digg bt_Twitter加入Digg和Slashdot来发送服务器崩溃流量

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Everyone’s heard of the Digg effect and the Slashdot effect, whereby mentions on those sites can send so much traffic to a web site all at once that it brings the site’s server to its knees. But the Twitter effect? Apparently, yes. In what may be one of the best indicators yet of Twitter’s success the site has joined the ranks of the social media elite in its ability to crash web sites.

每个人都听说过Digg效应和Slashdot效应,据此,这些站点上的提及可以立即向网站发送如此多的流量,从而使站点服务器屈服。 但是Twitter的效果呢? 显然是的。 这可能是Twitter成功的最好指标之一,该网站因其使网站崩溃的能力而加入了社交媒体精英行列。

Yesterday, popular Twitter user Pete Cashmore of the blog Mashable tweeted about a blog post he was reading. Shortly thereafter, the tweet with the link had been spread and retweeted (copied by followers) so much that traffic from it had caused the blog’s server to crash. Cashmore wondered if this should be called the “Mash Effect,” but Pingdom has a better name: the Twitter effect.

昨天,Mashable博客的流行Twitter用户Pete Cashmore推特 上发布了他正在阅读的博客文章 。 此后不久,带有链接的推文已经被广泛传播和转发(由追随者复制),以至于来自该推文的流量已导致博客服务器崩溃 。 Cashmore想知道这是否应该称为“ Mash Effect”,但是Pingdom有一个更好的名称: Twitter effect

For now, occurrences like this one might be few and far between. Cashmore, after all, has over 50,000 followers (i.e., not a typical Twitter user), and must have tweeted at a time of the day for maximum exposure to that group and on a topic that really resonated. However, as Twitter grows in popularity and the retweet becomes more commonplace, so too could the Twitter effect become a regular occurrence.

就目前而言,这样的情况可能很少而且相去甚远。 毕竟,Cashmore具有超过50,000个关注者(即不是典型的Twitter用户),并且必须在一天中的某个时间进行推文,以最大程度地吸引该群体并真正引起共鸣。 但是,随着Twitter的流行和转推变得越来越普遍,Twitter的影响也将成为常态。

Pingdom suggests the following formula for the Twitter effect:


The Twitter Effect formula = (Original tweet * followers) + (retweets * followers of retweeters) + (retweets of retweets * followers of those), and so on.


As you can see, it grows exponentially. Twitter has the potential for the rapid viral spread of information. We’ve seen that happen in the past during breaking news events, so it’s not really a surprise that it can happen for other, less urgent points of information. “Tweets can spread out like the branches of a tree or a root system and reach a very large number of Twitter users,” writes Pingdom on their blog. “The spread is basically only limited by the size of Twitter’s user base. If the tweet contains a link to a site, this site is bound to get a significant amount of traffic as the tweet spreads.”

如您所见,它呈指数增长。 Twitter具有Swift传播信息的潜力。 我们已经看到过去在重大新闻事件中发生过这种情况,因此对于其他不太紧急的信息点也可能发生这种情况并不感到意外。 Pingdom在他们的博客中写道:“推文可以像树的树枝或根系统一样散布开来,并可以吸引大量的Twitter用户。” “传播的范围基本上仅受Twitter用户群的限制。 如果该推文包含指向某个站点的链接,则随着该推文的传播,该站点必然会获得大量流量。”

At SitePoint, we take Twitter pretty seriously. We also have a very popular Twitter account, with over 20,000 followers, and get a substantial amount of traffic to our posts via links on Twitter, especially those that are heavily retweeted by our followers (which we really appreciate, by the way!). However, so far, nothing has come close on a post by post basis to traffic generated by a Digg front page link, a mention on Slashdot, or a heavily Stumbled post. We do get more steady traffic from Twitter each day across all posts, however.

在SitePoint,我们非常重视Twitter。 我们还有一个非常受欢迎的Twitter帐户 ,拥有20,000多个关注者,并通过Twitter上的链接获得了大量的帖子流量,尤其是那些被我们的关注者转发过的链接(顺带一提,我们非常感谢!)。 但是,到目前为止,与Digg首页链接,在Slashdot上提及或出现大量Stumbled帖子所产生的访问量相比,在逐个帖子的基础上,还没有什么可以接近的。 但是,我们每天确实从Twitter上获得所有帖子的稳定流量。

That lead us to wonder if Twitter could ever replace Digg in a post a couple of weeks ago. Our conclusion was that in a broad sense, it probably won’t eclipse Digg as a source of massive traffic bursts any time soon, but it could definitely become a very valuable tool for exposing useful and interesting links on a user by user basis. One of the keys to building tools to expose links on Twitter, we said, was the retweet.

这使我们想知道, Twitter能否在几周前的帖子中取代Digg 。 我们的结论是,从广义上讲,它可能不会很快使Digg成为大量流量爆发的来源,但是它绝对可以成为一个非常有价值的工具,可以逐个用户地展示有用且有趣的链接。 我们说,构建工具以在Twitter上公开链接的关键之一就是转发。

There are number of tools for measuring retweets, but one of the best is probably Retweetist. Retweetist does a great job of bubbling up the most retweeted items on Twitter each day, but it doesn’t do much to ensure that they’re relevant to me, the reader. The key to that, we suggested a couple of weeks ago, is to weight the tweets of my friends more heavily — those are the people who presumably talk about the things I am most interested in hearing about.

有很多用于测量转推工具 ,但是最好的工具之一可能是Retweetist 。 Retweetist每天都在冒充Twitter上转发次数最多的项目方面做得很好,但并不能确保它们与我(读者)相关。 我们几个星期前建议,这样做的关键是要更加重视我朋友的推文-这些人大概是在谈论我最感兴趣的事情。

We sincerely hope someone builds a tool like that. In the meantime, if a popular Twitter user tweets about your site, you may want to brace for the Twitter effect.

我们衷心希望有人能建立这样的工具。 同时,如果一个受欢迎的Twitter用户发布有关您网站的推文,则您可能希望为Twitter效应做好准备。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/twitter-joins-digg-and-slashdot-in-sending-server-crashing-traffic/

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