

In my previous two articles I wrote about hosted shopping carts, their features and some of their operations.But what if you want to host your own shopping cart?


For this article I will compare WooCommerce (an advanced WordPress extension), and Magento (Community Edition). Magento Go, the hosted version of Magento, is covered in the hosted shopping carts articles. I will now show you what you need to host Magento yourself, and provide a more in-depth look into its features. But, as I mentioned in my previous article, Magento can be quite overwhelming. So I decided to compare it to WooCommerce, a popular WordPress shopping cart extension that can relate to Shopify in the previous articles when it comes to features.

在本文中,我将比较WooCommerce(高级WordPress扩展)和Magento(社区版)。 购物车文章中介绍了Magento的托管版本Magento Go。 现在,我将向您展示自己托管Magento的需求,并提供对其功能的更深入的了解。 但是,正如我在上一篇文章中提到的那样,Magento可能会让人不知所措。 因此,我决定将其与WooCommerce进行比较,WooCommerce是一种流行的WordPress购物车扩展,在功能方面可以与先前文章中的Shopify相关。

In each case, I will compare the hosting requirements, setting up and features. Both shopping carts can be used for free.

在每种情况下,我都会比较托管要求,设置和功能。 两种购物车均可免费使用。

代管 (Hosting)

Magento (Magento)

There are always people debating about Magento hosting, and whether you need Magento optimized hosting. The fact is a successful Magento webshop does require a lot of server resources. A simple installation of Magento can run on basically any type of hosting or server though, as long as you have a minimum memory allotment of 256 MB and meet the  requirements.

总是有人争论Magento托管,以及您是否需要Magento优化托管。 一个成功的Magento网上商店确实需要大量服务器资源。 不过,只要您的最小内存分配为256 MB并且满足要求 ,Magento的简单安装基本上就可以在任何类型的主机或服务器上运行。

WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

Since WooCommerce runs on WordPress, the hosting requirements are a bit more friendly. The system requirements are pretty standard, and there are no specific server requirements. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to it, you need to be prepared for success.

由于WooCommerce在WordPress上运行,因此托管要求更加友好。 系统要求是非常标准的,没有特定的服务器要求。 这并不意味着您不应该关注它,您需要为成功做好准备。

Especially Magento can become quite a beast when it’s a large store with tens of thousands of items. Your database will grow to tens of gigbytes in size, and its massive file structure will put a serious load on your server. Initially, you can speed up your store by simply adding more memory, and increasing the CPU power. But once that’s not enough, you’ll need to split your front-end and back-end, for example. I could write a whole new article just about optimizing Magento. This also applies to WooCommerce, but not to the same degree. Basically, the larger WooCommerce gets, the slower it will become and the more measures you need to take to keep it fast. This is where specialized hosting comes in, where you can outsource these worries, and focus yourself on building and configuring the store for yourself or your client.

当Magento是一家拥有数万种商品的大型商店时,尤其可以成为野兽。 您的数据库将增长到数十GB,其庞大的文件结构将给服务器带来沉重的负担。 最初,您可以通过简单地增加内存和增加CPU能力来加快存储速度。 但这还不够,例如,您需要拆分前端和后端。 我可以写一篇有关优化Magento的全新文章。 这也适用于WooCommerce,但程度不同。 基本上,WooCommerce得到的越大,它将变得越慢,并且需要采取更多的措施来使其保持快速。 这是专门托管的地方,您可以在其中外包这些担忧,并集中精力为自己或您的客户构建和配置商店。

配置 (Setting up)

Setting up both shopping carts is really easy. WooCommerce is a WordPress add-on, so you’ll need WordPress installed of course.

设置两个购物车真的很容易。 WooCommerce是WordPress插件,因此您当然需要安装WordPress。

Almost all hosting companies provide easy install for WordPress, and most offer Magento installation as well. Or you can install it yourself by downloading the install files from Magento or WordPress.

几乎所有托管公司都可以轻松安装WordPress,并且大多数公司还提供Magento安装。 或者,您可以通过从MagentoWordPress下载安装文件自行安装。

I’ll use my own domain for this. It runs on a VPS with 2GB of memory, and 2 CPU cores totalling 4.6GHz. It’s well suited to the job, and it has Installatron to install both Magento and WordPress.

我将使用自己的域名 。 它运行在具有2GB内存和2个CPU内核,总计4.6GHz的VPS上。 它非常适合这项工作,并且具有Installatron来安装Magento和WordPress。

Let’s start with Magento.


Magento (Magento)

Magento demo store



During the installation, you can opt to have sample data inserted. The default template isn’t as modern as the Magento Go default template, this one looks a bit dated. Also, you won’t see a handy setup wizard on your first login.

在安装过程中,您可以选择插入示例数据。 默认模板不像Magento Go默认模板那样现代,该模板看起来有些过时了。 另外,您第一次登录时将看不到方便的设置向导。

magento dashboard

What you do see is a convenient dashboard, with your latest sales data, search terms, bestsellers etc. This can be very motivating when orders start rolling in.


Magento allows you to change almost anything you see, and this gives you great flexibility in customizing your store. Because of this, adding your first product can be quite a challenge.

Magento允许您更改几乎所有看到的内容,这为您自定义商店提供了极大的灵活性。 因此,添加您的第一个产品可能是一个很大的挑战。

You start by setting up a category structure.


magento category structure

You can nest unlimited subcategories, with each (sub)category giving you tons of options to configure. You can select a specific design and layout for each category, handy for if you want to make a product specific landing page, for example. Most settings can be inherited from the site settings, to save you time.

您可以嵌套无限的子类别,每个(子)类别都为您提供了大量的配置选项。 您可以为每个类别选择特定的设计和布局,例如,如果要创建特定于产品的登录页面,则非常方便。 可以从站点设置继承大多数设置,以节省时间。

After you figure out your category structure, you begin adding products. This is where Magento really begins to shine: You can make product attributes templates, on which you can base your listings. A computer (hard drive, memory) has a different set of product attributes to a t-shirt (size, color), for example. You can make a simple product (just one item), grouped products (sell a bedroom, with bed, sheets, pillow) or configurable products (like t-shirts, in different sizes and color, where a customer selects one combination).

确定类别结构后,就可以开始添加产品了。 这就是Magento真正开始发挥作用的地方:您可以制作产品属性模板,并以此为基础创建清单。 例如,计算机(硬盘驱动器,内存)与T恤衫(尺寸,颜色)具有不同的产品属性集。 您可以制作简单的产品(仅一项),分组的产品(出售卧室,床,床单,枕头)或可配置的产品(例如T恤,尺寸和颜色不同,客户可以选择一种组合)。

magento new product

If you select a simple product, you can configure every detail of your listing. Again, many of these setting can be specified site-wide, but it’s a powerful option. The downside of all this power is that it can easily take you 10-15 minutes for each product you add. Luckily, you can save yourself a lot of time by importing CSV files with your products based on these values.

如果选择简单的产品,则可以配置清单的每个细节。 同样,许多设置可以在整个站点范围内指定,但这是一个强大的选项。 所有这些功能的缺点是,您添加的每种产品很容易花费10-15分钟。 幸运的是,您可以根据这些值将CSV文件与产品一起导入,从而节省大量时间。

magento catalog settings

The settings screen is just as extensive as any part of Magento, with hundreds of settings to choose from.


Because of the complexity of Magento, setting up your store can take you anything from a few days for a simple store based on a default theme, to months of work when you add thousands of products and use a custom design.


But, you won’t find two stores the same anytime soon…


WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

WooCommerce demo store


woocommerce setup

Setting up WooCommerce starts with installing WordPress, and then adding the WooCommerce plugin. Your WordPress site is enriched with a few WooCommerce features (Cart, checkout, my account and shop). Sample data has to be loaded manually, but it not as easy as with Magento (see instructions).

设置WooCommerce首先要安装WordPress,然后添加WooCommerce插件。 您的WordPress网站具有许多WooCommerce功能(购物车,结帐,我的帐户和商店)。 样本数据必须手动加载,但并不像Magento那样简单( 请参阅说明 )。

woocommerce demo site

However, after performing these steps, your WooCommerce shop instantly looks a lot better.


woocommerce product categories

WooCommerce adds two buttons to the WordPress admin navigation, called WooCommerce and Products. In the latter you set up your categories and products. For those familiar with WordPress, this should look familiar. The options you have are quite limited: you can specify if a category view should display the product inside, the subcategories or both.

WooCommerce在WordPress管理员导航中添加了两个按钮,称为WooCommerce和产品。 在后者中,您可以设置类别和产品。 对于那些熟悉WordPress的人,应该看起来很熟悉。 您拥有的选项非常有限:您可以指定类别视图是在内部显示产品,在子类别中还是在两者中显示。

Adding a product gives you some more customization options. As with Magento you can add simple products, grouped products and configurable products (called variable products). There is also an option to add an affiliate product of an external vendor (more on this later).

添加产品会为您提供更多自定义选项。 与Magento一样,您可以添加简单产品,分组产品和可配置产品(称为可变产品)。 还可以选择添加外部供应商的会员产品(稍后将对此进行详细介绍)。

Also, you can specify it the product should be virtual (like a service contract) or downloadable. Magento does this too, but with WooCommerce it’s easier.

另外,您可以指定产品应该是虚拟的(例如服务合同)或可下载。 Magento也这样做,但是使用WooCommerce更容易。

woocommerce product data

With not as many options as Magento to specify, adding a product in WooCommerce works much faster. There are more options than you see in this screenshot, because adding a product is basically adding a WordPress post with lots of variables. So you can add images, specify one or multiple categories and add product information. But the power of WooCommerce is in these product settings.

由于没有Magento指定的选项太多,因此在WooCommerce中添加产品的速度要快得多。 有更多选项供您选择,因为添加产品基本上就是在WordPress帖子中添加大量变量。 因此,您可以添加图像,指定一个或多个类别并添加产品信息。 但是WooCommerce的强大之处在于这些产品设置。

woocommerce page setup

The settings screen WooCommerce provides you is relatively simple, since most settings can be left untouched. But this also allows you to have your shop up and running in a few days, where you will be spending most of your time adding products and not fine-tuning your settings. And you will certainly benefit timewise if you’ve worked with WordPress before.

WooCommerce为您提供的设置屏幕相对简单,因为大多数设置都可以保持不变。 但是,这也使您可以在几天之内启动并运行自己的商店,而这将花费大部分时间来添加产品,而不用对设置进行微调。 如果您以前使用过WordPress,那么您一定会在时间上受益。

特征 (Features)

By showing you some of the backend of both programs, you probably have an idea by now as to what you can expect. But to help you in your choice, I’ve listed some distinctive features:

通过向您展示这两个程序的某些后端,您现在可能已经对可以期望的有了一个想法。 但是为了帮助您选择,我列出了一些独特的功能:

Magento (Magento)

  • Easy translation: You can translate your entire front-end while browsing your store, no need for editing CSV files (although that is still possible).


  • Different store views: This can be used to operate different stores from the same backend. For example, I used this for one of my clients, who had an “all-products” store on their main domain, and a niche store (with a selection of their products) on a targeted domain. The niche products were also sold on the main domain. You can also use this for localizing your store.

    不同的商店视图:可用于从同一后端操作不同的商店。 例如,我将其用于我的一位客户,该客户在其主域中拥有“所有产品”商店,并在目标域中具有利基商店(具有其产品的选择)。 利基产品也在主要领域出售。 您也可以使用它来本地化商店。

  • Selling tools: You can put in up-sells, cross-sells, discounts on products/categories/cart and product comparisons to name a few.


  • Layered navigation: This allows you to let the customer filter the products listings based on criteria you specify, like price range, color, brand etc.


  • Add-ons and themes: There are thousands of free and paid themes to have the site look the way you like. And if you want to extend or improve the integrated functionality, you can use add-ons. These are generally very good and mostly free or inexpensive.

    附加组件和主题:有成千上万的免费和付费主题,以使网站看起来像您喜欢的样子。 并且,如果您想扩展或改善集成功能,则可以使用附加组件。 这些通常非常好,而且大多数都是免费的或便宜的。

WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

  • Easy setup: This may easily be its main feature, since this allows you to set up a professional store for you or your client, and test the waters first.


  • Affiliate products: This is an excellent feature if you’re into selling affiliate products. This can increase your affiliate income, since you can list the products as if it were your own.

    会员产品:如果您要销售会员产品,这是一项出色的功能。 这可以增加您的会员收入,因为您可以像列出自己的产品一样列出产品。

  • Product ratings: WooCommerce has a built-in ratings system, and you can even offer discounts to those who leave you a review.

    产品评分: WooCommerce具有内置的评分系统,您甚至可以为那些给您留下评论的人打折。

  • Layered navigation: Yes, WooCommerce has this too, although it’s not as common as you might think. But the Magento version works better because you can only select one attribute with WooCommerce.

    分层导航:是的,WooCommerce也有此功能,尽管它并不像您想象的那样普遍。 但是Magento版本的效果更好,因为您只能通过WooCommerce选择一个属性。

  • Widgets: You can very simply add widgets for your best sellers, featured products, products on sale etc.


  • Add-ons and themes: While not as many as Magento, WooCommerce has its own set of themes and add-ons to extend or improve functionality. And you can also use WordPress add-ons to supplement your store.

    附加组件和主题:尽管不如Magento,WooCommerce拥有自己的一组主题和附加组件以扩展或改进功能。 您还可以使用WordPress插件来补充您的商店。

结论 (Conclusion)

When you see all the differences between Magento and WooCommerce, you might think I’m comparing apples with oranges. But that’s not the case here, since I basically wanted to show you the possibilities of Magento and WooCommerce. I think that in a way they complement each other, WooCommerce being the start of your e-commerce adventure, with Magento as the ultimate solution. That doesn’t mean WooCommerce won’t give you a professional webshop, but in time you might want the extra functionality Magento gives you.

当您看到Magento和WooCommerce之间的所有差异时,您可能会认为我正在将苹果与橙子进行比较。 但这不是事实,因为我基本上想向您展示Magento和WooCommerce的可能性。 我认为,以互为补充的方式,WooCommerce是您的电子商务冒险的开始,而Magento是最终的解决方案。 这并不意味着WooCommerce不会为您提供专业的网上商店,但是随着时间的流逝,您可能希望Magento为您提供额外的功能。

They both have their downsides: WooCommerce lacks certain needed features, or doesn’t play them out that well. Magento, on the other hand, has all the features you need, but comes with a steep learning curve.

它们都有缺点:WooCommerce缺少某些必需的功能,或者没有很好地发挥它们的功能。 另一方面,Magento具有所需的所有功能,但学习曲线陡峭。

The great thing is you can try them both, they are both open source and freely available. Let me know what you think.

很棒的是,您可以同时尝试它们,它们都是开源的,可以免费获得。 让我知道你的想法。







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