SitePoint Podcast#190:Dave Rupert的开源项目

Episode 190 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week Kevin Dees (@kevindees) interviews Dave Rupert (@davatron5000) of Paravel about open source development.

SitePoint Podcast的第190集现已发布! 本周凯文迪斯( @kevindees )采访戴夫鲁珀特( @ davatron5000的) Paravel约开源开发。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

  • SitePoint Podcast #190: Open Source Projects with Dave Rupert. (MP3, 38:11, 36.7MB)

    SitePoint播客#190:Dave Rupert的开源项目。 (MP3,38:11,36.7MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Kevin and Dave discuss developing open source projects, but before that Patrick O’Keefe has an announcement about the SitePoint Podcast.

凯文(Kevin)和戴夫(Dave)讨论开发开源项目,但在此之前,帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe)宣布了有关SitePoint播客的信息。

Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Patrick: Hello, and welcome to another addition of the SitePoint Podcast. This is Patrick O’Keefe and before Kevin Dees gets started with the interview that he recorded for this week’s episode, we wanted to take a moment to share a special announcement with you.

帕特里克:您好,欢迎加入SitePoint播客的其他内容。 这是帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe),在凯文·迪斯(Kevin Dees)开始本周为这集节目录制的采访之前,我们想花一点时间与您分享特别的公告。

There’s no way to say this without it being a surprise. There’s no way to say this without it coming completely out of the blue. There’s just no way around that. The announcement is that the SitePoint podcast is coming to an end. We’ve had a really great run, and it’s been a great experience for all of us. But everything must eventually come to an end, and now is that time for this show.

毫无疑问,这是没有办法说的。 没有它完全不是天方夜谭,这是无话可说的。 只是没有办法解决。 宣布SitePoint播客即将结束。 我们的运转非常出色,对我们所有人来说都是非常不错的经历。 但是一切都必须最终结束,现在是该节目的时候了。

We’re sorry to see it end, but we are planning a grand finale two weeks from now, and we want you to be a part of it. One of the greatest things about this show for us has been the listeners, everyone who tunes in, who shares the show, who subscribes, who listens, who leaves comments. This is one of the things that has really made it worthwhile for us and that’s why we want you to be a part of our finale.

很遗憾看到它结束了,但是我们正计划从现在开始两周的盛大结局,我们希望您能参与其中。 对于我们来说,这场表演最伟大的事情之一就是听众,每个收听,分享表演,订阅,听众,发表评论的人。 这是真正使我们值得的一件事,这就是为什么我们希望您成为决赛的一部分。

We’d love to hear your thoughts about the podcast, your memories, your favorite moments. Whatever you want to share, please send it to us via email at We accept both text and audio comments. For audio comments, please record them and then upload them somewhere where we can download them. So for example, your Dropbox account, your web hosting space, something like that, and then send us the link to the file via email.

我们很想听听您对播客的想法,您的回忆,您最喜欢的时刻。 无论您想共享什么,请通过podcast@sitepoint.com将其发送给我们。 我们接受文字和音频评论。 对于音频评论,请记录它们,然后将其上传到可以下载它们的位置。 因此,例如,您的Dropbox帐户,您的虚拟主机空间等,然后通过电子邮件将链接发送给我们。

Don’t worry if you don’t have the greatest mic in the world. But if you do have the opportunity to export it in a higher quality audio format, for example, .wav or a high quality Apple format, that’s great as opposed to an mp3. But even if all you have is an mp3, that’s fine as well. More than anything else, we just want to hear your thoughts on the show.

如果您没有世界上最好的麦克风,请不要担心。 但是,如果您确实有机会以更高质量的音频格式(例如.wav或高质量的Apple格式)将其导出,那么与mp3相比,这很棒。 但是,即使您只有mp3,也可​​以。 最重要的是,我们只想听听您在演出中的想法。

Again, send us a link to your audio comment, or send us your text comments at, and they might just be included in our final show. The deadline for submissions is December 9th, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. That’s 8:00 p.m. GMT UTC -5, or 1:00 a.m. on Monday, December 10th, UTC time.

同样,给我们发送指向您的音频评论的链接,或向我们发送您的文本评论, 网址 ,这些评论可能仅包含在我们的最终演出中。 提交截止日期为美国东部时间12月9日,晚上8:00。 这是格林尼治标准时间UTC -5下午8:00,或UTC时间12月10日星期一上午1:00。

Whether you submit a comment or not, we’d like to take a moment to thank you for all of your support over the years. It really has meant a lot to us, and we look forward to sharing more of that with you on our grand finale, which will be released on Friday, December 14th. Announcement out of the way, please enjoy this week’s interview. Over to you, Kevin.

无论您是否发表评论,我们都希望花一点时间感谢您多年来的支持。 这对我们确实意义重大,我们期待在12月14日(星期五)上映的决赛中与您分享更多这些内容。 公告没什么问题,请享受本周的采访。 凯文,交给你了。

Kevin: So today I get to talk with Mr. Dave Rupert. Hello, Dave.

凯文:所以今天我要与戴夫·鲁珀特先生谈谈。 哈D,戴夫

Dave: Howdy, howdy.


Kevin: I’m so excited to get to talk to you. This is awesome.

凯文:很高兴与您交谈。 这太棒了。

Dave: Hey, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it, and it’s nice to be here. Good to see you again.

戴夫:嘿,谢谢你有我。 我真的很感激,很高兴来到这里。 很高兴再次见到你。

Kevin: Yeah, absolutely. Well, see via video.

凯文:是的,绝对。 好吧,通过视频看。

Dave: Virtually seeing, yes.


Kevin: Right. Very good. If you don’t know who Dave is, I’m not going to put shame on you, but you will get to know by the end of today. Dave has been developing websites and things to do with programming, oh, for a long time now. How long now have you been doing this?

凯文:对。 很好。 如果您不知道戴夫是谁,我不会在您身上感到羞耻,但您将在今天结束前结识。 戴夫一直在开发网站以及与编程有关的事情,哦,很长时间了。 您现在已经这样做多久了?

Dave: Well, I think unofficially I’ve been doing this since 1995-ish.


Kevin: Since the internet was created.


Dave: Yeah. But with my company, Paravel, been making websites with them since 2006 or 2007-ish, we started in one way or another, and now we’re just trucking along.

戴夫:是的。 但是自2006年或2007年以来,与我的公司Paravel一直在与他们合作创建网站,我们以一种或另一种方式开始,而现在我们只是在努力。

Kevin: Right, so you’re older than Google, then?


Dave: Just a shade. No. Google, relatively speaking, is probably more successful.

戴夫:只是阴影。 不会。相对而言,谷歌可能会更成功。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: But they’re doing all right. It’s been fun. It’s been a wild ride. I’m actually, before we had this call here, I am putting together a talk for In Control Conference. It’s a conference that is happening in Hawaii, being put on by Environments for Humans. But I’m doing a lot of research on the history of web.

戴夫:但是他们做得很好。 很好玩 这是一个疯狂的旅程。 实际上,在我们接到此电话之前,我正在为In Control Conference进行演讲。 这是在夏威夷举行的会议,由“人类环境”组织。 但是我对网络的历史做了很多研究。

Kevin: Wow.


Dave: Kind of like HTML5 and just how it all came about. I’ve been spending just the last few days just down memory lane. It’s been kind of interesting. It’s like, in 2002 SVG was spec-ed out. You’re just like, “Ah, those were the days.” No. It’s interesting.

Dave:有点像HTML5以及它的产生方式。 最近几天我一直在记忆中度过。 真有趣。 就像在2002年确定了SVG。 您就像,“啊,那些日子。” 不,这很有趣。

Kevin: Since we all use SVG now. That’s just the new thing. But, yeah, among what Dave has talked about, he has actually a few accomplishments, I think mostly known for your small jQuery plug- ins, such as FitVids and FitText, and I believe there’s one other.

凯文:既然我们现在都使用SVG。 那只是新事物。 但是,是的,在Dave谈论的内容中,他实际上已经取得了一些成就,我认为主要是因为您的小型jQuery插件(例如FitVids和FitText)而闻名,而且我相信还有其他成就。

Dave: Lettering.js, yeah.

戴夫: Lettering.js,是的。

Kevin: Lettering.js. I think that was the first – Lettering was the first one, right?

凯文: Lettering.js。 我认为那是第一个–刻字是第一个,对吗?

Dave: Yeah. I’m a bit of a purveyor of tiny jQueries. I love it. I think they’re very fun to make and just kind of like single-faceted utilities. I think they’re a lot of fun to make. I don’t know. I’m not rich because of it, but I have a lot of fun with it.

戴夫:是的。 我是小型jQueries的供应商。 我喜欢它。 我认为它们的制作非常有趣,就像单面工具一样。 我认为他们很有趣。 我不知道。 因为它我并不富裕,但是我对此很感兴趣。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: Yeah. For me, anything over 100 lines of code, I start losing interesting. I’m just like, “Oh, God. It’s too complicated. I quit. I’m done.”

戴夫:是的。 对我来说,任何超过100行代码的东西,我都开始失去兴趣。 我就像,“哦,上帝。 它太复杂了。 我不干了。 我受够了。”

Kevin: I wish everything was under 100 lines of code, but then we’d have a very modular-based internet.


Dave: Yeah, it’s called modularization. It’s the new thing.

戴夫:是的,这叫做模块化。 这是新事物。

Kevin: Everyone would be supporting everyone else’s code constantly.


Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: Excellent. Dave, again welcome to the show. Today, I kind of want to get to at least talk to you a little bit, if not in the majority of the conversation, about just those things, the little plug-ins. Creating a work and putting it out there in the world where other people can experience it, and kind of maybe even learn a little bit from the code you write. So to expound on that, I wanted to ask you a few questions, and maybe we can elaborate on those, if that’s okay with you.

凯文:太好了。 戴夫,再次欢迎参加演出。 今天,我有点想至少与您进行一些对话,即使不是在大多数对话中,也只是关于那些东西,即小插件。 创建作品并将其发布到其他人可以体验的世界,甚至可以从您编写的代码中学到一些东西。 因此,我想问你几个问题,如果可以的话,也许我们可以详细说明。

Dave: Yeah, sure. Hit me.

戴夫:是的,当然。 打我。

Kevin: Okay. Excellent. To kind of start things off, can you tell me a little bit about what possessed you, what made you want to create these tools online? Maybe if you explain a little bit of what fit-text was and where that came from, maybe the story behind that just so people can have an idea.

凯文:好的。 优秀的。 首先,您能告诉我一些有关您拥有什么的信息,是什么让您想要在线创建这些工具的吗? 也许如果您解释一下什么是合适的文本以及它来自何处,也许背后的故事只是为了让人们有一个想法。

Dave: Yeah. FitText is a great example. One day, Trent Walton is redesigning his blog. He’s going responsive, and if you’ve been to Trent Walton’s blog, you know that every feature article is custom designed, and he’d kill me if he heard me say this, but it’s kind of the blogazine-style layout? Every post is kind of art directed, or every feature post is art directed, and he was looking at responsive and he was just saying, “Hey, this would be great. I want to try responsive, but I have all these headlines and stuff that are totally custom. They’re using lettering. They’re high web font plus graphical, or sometimes they’re just graphic and some text.”

戴夫:是的。 FitText是一个很好的例子。 有一天,特伦特·沃尔顿(Trent Walton)正在重新设计他的博客。 他会做出回应,如果您去过Trent Walton的博客,您会知道每篇专题文章都是按客户要求设计的,如果听到我这样说,他会杀了我,但这是Blogazine式的布局吗? 每个帖子都是艺术指导,或者每个特色帖子都是艺术指导,他看着回应,他只是说:“嘿,这太好了。 我想尝试快速响应,但是我拥有所有这些标题和完全自定义的内容。 他们正在使用刻字。 它们是高Web字体加图形,或者有时只是图形和一些文本。”

He wanted a way to make titles scale similar to, Lord forgive me, Flash, and how you could put some vector text in Flash have it just scale to the width of the Flash movie. He asked me about this, and I was just like, “I don’t know, dude. I think it’s tough.” There was stuff out there at the time. Zach Leatherman, zachleat on twitter, he had a plug-in, or still does, called big text, and what it does is kind of fill up the parent container exactly.

他想要一种使标题缩放类似于Flash的方法,Lord,请原谅我,以及如何将某些矢量文本放到Flash中,使其缩放到Flash电影的宽度。 他问了我这个问题,然后我就说:“我不知道,伙计。 我认为这很艰难。” 当时那里有东西。 Zach Leatherman,在Twitter上的zachleat,他有一个插件,或者至今仍在使用,称为大文本,它的作用是完全填充父容器。

That was awesome, and we looked at implementing it, and there would have had to have been some markup changes. Overall, it was good, but we didn’t necessarily want exact fitting text. When you have exact fitting, it has to do calculations to measure and then size and then adjust sizing until it fits exactly.

太棒了,我们考虑实施它,并且必须对标记进行一些更改。 总体而言,这很好,但我们不一定需要精确的文本。 当您具有精确的拟合度时,它必须先进行计算以进行测量,然后进行尺寸调整,然后再调整尺寸直到完全适合。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: We kind of wanted a loose form of just a scaling text. I was just thinking about it, and I tried a few things, but then after about an hour I came up with something that kind of worked. It was ratio-based resizing. This was before Ethan Marcotte’s book, Responsive Web Design, came out, but after the post obviously. Before his book came out which kind of thoroughly drove that target divided by context equals result. FitText works a lot based on that. It’s kind of a predetermined ratio you’re working with it, but basically it’s ratio-based resizing. It defaults to one-tenth of the parent container. If I haven’t bored your listeners already, I’ll finish.

戴夫(Dave):我们想要一种只是缩放文本的宽松形式。 我只是在考虑它,然后尝试了一些方法,但是大约一个小时后,我想到了一些可行的方法。 这是基于比率的调整大小。 这是在Ethan Marcotte的书《响应式Web设计》问世之前,但显然是在那之后。 在他的书问世之前,用哪种方法彻底驱使目标除以上下文等于结果。 FitText在此基础上发挥了很多作用。 您正在使用这种预定比率,但基本上是基于比率的调整大小。 默认为父容器的十分之一。 如果我还没有使您的听众感到无聊,那我就结束。

Kevin: No. This is actually really good stuff because I think a lot of times in the community, at least from my personal experience, right? I’ll be working on something, and I’ll think, “Why would anybody else want to use what I’m working on,” right? So to kind of get the full story I think is important because when you just look at something, and you say, “Oh that’s successful,” then you don’t feel like you can measure up, because you don’t know what happened. So when you can go through the story and talk about what it took and the reasons that you made it and kind of how you used other people’s plug-ins, like you were saying, I think that’s so important to the entire context of everything. Because, as you talk about code, people realize, “Oh, I still have to write the code.” So there’s this technical process we have to go through. It’s just like, your Dave Rupert and jQuery plug-ins pop out of your brain and straight onto the screen, right? There’s something that has to take place, and it’s called code.

凯文:不。这实际上是非常好的东西,因为我认为在社区中很多次,至少从我的亲身经历来看,对吗? 我会做一些事情,然后会想:“为什么其他人会想使用我正在做的事情呢?”对吗? 因此,要想获得完整的故事,我认为很重要,因为当您看着某件事,然后说“哦,成功了”时,您就觉得自己无法衡量,因为您不知道发生了什么。 因此,当您可以仔细讲故事并谈论故事发生的原因,故事的成因以及使用其他人的插件的方式时,就像您所说的那样,我认为这对于所有内容的整个背景至关重要。 因为,当您谈论代码时,人们意识到:“哦,我仍然必须编写代码。” 因此,我们必须经历这个技术过程。 就像您的Dave Rupert和jQuery插件从您的大脑中弹出并直接进入屏幕一样,对吗? 某些事情必须发生,这就是代码。

Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: That’s what you’re dissecting, right?


Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: Things like target attribute dividing equals result or whatever, that’s an important piece of the puzzle that we can’t leave out. Obviously it can seem boring if you’re not a coder, if you’re a designer and all you care about is making Photoshop graphics. And you just hate us code guys because we tell you that you can’t rotate the text 3% because it’s not going to work in all the browsers. I feel like what you’re talking about isn’t boring in that it gives us the full picture. So you have to walk through this code, right?

凯文:诸如目标属性除法等于结果之类的东西,这是我们不能遗漏的重要难题。 显然,如果您不是编码人员,设计人员并且只关心制作Photoshop图形,这似乎很无聊。 您只是讨厌我们的代码专家,因为我们告诉您不能将文本旋转3%,因为它不能在所有浏览器中都起作用。 我觉得您在说什么并不无聊,因为它可以为我们提供全面的了解。 所以您必须遍历此代码,对吗?

Dave: Yeah. I guess, you need a good reason for developing any sort of plug- in or any sort of open source you’re releasing. So this was ours, was just we wanted this kind of, a little more scale like resizing. After about an hour I had a really rough version, and I sent it over to Trent, and he dropped it in. Just, I made it a plug-in, and he dropped it in, pointed it at his headlines, and it worked. We were like, “Hey, hey, hey. I think we’ve got something here.” Because at this point, really super-scaling text with web fonts wasn’t really a thing.

戴夫:是的。 我想,您有充分的理由来开发要发布的任何形式的插件或任何形式的开源。 这就是我们的,只是我们想要这样的,有点像调整大小。 大约一个小时后,我得到了一个非常粗糙的版本,然后将其发送给Trent,他将其放入。只是,我将其制成插件,然后他将其插入并指向了他的头条新闻,并且有效。 我们就像,“嘿,嘿,嘿。 我想我们这里有东西。” 因为在这一点上,真正具有网络字体的超缩放文本还不是真的。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: Like I was saying, Zach’s plug in, it does that, but it was designed right before responsive web design, when he built it. So it was very kind of fixed-width-y, and we really wanted this vector- like scaling of text.

Dave:就像我说的那样,Zach的插件确实可以做到这一点,但是它是在响应式Web设计之前(即他构建之时)设计的。 因此,这是一种固定宽度的y,我们确实希望像矢量一样缩放文本。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: So we built that, and we were happy with the results. Sort of for us, when we are building something, and we like it, and we can give a name to it, we were just like, “It makes your text fit, so we’ll call it FitText”, which that’s probably a bad name looking back on it. It should be called Inflato-text or something, Ratio Text? I don’t know.

戴夫:所以我们建立了这个,我们对结果感到满意。 对我们来说,当我们在构建某些东西时,我们喜欢它,并且可以给它起一个名字,就像是“它使您的文本合适,因此我们将其称为FitText”,这大概是坏名字回头看。 它应该被称为Inflato-text之类的,Ratio Text? 我不知道。

Kevin: Inflato.

凯文: Inflato。

Dave: But we really enjoyed what we had. Once you build something and you find it useful – like you’re dog-fooding it I think is what it’s called – but you’re using it yourself, and you see a practical application that someone else can use, that’s where we say, “Hey, let’s put this up and give it away.”

戴夫:但是我们真的很享受。 一旦您构建了某个东西,并发现它很有用–就像您正在喂狗粮一样,我想它就是所谓的–但您自己使用它,并且看到了其他人可以使用的实际应用程序,这就是我们所说的, “嘿,让我们把它扔掉。”

Kevin: Right.


Dave: We could have held onto it greedily, and then been like these master . . . No. No one’s going to come to us for that little effect. But it was just a cool thing we had built, and we just decided to give it away for free.

戴夫:我们本可以贪婪地抓住它,然后像这些大师一样。 。 。 不,没有人会来找我们这么小的影响。 但这只是我们打造的一件很酷的事情,我们只是决定免费提供它。

Kevin: Yeah. That’s awesome. I think that’s really cool. The specific plug-in had to do in large part with the idea of getting away from images for text. You talked a little bit about using custom fonts, right?

凯文:是的。 棒极了。 我认为那真的很酷。 特定的插件在很大程度上与摆脱图像文本的想法有关。 您刚才谈到了使用自定义字体,对吗?

Dave: Yeah, exactly. With the explosion of web typography – again I’ve been researching lately, and that’s been a big deal in the last two years, let’s say. So if you ask people who was using web fonts in 2009, there were not that many people even though it was technically possible.

戴夫:好的。 随着网络排版的爆炸式增长,我最近又在进行研究,比方说,在过去的两年中,这是一件大事。 因此,如果您问2009年使用网络字体的人,即使在技术上可行,也没有多少人。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: In 2010, boom, it’s like a web font explosion, and everyone is using web fonts everywhere. That’s where type-cape gets born, and that’s where all these other things start happening. So web fonts – they’re awesome.

Dave: 2010年是繁荣时期,就像网络字体爆炸一样,每个人都在使用Web字体。 那就是类型斗篷诞生的地方,而所有其他这些事情开始发生的地方。 因此,网络字体非常棒。

Kevin: I know. Right.

凯文:我知道。 对。

Dave: They’re beautiful. They’re high quality for the most part. There’s so much you can do. Now, we’re finally at a point where you can have typographical-driven websites where before it was Georgia, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial. Those were your choices.

戴夫:他们很漂亮。 它们大部分都是高质量的。 您可以做很多事情。 现在,我们终于可以在这里拥有印刷驱动的网站了,之前是佐治亚州,韦尔达纳州,Helvetica,Arial。 这些是您的选择。

Kevin: Yeah. Or compensate with gradients, and stripes, and glossy buttons.

凯文:是的。 或使用渐变,条纹和光泽按钮进行补偿。

Dave: Yeah. So, totally image-based websites. They just slug and chug, and they’re super difficult to kind of deal with. Now we have this totally vector, totally new medium for us. So we just decided this is the way of the future. We have an in-house kind of joke at Paravel. We just decided if we could never use an image again, that would be awesome. That’s maybe an extreme. Obviously, you’re going to have…

戴夫:是的。 因此,完全基于图像的网站。 它们只是碰碰,它们很难对付。 现在我们有了这个完全矢量的全新媒介。 因此,我们刚刚决定这是未来的方式。 在Paravel,我们内部有个玩笑。 我们刚刚决定是否再也不能使用图像了,那就太好了。 那可能是一个极端。 显然,您将拥有……

Kevin: Not at all, Dave. That’s not an extreme. You don’t even want to use images for the times when you want to post photographs. You want to do those all vector-based in code.

凯文:一点也不,戴夫。 那不是极端。 您甚至不想在要张贴照片的时间使用图像。 您想在代码中完成所有基于向量的操作。

Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: Like your LOL cats? Vector, no images.

凯文:喜欢你的哈哈猫吗? 矢量,无图像。

Dave: Yeah. Roto-scoped cats. Yeah. I mean, obviously your cat pictures, your “business guy in suit shaking hand of other business guy in suit” photos are going to have to be raster. But you can start creating graphics and header graphics. Remember back in the old days when you’d drop this hero unit, and it was this 16 meg graphic, because it had all these swooshes and swashes and text overlaid? Yeah. So it was just kind of like, “Let’s break up with that. Let’s go text.”

戴夫:是的。 旋转视线猫。 是的 我的意思是,显然是您的猫照片,您的“穿西装的商人与其他穿西装的商人握手”的照片将必须是栅格。 但是您可以开始创建图形和标题图形。 还记得以前放下这个英雄单元的时候,它是这个16兆的图形,因为它覆盖了所有这些花哨字体和文字吗? 是的 所以有点像,“让我们分手吧。 我们去发短信吧。”

Kevin: Right. Absolutely.

凯文:对。 绝对。

Dave: The font we’re using in our hero graphic could also be the font we’re using on our titles. You only have to load that once. It takes some clever positioning of your absolute position and relative position and stuff like that. It takes a little bit of kung fu there. But, man, for us it was a lot better than image generation.

戴夫:我们在英雄图形中使用的字体也可以是在标题中使用的字体。 您只需要加载一次。 它需要对您的绝对位置和相对位置以及类似的东西进行一些巧妙的定位。 那里需要一点功夫。 但是,对我们而言,这比图像生成要好得多。

Kevin: Yeah.


Dave: If the client comes to us, and they’re like, “Hey, I want it to say ‘biz SEO’ instead of ‘you’re great’ headline.” Then we can easily just say, “Okay, it’s ‘biz SEO’ now. Thank you.” We don’t have to open up Photoshop. We don’t have to export. We don’t have to upload. It’s just straight, change HTML save.

Dave:如果客户来找我们,他们会说:“嘿,我想说的是'biz SEO',而不是'you's great'标题。” 然后我们可以轻松地说,“好吧,现在是'biz SEO'。 谢谢。” 我们不必打开Photoshop。 我们不必出口。 我们不必上传。 很简单,更改HTML保存。

Kevin: That’s great, and I think the key point here is you created something that’s practical so anybody could use it. Therefore you can release it and it would become what you would call “popular plug in” because it’s useful for more than just like six people, right?

凯文:太好了,我想这里的关键是您创建了一个实用的东西,因此任何人都可以使用它。 因此,您可以释放它,它将成为您所谓的“流行插件”,因为它不仅对六个人有用,对吗?

Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: I want to ask the next question in this. What I’m trying to get at with this conversation at least is to maybe inspire somebody who has code out there that they’ve held on to and they don’t feel worthy to release it, maybe they’ll be inspired to do that by the end of this thing. I think one of the unique things you showed in your example here was that your plugs-ins are really small. They’re what you might call an insignificant code base, but the impact and implication of them is actually rather large. How does somebody know when they can release something? What is too small, what is too big? What would be your advice? You’ve had success in this area, so maybe it was luck, maybe you had a huge strategic plan. What was the deal there?

凯文:我想问下一个问题。 至少在这次对话中,我想激发的是启发那些坚持不懈地发布代码的人,他们觉得自己不值得发布它,也许他们会受到启发去做在这件事结束之前。 我认为您在示例中展示的独特之处之一是您的插件很小。 您可能会称它们为微不足道的代码库,但是它们的影响和含义实际上很大。 有人怎么知道什么时候可以发布东西? 什么东西太小,什么东西太大? 您有什么建议? 您在这方面已经取得了成功,所以也许很幸运,也许您有一个巨大的战略计划。 那是怎么回事?

Dave: It’s a tough question. It’s a fine line. Is three lines of jQuery a plug in or is it just a snippet you put on your website or something like that or you make a gist on Github. That could be how you do it, but for, I think, for me the line is, kind of what I said before, is if you can see other people using this, man, just release it. Or, I know this guy Ian. He’s a listener on the Shop Talk show, a show I host with Chris Coyer, but he wrote in to me and was asking me to review this thing. He basically took the HTML5 doctor reset, the Eric Meyer reset – I guess HTML5 doctor is Bruce. But, anyway, he took a version of either Eric’s or the HTML5 doctor’s reset and modified it to the stuff he does on a regular basis, which are things like web kit appearance none on form elements and stuff like that. Border one, pixel solid, pound CCC, or something like that. Because he was doing this over and over and over. He was like, “This is dumb that I do this all the time on every website I make, so I’m just going to change this and put it up on Github.” For me, if that’s the use case, that’s perfect. Is this something you do over, and over, and over? Are you doing this over and over? Well, chances are, somebody else is doing this over and over and over. Put it online. Put it online for yourself so that in your brain you’re not, “Oh, which file do I have to copy and paste from, from that old client”, you know and then you have to spend hours hacking up and old client’s website just to get the base reset you did a year ago. Why not just put it up on Github. Then it gets better over time. As you notice a change, you’re like, “Oh, you know what? I don’t do that anymore. I’m just going to delete it off this thing.”

戴夫:这是一个棘手的问题。 这是一条好线。 是三行jQuery插件,还是只是放在网站或类似网站上的摘录,或者是您在Github上摘录了要点。 那可能就是您的方式,但是,对于我来说,我想说的是,就像我之前所说的那样,如果您可以看到其他人正在使用它,伙计,请释放它。 或者,我认识这个人伊恩。 他是我与克里斯·科耶(Chris Coyer)共同主持的Shop Talk节目的听众,但他写信给我,要求我对此事进行评论。 他基本上是将HTML5医生重置,将Eric Meyer重置–我猜HTML5医生是布鲁斯。 但是,无论如何,他还是采用了Eric或HTML5医生的重置版本,并将其修改为他定期执行的工作,例如Web Kit在表单元素上的外观以及类似内容。 边框一,像素实线,磅CCC或类似的东西。 因为他一遍又一遍地这样做。 他的想法是,“我经常在自己制作的每个网站上都这样做,这真是愚蠢,所以我将对其进行更改,并将其放在Github上。” 对我来说,如果是用例,那是完美的。 这是你一遍又一遍又一遍地做的事情吗? 您是否一遍又一遍地这样做? 好吧,很可能,其他人一遍又一遍地这样做。 放到网上。 将其自己放置在网上,这样您就不必知道:“哦,我必须从那个老客户那里复制并粘贴哪个文件”,然后您就不得不花费大量时间来破解老客户的网站只是为了重设一年前的基准。 为什么不把它放在Github上呢? 随着时间的流逝,它会变得更好。 当您注意到变化时,您会觉得,“哦,您知道吗? 我不再这样做了。 我只是要删除这件事。”

Kevin: Right.


Dave: You may have people following you on Github or following the project at that point, and that’s ideal. It’s kind of your project, and they can fork it if they don’t like it.

戴夫:也许有人在Github上关注您或当时关注该项目,这是理想的选择。 这是您的项目,如果他们不喜欢它,他们可以分叉。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: You just put code up there, and if it’s something you use, use it and do that. I know Divia on twitter, she recently just deleted a bunch of old projects, which is like, “Oh, no. She’s deleting something from the internet. It’s not okay.” Guess what, it is okay. She just wasn’t using them anymore. It’s done. The internet’s fluid. There are no guarantees. You know, just putting something out there. I think that’s the biggest thing. A little bit of marketing helps. I’ll say that. I’m not ashamed to say. I don’t think FitText or lettering or FitVids would be nearly as successful without the help I got from Trent Walton and Reagan Ray, just to put the sites together.

Dave:您只需将代码放在此处,如果使用的是代码,请使用它并执行该操作。 我在推特上认识Divia,她最近刚刚删除了一堆旧项目,就像,“哦,不。 她正在从互联网上删除某些内容。 不好。” 猜怎么着,没关系。 她只是不再使用它们了。 完成。 互联网的流动性。 没有保证。 你知道的,只是把东西放在那里。 我认为那是最大的事情。 一点点营销会有所帮助。 我会这样说。 我不以为耻。 我认为,如果没有我从特伦特·沃尔顿和里根·雷得到的帮助,只是将这些站点放在一起,FitText或刻字或FitVids几乎不会成功。

Kevin: Right. You have micro-sites for them, right?

凯文:对。 您有适合他们的微型网站,对吗?

Dave: Yeah. We have little Github pages that are there. Just little micro- sites that show how people are using the plug in. That helps. We do that on lettering. FitText is a great example of how it works. It’s this huge thing that goes up to 1900 pixels or something like that. It’s ridiculous.

戴夫:是的。 我们那里有一些Github页面。 只有很少的微型网站可以显示人们如何使用插件。这很有帮助。 我们在刻字上做。 FitText是一个很好的例子。 高达1900像素的东西就是这个巨大的东西。 太荒谬了

Kevin: Yeah.


Dave: You immediately kind of cognitively have a click on how it works. FitVids has a great name, but it has a demo, a video of what the problem was and what the solution is, and the whole thing is about embedding videos. There’s a video embedded, and it works as you’d expect.

戴夫(Dave):您马上就会在认知上点击它的工作方式。 FitVids有一个很好的名字,但是它有一个演示,一个视频,介绍问题所在和解决方案,而整个过程都与嵌入视频有关。 嵌入了一个视频,它可以按您期望的那样工作。

Kevin: Yeah.


Dave: A little bit of marketing goes a long way. I don’t know if designers listen to your podcast, Kevin, but I feel like we get a lot of designers calling into Shop Talk saying, “How can I get involved” and “How can I get better at Github”, and offering your services to really ugly open source projects would be awesome.

戴夫:一点点行销会走很长一段路。 我不知道设计师是否听过您的播客,凯文(Kevin),但我觉得我们吸引了很多设计师加入Shop Talk,他们说:“我如何参与其中”和“如何在Github中变得更好”,并提供您为真正丑陋的开源项目提供的服务将非常出色。

Kevin: Absolutely. That’s a great idea. Every designer out there listening to this, absolutely go out there and make the web pretty for free. Unfortunately, you have to do it for free, but it’s possible.

凯文:是的 。 好主意啊。 每个在那里听的设计师,绝对会在那里免费制作漂亮的网络。 不幸的是,您必须免费进行此操作,但这是可能的。

Dave: Not to be totally, I don’t know, this may sound legalistic or intolerant, but if you’re going to grift off the open source machine, you’ve got to give back. It’s just kind of a karma deal. That’s where it was for me. That’s why I decided to open source stuff. Just because I use WordPress, and I make a living off of WordPress. I should probably put something out there and give it away for free rather than just being a hoarder of all these tiny snippets or something.

戴夫:不完全是,我不知道,这听起来可能是合法的或不容忍的,但是如果您打算放弃开源计算机,则必须回馈。 这只是因果报应。 那是我的地方。 这就是为什么我决定开放源代码的原因。 仅仅因为我使用WordPress,而我靠WordPress为生。 我可能应该把东西放在那里并免费提供,而不是只是all积所有这些小片段或其他东西。

Kevin: Right. I want to make two points here. The first one is you mention Github a lot, and I want to ask you about that. How do you think maybe that’s important? The second piece to it had something to do with the design community and what that actually means, because we kind of made fun of it a little bit, but maybe what in a practical sense that can look like? Those two things – is Github really the only thing out there that people should be looking at? Is it okay to just use that for all the open source stuff? Is it a conspiracy that everything is on Github? Should people host their own stuff? Then also maybe more on this design thing. How can designers? Because I think that is a missing piece to this.

凯文:对。 我想在这里提出两点。 第一个是您经常提到Github,我想问您一件事。 您认为这可能很重要吗? 它的第二部分与设计社区有关,这实际上意味着什么,因为我们有点取笑了它,但是在实际意义上也许看起来像什么? 这两件事– Github真的是人们唯一应该看的东西吗? 可以将其用于所有开放源代码吗? 一切都在Github上是阴谋吗? 人们应该托管自己的东西吗? 然后也许在这个设计上还有更多。 设计师怎么能? 因为我认为这是缺少的部分。

You see outside of icon sets that people can give away maybe on Dribble or something, like that’s really all you get to see from designers for the most part, or all us programmers get to see from designers. I think on the most part, I think there’s a huge demand for this, right?

您会看到人们可以在Dribble上放弃的图标集之外的东西,例如,在大多数情况下,这实际上就是您从设计师那里看到的全部东西,或者,我们所有程序员都可以从设计师那里看到这些东西。 我认为在大多数情况下,对此有巨大需求,对吗?

Because there’s this overwhelming use of twitter bootstrap now, and it’s just because it looks nice, and all the developers want to run to that right away because it looks so much better than everything else there. It’s really the only thing. Can we overcome the idea that bootstrap is the only good-looking framework out there, maybe, for stuff?

因为现在大量使用了twitter bootstrap,这只是因为它看起来不错,并且所有开发人员都希望立即运行它,因为它看起来比那里的其他所有东西都要好。 这真的是唯一的事情。 我们是否可以克服引导程序是唯一唯一看起来不错的框架的想法?

Kevin: That’s a bunch of loaded stuff.


Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: Five minutes, five minutes. I’m kidding. I’m kidding.

凯文:五分钟五分钟。 我在开玩笑。 我在开玩笑。

Dave: Okay. Timer, go. Credit where credit’s due. Designers do offer a lot of I would call it open source. I’m not personally going to go sit and draw vector icons for every single social network that’s ever been ever. Props to the people who have, and mega thank you, because that solves a problem in my life.

戴夫:好的。 计时器,走。 贷方应付款。 设计师确实提供了很多我称之为开源的东西。 我个人不会坐下来为曾经出现过的每个社交网络绘制矢量图标。 给有财产的人提供支持,并非常感谢您,因为这解决了我生活中的问题。

Kevin: Absolutely. I concur with that, by the way. Thank you designers.

凯文:是的 。 顺便说一下,我同意这一点。 谢谢设计师。

Dave: Yeah. I don’t want to be dogging on designers or anything like that. They do a lot. It’s kind of this awesome circle. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this trend. Somebody will put something up, a design on Dribble, and then somebody will take it into Code Pen and make it into code, and then that’s something you can use on your website. It’s just straight up available now. It’s documented how they built it, and it’s really pretty cool like that. There’s a lot of cool stuff like that. I guess the next question was?

戴夫:是的。 我不想缠住设计师或类似的东西。 他们做了很多。 这是一个很棒的圈子。 我不知道您是否注意到了这一趋势。 有人将某些东西放在Dribble上,然后进行设计,然后有人将其放入Code Pen并将其转化为代码,然后您便可以在网站上使用它。 现在就可以直接购买了。 它记录了他们是如何构建的,真的很酷。 有很多很酷的东西。 我想下一个问题是?

Kevin: I feel like bootstrap kind of says with a megaphone, right, there’s a need for good design on the web. Since this is almost the only resource, everyone is going to use it. How can we alleviate this? I understand why people want to use this framework.

凯文:我感觉就像用扩音器自言自语,对,在网络上需要好的设计。 由于这几乎是唯一的资源,因此每个人都将使用它。 我们该如何缓解呢? 我了解人们为什么要使用此框架。

Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: Because it is a framework. It’s the idea behind it. Everybody gets behind this one thing. In a sense that people are using it, maybe not because it’s a bunch of preset classes, but because they look nice, right?

凯文:因为这是一个框架。 这是背后的想法。 每个人都支持这一件事。 从某种意义上说人们正在使用它,也许不是因为它是一堆预置类,而是因为它们看起来不错,对吗?

Dave: Yeah. I think bootstrap is amazing because it has like everything you need to build a website. In theory you could become a bootstrap developer, and if you’re really good at skinning it and stuff like that, you could probably make a pretty sweet living not re- inventing the wheel over, and over, and over. That’s the majority what maybe I do. I’m going to build this from scratch, ta-da-da, ta-da-da, and then it’s like, oh call, I just made bootstrap again.

戴夫:是的。 我认为引导程序是惊人的,因为它具有构建网站所需的一切。 从理论上讲,您可以成为一名自举开发人员,如果您真的很擅长于外观和诸如此类的事情,那么您可能会过上甜蜜的生活,而不必一遍又一遍地反复研究。 那就是我可能要做的大多数。 我要从头开始构建它,ta-da-da,ta-da-da,然后就像,哦,呼唤,我又做了一次引导。

Kevin: Yeah.


Dave: Oops! I think it’s a really powerful framework in that regard. I feel like it is designer-y, because it had designers involved, because some thought has been put into the type and the higher key, and just UX even. They give different button styles for different error message and statuses and stuff like that. That’s super awesome. I feel like it’s a gateway drug for most developers just because they can look at their code, their scaffolded error messages, and say, “Hey that looks just like my application.” I feel like bootstrap is actually doing a lot of good in that area. I feel like the only problem with bootstrap is I feel like the Bootstrapper community or developers have said this themselves, for whatever reason the imagination got lost in translation.

戴夫:糟糕! 在这方面,我认为这是一个非常强大的框架。 我觉得它是设计人员,因为它涉及到设计人员,因为在类型和更高的键(甚至是UX)中已经考虑了一些想法。 它们为不同的错误消息和状态以及类似的东西提供了不同的按钮样式。 太棒了。 我觉得这对大多数开发人员来说是一种网关药物,因为他们可以查看他们的代码,他们的支架错误消息,然后说:“嘿,看起来就像我的应用程序。” 我觉得自举实际上在这方面做得很好。 我觉得引导程序唯一的问题是,我觉得Bootstrapper社区或开发人员自己说了这句话,无论出于什么原因,翻译都失去了想象力。

It was kind of like, here’s this, now improvise and build off it and change colors, and make it your own, but a lot of it is just a black bar with a white page. Every website is that.

有点像,这就是现在,即兴创作并构建它并更改颜色,然后将其设置为您自己的颜色,但是其中很多只是带有白色页面的黑色条。 每个网站就是那个。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: There are great examples of good bootstrap. I’m personally when I might just use bootstrap just because, even though I know how to code out my own framework and stuff like that, it’s just going to get me to point B faster. . .

Dave:有很多很好的引导程序示例。 就我个人而言,我可能只使用引导程序是因为,即使我知道如何编写自己的框架和类似的东西,也只会使我更快地指向B点。 。 。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: . . . in some circumstances. Was the other thing you mentioned was why Github? Am I just supporting a conspiracy? Is that right?

戴夫: 。 。 在某些情况下。 您提到的另一件事是为什么要使用Github吗? 我只是在支持一个阴谋吗? 那正确吗?

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, basically.


Dave: Well, bootstrap is immediately successful because it is on Github. I would go out and say that. We’re in this age of social coding, and that’s kind of what Github is. Git can exist on your own server and never even touch Github, and that’s cool, but this social coding aspect is amazing. I can put something up onto Github, and people can look at my code, they can comment on individual lines. They can say, “Hey, you failed here.” Please don’t say that. They can just dissect problems, like in code, online, and it’s like having a team of advisers across the whole world, any time of day, any time of night. This is kind of an amazing advancement. Why wouldn’t I put it just on my website? If I put something on my website, then chances of people casually giving me a code review or casually deciding to fix something is terrible. They would have to download it, change it, put it up on their website somewhere, and then they would have to email me and say, “Hey, I fixed your thing. Check it out.” Then I’d have to go to their website, download it. Github is solving tons of problems. Github is not the end-all be-all.

戴夫:好吧,引导程序立即成功,因为它在Github上。 我会出去说。 我们正处在社交编码的时代,这就是Github。 Git可以存在于您自己的服务器上,甚至从不接触Github,这很酷,但是这种社交编码方面太神奇了。 我可以在Github上放一些东西,人们可以查看我的代码,他们可以在单独的行上进行注释。 他们会说:“嘿,您在这里失败了。” 请不要这么说。 他们可以在代码中,在线等方式剖析问题,就像在一天中的任何时候,晚上的任何时候都拥有遍布全球的顾问团队一样。 这是一个了不起的进步。 我为什么不只将其放在我的网站上? 如果我在自己的网站上放了一些东西,那么人们偶然给我代码审查或随意决定修复某些东西的机会是可怕的。 他们必须下载,更改,将其放置在网站上的某个地方,然后他们必须给我发送电子邮件并说:“嘿,我已经解决了问题。 看看这个。” 然后,我必须去他们的网站,下载它。 Github正在解决大量问题。 Github并不是万能的。

There’s Bitbucket and stuff like that. That’s based on mercurial, I believe, and that’s an option. There are other different micro-platforms for specific languages or specific features, or something like that.

有Bitbucket之类的东西。 我相信,这是基于水银的,这是一种选择。 对于特定的语言或特定的功能或类似的东西,还有其他不同的微平台。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: Those are cool. I feel like the social coding aspect, though, of Github is awesome.

戴夫:太酷了。 我觉得Github的社交编码方面很棒。

Kevin: Absolutely.


Dave: They’re light years ahead of their competition, I feel like, or their competition is just emulating what they have. They’re saying, “We’ll juts copy them, because they’ve done it well.” That’s why I am a fan of the octo-cat.

戴夫:我觉得他们比竞争对手要落后光年,或者他们的竞争对手只是在模仿自己拥有的东西。 他们说,“我们会复制它们,因为它们做得很好。” 这就是为什么我喜欢octo-cat的原因。

Kevin: That’s awesome. That’s very cool. Dave, I hate that we’re kind of running out of time here.

凯文:太棒了。 太酷了。 戴夫(Dave),我讨厌我们的时间已经用完了。

Dave: Oh, geez.


Kevin: Yeah, I know. It’s been fast. It’s been really fast. I really wanted to go through this with you and maybe for some personal reasons. But I wanted to ask you how can somebody go about getting their stuff out there? How finished does something have to be? How complete does it have to be? Does it have to be what they want it to be? And also, to get people to latch on to it, do you need a cool design? Do you think that’s a really important piece, to have that microsite to let people go to and experience the thing you want them to download before they download it? How can a person go out there and get their stuff known? How do they become known, not necessarily themselves, but their code?

凯文:是的,我知道。 很快。 真的很快。 我真的很想和您一起经历这个过程,也许出于某些个人原因。 但是我想问你,有人怎么能把他们的东西运出去? 必须完成什么工作? 它必须有多完整? 一定是他们想要的样子吗? 而且,为了吸引人们使用它,您是否需要炫酷的设计? 您是否认为这是一个非常重要的部分,拥有一个微型网站,让人们可以在下载前先体验一下要他们下载的内容? 一个人怎么能在那里出去并广为人知? 如何知道他们,不一定知道他们自己,但如何知道他们的代码?

Maybe they know they have something. I know it’s good. I don’t have this problem with, is my code too small? I know it’s great and I know people can use it. How can I get it out there? What would be your advice to that person?

也许他们知道他们有东西。 我知道这很好。 我没有这个问题,我的代码太小了吗? 我知道这很棒,我知道人们可以使用它。 我怎样才能得到它? 您对那个人有什么建议?

Dave: Cool, yeah. I’ll address that in two parts. When should you release? For us at Paravel we kind of take a tad bit more mature policy, the big reveal strategy, the HGTV big reveal, just because we’ve found that works for us. We feel like we like that more. Recently Nicholas Gallagher, he’s a developer at Twitter, he was talking about how this big reveal thing is kind of like ego driven, and I would totally agree. The big reveal thing, if you reveal it when it’s a little bit more mature, after it’s been stealth tested, then you can avoid some big bugs at the beginning.

戴夫:很好,是的。 我将分两部分解决。 你什么时候应该释放? 对于我们在Paravel的公司,我们采取了一些更为成熟的政策,即大展示策略,HGTV大展示,只是因为我们发现这对我们有效。 我们觉得我们更喜欢那样。 最近,尼古拉斯·加拉格尔(Nicholas Gallagher)是Twitter的一名开发人员,他在谈论这个大揭露的事物是如何像自我驱动的,我完全同意。 最重要的事情是,如果您在更成熟一点的情况下(在经过隐身测试之后)将其显示出来,那么一开始就可以避免一些大的错误。

Kevin: Right.


Dave: Like big bug reports and stuff like that. To Nicholas’ point, why not just put it out there and let it grow and mature? That’s like WordPress 1.0 was really garbage compared to what it is now.

戴夫:像大错误报告之类的东西。 就尼古拉斯而言,为什么不把它放在那里并让它成长和成熟呢? 与现在相比,这就像WordPress 1.0确实是垃圾。

Kevin: I think some developers would argue it still is, but I’m a WordPress fan, so I’m not going to argue that point.


Dave: Yeah, that’s fair. I’m just saying comparatively. If your first version isn’t embarrassing, then you’re not growing as a person in my opinion. That’s like the win. It’s really up to you. In regards to how you should release something, Github has, again Github, auto-generated pages, and you pick a theme and it’s up and going. I did that for one just because we were too busy to do something. We were just like, “Okay, we’ll just do this. Done.” It works nice and looks nice. It’s good enough, you know?

戴夫:是的,很公平。 我只是说比较。 如果您的第一个版本不尴尬,那么我认为您并没有成长为一个人。 那就像胜利。 完全取决于您。 关于如何发布某些内容,Github再次提供了Github自动生成的页面,您可以选择一个主题,并且该主题不断发展。 我之所以这样做是因为我们太忙了,无法做某事。 我们就像,“好吧,我们会这样做。 完成。” 它的工作原理很好,看起来也不错。 足够好了,知道吗?

Kevin: Right.


Dave: It gets the point across. I feel like that’s an option. Just the past things that help is a little logo, something so people remember it and people are like, “Yeah, I use this because it looks like a leaf” or something like that.

戴夫:重点就在这里。 我觉得这是一个选择。 过去帮助的东西只是一个徽标,使人们记住它的时候,人们会说:“是的,我用它是因为它看起来像一片叶子”或类似的东西。

Kevin: What about the developer who is sitting there, “That’s great Dave. I’m not a designer. How do I get a logo?”

凯文:坐在那里的开发人员呢? 我不是设计师。 我如何获得徽标?”

Dave: Again, beg your friends.


Kevin: I like it.


Dave: Make friends with designers.


Kevin: On your knees. Just go over to Dribble. Who wants to make an awesome logo? Hey, maybe that’s not a bad idea.

凯文:跪下。 只是去运球。 谁想要制作出色的徽标? 嘿,也许这不是一个坏主意。

Dave: Hack up some clip art. Maybe you’ve heard of this, the Noun Project is a thing you can go to. The I believe. Just Google it, or Bing it, or whatever you do. They have icons. It’s become this world icon database. That’s the goal of it. You can download these. You can use them. You can attribute and use it for free, or you can pay for it and not attribute them. Download this icon. It’s SVG. Pop it into Photoshop or Fireworks and then export it as a PNG or whatever you want to do. Pick a color scheme. That’s all you need, is a color and some sort of icon logo or something. That’s all you need.

戴夫:整理一些剪贴画。 也许您已经听说过,Noun Project是您可以去做的事情。 我相信。 只需使用Google或Bing即可,无论您做什么。 他们有图标。 它已成为这个世界图标数据库。 这就是它的目标。 您可以下载这些。 您可以使用它们。 您可以免费归因和使用它,也可以为它付费而不是归因于它们。 下载此图标。 是SVG。 将其弹出到Photoshop或Fireworks中,然后将其导出为PNG或任何您想执行的操作。 选择一个配色方案。 这就是您所需要的,只是颜色和某种图标徽标之类的东西。 这就是您所需要的。

Kevin: Are you telling me there’s no excuse to not be able to get a logo?


Dave: Yeah. I’m saying there’s no excuse really. It’s pretty easy. I mean color, logo, font. That’s all you need. A good color, a good log and a good font.

戴夫:是的。 我是说真的没有任何借口。 很简单 我的意思是颜色,徽标,字体。 这就是您所需要的。 好的颜色,好的对数和好的字体。

Kevin: Right, so comic sans, clippy and black background with lime- green text.


Dave: Yep. That would be noticeable. That would be shocking.

戴夫:是的 。 那将是明显的。 那太令人震惊了。

Kevin: It would be like DOS, plus Microsoft Word, plus best font ever invented.

凯文:这就像DOS,再加上Microsoft Word,再加上有史以来最好的字体。

Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: That’s epic. Everybody wants to go to that.

凯文:那是史诗般的。 每个人都想去那。

Dave: I could say confidently that you would define your user base with that combination.


Kevin: I’m going to go for that, man. I’m doing it.

凯文:我会去的,老兄。 我在做

Dave: Try it. You should release the same project with that combination and with nothing and see which one is more successful. Do a hit count. A-B test it, boom.

戴夫:试试看。 您应该在没有任何组合的情况下发布相同的项目,然后看看哪个更成功。 做一个命中数。 AB测试,繁荣。

Kevin: There you go. That’s an awesome idea. I’m going to do it. Designer not allowed. Comic sans.

凯文:你去。 真是个好主意。 我要去做 不允许设计师。 漫画无。

Dave: Yeah.


Kevin: That’s awesome Dave. Is there anything else outside of just really taking care of the details when you launch something, make sure it’s, I don’t want to just say pretty, because that’s the worst thing you could ever say to a designer, but is there something you can do outside of making it pretty? Maybe doing a big reveal? Is there any other strategy that maybe you’ve used that has helped you? Is that kind of the place to start and then kind of go from there?

凯文:太棒了,戴夫。 除了在发布时真正照顾细节之外,还有其他事情要确保吗?请确保我不想说漂亮,因为那是您曾经对设计师说过的最糟糕的事情,但是您有什么要说的吗?除了使其漂亮之外还可以做什么? 也许做一个大揭示? 还有其他可能对您有所帮助的策略吗? 是从这里开始然后从那里开始的地方吗?

Dave: Again, it depends on your style. I think you could totally just release something and let it get better as you go. Incrementally improve. That’s awesome. That’s agile and perfect. Then, you could also just do a big reveal and beta test it a bit and let it mature. One thing I would recommend is to have your code checked by somebody smarter than you before launching.

戴夫:同样,这取决于您的风格。 我认为您可以完全释放一些东西,然后随它变得更好。 逐步提高。 棒极了。 那是敏捷而完美的。 然后,您也可以进行大量展示,然后对其进行Beta测试,使其成熟。 我建议的一件事是在启动之前,请比您更聪明的人检查您的代码。

Kevin: That’s impossible. No one that listens to this show has anyone smarter than them, Dave.

凯文:那是不可能的。 戴夫(Dave),没有人比这个节目更聪明。

Dave: That’s true. Your audience is high caliber.

戴夫:没错。 您的观众素质很高。

Kevin: Absolutely. Our listeners are amazing.

凯文:是的 。 我们的听众很棒。

Dave: It’s going to be tough, guys, but just dig down and find somebody you respect.

Dave: It's going to be tough, guys, but just dig down and find somebody you respect.

Kevin: Don’t call Dave. Don’t call Dave, because he doesn’t know.

Kevin: Don't call Dave. Don't call Dave, because he doesn't know.

Dave: No, you’ll just get a busy signal. I’m sorry. That’s kind of the big deal, finding somebody who you trust and saying, “Hey, can you review this? I think it’s ready, but I would love some feedback.” I did that with lettering, JS and a few other things. I asked Paul Irish, Alex Sexton and Chris Coyer. Chris Coyer – he kind of master-minded FitVids and stuff like that.

Dave: No, you'll just get a busy signal. 对不起。 That's kind of the big deal, finding somebody who you trust and saying, “Hey, can you review this? I think it's ready, but I would love some feedback.” I did that with lettering, JS and a few other things. I asked Paul Irish, Alex Sexton and Chris Coyer. Chris Coyer – he kind of master-minded FitVids and stuff like that.

Kevin: That’s unfair, Dave. I don’t have those connections.

Kevin: That's unfair, Dave. I don't have those connections.

Dave: I feel like you can find somebody.

Dave: I feel like you can find somebody.

Kevin: I agree.

Kevin: I agree.

Dave: There are plenty of browser evangelists. That would be a good one, too. You don’t want to launch something and it not support Opera. Find an Opera evangelist, and they would probably love to audit your code and make sure it works on their browser.

Dave: There are plenty of browser evangelists. That would be a good one, too. You don't want to launch something and it not support Opera. Find an Opera evangelist, and they would probably love to audit your code and make sure it works on their browser.

Kevin: I would say also that within just local networks, like I know Austin has meet-up groups, and where I live, Greenville, does as well. There are a lot of people who are more than willing that are super smart. Let’s say even if they can’t be quite more intelligent than our listeners, right? That just a second pair of eyes looking at it and saying, “Have you thought about this? Have you thought about that?” I find for myself, I’ll develop something, I’ll make a feature, and I’ll know there are bugs, but I just don’t have the energy to do that one last thing that’s going to make it great. I kind of pretend like it doesn’t exist, and then somebody comes in behind me and says, “Well, what about that?” And I’m like “Dang you!”

Kevin: I would say also that within just local networks, like I know Austin has meet-up groups, and where I live, Greenville, does as well. There are a lot of people who are more than willing that are super smart. Let's say even if they can't be quite more intelligent than our listeners, right? That just a second pair of eyes looking at it and saying, “Have you thought about this? Have you thought about that?” I find for myself, I'll develop something, I'll make a feature, and I'll know there are bugs, but I just don't have the energy to do that one last thing that's going to make it great. I kind of pretend like it doesn't exist, and then somebody comes in behind me and says, “Well, what about that?” And I'm like “Dang you!”

Dave: Totally. I feel like front end especially, but any sort of code is so complex, you need a buddy. It’s a buddy system deal. Any help, any review you could get would be priceless.

Dave: Totally. I feel like front end especially, but any sort of code is so complex, you need a buddy. It's a buddy system deal. Any help, any review you could get would be priceless.

Kevin: I think that’s awesome. Well, Dave. Thank you so much for your time. I’m sure there are a million other things we could talk about. Talking about code is always fun. Talking about getting other people to write code is even more fun, because you don’t have to do it. I really have enjoyed this. I hope the listeners have enjoyed it as well.

Kevin: I think that's awesome. Well, Dave. Thank you so much for your time. I'm sure there are a million other things we could talk about. Talking about code is always fun. Talking about getting other people to write code is even more fun, because you don't have to do it. I really have enjoyed this. I hope the listeners have enjoyed it as well.

Dave: Thanks, Kevin.

Dave: Thanks, Kevin.

Kevin: And thanks for listening to the SitePoint Podcast. If you have any questions or thoughts about today’s show please feel free to get in touch. You can find SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom, that’s sitepoint d-o-t-c-o-m. You can find me on Twitter @kevindees, and if you’d like to leave comments about today’s show check out the podcast at, you can subscribe to the show there as well. This episode of the SitePoint Podcast was produced by Karn Broad, and I’m Kevin Dees, bye for now.

凯文:感谢您收听SitePoint播客。 如果您对今天的演出有任何疑问或想法,请随时与我们联系。 您可以在Twitter @sitepointdotcom上找到SitePoint,即Sitepoint dotcom。 您可以在Twitter @kevindees上找到我,如果您想对今天的节目发表评论,请访问上的播客,也可以在此处订阅该节目。 SitePoint播客的这一集由Karn Broad制作,我是Kevin Dees,再见。

Audio Transcription by SpeechPad.


Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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