

Sometimes the best way to do great design is to NOT be a designer. Fresh eyes. Fewer rules.

有时,进行出色设计的最好方法是不要成为设计师。 新鲜的眼睛。 更少的规则。

Beck's London Underground map - 1931

Beck’s London Underground map – 1931

贝克的伦敦地铁地图– 1931年

This is one of the most famous pieces of graphic design from the last century. It’s the London Tube Map designed by Henry (often referred to as ‘Harry’) Beck in 1931.

这是上个世纪最著名的图形设计作品之一。 这是亨利(通常称为“哈利”)贝克在1931年设计的伦敦地铁地图

It’s remarkable for a lot of reasons.


Firstly, Henry was never trained as a designer. He was employed as a technical draftsman by the railways, and only took to composing his map as a personal project. His managers didn’t like it initially.

首先,亨利从未接受过设计师的培训。 他被铁路部门聘为技术制图员,只是将自己的地图撰写成个人项目。 他的经理们最初不喜欢它。

Secondly, it’s remarkable for how crisp and modern it still looks today. Created at a time when most homes don’t even own a radio yet, Beck’s map looks positively computer-generated.

其次,令人印象深刻的是它今天仍然显得如此清脆和现代。 Beck的地图是在大多数房屋甚至还没有收音机的时候创建的,它看起来完全是由计算机生成的。

Each line runs either parallel to the page edges, or at precisely 45 degrees to them. Stations are evenly spaced and all bends and forks are geometrically perfect.

每行平行于页面边缘,或与页面边缘成45度角。 工位间隔均匀,所有弯头和前叉在几何形状上都很完美。

Of course, the real-world rail system it records was nothing like this. Railways lines are built whereever it is cheapest and most practicall for humans to put them.

当然,它记录的现实世界的铁路系统并非如此。 铁路线是在人类最便宜,最实用的地方建造的。

London Underground Map - 1908 -

London Underground – 1908 – a knot of wrestling spiders

伦敦地铁– 1908年–蜘蛛摔跤结

Earlier maps blended road and city information with accurate track and station renderings. They look like a knot of colorful, fighting spiders.

较早的地图将道路和城市信息与准确的轨道和车站效果图融合在一起。 它们看起来像是一堆五颜六色的战斗蜘蛛。

Henry’s new map actually transmitted much less information than the Tube maps that preceded his.  Surely it’s be better to have more information, right? 

亨利的新地图实际上所传递的信息比他之前的地铁地图要少得多。 当然,拥有更多信息会更好,对吗?

准确性并不总是您的朋友 (Accuracy isn’t always your friend)

For the previous 500 years, mapmaking had been obsessed with fidelity. With good reason too! The more accurately you could reflect true positions and distances, the more likely your ship, crew and cargo would make it home safely.

在过去的500年中,地图制作一直痴迷于保真度。 也有充分的理由! 您越能准确地反映出真实的位置和距离,您的船,船员和货物就越有可能使其安全回家。

But railways maps have a different purpose. There are more knowns. Trains rarely get lost en route and you can’t easily change lines or hop off between stations. Most stations are underground so landmarks are non-existent.

但是铁路地图有不同的目的。 还有更多的知名度。 火车在途中很少会迷路,您无法轻松地换线或在车站之间下车。 大多数车站都在地下,因此不存在地标。

Beck realized passengers mostly needed to know where stations were in relation to each other. His map is a blend of the simple structures we like in lists, and some of the useful spatial information we like in maps.

贝克意识到乘客最需要知道车站之间的相对位置 。 他的地图融合了我们在列表中喜欢的简单结构和在地图中我们喜欢的一些有用的空间信息。

In our world of web analytics and endless oceans of data, it’s really easy to become obsessed with numbers and detail. If a little data is good, a lot of data must be better, right?

在我们的网络分析和无穷无尽的数据海洋世界中,很容易迷恋数字和细节。 如果少量数据是好的,那么许多数据必须更好,对吗?

Beck’s design genius wasn’t what he illustrated. It was what he chose to cut out. He removed a lot of perfectly valid information, and he made the map less accurate than it was — but in the process created a much more successful design.

贝克的设计天才不是他所说明的。 那是他选择删掉的东西 。 他删除了许多完全有效的信息,并且使地图的准确性降低了,但是在此过程中,设计更加成功。

That should be an important idea to us.


Beck certainly wasn’t the first to simplify a railway map, but it was his design that influenced designers up to this day.It was a roaring success from the start and Henry continued producing it till the 1960’s.


管状贡 (Tubular Tributes)

Although a somewhat radical design at the time, today Henry’s map is one of the most loved design tropes — continually referenced in design to this day.


Some of my favorites include:


If you’re so inspired, you can even generate your own tube-style map at beno.org.uk .


SitePoint设计新闻稿重新发布 (Republished from the SitePoint Design Newsletter)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/fighting-spiders-london-underground-map/






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