

During my short tenure as the PHP editor at SitePoint, we’ve had quite a few new authors sign up. These authors are here to teach and to learn, to contribute to the quality SitePoint is known for and to spread the knowledge they’ve accumulated throughout their PHP adventures.

在SitePoint担任PHP编辑器的短暂期间,我们已经招募了很多新作者。 这些作者在这里进行教学学习,为SitePoint闻名的质量做出贡献,并传播他们在PHP历程中积累的知识。

This post will briefly introduce them and list their SitePoint accomplishments thus far, in order of appearance.


任泰华 (Taylor Ren, China)


Taylor Ren’s debut was a three-part series on building a web app in Symfony2 in which he dissected his personal book collection/review website and explained how it’s built into great detail, guiding readers through it step by step. He then moved on to some lesser known facets of PHP+X integration, where X was anything from Dart and Symfony+Dart to WMI. Lately, he’s been writing about MySQL features like indexes, stored procedures and cursors, with arbitrary precision and big numbers in PHP and Data Fixtures in Symfony thrown in for good measure.

泰勒·伦(Taylor Ren)的处女作是关于在Symfony2中构建网络应用程序的三部分系列文章,其中,他剖析了自己的个人图书收藏/评论网站,并解释了如何将其构建为非常详细的内容,并逐步引导读者阅读。 然后,他继续研究鲜为人知PHP + X集成方面,其中X是从DartSymfony + DartWMI的任何东西。 最近,他一直在写有关MySQL功能(如索引存储过程游标)的信息 ,这些功能具有任意精度,并且PHP中的精度 很高,而Symfony中的Data Fixtures的 精度 很高

Taylor is one of our most prolific authors, and we can’t wait to read more from him.


波兰Jacek Barecki (Jacek Barecki, Poland)


Jacek talks about becoming a Zend Certified Engineer in one of his articles. On SitePoint, he taught people how to use Google Translate’s API in an app and how to use the same API to translate dynamic user submitted content. He also covered the difference between Imagick and GD, the PHP image libraries, and talked about proper code documentation – a very important issue for every serious developer.

Jacek在他的一篇文章中谈到要成为Zend认证工程师。 在SitePoint上,他教人们如何在应用程序中使用Google Translate的API ,以及如何使用相同的API来翻译动态用户提交的内容 。 他还介绍了Imagick和GD (PHP图像库)之间的区别,并讨论了正确的代码文档 -对于每个认真的开发人员来说,这都是非常重要的问题。

法国罗兰·克莱门梭 ( Roland Clemenceau ) (Roland Clemenceau, France)


With only a single PHP related article to his name so far, Roland came on board in November 2013 and debuted with a tutorial on automatically localizing the embedded instance of the TinyMCE text editor. Roland is currently preparing a super-series we’ll be publishing in the coming months, so stay tuned!

到目前为止,Roland仅发表了一篇与他有关的与PHP相关的文章,因此在2013年11月加入Roland,并首次提供了有关如何自动本地化 TinyMCE文本编辑器的嵌入式实例的教程。 罗兰(Roland)目前正在准备一个超级系列,我们将在未来几个月内发布,敬请期待!

英国Bashkim Isai (Bashkim Isai, UK)


Bash is a creative technologist whose debut article was quite a detailed comparison of the three most popular message queue services.


印度Mehul Jain (Mehul Jain, India)


Mehul is a junior developer from India who wrote a quick overview of graph databases. In March, he’s got a neat captcha article coming out – stay tuned for that one.

Mehul是来自印度的初级开发人员,他对图形数据库进行快速概述 。 3月,他收到了一篇整洁的验证码文章,请继续关注。

墨西哥的Miguel Ibarra Romero (Miguel Ibarra Romero, Mexico)


Miguel, a cryptography and information security fan, described and demoed the Guzzle HTTP Client in his first article. For his second round, he picked something closer to home and went with explaining the risks and challenges of password hashing in web apps, though that article is due for March – stay tuned!

密码学和信息安全迷Miguel在他的第一篇文章中描述并演示了Guzzle HTTP Client 。 在第二轮中,他选择了离家较近的地方,并继续说明了Web应用中密码哈希处理的风险和挑战,尽管该文章将于3月到期–请继续关注!

越南Thien Tran Duy (Thien Tran Duy, Vietnam)


Thien is a Phalcon enthusiast from Vietnam. He first got mentioned in my own Installing Phalcon on OpenShift article with which he helped, before moving on to publishing his own tutorial on sending confirmation emails in a web app with Phalcon and Swift Mailer.

Thien是来自越南的Phalcon爱好者。 他首先在我自己的《 在OpenShift上安装Phalcon》一文中得到提及,他对此提供了帮助,然后继续发表自己的有关使用Phalcon和Swift Mailer在Web应用程序中发送确认电子邮件的教程。

印度Chirag Swadia (Chirag Swadia, India)


Chirag’s controversial debut in which he compares WordPress to a modern day framework caused quite a stir in the PHP community. Whether or not you agree with the notion, it takes some courage to write an article about a topic many people are so subjective and opinionated about.

Chirag 有争议的首次亮相 ,他将WordPress与现代框架进行比较,这在PHP社区引起了不小的轰动。 无论您是否同意这一观点,都要撰写一些有关许多人如此主观和有主见的话题的文章需要一些勇气。

芬兰卡尔·沃里宁 (Carl Vuorinen, Finland)


Carl, a developer and team lead at W3 Group Finland, published a detailed look at Symfony’s Bundle Configuration and Service Container. These advanced topics are important for every serious Symfony developer, and we expect more like these from him soon.

W3 Group Finland的开发人员和团队负责人Carl发布了有关Symfony的Bundle配置和服务容器的详细视图 。 这些高级主题对于每一个认真的Symfony开发人员都很重要,我们希望他很快会提供更多类似的内容。

法国Victor Berchet (Victor Berchet, France)


Victor, one of Symfony’s top contributors, loves to live on the cutting edge of technology. A fellow HHVM and Dart fan, Victor covers the latest and greatest technologies, diving in head-first. His debut series HHVM and Hack covers Facebook’s new Hack language which aims to add some missing features to PHP. Read the articles to know more.

Victor是Symfony的杰出贡献者之一,喜欢生活在技术的最前沿。 Victor是HHVM和Dart的粉丝,他率先涉足了最新,最伟大的技术。 他的首个系列HHVM和Hack涵盖了Facebook的新Hack语言,旨在为PHP添加一些缺少的功能。 阅读文章以了解更多信息。

彼得·尼森 ( Peter Nijssen ) (Peter Nijssen, Netherlands)


Peter, a board game fan from the Netherlands, explained how we can pipe emails to a Laravel application, thus building our own ticketing system or the like. It’s far simpler than people would assume. He also covered using XDebug with Sublime Text, for all your proper debugging needs, if that’s the editor of your choice.

来自荷兰的棋盘游戏爱好者Peter解释了如何将电子邮件发送到Laravel应用程序 ,从而构建自己的票务系统等。 这比人们想象的要简单得多。 他还介绍了将XDebug与Sublime Text结合使用(如果您选择的是编辑器)来满足您的所有适当调试需求。

Peter has been incredibly active over the past few weeks since he joined up, so expect to see much more of his excellent content.


呼吁采取行动 (Call for action)

If you’d like to increase your exposure in the PHP community and have decent English skills and knowledge to spare, join the ranks. We pay well for all types of articles. This type of post will be published every two months introducing new authors that joined up since the last time. To get in touch with these authors, visit their author profiles for social network links, means of contact, and more.

如果您想增加自己在PHP社区中的知名度,并拥有体面的英语技能和知识,请加入我们的行列。 我们为所有类型的文章支付高价。 这种类型的帖子每两个月发布一次,介绍自上次以来加入的新作者。 要与这些作者联系,请访问其作者资料以获取社交网络链接,联系方式等。

If you’d like to know more, please contact me at bruno.skvorc@sitepoint.com, @bitfalls or +BrunoSkvorc.

如果您想了解更多信息,请通过bruno.skvorc @ sitepoint.com, @ bitfalls+ BrunoSkvorc与我联系。

P.S. – if you haven’t already, vote in the IDE Survey. Not only can you support your favorite IDE/Editor, you can also win licenses for some of the most popular and powerful IDEs out there, as well as some Learnable books or memberships.

PS-如果您还没有的话,请在IDE Survey中投票。 您不仅可以支持自己喜欢的IDE /编辑器,还可以为其中一些最受欢迎和功能最强大的IDE以及一些可学习的书籍或会员资格赢得许可证。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/welcoming-new-authors-20132014/






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