

In my humble opinion, WordPress really is amazing. It’s so user-friendly and intuitive that you really can build an entire website without needing any knowledge of HTML coding. So, it comes as no surprise to me to discover that around there are now almost 75 million sites using WordPress. All these individuals and companies can’t be wrong. So, if you’re developing a website for your business, then I’d recommend taking a look at WordPress.

以我的拙见,WordPress确实很棒。 它是如此友好且直观,您无需任何HTML编码知识就可以真正构建整个网站。 因此,发现周围大约有7500万个使用WordPress的网站对我来说并不奇怪。 所有这些个人和公司都不会错。 因此,如果您要为自己的企业开发网站,那么我建议您看一下WordPress。

One of the most incredible features that WordPress has to offer is the sheer amount of plugins that are available for the platform. These plugins allow you to enhance the functionality (of the already powerful) platform, chop, change and customise your site until it reflects your business, sell your products and services more effectively, and create an engaging space for your customers to visit.

WordPress必须提供的最令人难以置信的功能之一是可用于平台的大量插件。 这些插件使您可以增强(已经强大的)平台的功能,斩波,更改和自定义网站,直到它反映您的业务,更有效地销售产品和服务,并为客户提供吸引人的访问空间。

So, in particular order, here is a selection of the 7 of the best WordPress plugins for business websites.


Yoast SEO (Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO

There are other SEO Plugins available but none can hold a torch to this incredible piece of software. It gives you complete control over your site, allowing you to manage page titles and meta descriptions on a page by page and post by post basis.

还有其他SEO插件可用,但没有一个可以将这个不可思议的软件束之高阁。 它使您可以完全控制站点,从而可以逐页和逐个帖子地管理页面标题和元描述。

You can create rules for search engine robots (index, follow, nofollow etc.) and set up a 301 redirection. You can even create fully customisable descriptions for your Facebook and Google+ descriptions. Yoast really is your best friend when it comes to SEO.

您可以为搜索引擎机器人创建规则(索引,跟随,nofollow等),并设置301重定向。 您甚至可以为您的Facebook和Google+描述创建完全可自定义的描述。 当涉及到SEO时,Yoast确实是您最好的朋友。

喷气背包 (Jetpack)


JetPack really is a little bundle of joy for any business website. All of its varied features are extremely valuable, and include:

对于任何企业网站而言, JetPack确实都是一堆欢乐。 它所有的各种功能都非常有价值,其中包括:

  • Statistics and Website Traffic Growth: Jetpack reports on exactly how many visitors your site has had, and then helps you get even more through functionality like related posts, sharing and publicizing.

    统计信息和网站流量增长: Jetpack会准确报告您的网站有多少访问者,然后通过相关帖子,共享和发布等功能帮助您获得更多收益。

  • Security: protecting your business site should always be high on your list of priorities, and Jetpack does exactly this. It helps prevent brute force attacks, monitors downtime, updates plugins automatically, and stops unathorized users logging in.

    安全性:保护您的业务站点始终应该放在优先事项的首位,而Jetpack正是这样做的。 它有助于防止暴力攻击,监视停机时间,自动更新插件以及阻止未授权用户登录。

  • Streamlined Management: Jetpack comes with a centralised dashboard, which enables you to manage all of your plugins, menus, posts and statistics from the one spot. Handy, particularly if you own and operate multiple sites.

    简化的管理: Jetpack带有集中式仪表板,使您可以从一个位置管理所有插件,菜单,帖子和统计信息。 方便,特别是如果您拥有和运营多个站点。

  • Performance: This plugin evens helps to improve the speed and performance of your site by relying on the WordPress.com content delivery network.


围栏安全 (Wordfence Security)


The security of your WordPress site is something you should take seriously.


Wordfence Security is the most downloaded security plugin available. This plugin begins by trawling your site, checking for any viruses or malicious source code. Once that’s done, it performs a whole range of operations to ensure your site is safe secure, and even much faster performing.

Wordfence Security是下载次数最多的安全性插件。 该插件首先拖曳您的站点,检查是否有病毒或恶意源代码。 完成后,它将执行一系列操作,以确保您的站点安全,甚至更快地运行。

It blocks known attackers (even entire malicious networks), and prevents unauthorised logins, regularly scans for vulnerabilities on your website, and provides a whole range of stats to boot. It’s features and functionality really are too varied to list here.

它阻止已知的攻击者(甚至是整个恶意网络),并防止未经授权的登录,定期扫描您网站上的漏洞,并提供启动所需的全部统计信息。 它的特性和功能确实太多了,无法在此处列出。

UpdraftPlus备份和还原 (UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration)


You need to backup your website frequently. Just imagine what would happen if your server crashed, or your website was attacked and you had no back-up. Would you lose sales? Clients? Entire portfolios? This plugin is the answer.

您需要经常备份您的网站。 试想一下,如果服务器崩溃或网站遭到攻击并且没有备份,将会发生什么情况。 您会失去销售吗? 客户? 整个投资组合? 这个插件就是答案。

It can create either full or partial backups of your business website, depending on your preferences. You can even set up recurring backups and have them stored in different locations, such as Dropbox or FTP. It’s super fast as well, entire site can be backed up in just a couple of minutes.

它可以根据您的喜好创建企业网站的全部或部分备份。 您甚至可以设置定期备份,并将其存储在其他位置,例如Dropbox或FTP。 它的速度也非常快,只需几分钟即可备份整个站点。

Updraft is the highest ranking backup plugin in the WordPress directory, with over 800,000 active installs. If you’re looking for other alternatives, check out this previous SitePoint article on The Best WordPress Backup Plugins Compared.

Updraft是WordPress目录中排名最高的备份插件,活跃安装量超过80万。 如果您正在寻找其他替代方案,请查看上一则有关最佳WordPress备份插件比较的 SitePoint文章。

联络表格7 (Contact Form 7)

Contact Form 7

The beauty of a business website is that it gives round-the-clock opportunities for existing and potential customers to contact you. Contact Form 7 is a must have plugin for any business site. It offers you and your customers a simple way to connect, leave comments and open up the dialogue that is so important to successful marketing. With over a million active installs, it’s up there as one of the most popular plugins on the market.

商业网站的魅力在于,它为现有客户和潜在客户提供了全天候与您联系的机会。 联系表格7是任何企业网站的必备插件。 它为您和您的客户提供了一种简单的方法来进行联系,发表评论并展开对话,这对于成功营销至关重要。 活跃安装量超过一百万,它是市场上最受欢迎的插件之一。

For some further reading, Ian Chandler also recently covered on SitePoint how to Boost Opt-ins with Contact Form 7 for WordPress.

为了进一步阅读,Ian Chandler最近还在SitePoint上介绍了如何使用WordPress联络表7增强选择加入

WooCommerce (WooCommerce)


If you want to sell products from your website, then cannot go past WooCommerce. WooCommerce provides the complete tool kit for creating the most beautiful online shopping experience possible. It allows you to set up multiple payment options and provides a user-friendly checkout process. You can create product review sections, generate content and create themes that will attract and engage with your customers. There are lots of little buttons you can add such as free shipping, discount coupons and you can even integrate with PayPal and Google Analytics to track your sales. Again, with over one million active installs, the stats don’t lie.

如果您想从您的网站上销售产品,则不能超越WooCommerce 。 WooCommerce提供了完整的工具包,可用于创建最美丽的在线购物体验。 它使您可以设置多个付款方式,并提供用户友好的结帐流程。 您可以创建产品评论部分,生成内容并创建吸引和吸引客户的主题。 您可以添加许多小按钮,例如免费送货,折扣券,甚至可以与PayPal和Google Analytics(分析)集成以跟踪销售情况。 同样,拥有超过一百万的活跃安装,这些统计数据不会说谎。

WP超级缓存 (WP Super Cache)

W3 Super Cache

This plugin isn’t just for business sites — it really should be installed on every WordPress entity. It helps to create what every developer wants and needs: a fast website. It does this by converting dynamic pages into HTML static pages, which are delivered much faster, significantly increasing the page speed.

这个插件不仅适用于商业网站-实际上应该安装在每个WordPress实体上。 它有助于创建每个开发人员想要和需要的东西:一个快速的网站。 它通过将动态页面转换为HTML静态页面(交付速度更快)来显着提高页面速度。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

While all of these plugins are extremely valuable, it doesn’t mean you should jump onto the WordPress plugin directory and install all of them at once. Having too many plugins installed on your site can cause a variety of problems, including a drop in speed and responsiveness.

尽管所有这些插件都非常有价值,但这并不意味着您应该跳转到WordPress插件目录并立即安装所有这些插件。 您网站上安装的插件太多会导致各种问题,包括速度和响应速度下降。

You need to be selective, and install only the plugins that your website and business really needs — the plugins that will drastically improve the experience of your online customers.


Please share in the comments below what other must have plugins you’ve come across for business websites.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-must-have-wordpress-plugins-for-business-websites/






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