

Zilliqa, a new, high-speed and secure blockchain platform based on the technology of sharding, has announced that the company has added smart contract technology experts Dr. Ilya Sergey and Evan Cheng to their advisory board. Zilliqa has been focused on ‘scalability with security’ since its founding and will use the expertise of the new advisors as the company aggressively grows its development team in preparation for the public release of their technology.

Zilliqa是一个基于分片技术的新型,高速,安全的区块链平台,该公司宣布该公司已将智能合约技术专家Ilya Sergey博士和Evan Cheng纳入其顾问委员会。 自公司成立以来,Zilliqa一直专注于“安全性的可扩展性”,并将随着新顾问的专业知识,随着公司大力发展其开发团队,以准备公开发布其技术。

“We are building great momentum as we grow our development and marketing teams in preparation for the release of our public testnet and the eventual mainnet launch of our platform,” said Xinshu Dong, CEO of Zilliqa. “Having incredibly talented and knowledgeable advisors like Ilya and Evan with us in the early stages of our development will be a tremendous resource that will help ensure Zilliqa truly addresses the key challenges in building a fast and secure smart contract infrastructure.”

Zilliqa首席执行官董新树表示:“随着我们发展壮大的营销团队,为发布公共测试网和最终主网启动我们的平台,我们正在建立强大的动力。” “在开发的早期阶段,与Ilya和Evan这样的才华横溢和知识渊博的顾问在一起将是一笔巨大的资源,它将有助于确保Zilliqa真正解决构建快速,安全的智能合约基础架构方面的关键挑战。”

Dr. Ilya Sergey does research in the area of programming languages, program analysis, and formal verification, and is currently an Assistant Professor at University College London. In recent years, Ilya has mainly been focusing on developing scalable methods for building trustworthy concurrent and distributed software, while his earlier work was advancing the state of the art in static analysis for higher-order languages and programming language design. Ilya’s research results impacted a broad range of topics within programming languages, program analysis, logic and verification. His research has been published in leading academic journals and proceedings of top international conferences.

Ilya Sergey博士从事编程语言,程序分析和形式验证领域的研究,目前是伦敦大学学院的助理教授。 近年来,Ilya主要致力于开发可扩展的方法来构建可信赖的并发和分布式软件,而他的早期工作则是在针对高阶语言和编程语言设计的静态分析方面不断发展。 Ilya的研究结果影响了编程语言,程序分析,逻辑和验证方面的广泛主题。 他的研究已发表在领先的学术期刊和国际顶级会议录中。

Prior to joining academia, Ilya spent a part of his career in industry, working in JetBrains Inc., a leading company in creating integrated development environments for software developers. He obtained his PhD in formal methods at KU Leuven (Belgium), and held a postdoctoral position at IMDEA Software Institute (Spain).

加入学术界之前,Ilya在行业中度过了自己的职业生涯,曾在JetBrains Inc.工作,JetBrains Inc.是为软件开发人员创建集成开发环境的领先公司。 他在比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)获得正式方法博士学位,并在西班牙IMDEA软件学院(IMDEA Software Institute)担任博士后职位。

Ilya will also be joined on the Zilliqa advisory board by Evan Cheng, ACM Software System Award winner for his contribution to LLVM (2012). Currently, Evan is an Engineering Director at Facebook, where he oversees development of programming languages, runtimes, and compilers. A veteran in the broad field of programming languages, Evan’s extensive practical experience in building the infrastructure, toolchain, and applications for different programming languages will add significant strength to the Zilliqa team.

Ilya还将因其对LLVM(2012年)的贡献而被ACM软件系统奖获得者Evan Cheng加入Zilliqa顾问委员会。 目前,Evan是Facebook的工程总监,负责监督编程语言,运行时和编译器的开发。 Evan在编程语言领域有着丰富的经验,他在为各种编程语言构建基础结构,工具链和应用程序方面的丰富实践经验将为Zilliqa团队增添巨大力量。

Together with the rest of the Zilliqa team, Ilya and Evan will be advancing the state of the art in building scalable and provably correct distributed systems as well as programming frameworks for building applications on top of them. His joint research efforts with the members of Zilliqa team have already resulted in the inception of Scilla, a programming language for mechanically verified smart contracts.

Ilya和Evan将与Zilliqa团队的其他成员一道,在构建可扩展且可证明正确的分布式系统以及用于在其之上构建应用程序的编程框架的同时,推进最新技术。 他与Zilliqa团队成员的共同研究工作已经导致Scilla的诞生,Scilla是一种用于经过机械验证的智能合约的编程语言。

解决可伸缩性和安全性 (Solving Scalability and Security)

The Zilliqa project is a new blockchain platform based on the technology of sharding that was originally proposed by members of the team as researchers at the National University of Singapore back in 2015. Since then, the Zilliqa team has been developed their technology internally and achieved significant milestones that will have a huge impact on one of the most common problems facing public blockchain platforms: scalability.


Scalability, which is typically measured in terms of transactions per second and should increase as the network of computers using the platform grows, is difficult to achieve in a public setting because the security must be taken into account. The security of smart contracts that run on public blockchain platforms has increasingly become a topic of concern as more and more applications are beginning to use the technology for business-critical applications.

可扩展性通常用每秒交易数来衡量,并且随着使用该平台的计算机网络的增长而应增加,但由于必须考虑安全性,因此很难在公共环境中实现。 随着越来越多的应用程序开始将该技术用于关键业务应用程序,在公共区块链平台上运行的智能合约的安全性已日益成为人们关注的话题。

The architecture underlying Zilliqa is truly unique because it allows for high-throughput on a public blockchain platform without compromising the system or the applications that run on top of it to additional security risks. In addition, Scilla, the new and more secure smart contract programming language has been proposed to run applications on Zilliqa and other blockchains, will help ensure the security of the system.

Zilliqa的基础架构真正独特,因为它允许在公共区块链平台上实现高吞吐量,而不会损害系统或在其之上运行的应用程序带来额外的安全风险。 此外,已经提出了一种新的,更安全的智能合约编程语言Scilla,以在Zilliqa和其他区块链上运行应用程序,这将有助于确保系统的安全性。

Zilliqa has stated that the first public testnet of their system that will allow developers to begin testing applications on the network will be released this month.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/smart-contract-experts-join-zilliqa-as-advisors/






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