托管 非托管_我已经准备好在线商店。 我应该选择哪种托管?

托管 非托管


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

So you’re ready to launch your online store. Can you just use your existing web hosting, or do you need something special?

因此,您准备好启动您的在线商店。 您可以只使用现有的虚拟主机,还是需要一些特殊的东西?

While eCommerce hosting doesn’t need to cost a fortune, invest the time and money you need up front to make sure you have a solution that is going to work with you—not just now, but take future growth into account as well.


If you’re planning to use a hosted solution like Shopify, and embed it into WordPress, then your hosting requirements are less stringent, since the security and heavy lifting are being taken care of by Spotify.

如果您打算使用Shopify之类的托管解决方案,并将其嵌入到WordPress中 ,那么您的托管要求就不会那么严格,因为Spotify会处理安全性和繁重的工作。

But if you’ll be hosting your own shopping cart software, the choice of hosting is critical. It’s a key factor in ensuring your customers have a smooth and responsive online shopping experience.

但是,如果您要托管自己的购物车软件,托管的选择至关重要。 这是确保您的客户获得流畅和响应Swift的在线购物体验的关键因素。

What sort of hosting should you choose? A company experienced in hosting eCommerce, and a plan optimised for eCommerce. Here are some factors to take into consideration.

您应该选择哪种托管? 在托管电子商务方面经验丰富的公司,以及为电子商务优化的计划。 这里是一些要考虑的因素。

1.您需要具有足够存储空间和带宽的托管计划 (1. You Need a Hosting Plan with Sufficient Storage Space and Bandwidth)

An eCommerce site will need to store shopping cart software, a product catalogue, and a customer database. You need to choose a hosting plan with enough space to store all of this, and enough bandwidth for your customers to access your products, including copy, images and other resources. Err on the side of caution—underestimating your needs may lead to financial penalties if you go over your limits.

电子商务站点将需要存储购物车软件,产品目录和客户数据库。 您需要选择一个托管计划,该计划要有足够的空间来存储所有这些内容,并有足够的带宽供客户访问您的产品,包括副本,图像和其他资源。 谨慎行事-如果您超出限制,则低估您的需求可能会导致经济处罚。

Plans with at least 2 GB of disk space and 10 GB/month of bandwidth are common, and will give you more than enough resources for an online store with thousands of products. This is a good starting point for your online store.

通常计划至少有2 GB的磁盘空间和每月10 GB的带宽,这些计划将为您提供足够的资源,以供拥有数千种产品的在线商店使用。 这是您在线商店的一个很好的起点。

2.您需要托管来支持您的购物车软件 (2. You Need Hosting that Supports Your Shopping Cart Software)

There’s quite a variety of eCommerce software available today. Choose the solution that best meets your needs, then choose a hosting solution that supports the system requirements of that software—or better still, can install it with a click of the mouse.

今天有相当多的电子商务软件可用。 选择最能满足您需求的解决方案,然后选择支持该软件的系统要求的托管解决方案,或者更好的是,只需单击鼠标即可安装它。

Two powerful and free shopping carts are Magento and PrestaShop. They are full-featured, and worthy of consideration. There are also plugins for WordPress and Joomla to turn your favorite CMS into an eCommerce platform. How do you choose?

Magento和PrestaShop是两个功能强大且免费的购物车。 它们功能齐全,值得考虑。 也有用于WordPress和Joomla的插件,可将您喜欢的CMS转换为电子商务平台。 您如何选择?

SiteGround lets you choose between 18 popular eCommerce applications, and install them automatically. Their Shopping Cart Guide will help you decide on the right software for your store. Take your time making your decision—it will be a lot of work if you change your mind later on.

SiteGround允许您在18种流行的电子商务应用程序之间进行选择,并自动安装它们。 他们的购物车指南将帮助您为商店选择合适的软件。 花点时间做决定-如果以后改变主意,这将需要大量工作。

3.您需要托管以启用安全的信用卡付款 (3. You Need Hosting that Enables Secure Credit Card Payments)

Security is important for any website, but especially so for an eCommerce site. Taking payments online and storing confidential customer information require special care.

安全性对任何网站都很重要,但对于电子商务网站尤其重要。 在线付款和存储机密的客户信息需要特别注意。

One security feature you need for secure financial and credit card transactions is SSL. An SSL certificate serves as a digital passport, allowing data to be transmitted over secure networks. It authenticates and encrypts all data transferred through the website.

SSL是安全财务和信用卡交易所需的一项安全功能。 SSL证书用作数字护照,允许通过安全网络传输数据。 它对通过网站传输的所有数据进行身份验证和加密。

Here are some benefits of SSL:


  • It protects your site from spoofing.

  • It gains visitors’ trust by displaying security padlock

  • It bans data alteration and editing.

  • It protect your visitors’ personal data from misuse.


SiteGround offer three different SSL solutions to match the size of your business:


  1. Let’s Encrypt SSL, suitable for small size websites, free

  2. Wildcard SSL, suitable for medium size websites, $70/year

    通配符SSL,适用于中型网站,每年$ 70
  3. EV SSL, suitable for large business websites, $499/year.

    EV SSL,适用于大型企业网站,每年$ 499。

That’s not the end of the story.


Many online banks and payment processors (including MasterCard, Visa and American Express) require that your hosting is PCI compliant. The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) ensures a unified approach for safeguarding credit card holder information, preventing credit card fraud, and other security threats.

许多在线银行和支付处理器(包括万事达卡,维萨卡和美国运通卡)都要求您的主机符合PCI规范 。 PCI DSS(支付卡行业数据安全标准)确保了用于保护信用卡持有人信息,防止信用卡欺诈和其他安全威胁的统一方法。

SiteGround’s GoGeek hosting plans are PCI compliant by default, and offer a safe and stable environment for your online store. Their higher-end dedicated hosting solutions can also be made PCI compliant on demand.

SiteGround的GoGeek托管计划默认情况下符合PCI规范,并为您的在线商店提供安全稳定的环境。 他们的高端专用托管解决方案也可以按需使PCI兼容。

4.您需要可靠的主机托管和24/7全天候支持 (4. You Need Reliable Hosting with Friendly 24/7 Support)

One great thing about an online store is you can keep it open 24/7. To achieve that, you need reliable hosting that is up 24/7. You’ll also need responsive 24/7 support.

关于在线商店的一件好事是您可以保持24/7全天候营业。 为此,您需要24/7的可靠托管。 您还需要响应式24/7全天候支持。

Think of your hosting provider as a business partner. You need to choose someone you can trust and develop a long-term relationship with. So choose a company that is committed to reliability. Check that they put their money where their mouth is when investing in infrastructure, and proactively check that your server is up so problems are fixed with minimum delay.

将您的托管服务提供商视为业务合作伙伴。 您需要选择一个可以信任的人并与之建立长期关系。 因此,选择一家致力于可靠性的公司。 在投资基础架构时,请检查他们的资金是否到位,并主动检查您的服务器是否启动,以便以最小的延迟解决问题。

When your website is down your shop is closed. Every minute is lost business. Don’t just take the hosting company’s word about their uptime, do some research, read customer reviews, and check out the company’s blog to see what they’re actually doing to ensure the reliability of your store.

当您的网站关闭时,您的商店将关闭。 每分钟都失去了生意。 不要只听托管公司关于其正常运行时间的话,做一些研究,阅读客户评论并查看公司的博客以了解他们实际上在做什么以确保商店的可靠性。

But things can go wrong, and you’ll need help. When you’re setting up your eCommerce software, you may need technical assistance at midnight. The last thing you need is a two hour wait for an answer to your question. Or to be told that support can’t help you with your shopping cart problem, just with server issues.

但是事情可能会出错,您将需要帮助。 设置电子商务软件时,可能在午夜需要技术帮助。 您需要做的最后一件事是等待两个小时才能回答问题。 或被告知,支持无法帮助您解决购物车问题,仅能解决服务器问题。

So don’t just check that the company offers 24/7 support. Try to find out how quickly they respond with an answer, and the range of issues they are willing to give you support with.

因此,不要只是检查公司是否提供24/7全天候支持。 尝试找出他们回答的速度有多快,以及他们愿意为您提供支持的一系列问题。

Designbombs recently tested eight popular hosting providers to see how long they took to respond to a support request. Their conclusion: “SiteGround absolutely blew away the competition by responding in less than half a minute, and promptly answering our question.”

Designbombs 最近对八家受欢迎的托管服务提供商进行了测试,以了解他们花了多长时间才能响应支持请求。 他们的结论是:“ SiteGround在不到半分钟的时间内做出了回应,并Swift回答了我们的问题,从而完全消除了竞争。”

结论 (Conclusion)

To run your eCommerce business successfully you need to partner with a hosting company who are as committed to the success of your website as you are. A company you can trust and work with for years to come.

要成功运营您的电子商务业务,您需要与一家托管公司合作,该公司与您一样致力于网站的成功。 您可以信任并可以合作多年的公司。

In short, you need a reliable host that can run (and preferably install) the shopping cart software of your choice, is secure and PCI compliant, and respond promptly and helpfully every time you have a support request.


SiteGround’s GoGeek plan ticks all of the boxes, with a choice of 18 eCommerce apps, PCI compliance, a choice of SSL solutions, plenty of disk space and unmetered bandwidth, and the best support in the business. Sign up today and save 65%.

SiteGround的GoGeek计划打勾了所有框框,提供了18种电子商务应用程序,PCI合规性,SSL解决方案,大量磁盘空间和不限带宽的选择以及业务中的最佳支持。 立即注册,节省65%

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/im-ready-online-store-hosting-choose/

托管 非托管





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