WordPress EditFlow插件可简化编辑工作流程

As an editor, I have to collaborate with different writers. For example, sending them comments, feedback and changing the status of articles. Email is a very powerful tool most of us use multiple times per day for exchanging messages and collaboration. However, using email for editing and publishing tasks can be a quite painful, especially when you also have a team of writers.

作为编辑,我必须与其他作家合作。 例如,向他们发送评论,反馈并更改文章状态。 电子邮件是一种非常强大的工具,我们大多数人每天都使用多次交换消息和协作。 但是,使用电子邮件进行编辑和发布任务可能会很痛苦,尤其是当您还有一组编写者时。

There should be an alternative to the email way in handling such tasks. Since we are talking WordPress here, I will introduce you to a wonderful plugin that can solve these issues called EditFlow, and share with you how I use it to manage my team of writers.

处理此类任务时,应采用电子邮件方式以外的其他方法。 既然我们在这里谈论WordPress,我将向您介绍一个出色的插件,该插件可以解决上述问题,称为EditFlow ,并与您分享如何使用它来管理我的作家团队。

无论如何,EditFlow是什么? (What Is EditFlow Anyway?)

EditFlow is a plugin which enables you to collaborate with your editorial team within the WordPress dashboard. You can for instance assign them tasks, add them to groups and exchange comments. EditFlow comes with many different features, which you can find more information about, here.

EditFlow是一个插件,使您可以与WordPress仪表板中的编辑团队进行协作。 例如,您可以为其分配任务,将其添加到组中并交换评论。 EditFlow具有许多不同的功能,您可以在此处找到更多信息。

通过EditFlow添加新帖子 (Adding a New Post Through EditFlow)

After you install the EditFlow plugin, you should see EditFlow in your WordPress dashboard. If you click on the link in the dashboard, you should see a screen that looks as follows:

安装 EditFlow插件后,您应该在WordPress仪表板中看到EditFlow。 如果单击仪表板中的链接,应该会看到一个屏幕,如下所示:


Since we want to add content, click on the link: Customizable calendar, under Calendar, you will have a calendar similar to that shown in the figure below.

由于我们要添加内容,因此请单击以下链接: 可自定义日历 ,在日历下,您将拥有一个类似于下图所示的日历。


Let’s say you want to assign a topic to one of your writers (or even for yourself) on Thursday, 16th, based on the calendar shown in the previous figure. Simply double click on the box with this date, or click the + sign in the top left of the box. In this case, you will have a text box pop-up, where you can enter your post title, as shown below. Notice that you can change the title later on if you wish.

假设您想根据上图所示的日历,在16日(星期四)为一位作家(甚至为自己)分配一个主题。 只需双击带有该日期的框,或单击框左上方的+号。 在这种情况下,将弹出一个文本框,您可以在其中输入帖子标题,如下所示。 请注意,您以后可以根据需要更改标题。

post title

Let’s name the post Writing Is Fun, and click Create post. You will now have Writing Is Fun mentioned on Thursday, 16th with the pitch status, as shown below:

让我们将帖子命名为Writing Is Fun ,然后单击Create post 。 现在,您将在16日(星期四)看到pitch状态为“ Writing Is Fun ,如下所示:

post calendar

You should now see this new post in your Posts list, where you can write and edit the post as usual.

现在,您应该在“ Posts列表中看到该新Posts ,您可以像往常一样在其中编写和编辑该帖子。

编辑元数据 (Editorial Metadata)

When you open your newly created post, and scroll down the page, on the right of the page you will notice a new section called Editorial Metadata, that looks as follows:

当您打开新创建的帖子并向下滚动页面时,在页面右侧,您会注意到一个名为“ Editorial Metadata的新部分,其外观如下:

editorial metadata

In the Editorial Metadata, you can add information that will further clarify any particular points to your team, provided that such data will not be published with your post.

Editorial Metadata ,您可以添加信息,以进一步阐明团队中的任何特定要点,前提是这些数据不会随您的帖子一起发布。

The fields you see here can be edited and deleted, and you can also add new fields. This can be done by going to the main page of EditFlow, and then clicking the Configure button under Editorial Metadata.

您在此处看到的字段可以编辑和删除,也可以添加新字段。 可以通过转到EditFlow的主页,然后单击“ Editorial Metadata下的“ Configure按钮来完成。

editorial metadata configure

When you click the Configure button, you will encounter a screen similar to the one shown below, where you can manage the Editorial Metadata fields.

单击“配置”按钮时,将出现类似于以下所示的屏幕,您可以在其中管理“ Editorial Metadata字段。

editorial metadata details

用户组 (User Groups)

A nice feature in EditFlow is User Groups, which enables you to organize your team in different groups.

Edit Flow的一个不错的功能是User Groups ,它使您可以将团队分为不同的组。

You can do that by clicking on the Manage User Groups button under User Groups in the EditFlow main page.

您可以通过点击做Manage User Groups下按钮, User Groups在EditFlow主页。

user groups

Here you will encounter a page that looks as follows:


user groups page

In the User Groups page, you will be able to add, edit, and delete groups, in addition to assiging users (from your Users list) to different groups.

在“ User Groups页面中,除了可以将用户(从“用户”列表中)辅助到不同的组之外,您还可以添加,编辑和删除组。

发布状态 (Post Status)

Remember when we created our new post where we had the Pitch status? Having a status for your post makes your workflow go more smoothly. For instance, when I edit or write some article, I assign it the status Ready to Proofread. Two questions may arise here: Where can we change the status? And, where did the Ready to Proofread status come from? Is it a built-in option to choose?

还记得我们在创建新职位时拥有Pitch状态吗? 拥有职位状态可以使您的工作流程更加顺畅。 例如,当我编辑或撰写某些文章时,我将其状态指定为Ready to Proofread 。 这里可能会出现两个问题:在哪里可以更改状态? 而且,“ Ready to Proofread状态从何而来? 是否有内置选项可供选择?

For changing the Status of the post, you can find that under the Publish section of your post. If you click the Edit link beside the Status, you will find a drop-down list from which you will be able to select the status you prefer.

要更改帖子的Status ,可以在帖子的“ Publish部分下找到它。 如果单击“ Status旁边的Status Edit链接,则会找到一个下拉列表,从中可以选择所需的状态。

As for adding different status options, like the one mentioned above (i.e. Ready to publish), this can be done by clicking on the Edit Statuses button in the Custom Statuses section of EditFlow’s main page where you can edit, delete, and add different statuses.

至于添加不同的状态选项,例如上面提到的(即准备发布),可以通过单击EditFlow主页上“ Custom Statuses部分中的“ Edit Statuses按钮来完成,您可以在其中编辑,删除和添加不同的状态。 。

custom statuses

通知和社论评论 (Notifications and Editorial Comments)

Here comes the collaboration power of the EditFlow plugin. If you scroll down the post, you will notice an Editorial Comments area (see figure below), where you can interact with your writers and other team members involved (following) this particular post.

这是EditFlow插件的协作功能。 如果向下滚动帖子,您会注意到一个“ Editorial Comments区域(请参见下图),您可以在其中与您的作家和其他参与此特定帖子的团队成员进行互动。

editorial comments

When I mentioned the writers and team members involved in the post, this means the members (users) you selected under the Notifications section for this post, as shown in the figure below.

当我提到帖子中涉及的作者和团队成员时,这表示您在“ Notifications部分下为此帖子选择的成员(用户),如下图所示。


You can Configure the notifications in the Notifications section of the EditFlow main page.

您可以在EditFlow主页的“ Notifications部分中Configure通知。

notifications section

I really like the Notifications part of the EditFlow plugin, where users involved in the post will receive email notifications whenever the status of the post changes, or when an editorial comment is written.


A full list of the EditFlow features, along with their descriptions, can be found here.


结论 (In Conclusion)

Managing a team of writers, collaborating with your team on content, scheduling posts, and other editorial tasks can be very daunting if managed via email only. That is where the WordPress plugin EditFlow comes in handy for managing such issues and helping the editorial workflow to go as smooth as possible for your team.

如果仅通过电子邮件进行管理,那么管理一个作家团队,与您的团队就内容,安排帖子和其他编辑任务进行协作可能会非常艰巨。 在那里,WordPress插件EditFlow可以派上用场,以管理此类问题并帮助编辑工作组尽可能顺利地进行工作。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/easy-editorial-workflows-with-the-wordpress-editflow-plugin/





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