

When I started with web development a few years ago, Vim was my first choice of text editor. It was easy to work with and I could get the basics done without much hassle. Also, many developers like terminal based text editors because they get the same environment in both their local development machines and remote servers. In spite of the “Vim vs Emacs” debate out there, about a year ago I decided to try out a native text editor and Twitter was abuzz with one of them (no prizes for the guessing which one.)

几年前,当我开始进行Web开发时,Vim是我首选的文本编辑器。 使用起来很容易,我可以轻松完成基本工作。 另外,许多开发人员喜欢基于终端的文本编辑器,因为他们在本地开发计算机和远程服务器中都具有相同的环境。 尽管存在“ Vim与Emacs ”的争论,但大约一年前,我还是决定尝试使用本机文本编辑器,而Twitter却与其中之一发生了争执(猜猜哪个没有奖。)

The creators of Sublime Text say it’s a text editor you’ll fall in love with and, having worked with it for almost a year now, I must say I completely agree with them. It has an untimed trial, and a licence for a single user costs $70. If you spend most of your day working with a text editor, I would say it’s a worthy investment!

Sublime Text的创建者说,这是一个您会爱上的文本编辑器,并且已经使用了将近一年,我必须说我完全同意他们的观点。 它有一个不限时的试用版, 单个用户的许可费用为70美元 。 如果您一整天都在与文本编辑器一起工作,那我说这是值得的投资!

What makes Sublime Text even better is its extensibility. So, here’s a look at the plugins that make an already wonderful editor truly Sublime.

使Sublime Text更好的是它的可扩展性。 因此,下面介绍了使一个本已出色的编辑器真正成为Sublime的插件。

1. 包装控制 (1. Package Control)

One way of installing Sublime Text plugins is by downloading files and copying them to the packages directory. However, you should go through that process exactly once, because there exists a plugin called Package Control: a package manager, enabling you to install other plugins without leaving Sublime Text. It’s like apt-get for Ubuntu, pip for Python and npm for node.js.

安装Sublime Text插件的一种方法是下载文件并将其复制到packages目录。 但是,您应该只完成一次该过程,因为存在一个名为Package Control的插件:一个软件包管理器,使您无需离开Sublime Text即可安装其他插件。 就像Ubuntu的apt-get ,Python的pip和node.js的npm

Follow the installation instructions here and you won’t have to install another plugin manually ever again.


To verify that it’s been correctly installed, press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + p and type in ‘package control’ — you should be able to view a list of options.

要验证是否已正确安装,请按Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + p并键入“程序包控制”-您应该能够查看选项列表。

Package Control

2. Git (2. Git)

These days, more often than not, you are going to work with a version control software, and the most popular VCS is Git. Are you tired of saving your text files and switching back to the terminal to run a few Git commands. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could execute Git commands from the text editor itself? Install the Git plugin and get more done in less time!

如今,您将经常使用版本控制软件,而最受欢迎的VCS是Git。 您是否厌倦了保存文本文件并切换回终端以运行一些Git命令。 如果您可以从文本编辑器本身执行Git命令,那不是很好吗? 安装Git插件,并在更短的时间内完成更多工作!

Running Git Diff

3. GitGutter (3. GitGutter)

Although you can run Git commands from within Sublime Text, why check the differences in a file from the last commit by running a separate command when you can view it in real time?

尽管您可以在Sublime Text中运行Git命令,但是当您可以实时查看文件时,为什么还要运行单独的命令来检查文件与上一次提交的区别?

With GitGutter, you can see which lines have been added, deleted or modified in the gutter.


Git Gutter Usage

4. Emmet (4. Emmet)

Emmet is a useful plugin that saves time by making you write less, thus increasing your productivity. Emmet is available for other text editors like Notepad++ and Eclipse.

Emmet是一个有用的插件,可通过减少编写次数来节省时间,从而提高工作效率。 Emmet可用于其他文本编辑器,例如Notepad ++和Eclipse。

There are a lot of things that you can accomplish with Emmet, but I will just tell you my favorite here. Type html:5 and press Ctrl/Cmd + e, and it is expanded to a basic HTML 5 page template. Simple!

Emmet可以完成很多事情 ,但是我在这里只告诉您我的最爱。 键入html:5并按Ctrl/Cmd + e ,它将展开为基本HTML 5页面模板。 简单!

Emmet Demo

5. 全部自动完成 (5. AllAutocomplete)

Sublime Text’s default autocomplete considers words that are present in the current file only. The AllAutocomplete plug-in, however, searches all open files to find matches while suggesting words.

Sublime Text的默认自动完成功能仅考虑当前文件中存在的单词。 但是,AllAutocomplete插件会在建议单词的同时搜索所有打开的文件以查找匹配项。

AllAutocomplete Demo

6. 终端 (6. Terminal)

Just in case you want to open a terminal in the directory of your current file, this plugin can be of use. However, by default, it sets Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + t as the shortcut for opening the terminal, which is also the shortcut to open the last closed file. You should change either of the shortcuts to be able to use both functionalities!

万一您想在当前文件的目录中打开终端,可以使用此插件。 但是,默认情况下,它将Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + t设置为打开终端的快捷方式,这也是打开最后一个关闭文件的快捷方式。 您应该更改任一快捷方式才能使用这两种功能!

7. SublimeREPL (7. SublimeREPL)

This is probably the most useful plugin for programmers. SublimeREPL lets you run an interpreter of a range of languages (NodeJS, Python, Ruby, Scala and Haskell to name a few) right inside Sublime Text. Let us run a Python interpreter and see if it works. Perform some list checks and computed 48 raised to the power 100.

对于程序员来说,这可能是最有用的插件。 SublimeREPL使您可以在Sublime Text内运行多种语言的解释器(NodeJS,Python,Ruby,Scala和Haskell等)。 让我们运行一个Python解释器,看看它是否有效。 执行一些list检查,并将计算出的48提升到幂100。

Running Python in Sublime Text

8. ColorPicker (8. ColorPicker)

Usually, if you want to use a color picker you probably open Photoshop or GIMP and use the built-in color picker there. The ColorPicker plugin lets you use a color picker within Sublime Text! After installation, just press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + c.

通常,如果要使用颜色选择器,则可以打开Photoshop或GIMP并在其中使用内置的颜色选择器。 使用ColorPicker插件,您可以在Sublime Text中使用颜色选择器! 安装后,只需按Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + c

The Color Picker Plugin

9. MarkdownPreview (9. MarkdownPreview)

Although many developers prefer to create Markdown files in the cloud (GitHub Gists, StackEdit, Markable), this is for the ‘old school’ writers who prefer to keep their files locally. Although MarkdownPreview is primarily to preview Markdown files, you can go one step further and install MarkdownEditing, which gives you proper color highlighting.

尽管许多开发人员更喜欢在云中创建Markdown文件(GitHub Gists,StackEdit,Markable),但这是为那些喜欢将文件保存在本地的“老派”作家编写的。 尽管MarkdownPreview主要用于预览Markdown文件,但您可以进一步走一步并安装MarkdownEditing ,它可以为您提供适当的颜色突出显示。

MarkdownPreview Options

10. DocBlockr (10. DocBlockr)

If you follow coding guidelines strictly, this is one plugin that makes your task easier. DocBlokr helps you in creating proper comments for your code, by parsing the functions, parameters, variables, and automatically adding the basic items. Start with “/**” and DocBlockr does the rest for you. For instance, check how DocBlockr makes my life easier by creating a format for me to fill based on my comment.

如果您严格遵守编码准则,那么这个插件可以使您的工作更加轻松。 DocBlokr通过解析函数,参数,变量并自动添加基本项来帮助您为代码创建正确的注释。 以“ / **”开头,然后DocBlockr为您完成其余工作。 例如,检查DocBlockr如何通过基于我的评论创建一种让我填写的格式来使我的生活更轻松。

DocBlockr Demo

With this, we come to the end of our list of plugins to boost your productivity. Did we miss out any important ones? Do let us know your favorites in the comments below.

有了这个,我们来到了插件列表的末尾,以提高您的生产力。 我们错过任何重要的东西吗? 请在下面的评论中让我们知道您的收藏夹。

You may also be interested in our Working with Sublime Text video.

您可能也对我们的“使用Sublime Text”视频感兴趣。







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