压缩中的一种压缩,因此让我们为测试选择原始图像,页面大小和张贴大小:

TinyPNG WordPress Plugin Configuration

Let’s create a new post, and set our ‘Featured Image’ to our test image to get some results:


JPEG图像 (JPEG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 504KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 367KB, Saving: 27.2%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 29KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 19KB, Saving: 34.5%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 21KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 13KB, Saving: 38.1%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:29KB,有损压缩文件大小:19KB,节省:34.5%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:21KB,有损压缩文件大小:13KB,节省:38.1%
PNG图片 (PNG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 697KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 230KB, Saving: 67%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 354KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 94KB, Saving: 73%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 236KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 65KB, Saving: 73%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:354KB,有损压缩文件大小:94KB,节省:73%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:236KB,有损压缩文件大小:65KB,节省:73%

From one image alone, using specific image sizes and a compression plugin, we can reduce a 504KB JPEG image down to 13KB – a 491KB saving, or around a 1 second faster over a 2 Mbps connection. For a 697KB PNG, we can reduce this down to 65KB – a 632KB saving, or around 1.2 seconds faster over a 2 Mbps connection.

仅使用一张图像,使用特定的图像尺寸和压缩插件,我们就可以将504KB JPEG图像减少到13KB –节省491KB,或者在2 Mbps连接上快1秒钟左右。 对于697KB的PNG,我们可以将其减少到65KB-节省632KB,或者在2 Mbps连接上大约快1.2秒。

Now that we’ve optimized the images we want to deliver on our WordPress web site, let’s see how we can optimize the delivery of those images, based on the visitor’s location and other factors.


内容交付网络(CDN) (Content Delivery Networks (CDN))

A content delivery network is a large number of servers, typically distributed in multiple data centers across the world. They’re designed to serve static content, such as text, images, CSS and Javascript, as well as larger file downloads.

内容交付网络是大量服务器,通常分布在世界各地的多个数据中心中。 它们旨在提供静态内容,例如文本,图像,CSS和Javascript,以及较大的文件下载。

CDNs may also utilise caching and minification, to ensure that the delivered content is as optimized as possible.


Due to the geographic locations of CDNs, most will detect the visitor’s country, and attempt to deliver text, images, CSS and Javascript from the nearest available data center. This helps reduce response times and page load times, as well as reducing server bandwidth and load on your server.

由于CDN的地理位置,大多数都会检测到访问者所在的国家,并尝试从最近的可用数据中心发送文本,图像,CSS和Javascript。 这有助于减少响应时间和页面加载时间,并减少服务器带宽和服务器负载。

Let’s look at two available CDN solutions for WordPress.


光子 (Photon)

Photon is described as:


… an image acceleration and editing service for sites hosted on WordPress.com or on Jetpack-connected WordPress sites. That means less load on your host and faster images for your readers

…针对WordPress.com或Jetpack连接的WordPress网站上托管的网站的图像加速和编辑服务。 这意味着主机上的负载更少,读者的图像更快

It automatically grabs JPEG, PNG and GIF images, serving resized versions to meet the requirements of the browser. This is useful if we’re viewing a WordPress web site on a mobile device that has 500px x 500px images, but we only need a 250px x 250px version.

它会自动捕获JPEG,PNG和GIF图像,并提供调整大小的版本,以满足浏览器的要求。 如果我们在具有500px x 500px图像的移动设备上查看WordPress网站,但是仅需要250px x 250px版本,这将非常有用。

To setup Photon, we need to install and activate Jetpack. Navigate to Plugins > Add new in your WordPress Administration interface, and search for “Jetpack”:

要设置Photon,我们需要安装并激活Jetpack。 导航到“插件”>“在WordPress管理界面中添加新内容”,然后搜索“ Jetpack”:

Jetpack WordPress Plugin Installation

Click the Install Now button, and activate the plugin once installed.


Next, click on Jetpack in the WordPress Administration menu, and then click on Connect to WordPress.com. You’ll then be asked to login to your WordPress.com account (don’t worry if you don’t have one – you can sign up for a free account at this point):

接下来,单击“ WordPress管理”菜单中的Jetpack ,然后单击“ 连接到WordPress.com”。 然后,系统将要求您登录到WordPress.com帐户(不用担心,如果您没有这个帐户,您可以在此时注册一个免费帐户):


If everything is successful, you’ll be redirected back to your WordPress Administration interface, where you’ll see several modules, including Photon, available. Let’s go ahead and activate Photon by clicking the Activate button:

如果一切成功,您将被重定向回WordPress管理界面,在该界面中您将看到几个可用模块,包括Photon。 让我们继续,通过单击“ 激活”按钮来激活Photon:

Photon Module Activation

Photon is now activated, and images will be served from their CDN.


Let’s view our existing Post and Page, which contained our TinyPNG optimized Featured Images. You’ll notice the images are now served from i2.wp.com – this is Photon’s CDN. We can get the image source and adjust the resize parameters to get the original, 500px and 400px versions, to test the optimized file sizes:

让我们查看现有的Post and Page,其中包含我们的TinyPNG优化的精选图像。 您会注意到,现在可以从i2.wp.com提供图像了-这是Photon的CDN。 我们可以获取图像源并调整调整大小参数以获取原始的500px和400px版本,以测试优化的文件大小:

JPEG图像 (JPEG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 504KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 318KB, Saving: 37%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 29KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 14KB, Saving: 51.7%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 21KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 10KB, Saving: 52.4%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:29KB,有损压缩文件大小:14KB,节省:51.7%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:21KB,有损压缩文件大小:10KB,节省:52.4%
PNG图片 (PNG Image)
Original Dimensions – Original File Size: 697KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 239KB, Saving: 65.7%
500px x 500px – Original File Size: 354KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 101KB, Saving: 71.5%
400px x 400px – Original File Size: 236KB, Lossy Compressed File Size: 69KB, Saving: 70.8%
500px x 500px –原始文件大小:354KB,有损压缩文件大小:101KB,节省:71.5%
400px x 400px –原始文件大小:236KB,有损压缩文件大小:69KB,节省:70.8%

We’re still able to achieve similar file size savings to TinyPNG, with our JPEG image performing better on Photon, and our PNG image performing better using TinyPNG.


第三方CDN (Third Party CDNs)

If you’d prefer not to install Jetpack, and utilise the other functionality that comes with it (36 modules and counting!), you can use a third party CDN, such as MaxCDN.


The advantage of this approach is that you’re not just limited to optimizing image delivery; you can specify that CSS, JavaScript files and other static file types be served by the CDN. We can also keep an image optimization plugin, such as TinyPNG, on our WordPress installation, ensuring that our images are optimized before being stored on the CDN. If you’re on a site that has more CSS and Javascript content vs. images, then this may be a better solution.

这种方法的优点是您不仅限于优化图像传送; 您可以指定CDN提供CSS,JavaScript文件和其他静态文件类型。 我们还可以在WordPress安装中保留一个图像优化插件,例如TinyPNG,以确保在将图像存储到CDN之前对其进行优化。 如果您所在的站点具有更多CSS和Javascript内容而不是图像,那么这可能是一个更好的解决方案。

To setup MaxCDN, head over to their web site, and click the Get a Free Test Account button.

要设置MaxCDN,请转到其网站,然后单击“ 获取免费测试帐户”按钮。

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your personal details. You’ll then receive an email allowing you to create your MaxCDN account and get started.

按照屏幕上的说明完成您的个人详细信息。 然后,您会收到一封电子邮件,允许您创建MaxCDN帐户并开始使用。

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll need to create a zone. A zone is essentially a web site.

注册后,您需要创建一个区域。 区域实质上是一个网站。

To create a zone, click the Zones option in the main menu, followed by Create Pull Zone

要创建区域,请单击主菜单中的“区域”选项,然后单击“ 创建拉动区域”

MaxCDN Pull Zones

Enter the name for your pull zone (typically your web site name), it’s URL and an optional label:


MaxCDN Add Pull Zone

Next, we need to configure our WordPress installation to use MaxCDN. We’ll use W3 Total Cache, which is a WordPress Plugin that comes with MaxCDN support.

接下来,我们需要配置WordPress安装以使用MaxCDN。 我们将使用W3 Total Cache,这是MaxCDN支持随附的WordPress插件。

To setup W3 Total Cache, navigate to Plugins > Add new in your WordPress Administration interface, and search for “W3 Total Cache”:

要设置W3 Total Cache,请在WordPress管理界面中导航至Plugins> Add new,然后搜索“ W3 Total Cache”:

W3 Total Cache Plugin Installation

Click the Install Now button, and activate the plugin once installed.


Once activated, navigate to Performance > CDN in the WordPress Administration menu, and scroll down to the Configuration panel.

激活后,导航至“ WordPress管理”菜单中的“性能”>“ CDN”,然后向下滚动至“配置”面板。

W3 Total Cache Plugin Configuration

Click the Authorize button, copy the authorization key, and paste it into the Authorization key field of the plugin:


W3 Total Cache Plugin Configuration - Validation

If everything worked, a Key is valid notice should display on screen. Click the Save all settings button to complete configuration.

如果一切正常,则应在屏幕上显示密钥有效通知。 单击保存所有设置按钮以完成配置。

Reload one of your existing Pages or Posts, and you should see the CSS, JS and images are being served from the CDN.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we’ve reviewed a number of image optimization and CDN plugins for WordPress. Photon CDN, which is part of the Jetpack Plugin, provides the single, most effective solution to delivering optimized images, scaled for all resolutions and served from a CDN – and best of all, it’s free.

在本文中,我们回顾了许多针对WordPress的图像优化和CDN插件。 Photon CDN是Jetpack插件的一部分,它提供了一个最有效的解决方案来交付优化的图像,可针对所有分辨率进行缩放,并可以从CDN进行服务-最好的是,它是免费的。

For those who already have a CDN in place, or would prefer not to use one, or use Jetpack, TinyPNG’s WordPress Plugin resulted in a slight improvement in image optimization over Photon for PNG images, and can be useful in conjunction with a third party CDN providers.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/mastering-image-optimization-in-wordpress/






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