


There's a theory that says that for everyone there's Home, Work and a Third Place. If you ever watch the American TV show Cheers, that bar was the Third Place for many of the characters.

有一种理论说,每个人都有工作第三名。 如果您曾经看过美国电视节目Cheers ,那么该酒吧是许多角色的第三名。

Some examples of a Third Place are various Places of Worship, Community Centers, The Mall, The Gym, The Park, and Applebee's. It seems for many people the Internet is becoming a Third Place, although some argue that Television has become the de facto Third Place and the Internet ranks as the Fourth Place.

第三名的一些例子是各种礼拜场所,社区中心,购物中心,体育馆,公园和Applebee's 。 对于许多人来说,互联网似乎已成为第三位,尽管有人认为电视已成为事实上的第三位,而互联网则位居第四位

Fred Gooltz gives this formula for a good offline Third Place:

弗雷德·古兹(Fred Gooltz)给出了良好的离线第三名的公式:

These are the sorts of public spaces that I crave --online and off. Some essential ingredients for successful offline third places include:

这些是我渴望的公共场所,包括在线和离线。 成功离线获得第三名的一些基本要素包括:

  1. They must be free or relatively inexpensive to enter and to purchase food and drinks.


  2. They must be highly accessible, ideally one should be able to get there by foot from one's home.


  3. A number of people can be expected to be there on a daily basis.


  4. All people should feel welcome, it should be easy to get into a conversation. A person who goes there should be able to find both old and new friends each time they visit.

    所有人都应该受到欢迎,交谈应该很容易。 每次去那里的人都应该能够找到新老朋友。

However, in America there are fewer and fewer Third Places that don't cost money. I personally feel guilt sitting around Starbucks too long so I end up ordering a Guilt Coffee - and I don't drink coffee, ut just sits there getting cold, assuaging my guilt.

但是,在美国,不花钱的第三名越来越少。 我个人在星巴克附近坐了太久感到内gui,所以我最终点了内Coffee咖啡-而且我不喝咖啡,只是坐在那里变冷,减轻了内。

Starting in September, while I'm building a home office, starting with a stolen borrowed stapler, I'm going to be tasked to engaging deeply with the community, more than ever before - ironic indeed that I'm currently leaving the community that energized me in the first place! I will probably work some percentage of the time in a Third Place.

从9月开始,当我建立家庭办公室时,从 偷来的 订书机开始,我将承担比以往任何时候都更深入地与社区互动的任务-具有讽刺意味的是,我目前正离开社区首先让我充满活力! 我可能会在第三名的某个时间工作

Here's some of the things I'm going to try in order to "stay frosty" when it comes to things development:


  • Continue work on real world Open Source projects that are used by thousands.


  • Schedule visits, probably a few a month, with development shops and ask them if I can "come and hang out." While I'm there, I'll ask them how they develop, what they use, what problems, war stories and trouble they've caused and if they are having fun in the process.

    安排访问开发商店的时间,大概一个月,然后问他们是否可以“出来闲逛”。 当我在那里的时候,我会问他们如何发展,使用什么,他们遇到了什么问题,战争故事和麻烦以及他们在过程中是否开心。

    • (If you're in a Portland/SW Washington dev shop, invite me! If I'm visiting your town, I'll let you know on this blog and I'd like to stop by! I'll post in my Facebook Profile where I'm going, and probably on Twitter as well.)


  • Find Third and Fourth Places offline and online and listen.


  • Have as many conversations as I can with developers.


As to Third/Fourth Places online, there's a four year old, but very good, paper on Social Software by Lee Bryant where we says:

至于在线的第三/第四名,有一篇四岁但很好的论文,作者是李·布莱恩特( Lee Bryant)关于社交软件的论文,我们说:

It seems ironic that one of the most individualist industries (internet development) in the most individualist cultures (e.g. US, UK) has spent so much time discussing community. As Meg Pickard points out , this perhaps reflects an anxiety with our own social fragmentation and alienation, a search for meaning, or possibly a yearning for a sense of community that has been lost with the decline of the "third place" – public spaces where people would normally meet and interact physically.

具有讽刺意味的是,在最个人主义的文化中(例如美国,英国),最个人主义的产业(互联网发展)之一花费了很多时间来讨论社区。 正如梅格·皮卡德(Meg Pickard)所指出的那样,这可能反映了我们自身的社会分裂和疏离的焦虑感,对意义的追求,或者可能是对因“第三名”的衰落而丧失的一种社区意识的渴望。人们通常会见面并进行身体互动。

It's interesting to read an article "so incredibly old" (in the Internet world) because the MySpace/FaceBook world of 2007 gets to look back on the last four years with the benefit of history. While the Internet has always, kind of by definition, been social, it appears that 2003 was when Social Networking really took it to the next level.

读一篇“非常古老的文章”(在Internet世界中)很有趣,因为2007年的MySpace / FaceBook世界得益于历史,回顾了过去的四年。 虽然互联网从定义上讲一直是社交性的,但看来2003年是社交网络真正将其带入新高度的时候。

There's a fine Social Networking Sites Timeline at pbwiki, started by Danah of U of Berkeley that documents that 2003 was (possibly) when LinkedIn, Friendster and MySpace started. While I don't think of it as strictly a social site, slashdot started in September of 1997, many many years earlier. It is more of ~news site, its comments and moderation system is very sophisticated and it's certainly a very social an energetic place.

pbwiki上有一个很好的“社交网站时间轴” ,由伯克利大学的Danah发​​起,记录了2003年(可能是) LinkedInFriendsterMySpace的开始。 虽然我不认为它严格意义上是社交网站,但是slashdot始于1997年9月,比很多年前早。 它更多是〜news网站,它的评论和审核系统非常复杂,并且肯定是一个非常社交和充满活力的地方。

Fast forward to today. I'm on LinkedIn and FaceBook. One for business and one for personal, from my point of view; this may change.

快进到今天。 我在LinkedInFaceBook上。 从我的角度来看,一种用于商务,另一种用于个人。 这可能会改变。

However, while these are interesting places to poke around, and the "dashboard" view in Facebook is certainly interesting, neither of these places really feels - to me - like a community. Neither is a Third Place. They're more like a Social Brain Dump and they are still Walled Gardens.

但是,尽管这些地方很有趣,而且Facebook中的“仪表板”视图当然很有趣,但在我看来,这些地方都没有一个真正的社区。 第三名也不是。 他们更像是社会的大脑垃圾场,他们仍然是围墙花园

Where do Developers hang out? Where do they hang out online? Is Programming.Reddit.com a community or a mob? My first thought was that blogs, like mine, like yours, were a place to hang out. I certainly hang out here some and I enjoy the community. Then I thought about dzone, del.icio.us, dotnetkicks, and others, but started to think that raganwald is right when he says (emphasis and clipping mine):

开发人员在哪里闲逛? 他们在哪里闲逛? 是Programming.Reddit.com是社区还是暴民? 我首先想到的是,像您一样,我的博客是一个闲逛的地方。 我当然在这里闲逛,我很喜欢这个社区。 然后我想到了dzonedel.icio.usdotnetkicks等,但是当他说(强调并裁剪我的)时,开始认为raganwald是正确的

A popular blog post can generate hundreds of comments. When those comments are attached to the post, you can read them right on the post. Anybody finding the post finds the comments. That's value added to the post. Search engines can index them.

一个受欢迎的博客文章可以产生数百条评论。 将这些评论附加到帖子后,您可以在帖子上直接阅读它们。 找到帖子的任何人都会找到评论。 这就是帖子附加值 搜索引擎可以将它们编入索引。

But when the comments are in programming.reddit.com instead of on the blog post, what happens? ...And what if the company owning the comments blocks search engines, or goes out of business? The value is lost forever.

但是,当注释在programming.reddit.com中而不是在博客文章中时,会发生什么? ...而且,如果拥有这些评论的公司阻止了搜索引擎或倒闭了怎么办? 价值永远丢失。

Those comments are on the Internet, but they aren't on the web. The web is composed of pages with contextually relevant links between them. Social bookmarking applications subvert this basic structure. They are unraveling the web itself.

这些评论在Internet上,但不在Web上。 网络由页面组成,页面之间具有上下文相关的链接。 社交书签应用程序颠覆了这种基本结构。 他们正在破坏网络本身。

In this case, the value of those potential third places diminishes greatly - again with the walled gardens. I'll still continue to use del.icio.us, because it is just so delicious, but I have decided that Digg and Digg-Clones really provide minimal value to me over having you, Dear Reader, email or chat me links you know I'll like - because you know me, the Digg Mob doesn't. Moreover, now that I know that there are comments out there about my posts, these social sites are actually taking value away as they fragment the conversation. Thus, they aren't good places to hang out.

在这种情况下,那些潜在的第三名的价值将大大减少-围墙花园也是如此。 我仍然会继续使用del.icio.us ,因为它是如此的美味,但我认为Digg和Digg-Clones确实为我提供了最小的价值,超过了您,亲爱的读者,通过电子邮件或与我聊天的链接我会喜欢-因为您了解我,所以Digg Mob不会。 而且,现在我知道那里有关于我的帖子的评论,这些社交网站实际上分散了对话的价值。 因此,它们不是闲逛的好地方。

Is the Blogosphere, the real linked web, the Third Place for the Developer? Is there a place on the Internet that hasn't been created yet, or a specification that's missing to really bring a sense of community - of Third Placeness - to the Web, or do we already have everything we need?

Blogosphere(真正的链接网络)是开发人员第三名吗? Internet上是否存在尚未创建的位置,或者缺少将Web的社区意识(第三位感)真正带到Web的规范,还是我们已经拥有了所需的一切?

Where is your current Third Place?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-developer-theory-of-the-third-place






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