

Ghost grafitti

photo : Divine Harvester


Many designers are just that: Designers.

许多设计师就是这样: Designers

They don’t want to be programmers and therefore have learned to leverage existing content management systems to provide the functionality that their clients require.


And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


But the issue many of us encounter is that the applications we’ve been leveraging: Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal, and so on have grown up along with us.


Unfortunately they are no longer the lightweight, simple CMS and/or blog engines they once were.


That causes overhead. Overhead for us when trying to skin them to look like the design our client signed off on.

这导致开销。 当我们尝试使它们外观看起来像客户签署的设计时,这对我们来说是开销。

Overhead for the server, since they’re simply bigger, more demanding creatures.


And overhead for our poor clients, in the form of information overload, when they try to log in and actually do something.


NASA Mission Control

Welcome to WordPress!” Photo :mtsn

欢迎使用WordPress! ”照片:mtsn

Have you taken a step back and looked at the WordPress administration panel lately?


Dropping a client into that admin panel is like dropping them into NASA Mission Control. It can often mean headaches for them AND you.

将客户端放入该管理面板就像将其放入NASA Mission Control。 对于他们和您来说,这通常可能意味着头痛。

There’s a need for an elegant, fast, and flexible CMS.


! 幽灵介绍 (Boo! Introducing Ghost)

This is where Ghost comes in! Ghost is a Blog engine and NOTHING else. The developers over at aim to keep it that way.

这就是Ghost进来的地方! Ghost是Blog引擎,而其他则没有。 Ghost.org的开发人员旨在保持这种状态。

This is really good news for a number of reasons: There’s a lack of scope creep in the application. Things stay simple when you’re only trying to do one thing and do it well.

这确实是个好消息,其原因有很多:应用程序中缺少范围爬升。 当您只想做一件事情并且做好事时,事情就变得简单了。

The administration panel for Ghost isn’t just simple, it’s beautiful, and it’s drag and drop adjustable.


Because it’s such a nicely designed administration interface, you’ll have way less client resistance than you may be used to. Ghost is clean, simple, easy, and has no higher aspirations than becoming better at what it’s intended to do.

因为它是一个设计精美的管理界面,所以与以往相比,您可以减少客户端的阻力。 Ghost干净,简单,易用,并且没有比在其预期的用途上变得更好而更高的抱负。

Besides the philosophical simplicity, presentational beauty, and ease of client use, there’s something else.


Ghost’s underlying programming language is based on node.js. Essentially that’s JavaScript running server-side, so you won’t have to learn PHP, Ruby or any other server side programming language. It’s the same kind of JavaScript syntax that you’re probably, at least, somewhat familiar with.

Ghost的基础编程语言基于node.js。 本质上,这是在服务器端运行JavaScript,因此您不必学习PHP,Ruby或任何其他服务器端编程语言。 至少您可能有点熟悉这种JavaScript语法。

So, whether you’re a new designer looking for something to add to your service offering, or a long-time designer looking for some fresh air for your service offerings, read on.


召唤鬼魂 (Summoning the Ghost)

Today, I just want to get you set up with a working Ghost install for you to tinker with. Like any new technology, you’re going to want to play with it to truly understand it’s power.

今天,我只想让您设置可以正常运行的Ghost安装,以便您进行修改。 像任何新技术一样,您将需要使用它来真正了解其功能。

In our next article, we’ll look at how you can take control of Ghost’s powerful theming system.


There are now lots of hosting companies that cater for Ghost sites, including some of the big boys like Amazon and DigitalOcean. Many are cheap — some are even free.

现在有很多托管公司可以满足Ghost网站的需求 ,其中包括亚马逊和DigitalOcean等大型公司。 许多便宜,有些甚至免费。

Because node.js has some server-side requirements that aren’t compatible with all shared hosting, I’m going to use Microsoft Azure in this example. If you don’t currently have an Azure account, fear not. You can still follow along with the free demo offering on the Azure home page.

由于node.js的某些服务器端要求与所有共享主机都不兼容,因此在此示例中,我将使用Microsoft Azure 。 如果您当前没有Azure帐户,请不要担心。 您仍然可以在Azure主页上关注免费的演示产品。

在Microsoft Azure上部署Ghost。 (Deploying Ghost on Microsoft Azure.)

1). Visit with your favorite browser. Log in and go to the Management Portal (

1)。 使用您喜欢的浏览器访问 。 登录并转到管理门户( )。

From the Azure Management page, click the Web Sites tab on the left of your screen, and then click the +New button on the bottom left of the screen to open the Menu Tab.

在“ Azure管理”页面中,单击屏幕左侧的“ 网站”选项卡 ,然后单击屏幕左下方的“ +新建”按钮以打开“菜单”选项卡。

Initiating a new Ghost deployment

2). In the +New menu, from left to right choose Compute, Web Site, and then click From Gallery to open the Add Web App dialog. Scroll through the list of applications and click the entry for Ghost.

2)。 在+“新建”菜单中,从左到右选择“计算”,“网站”,然后单击“从图库”以打开“添加Web应用程序”对话框。 滚动浏览应用程序列表,然后单击Ghost条目。

Select Ghost from the apps list.

Select Ghost from the apps list.


On the lower right of the Add Web App dialog, click the “Next” arrow to open the Configuration page of the Add Web App dialog. You have several choices to make here:

在“添加Web应用程序”对话框的右下角,单击“下一步”箭头以打开“添加Web应用程序”对话框的“配置”页面。 您可以在此处进行几种选择:

  • 网址 (URL)

    This is the URL that your Ghost deployment will be publicly visible. Initially you will use a sub domain such as in my example: After deployment you can apply a domain name to the deployment.

    这是您的Ghost部署将公开显示的URL。 最初,您将使用一个子域,例如在我的示例中。 部署后,您可以将域名应用于部署。

  • 地区 (Region)

    This is the geographical location of the datacenter hosting your deployment. In my case I chose East US. Chose the appropriate location for your needs.

    这是托管您的部署的数据中心的地理位置。 就我而言,我选择了美国东部。 选择适合您需要的位置。

  • 电子邮件服务名称 (Email Service Name)

    This entry is here to establish the deployment’s email capability for sending automatic emails, password recovery, and so on. This can be changed after deployment as well.

    该条目在此处用于建立部署的电子邮件功能,以发送自动电子邮件,恢复密码等。 部署后也可以更改。

    In this example, I chose my Gmail account for simplicity. If you use Gmail, make sure to check your spam-trap because it’s fairly common for Gmail to consider Ghost’s log-in attempt to be an unauthorized attempt, in which case Gmail will send you a message regarding the situation and remedies.

    在此示例中,为简单起见,我选择了我的Gmail帐户。 如果您使用Gmail,请确保检查您的垃圾邮件陷阱,因为Gmail普遍认为Ghost的登录尝试是未经授权的尝试,在这种情况下,Gmail会向您发送有关此情况和补救措施的消息。

  • 电子邮件服务用户名 (Email Service Username)

    This entry is almost always the actual email address associated with the Email Service Name.


  • 电子邮件服务密码 (Email Service Password)

    This is the actual password for the email account name that you entered in the Username field.


Configuring your App

Configuring your App


Configure these form fields as you wish and then click the Checkmark icon on the lower right of the dialog.

根据需要配置这些表单字段,然后单击对话框右下方的“ 对勾”图标。

Azure begins the provisioning process. You’ll see a status message at the bottom of your page and the status indicator will be “Creating”.

Azure开始配置过程。 您会在页面底部看到状态消息,状态指示器将为“正在创建”。

This can sometimes take a few minutes, so don’t worry that it’s failing, just be patient.


The Azure management page

When provisioning is complete you will see a confirmation message at the bottom of the page and the status for your new site will change to “Running”.


4). In the URL column, click the link for your new Ghost deployment to open it in your browser.

4)。 在“ URL”列中 ,单击新Ghost部署的链接以在浏览器中将其打开。

Ghost lives!

Assuming a successful deployment, you will be presented with a page similar to this.


5). As the welcome message instructs, add “/ghost/” to the URL in your browser’s address bar.

5)。 按照欢迎消息的指示,在浏览器地址栏中的URL上添加“ / ghost /”。

In my example it would be This URL is also where you will return to administer the deployment.

在我的示例中,它是。 您还将返回此URL来管理部署。

Ghost login screen

On the first visit Ghost requires you to create an account for yourself. These values are for your internal account on the new deployment.

首次访问时,Ghost要求您为自己创建一个帐户。 这些值适用于新部署中的内部帐户。

6). Enter your Name, Email, and add a Password, and then click the Sign Up button.

6)。 输入您的姓名,电子邮件并添加密码,然后单击“注册”按钮。

Default Ghost website theme

After creating your initial account, Ghost will redirect to the admin interface.


Take some time to explore the interface, become familiar with what’s there, try posting a new article, and so on.


Consider what you’ve accomplished in under five minutes: you’ve deployed a state of the art blog platform on a state of the art server. That’s something that just wasn’t an option as little as five years ago. While the result is a nice accomplishment, with very little effort, it’s only the beginning. There remain such tasks as modifying the visual appearance of the deployment, modifying the settings, creating content, and so on.

考虑一下您在不到五分钟的时间内完成的工作:您已经在最新的服务器上部署了最新的博客平台。 至少五年前,这是不可能的选择。 尽管取得了不错的成就,但付出了很少的努力,但这仅仅是开始。 剩下的任务包括修改部署的外观,修改设置,创建内容等。

In the next installment in this series you will learn how to download the site files to your local computer and modify the theme, giving your deployment its own unique appearance.


See you for Part 2!








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