Aviary SaaS图像编辑软件退出Beta


ReadWriteWeb is reporting that Aviary, a much-hyped and long awaited suite of online image editing tools, is about to leave private beta. Aviary was developed by the people behind the popular Photoshop contest site Worth1000 using Adobe’s Flex, and is easily one of the most impressive pieces of graphic design software delivered as a web application.

ReadWriteWeb报道称,备受期待的在线图像编辑工具套件Aviary即将退出私人测试版。 Aviary是由著名的Photoshop竞赛网站Worth1000背后的人们使用Adobe的Flex开发的,它很容易成为作为Web应用程序交付的最令人印象深刻的图形设计软件之一。

Aviary’s current stable of products includes Photoshop-replacement Phoenix, a multi-layer image editor, visual effects editor Peacock, and Toucan, a color picking tool. Currently in alpha is Raven, a vector image editor, and Talon, a Firefox plugin for creating screen captures.

Aviary当前稳定的产品包括多层图像编辑器Photoshop-replacement PhoenixPeacock视觉效果编辑器和颜色选择工具Toucan 。 目前在Alpha中是矢量图像编辑器Raven和用于创建屏幕截图的Firefox插件Talon。

Aviary has an ambitious product roadmap, with 15 visual, artistic, and creative design applications currently planned or under development, including a 3D modeler, an audio editor, a desktop publishing app, a video editor, and even a word processing application. Based strictly on volume of applications, it is easy to think of Aviary as the creative professional counterpart to Zoho.

鸟舍有一个雄心勃勃的产品路线图,目前计划或正在开发15个视觉,艺术和创意设计应用程序,包括3D建模器,音频编辑器,桌面出版应用程序,视频编辑器,甚至是文字处理应用程序。 严格基于应用程序的数量,很容易将Aviary视为Zoho的创新专业人士。

Starting November 3, Aviary will begin offering pricing plans. A free, ad supported version will mark all images created on the software with a watermark. Paid plans will remove the watermark and advertising, as well as allow access to collaboration tools and tutorials. Paying customers also get early peaks at alpha versions of software before free customers.

从11月3日开始,Aviary将开始提供价格计划。 一个免费的,受广告支持的版本会在该软件上创建的所有图像上加上水印。 付费计划将删除水印和广告,并允许访问协作工具和教程。 付费客户还可以在免费客户之前先试用Alpha版软件。

The graphic below illustrates the paid plans coming next week. Anyone who signs up by Sunday gets $50 off the most expensive plan.

下图显示了下周要支付的计划。 在周日之前注册的任何人都可以从最昂贵的计划中获得50美元的折扣。


Aviary stores all files to it’s internal cloud storage service (called Rookery — notice a theme?), and backs up data to Amazon S3. A DVD backup service is in the works, and all files can be exported to flattened image formats, like JPEG and GIF. Fully layered file exports are something that the company is still working on. Also in the works: AIR versions of the applications for bringing the Aviary suite to the desktop.

鸟舍将所有文件存储到其内部云存储服务(称为Rookery-是否注意到主题?),并将数据备份到Amazon S3。 DVD备份服务正在开发中,所有文件都可以导出为扁平图像格式,例如JPEG和GIF。 公司仍在努力进行完全分层的文件导出。 还在工作中:用于将Aviary套件带到桌面的AIR版本的应用程序。

In addition to the software, Aviary also hosts a Flickr-like image sharing site for artists to share their creations with one another. For artists that allow it, graphics can be shared with others fully layered, so anyone can open an image directly from the gallery in one of the Aviary tools and remix it.

除该软件外,Aviary还拥有一个类似Flickr的图像共享网站,供艺术家相互分享自己的创作。 对于允许使用此功能的艺术家,可以与其他人完全共享图形,因此任何人都可以使用Aviary工具之一直接从图库中打开图像并重新混合。

Below is a video of an image being created using Phoenix.


Have you used Aviary? Let us know what you think. While it clearly isn’t a Photoshop replacement, we think it is a very impressive online image editing suite that many people will find more any adequate.

您使用过鸟舍吗? 让我们知道您的想法。 虽然它显然不是Photoshop的替代品,但我们认为它是一个非常令人印象深刻的在线图像编辑套件,许多人会发现更多合适的工具。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/aviary-saas-image-editing-software-leaves-beta/





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