web 开发生产率_11种可帮助Web开发人员克服最后期限的生产力工具

web 开发生产率

It’s a common scenario: you have a plan for how your day will go, and how much you’ll get done, and you end up with an unfinished list, wondering where the day went.


This article presents a list of tools that help increase productivity in the workplace. I’ve grouped them into four categories: time management, checklists, scheduling and project management. Each tackles a particular type of productivity problem.

本文提供了一系列有助于提高工作效率的工具。 我将它们分为四类: 时间管理清单计划项目管理 。 每个解决特定类型的生产力问题。

meeting deadlines

时间跟踪 (Time Tracking)

If you don’t “run the day”, it will run you. One way to take control is to trace every minute of your productive activities. Sounds quite hard, but it really isn’t with a little discipline and the right tools. Here are a few apps that can help you do just that …

如果您不“运行一天”,它将运行您。 一种控制方法是追踪生产活动的每一分钟。 听起来很难,但实际上没有一点纪律和正确的工具。 这里有一些应用程序可以帮助您做到这一点……

TMetric时间跟踪器 (TMetric Time Tracker)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Professional version: $4/user/m

    专业版 :$ 4 /用户/ m

  • Business version: $6/user/month

    企业版 :$ 6 /用户/月

TMetric site screen shot

TMetric is a simple but powerful, web-based app that can help you keep track of your work hours. It has an easy-on-the-eye interface. Simply add a task, how long it’s supposed to last, and press Start to track it.

TMetric是一个简单但功能强大的基于Web的应用程序,可以帮助您跟踪工作时间。 它具有易于使用的界面。 只需添加一个任务,该任务应该持续多长时间,然后按开始即可对其进行跟踪。

The app works on a simple hierarchy. Tasks come under Projects which come under Clients. Each of the categories can be tracked independently so that you know exactly how much time’s being spent where.

该应用程序可在简单的层次结构上运行。 任务客户下的项目下。 每个类别都可以独立跟踪,以便您确切地知道在哪里花费了多少时间。

The app can give you a quick snapshot of how you’re spending your days through its Workday Timeline feature. You can also collaborate with other members on your team and watch how everyone’s spending their time through Team View. The app generates detailed reports of time spent and money earned from each project. Business owners can set rates for different types of works and calculate salaries for their employees effortlessly.

该应用程序可以通过其“工作日时间轴”功能为您提供如何快速度过一天的快照。 您还可以与团队中的其他成员进行协作,并通过团队视图观察每个人如何度过他们的时间。 该应用程序生成有关每个项目花费的时间和所赚钱的详细报告。 企业主可以为不同类型的作品设置费率,并轻松地为员工计算工资。

TMetric makes it very easy to keep track of billable and non-billable time separately, so that you’re on top of your expenses and revenue. You can use their tags feature to further organize tasks or projects.

通过TMetric,可以轻松地分别跟踪计费时间和非计费时间,从而使您在支出和收入上处于领先地位。 您可以使用其标签功能进一步组织任务或项目。

Finally, the app can easily integrate with popular project management software such as Trello, Asana, Jira, Todoist and many more, allowing you to seamlessly use them as one complete solution.


躁狂时间 (ManicTime)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Professional version: $67/license/year

    专业版 :$ 67 /许可证/年

ManicTime app screenshot

Unlike other web-based apps, ManicTime is a downloadable program that runs in the background, tracking everything you do. It can tell you which programs you opened, which files you worked on and the amount of time you spent on them.

与其他基于Web的应用程序不同,ManicTime是可下载的程序,该程序在后台运行,跟踪您所做的一切。 它可以告诉您打开了哪些程序,使用了哪些文件以及花费在这些程序上的时间。

The program allows you to tag periods of time, which makes it very easy to create time sheets. A great thing about ManicTime is that you don’t need to log in to a website: click start, then click stop when a piece of work is finished, which can be quite hard to manage. An app that automatically tracks your actions is pretty cool!

该程序允许您标记时间段,这使得创建时间表非常容易。 ManicTime的一大优点是您无需登录网站:单击“开始”,然后在完成某项工作后单击“停止”,这可能很难管理。 一个自动跟踪您的动作的应用程序非常酷!

及时 (Timely)

  • Essential version: $14/user/month

    基本版本 :每用户每月$ 14

  • Company version: $21/user/month

    公司版本 :$ 21 /用户/月

  • Enterprise version: $49/user/month

    企业版 :$ 49 /用户/月

Screen shot of the Timely website

Timely is a visually impressive app. Its kanban-like interface allows you to drag and drop blocks (with your tasks) into a calendar, giving you a complete snapshot of your day in an instant.

及时是一个视觉上令人印象深刻的应用程序。 其类似看板的界面允许您将块(连同您的任务)拖放到日历中,从而即时获得一天的完整快照。

Reporting is one of the best features that Timely offers. You can check how you’ve spent time by the day, week or month. You can also compare the time you actually spent on a project against the time you thought you would takevery useful, if you ask me!

报告是及时提供的最佳功能之一。 您可以按天,周或月查看您如何度过的时间。 您还可以将实际在项目上花费的时间与您认为会花费的时间进行比较 -如果您问我,这非常有用!

Projects can be set up as billable or unbillable. (There are tasks that won’t bring in money, even though they’re important.) You can also assign an hourly rate to your projects, or set up a flat fee and track the time spent on them to see how much you made by the hour.

可以将项目设置为可开票或不开票。 (即使有些任务很重要,有些任务也不会赚钱。)您还可以为项目分配按小时收费,或者设置固定费用并跟踪在这些项目上花费的时间以查看您赚了多少钱按小时。

Finally, no visual application would be complete without color coding, and with Timely, you can assign any number of colors to rate your tasks.


检查清单 (Checklists)

If you’re fed up with post-its, journals or always having to carry around a small notebook, then a checklist app is what you need. These apps take remembering out of the task equation, so that you can focus on what you need to do right now. The following three checklist apps are, in my view, the best available right now …

如果您厌倦了邮寄,日记本或总是不得不随身携带一个小笔记本,那么您需要一个清单应用程序。 这些应用程序使您无需记住任务方程式,因此您可以专注于现在需要做的事情。 在我看来,以下三个清单应用程序是目前最可用的……

奇妙清单 (Wunderlist)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Pro version: $4.99

    专业版 :$ 4.99

  • Business version: $4.99/user

    企业版 :$ 4.99 /用户

Wunderlist home page

Wunderlist is a well-known checklist app — and well enough liked that Microsoft bought it for $200 million. Wunderlist is a simple, lightweight app that can help you quickly create to-do lists and follow up with them. The app offers limited recurring task support, and even permits collaboration with other people.

Wunderlist是一个著名的清单应用程序-非常受微软的青睐,它以2亿美元的价格将其收购。 Wunderlist是一个简单,轻巧的应用程序,可以帮助您快速创建待办事项列表并对其进行跟进。 该应用程序提供有限的重复任务支持,甚至允许与其他人协作。

Wunderlist offers cross-platform support and can be accessed from any device. This is super important, as you never know where you might need to add that sudden task to your list. Like most checklist apps, Wunderlist offers periodic reminders, and also makes it very easy to track your tasks, while giving you a quick look at what tasks are overdue.

Wunderlist提供跨平台支持,可以从任何设备进行访问。 这是非常重要的,因为您永远不知道您可能需要在哪里将突如其来的任务添加到列表中。 像大多数清单应用程序一样,Wunderlist提供定期提醒,还使跟踪任务变得非常容易,同时让您快速查看过期的任务。

渡渡鸟 (Todoist)

  • Basic version: Free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Premium version: $29/year

    高级版 :$ 29 /年

  • Business version: $29/user/year

    企业版 :$ 29 /用户/年

Todoist screen shot

The team at Todoist decided to create a checklist app designed along the lines of a typical email client interface, which makes Todoist seem instantly familiar the moment you open it. Its minimalist interface allows you to quickly add tasks and make changes without needing to jump through hoops.

Todoist的团队决定创建一个清单检查应用程序,该应用程序是按照典型的电子邮件客户端界面设计的,这使Todoist在打开它的那一刻看起来立即很熟悉。 其简约的界面使您可以快速添加任务和进行更改,而无需跳动。

Not only can you add tasks through the app, but also by sending an email through a browser plugin for Gmail, Thunderbird or Outlook. Like Wunderlist, Todoist is multi-platform and can work on any device.

您不仅可以通过该应用程序添加任务,还可以通过针对Gmail,Thunderbird或Outlook的浏览器插件发送电子邮件。 与Wunderlist一样,Todoist是多平台的,可以在任何设备上运行。

Todoist has an awesome feature that allows you to add tasks by simply typing out regular sentences with dates like “Wednesday at 11 AM”, or “every Friday at 4 PM”.


This is the only checklist app I know of that gamifies productivity. You’re awarded “Karma” points every time you finish a task, and you can accumulate Karma over time to see how well you’re performing against your colleagues!

这是我所知道的唯一可以提高生产率的清单应用程序。 每次完成任务,您都会获得“业力”积分,随着时间的推移,您可以积累业力,以查看自己在与同事的表现方面表现如何!

记住牛奶 (Remember the Milk)

  • Basic version: Free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Pro version: $39.99/year

    专业版 :$ 39.99 /年

Screen shot from the Remember the Milk website

Don’t let the mellow name fool you: this is one well-thought-out checklist app! Remember the Milk (or RTM, as it’s popularly known) was one of the first checklist apps to hit the market, and has a lot going on under the hood.

不要让这个柔和的名字欺骗了您:这是一个经过深思熟虑的清单应用程序! 请记住,Milk(或众所周知的RTM)是第一个上市的清单应用程序之一,并且在后台运行了很多东西。

First off, RTM has been using natural language task entry since its inception. You only need say something like “send mail to Tom at 9 AM on Wednesday” to add it to a to-do list.

首先,RTM自成立以来就一直使用自然语言任务输入。 您只需要说诸如“在星期三上午9点发送邮件给Tom”之类的内容,即可将其添加到待办事项列表中。

The developers of RTM know that the real problem isn’t adding tasks to a list as much as it is remembering to do them when the time comes. So, they’ve added every possible alert method. Push notifications on mobile, desktop, SMS, Skype, AIM, Google Hangout, Twitter — you name it, it’s there!

RTM的开发人员知道,真正的问题不是将任务添加到列表中,而是要记住在需要时才去执行任务。 因此,他们添加了所有可能的警报方法。 在移动设备,桌面设备,SMS,Skype,AIM,Google Hangout,Twitter上推送通知-随便您,它就在那!

The Pro version comes with the full gamut of collaboration tools, including subtasks, smart tasks lists and tags.


调度程序 (Schedulers)

While time tracking and checklist apps are great for micromanaging your tasks, you need something to help you keep an eye on the big picture, too. So, if you’ve ever caught yourself going back and forth over whether that meeting at 9 your prospect is suggesting is a good idea or not, then a scheduling app is the perfect assistant! Consider one of these …

尽管时间跟踪和清单应用程序非常适合微观管理任务,但您还需要一些帮助您始终关注全局的东西。 因此,如果您曾经想过要在前景中建议9点开会是个好主意,那么调度应用程序将是一个完美的助手! 考虑其中之一...

刚好 (Calendly)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Premium version: $8/user/month

    高级版 :$ 8 /用户/月

  • Professional version: $12/user/month

    专业版 :$ 12 /用户/月

Calendly site screen shot

Marketed as a simple, beautiful scheduling solution, Calendly is the perfect tool to help you keep your appointments organized. The creators of Calendly know that people often subscribe to various tools, many of which offer their own scheduling features — which can lead to problems such as double booking. Calendly can integrate with most of the popular apps including Google, Office365 and Outlook to check for such errors, and rectifies them by adding all tasks to just one calendar.

作为一种简单,美观的计划解决方案进行营销,Calendly是帮助您使约会井井有条的完美工具。 Calendly的创建者知道人们经常订阅各种工具,其中许多工具提供了自己的计划功能-可能会导致诸如双重预订等问题。 Calendly可以与大多数流行的应用程序集成,包括Google,Office365和Outlook,以检查此类错误,并通过将所有任务添加到一个日历中来纠正这些错误。

Calendly is compatible with all devices, and can let you choose whether you want last-minute meetings along with buffer time between them. You can add multiple invitees to a single time slot for conferences, webinars or workshops. Even though Calendly is a pretty powerful app, its simple user interface makes it very intuitive to work with.

Calendly与所有设备兼容,并且可以让您选择是否要进行最后的会议以及它们之间的缓冲时间。 您可以将多个受邀者添加到一个会议,网络研讨会或研讨会的单个时隙中。 尽管Calendly是一个非常强大的应用程序,但其简单的用户界面使其使用起来非常直观。

Google日历 (Google Calendar)

  • Usage: free

    用法 :免费

Google Calendar screen shot

Of course, if you’d rather stick with tried and tested, then there’s always Google. If you’re using Gmail, you already have access to Google’s free Calendar app, which has enough features to handle most tasks a web developer could think of.

当然,如果您愿意坚持尝试和测试,那么总会有Google。 如果您使用的是Gmail,则已经可以使用Google的免费日历应用程序,该应用程序具有足够的功能来处理Web开发人员可能想到的大多数任务。

In true Google style, their calendar is simple, intuitive and makes it super easy to schedule tasks or events. If you’re on G Suite for Businesses, you can use Messages that automatically schedule events from text in your emails to your calendar.

日历采用真正的Google风格,简洁,直观,可轻松安排任务或事件。 如果您使用的是企业版G Suite,则可以使用“消息”来自动安排从电子邮件中的文本到日历的事件。

You can create multiple calendars for different types of tasks. So, you can have one calendar for work, one for your home, one for holidays, one for your hobbies, and so on. All the tasks will be shown in the main interface as you log in. However, you can check individual calendars by clicking on the My Calendars tab on the left. Your co-workers can share their calendars with you, too. Type the name/email of a person under “Other Calendars” to add their calendar to your list.

您可以为不同类型的任务创建多个日历。 因此,您可以拥有一份工作日历,一份日历用于家庭,一份日历用于假日,一份日历用于您的爱好,依此类推。 登录时,所有任务都会显示在主界面中。但是,您可以通过单击左侧的“我的日历”选项卡来检查各个日历。 您的同事也可以与您共享日历。 在“其他日历”下键入某人的姓名/电子邮件,以将其日历添加到您的列表中。

Finally, Google Calendar has great reminders as well, which can reach you on your PC, laptop or mobile device. The reminders can be both one time and recurring.

最后,Google日历还具有出色的提醒功能,可以在您的PC,笔记本电脑或移动设备上与您联系。 提醒可以是一次性的,也可以是重复的。

嘟嘟 (Doodle)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Private: $39/user/year

    私人 :$ 39 /用户/年

  • Business: $69/user/year

    业务 :69美元/用户/年

Doodle website screen shot

While the two apps discussed above are ideal for any range of tasks, Doodle is designed exclusively around scheduling meetings and events. The app is built on the philosophy that features that aren’t needed at the moment only get in our way. And it works. Indeed, the app makes it very easy to schedule meetings, appointments or tasks and then locate them.

虽然上面讨论的两个应用程序非常适合任何任务,但Doodle是专门为安排会议和活动而设计的。 该应用程序建立在一种哲学上,即目前不需要的功能只会妨碍我们。 而且有效。 实际上,该应用程序使安排会议,约会或任务然后定位它们变得非常容易。

Doodle works a little differently from other calendar apps, in that you create polls for all the people who are going to be involved in a particular appointment or task. The poll is then sent to them and the time that most people find convenient is added to your calendar. The app can also integrate with your calendar, and simplifies it by making sure all your tasks are neatly organized.

Doodle与其他日历应用程序的工作方式略有不同,因为您可以为将要参与特定约会或任务的所有人创建民意调查。 然后将调查发送给他们,大多数人觉得方便的时间也添加到您的日历中。 该应用程序还可以与您的日历集成,并通过确保您的所有任务井井有条地进行简化。

Private and Business users can set up their own subdomain on Doodle.com that’s SSL encrypted. The polls you send out can also be customized, and automatic reminders can be sent out, too.

私人用户和企业用户可以在Doodle.com上设置自己的子域,并对其进行SSL加密。 您发送的民意调查也可以进行自定义,自动提醒也可以发送出去。

项目管理 (Project Management)

For power users who manage huge projects that require collaborating with multiple teams, simple apps may fall short. If this sounds like you, the dedicated project management tools discussed below just might be what you’re looking for.

对于管理需要与多个团队合作的大型项目的高级用户而言,简单的应用程序可能不够用。 如果听起来像您,那么下面讨论的专用项目管理工具可能就是您想要的。

特雷洛 (Trello)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Business version: $9.99/user/month

    企业版 :每用户每月$ 9.99

  • Enterprise version: $20.83/user/month

    企业版 :$ 20.83 /用户/月

Trello screen shot

A visual project management tool, Trello uses kanban boards to help you make sense of your work and get things done faster. Its office-bulletin-board-like interface seems instantly familiar, and adding tasks to it is easy, thanks to drag and drop cards that you can place on your board(s).

Trello是一种可视化的项目管理工具,它使用看板来帮助您理解工作并更快地完成工作。 它的类似于办公室公告板的界面似乎立即很熟悉,并且由于您可以在板上放置拖放卡,因此添加任务很容易。

Trello uses a simple hierarchy to help you organize your tasks. Cards are the most fundamental unit. A card essentially contains details of a task. Lists are a collection of cards under a certain theme or workflow. And a Board is your project workspace, which can contain multiple lists.

Trello使用简单的层次结构来帮助您组织任务。 是最基本的单元。 卡片本质上包含任务的详细信息。 列表是特定主题或工作流程下卡片的集合。 董事会是您的项目工作区,其中可以包含多个列表。

Trello permits you to invite as many people as you want to your boards for free. You can drag and drop team members to a card, after which, every time a change is made, they’ll be notified.

Trello允许您免费邀请任意数量的人加入董事会。 您可以将团队成员拖放到卡片上,此后,每次进行更改时,都会通知他们。

Trello can easily integrate with a range of different third-party apps such as Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive and so on.

Trello可以轻松地与一系列不同的第三方应用程序集成,例如Dropbox,Evernote,Google Drive等。

朝体 (Asana)

  • Basic version: free

    基本版本 :免费

  • Premium version: $9.99/month

    高级版 :每月$ 9.99

  • Enterprise version: available on request

    企业版 :可根据要求提供

Asana screen shot

One of the most popular project management tools out there, Asana was developed by Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein, who were part of Facebook’s development. Asana is designed exclusively for managing large projects and, as such, has features that facilitate seamless collaboration and intuitive organization.

Asana是目前最受欢迎的项目管理工具之一,由Facebook的一部分Dustin Moskovitz和Justin Rosenstein共同开发。 Asana专为管理大型项目而设计,因此具有促进无缝协作和直观组织的功能。

Asana is divided into three shells. Tasks are the lowest rung and are essentially your upcoming to-dos. Tasks can be assigned to people, and you can add comments, notes and also create sub-tasks under them. Projects are a list of tasks and act as a to-do list. You can organize and prioritize your tasks under projects. Workspaces are like Trello boards, where you can organize your projects.

体式分为三个外壳。 任务是最低的梯级,本质上是您即将完成的任务。 可以将任务分配给人员,您可以添加评论,注释并在其下创建子任务。 项目是任务列表,并充当待办事项列表。 您可以组织项目下的任务并确定其优先级。 工作区就像Trello板一样,您可以在其中组织项目。

The software makes it very easy for everyone involved in a team to see how a project is progressing through the dashboard. All tasks and sub-tasks can be assigned to other team members, too.

该软件使团队中的每个人都可以非常轻松地通过仪表板查看项目的进度。 所有任务和子任务也可以分配给其他团队成员。

结论思想 (Concluding Thoughts)

While all these apps are great tools to have at your disposal, they won’t solve your productivity woes on their own. Adding that task to a checklist doesn’t guarantee that it will actually get done.

尽管所有这些应用程序都是供您使用的强大工具,但它们无法自行解决您的生产力问题。 将该任务添加到清单中并不能保证它会真正完成。

To make the most of these apps, it’s best if they’re adopted as part of a strategy that plays to your strengths. The tools mentioned here can help you overcome your weaknesses so that nothing gets in your way. As all the apps mentioned above are free, you can try them out and see which ones fit your particular working style.

为了充分利用这些应用程序,最好将它们用作能发挥您优势的策略的一部分。 此处提到的工具可以帮助您克服缺点,使您不会遇到任何麻烦。 由于上述所有应用程序都是免费的,因此您可以尝试一下,看看哪种应用程序适合您的特定工作风格。

Do you know any apps that have helped you become more productive? Let us know about it in the comments below!

您是否知道有任何可帮助您提高工作效率的应用程序? 在下面的评论中告诉我们!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/11-productivity-tools-help-web-developers-beat-deadlines/

web 开发生产率





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