

Last week I introduced our first annual CSS survey. In that post, I focused on part one of the survey, which collects information on the skills and general habits of CSS developers when writing CSS. So far we’ve had about 2000 entries in the survey. So a big thanks to all who have participated so far!

上周,我介绍了我们的第一次年度CSS调查 。 在那篇文章中,我专注于调查的第一部分,该调查收集了有关CSS开发人员在编写CSS时的技能和一般习惯的信息。 到目前为止,我们在调查中已有大约2000个条目。 非常感谢到目前为止参加的所有人员!

If you’re interested in some of the results from the data so far as compiled from part one, here are a few interesting tidbits:


  • More than a third of respondents said they’ve been writing CSS for more than 10 years.

  • About 10% of respondents said they classify themselves as something other than a front-end developer, designer, or back-end developer.

  • More than 40% of respondents consider themselves “high intermediate” in terms of skill level.

  • The number of respondents who use IDs as CSS selectors vs. those who don’t is a virtual split, almost 50/50.

  • About 50% of respondents said they try very hard to keep their CSS maintainable; another 24% use a CSS methodology that does this for them.

    大约50%的受访者表示,他们非常努力地保持CSS的可维护性。 另有24%的人使用CSS方法为他们做到这一点。

That’s just a small preview of the results so far, and new entries are coming in regularly so we’ll have lots more data to share in the future.


继续第二部分… (Moving on to Part 2…)

This week I’m reminding our readers, if you haven’t done so already, to fill in part two of the survey. This part is focused on CSS tools, third party frameworks, different CSS methodologies, and various workflow-related subjects.

本周,我提醒读者,如果您尚未这样做,请填写调查的第二部分。 本部分重点介绍CSS工具,第三方框架,不同CSS方法论以及各种与工作流程相关的主题。

Topics covered include:


  • Popular frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, etc.

  • Pre- and post-processors like Sass, Less, Myth, and PostCSS

  • Habits with methodologies like OOCSS, BEM, Atomic CSS, etc.

    使用OOCSS,BEM,Atomic CSS等方法的习惯。
  • Reporting bugs

  • Workflow stuff like minification, critical CSS, and producing documentation


In all, this part has 27 questions plus an optional field for general feedback on the survey. That means this part of the survey is about the same length as the previous part, so it should only take about 10 minutes to complete.

总体而言,这部分有27个问题,外加一个可选字段,用于对调查进行总体反馈。 这意味着调查的这一部分与上一部分的长度大致相同,因此只需大约10分钟即可完成。

想继续第3部分吗? (Want to Move on to Part 3?)

If you don’t have time to fill out part 3 this week, that’s no problem. But if you still have a few minutes to spare, feel free to jump ahead to the next part:

如果您本周没有时间填写第3部分,那没问题。 但是,如果您还有几分钟的时间,请随时跳到下一部分:

And if you missed the first part, you can go back to last week’s post and fill that out too.

如果您错过了第一部分,则可以返回上周的帖子 ,也可以填写。

Next week I’ll post an official reminder for part 3, and then after giving the survey a little more time, we’ll compile the results and share them with everyone.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-ultimate-css-survey-tools-and-workflow/


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