wordpress 插件_您的WordPress网站必须具有插件

wordpress 插件

For almost every blogger or webmaster WordPress is quite a familiar name. It is one of the best content management systems available. Over 17% of the total websites in the world currently use WordPress.

对于几乎每个博客作者或网站管理员而言, WordPress都是一个非常熟悉的名称。 它是现有最佳的内容管理系统之一。 目前,全球有超过17%的网站使用WordPress。

As so many people prefer WordPress it is essential to utilize the platform to its fullest and take advantage of various things that it can do. By simply installing certain plugins you can do lots of useful things with your  WordPress blog.

如此之多的人喜欢WordPress,因此必须充分利用该平台并充分利用它可以做的各种事情,这一点至关重要。 通过简单地安装某些插件,您可以在WordPress博客中做很多有用的事情。

Must have WP Plugins

Here is a list of some of the essential plugins for WordPress that would really benefit you:


Online Backup for WordPress


For any blog backup is of utmost importance. If you lose your data you lose everything. The Online Backup plugin allows you to take backups of your WordPress sites. It can backup everything on the WP site including posts, images, themes, plugins, pages, settings and comments as well.

对于任何博客备份都是至关重要的。 如果丢失数据,则将丢失所有内容。 在线备份插件可让您对WordPress网站进行备份。 它可以备份WP网站上的所有内容,包括帖子,图像,主题,插件,页面,设置和评论。

It also encrypts the data while taking the backups and can store it any one of the chosen location which include: Your email, a zip file or in its own storage which is free till 100mb.


Google Analytics for WordPress

适用于WordPress的Google Analytics(分析)

The ability to monitor and keep a tab of your website and visitors is very important to avoid any problems and keep track of what’s happening on the site.


The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin makes tracking easier by using  tracking codes. You can also track on the basis of custom variables like Author, Category and tags and more. This plugin makes tracking analysis a lot simpler.

Google Analytics for WordPress插件通过使用跟踪代码使跟踪更加容易。 您还可以根据自定义变量(例如Author,Category和tag等)进行跟踪。 该插件使跟踪分析更加简单。

Jetpack Plugin


The Jetpack plugin is a multi-purpose tool for self-hosted WordPress users. It can provide you stats about your WP blog. You can have email subscriptions for your posts and comments. You can also embed media from popular sites like YouTube, Digg, and Vimeo. You can integrate your social accounts  for automatic posting. It also comes with a  CSS editor to modify your site design without hampering the theme.

Jetpack插件是针对自托管WordPress用户的多功能工具。 它可以为您提供有关WP博客的统计信息。 您可以通过电子邮件订阅您的帖子和评论。 您还可以嵌入来自YouTube,Digg和Vimeo等热门网站的媒体。 您可以集成您的社交帐户以自动发布。 它还带有CSS编辑器,可在不影响主题的情况下修改您的网站设计。

WordPress SEO

WordPress SEO

This SEO plugin by Yoast allows you to improve your SEO efforts. WordPress itself is very SEO friendly however this plugin makes it even better.

Yoast的这个SEO插件可让您改善SEO的工作量。 WordPress本身对SEO非常友好,但是此插件使它变得更好。

It helps you write better content and choose a relevant keyword. You can do Page Analysis which helps you find things you might forget in a post like Meta tags, ALT tags in images, post length and more. Furthermore, it also creates XML Sitemaps and submits the same to search engines. It also allows you import and exports your settings from one blog to another so you need to make changes individually on all your blogs.

它可以帮助您编写更好的内容并选择相关的关键字。 您可以进行页面分析,以帮助您找到可能会在帖子中忘记的内容,例如Meta标签,图片中的ALT标签,帖子长度等。 此外,它还会创建XML Sitemap,并将其提交给搜索引擎。 它还允许您将设置从一个博客导入和导出到另一个博客,因此您需要在所有博客上分别进行更改。

Simple 301 Redirect


Like any other website you also might need to redirect your WP site at some point or other. With the Simple 301 Redirect plugin you easily redirect your pages. It makes redirecting pages simple for you. You can redirect all of your URL’s including the ones which are not present. If you change any URL then it can automatically add a redirect to your pages. In addition, you can also gets stats about the use of the redirect URL giving you better insights to you traffic.

像任何其他网站一样,您可能还需要在某些时候重定向您的WP网站。 使用Simple 301 Redirect插件,您可以轻松地重定向页面。 它使重定向页面对您来说很简单。 您可以重定向所有URL,包括不存在的URL。 如果您更改任何URL,则它可以自动将重定向添加到您的页面。 此外,您还可以获得有关重定向URL使用情况的统计信息,从而可以更好地了解流量。

Optimization Plugins:


WP Super Cache


If you wish to serve cached version of web pages to visitors then the WP super cache plugin can do just that for you. With the help of this plugin you can serve static files on your site. The plugin generates the static file and your webserver shows the same to most of your visitors. This allows you to show pages faster to your visitors and improve their site experience.

如果您希望将网页的缓存版本提供给访问者,则WP超级缓存插件可以为您做到这一点。 借助此插件,您可以在站点上提供静态文件。 该插件会生成静态文件,并且您的网络服务器会向大多数访问者显示相同的文件。 这使您可以更快地向访问者显示页面并改善他们的网站体验。

Manage WP plugin


If you have more than one WordPress sites or blogs then this a very helpful plugin which would also save you lots of time. It brings together all your WordPress blogs and makes them easier to manage. You can easily manage the theme and plugins on all of your WP sites with the help of this one plugin. It even allows you to transfer themes and plugins between your WordPress sites. This plugin does make handling multiple WP sites easier.

如果您有多个WordPress网站或博客,那么这个非常有用的插件将为您节省很多时间。 它汇集了您所有的WordPress博客,并使它们更易于管理。 借助此插件,您可以轻松地在所有WP网站上管理主题和插件。 它甚至允许您在WordPress网站之间传输主题和插件。 该插件的确使处理多个WP站点更加容易。

 Plugins for SPAM:




A Captcha plugin is the best way to avoid spam through your web forms or comments section. You can use it for registration, login forms and password recovery as well. It prevents bots from spamming by showing various logical queries which they are unable to answer and as a way cannot spam your site.

Captcha插件是通过Web表单或评论部分避免垃圾邮件的最佳方法。 您也可以将其用于注册,登录表单和密码恢复。 它通过显示各种无法回答的逻辑查询来防止漫游器垃圾邮件,从而也可以使您的网站免受垃圾邮件的侵扰。



If you have to continuously deal with spam on your website then Akismet is what you need. Whenever any visitor comments or adds trackback on your site Akismet automatically verifies and sorts it as spam or genuine saving you all the hassle of dealing with spam and allowing you more time to look after essential things on your site.

如果您需要不断处理网站上的垃圾邮件,那么Akismet是您所需要的。 每当访客在您的网站上发表评论或添加引用时,Akismet都会自动将其验证为垃圾邮件或将其归类为垃圾邮件,从而为您节省了处理垃圾邮件的所有麻烦,并让您有更多时间来照顾您网站上的基本内容。

Social Sharing Plugins




For any blogger, it is essential to have social share buttons on their site and posts so that readers and visitors can share their posts and in turn get them more visitors.


With the Sociable plugin you can easily add a share button to almost all the social networking and social bookmarking websites allowing your readers to easily share your content. It can be customized to add or remove buttons and you can place it as a skyscraper or at the bottom of your posts as well.

使用Sociable插件,您可以轻松地向几乎所有社交网络和社交书签网站添加共享按钮,从而使读者可以轻松共享您的内容。 可以自定义添加或删除按钮,也可以将其放置为摩天大楼,也可以放置在帖子的底部。

Now you have all the essential plugins to charge up WordPress site and with the best wordpress hosting you can make the most of your WP website or blog.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/must-have-plugins-for-your-wordpress-website/

wordpress 插件





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