

There’s a myriad of different ways to go about processing online payment, and it’s very easy to get confused. This guide considers the following payment acceptance solutions in detail:

处理在线支付有多种方法,很容易造成混淆。 本指南详细考虑了以下付款接受解决方案:

  • Credit Cards

  • Online Checks & Debit Cards

  • Digital Cash & Micropayments

  • Escrow Services


The guide was put together to help you understand in detail how online payments work, so that when you decide to purchae a solution for your site, you know what to look out for, and what questions to ask.


常用词 (Commonly Used Words)

Throughout this guide you’ll see some words and phrases that might confuse you. For the sake of clarity, we’ve defined some of those commonly used words here.

在本指南中,您会看到一些可能使您感到困惑的单词和短语。 为了清楚起见,我们在这里定义了一些常用的单词。

Merchant Account Provider: This is the company that helps set you up with the proper merchant account, and provides the software and equipment you’ll need in order to perform credit card transactions. They may also be able to provide other payment acceptance services, such as debit card processing and online checks. Merchant Account Providers are also known as Independent Service Organizations (ISO) or Agents.

商户帐户提供商:这是一家帮助您设置适当商户帐户的公司,并提供您进行信用卡交易所需的软件和设备。 他们还可以提供其他付款接受服务,例如借记卡处理和在线支票。 商户帐户提供者也称为独立服务组织(ISO)或代理。

Secure Gateway Provider: Ensures that the connection between the Merchant Website and the Merchant Processor are secure.


Merchant Processor: Actually process the credit card or check transaction.


Virtual Terminal: This is the "online terminal" that allows you to manually type in credit card orders via your Web browser. It usually comes with a Real-Time processing solution.

虚拟终端:这是“在线终端”,可让您通过Web浏览器手动输入信用卡订单。 它通常带有实时处理解决方案。

信用卡 (Credit Cards)

Credit cards are almost universal. Whether you’ sell memberships over your Website, widgets over the counter, or office supplies through a catalog, you should accept credit cards.

信用卡几乎是通用的。 无论您是通过网站出售会员资格,在柜台上出售小部件还是通过目录出售办公用品,您都应接受信用卡。

Accepting credit cards can enlarge your user base in two ways. Firstly, it lends credibility to your business, which is of the utmost importance if you want to close the sale. That credibility stems from the fact that people believe that you have to be a ‘real’ or reputable company in order to accept credit cards. And secondly, shoppers feel safer buying this way, as credit card companies only hold consumers liable for the first $50 if fraud occurs.

接受信用卡可以通过两种方式扩大您的用户群。 首先,它为您的业务增添了信誉,这对于您想完成销售至关重要。 这种信誉源于人们相信您必须是“真实”或信誉良好的公司才能接受信用卡这一事实。 其次,购物者通过这种方式购买会更安全,因为信用卡公司只会在发生欺诈时让消费者承担头50美元的责任。

However, because of the nature of Internet transactions, there is no physical credit card present for you to swipe, nor is there a customer to sign for the purchase. This means that ecommerce purchases fall into a higher risk category known as Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions, or "Card Not Present" transactions. Due to the higher risk of these transactions compared to their in-store counterparts, fees are higher than purchase situations in which a card is present.

但是,由于Internet交易的性质,没有实际的信用卡可供您刷卡,也没有客户签署购买交易。 这意味着电子商务购买属于较高风险类别,称为邮件订单/电话订单(MOTO)交易或“卡不存在”交易。 由于与店内交易相比,这些交易的风险更高,因此费用要高于有卡的购买情况。

商家帐户 (The Merchant Account)

A Merchant Account is an account at a financial institution that allows you to accept credit cards. You may find that you can acquire a Merchant Account directly from your local bank, or you may decide to use one of a number of Merchant Account Providers that can be found through your favorite search engine. Not all Merchant Accounts can connect to the Internet, and those that can may be limited to a particular Secure Payment Gateway, so be sure to determine how this account will connect to your site if you’re a Web Merchant.

商户帐户是金融机构中允许您接受信用卡的帐户。 您可能会发现可以直接从本地银行获取商户帐户,或者可能决定使用可以通过您喜欢的搜索引擎找到的许多商户帐户提供者之一。 并非所有的商户帐户都可以连接到Internet,并且可能限于特定的安全支付网关,因此,如果您是Web商户,请确保确定此帐户将如何连接到您的站点。

A Merchant Account Provider will open an account for you at a financial institution (a bank with whom they’re partnered) that can handle Internet transactions, and approves your credit history. Be aware that there are a lot of Merchant Account Providers out there who aren’t reputable, so make sure you check them out before you commit to one. Avoid all the hype and terminology, and don’t pay more than a $100 processing fee to get the account. Most merchant Account Providers will offer you equipment and software with which you can process credit card transactions, but remember: you don’t have to buy from them if their prices aren’t within your budget.

商户帐户提供商将在可以处理Internet交易并批准您的信用记录的金融机构(与其合作的银行)中为您开设一个帐户。 请注意,那里有很多信誉不佳的商家帐户提供商,因此请确保在签约前先将其检出。 避免所有炒作和术语,并且不要花超过100美元的手续费来获取帐户。 大多数商户帐户提供商会为您提供可用于处理信用卡交易的设备和软件,但请记住:如果其价格不在预算之内,则不必从他们那里购买。

All Merchant Accounts will have some kind of set up or application fee, which is usually at least $99. Where there is not an initial fee, you can be sure that the Provider will try to make up the difference on a software or equipment sale, or by otherwise marking up the transaction and service charges.

所有商户帐户都会有某种形式的设置或申请费用,通常至少为$ 99。 如果没有初始费用,您可以确保提供商会尝试弥补软件或设备销售的差额,或者通过其他方式标记交易和服务费用。

国际商家帐户 (International Merchant Accounts)

If you live outside the US, you may encounter quite a few problems obtaining a US Merchant Account, not least of which will be the cost of the account itself. Essentially, you have three options:

如果您居住在美国境外,则在获得“美国商户”时可能会遇到很多问题,其中最重要的就是该帐户本身的费用。 本质上,您有三个选择:

  • Go with a 3rd party processing company (more on this a little later),

  • establish a US presence or

  • use a company that specifically deals with foreign firms.


To establish a US presence, you’ll need to incorporate your company in one of the 50 states. Nevada and Delaware are both popular choices, with over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies being incorporated in one or the other due to their low fees and business-friendly regulations. The best way to go about incorporation in the US is to seek out a firm that will set up a mailing address with mail forwarding, and telephone number for you, and who will fill out all the incorporation papers on your behalf, which might cost up to $1000. You’ll find a list of incorporation services firms here.

要在美国建立业务,您需要将公司合并到50个州之一。 内华达州和特拉华州都是受欢迎的选择,由于其低廉的费用和对企业友好的法规,超过50%的《财富》 500强公司被合并为一家。 在美国注册成立公司的最佳方法是寻找一家公司,该公司将为您设置带有邮件转发的邮寄地址以及您的电话号码,并由谁代您填写所有注册公司文件,这可能会增加您的费用。到$ 1000。 您可以在此处找到注册服务公司的列表。

The other option is to work with a Merchant Account Provider that specializes in foreign firms, which is a very good alternative if you plan to complete a large volume of credit card transactions. One of the best and most reputable firms for international Merchant Accounts is PlanetPayment.com — they don’t require you to hold a US bank account, and they allow you to accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express payments. However, if you’re a non-US corporation, don’t be surprised if you encounter extra fees. Two other companies that set up international Merchant Accounts are MerchantService.com and iTransact.com.

另一种选择是与专门从事外国公司的商户帐户提供商合作,如果您打算完成大量的信用卡交易,这是一个很好的选择。 PlanetPayment.com是国际商户帐户中最好,最有信誉的公司之一 -他们不需要您持有美国银行帐户,并且可以让您接受Visa,MasterCard和American Express付款。 但是,如果您是非美国公司,则遇到额外费用时不要感到惊讶。 另外两个建立国际商户帐户的公司是MerchantService.comiTransact.com

实时与延迟处理 (Real-Time vs. Deferred Processing)

The decision of how you’ll accept credit cards essentially boils down to two choices:


  • real-time processing and

  • deferred processing.


Real-time processing means that the card is immediately approved. With deferred processing, the order is sent to you, the merchant, who than processes the order. Let’s examine the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

实时处理意味着该卡可立即获得批准。 通过延迟处理,订单将发送给您,即由商人处理订单。 让我们检查两种方法的优缺点。

Real-Time Processing


The biggest advantage with real-time processing is that the customer sees the results immediately. If you sell something that can be delivered over the Internet within minutes, such as software or information, real-time processing will let you fill the order on the spot. This processing method also allows you to automate your business, which is critical if your time is limited and you feel that the more tasks you can automate, the better.

实时处理的最大优势是客户可以立即看到结果。 如果您出售可以在几分钟内通过Internet交付的商品(例如软件或信息),那么实时处理将使您可以现场完成订单。 这种处理方法还可以使您的业务自动化,这对您时间有限并且您认为可以自动化的任务越多越好,这是至关重要的。

A key advantage of Real-Time processing is that it allows you to process your orders automatically or manually. For instance, lets say someone visits your site, and find something they like – but they decide to call in the order instead of making the purchase online. In this case, all you have to do is open your Web browser, log into your Real-Time account’s Virtual Terminal, and manually type in the customers credit card information. And if your business requires recurrent billing, like an ISP or Web Host does, then you’ll be grateful for an option that allows you to automatically charge customer accounts at certain pre-set time periods.

实时处理的主要优势在于,它允许您自动或手动处理订单。 例如,假设某人访问了您的网站并找到了自己喜欢的东西,但是他们决定致电订购而不是在线进行购买。 在这种情况下,您要做的就是打开Web浏览器,登录到实时帐户的虚拟终端,然后手动输入客户的信用卡信息。 而且,如果您的业务需要像ISP或Web Host这样的经常性计费方式,那么您将不胜感激,该选项可让您在特定的预设时间段自动向客户帐户收费。

Real-Time processing also helps eliminate customer errors in the purchase process, as it provides your shoppers with immediate feedback on whether or not their card has been approved. If they make an error while entering their information – for instance, they type an incorrent expiration date – they’ll receive immediate notice of the error, which means they can correct it immediately. Although this is not likely to happen in more than 2% of your orders, it can make a difference to your sales figures. Customers are unlikely to return to your site a few hours after thier initial purchase to re-enter all their details if it turns out that they made a mistake the first time. Real-time processing avoids this situation, as it eliminates the possiblity of user error from the pruchase process.

实时处理还有助于消除客户在购买过程中的错误,因为它可以为购物者提供有关其卡是否已被批准的即时反馈。 如果他们在输入信息时出错(例如,他们输入了错误的到期日期),则会立即收到该错误的通知,这意味着他们可以立即对其进行更正。 尽管在超过2%的订单中不太可能发生这种情况,但这可能会影响您的销售额。 如果事实证明客户是第一次犯错,则客户不太可能在首次购买后几个小时就返回您的网站重新输入其所有详细信息。 实时处理避免了这种情况,因为它消除了暂停过程中用户错误的可能性。

安全支付网关 (Secure Payment Gateways)

To have your transactions processed in Real Time, your Website and Merchant Account will need to be linked via a "Secure Payment Gateway". All these companies do is provide a secure connection between your Web Site and your Merchant Processing Account provider. The largest companies of this type are not Merchant Processors, so you may need to obtain an account with a Secure Payment Gateway, and a separate Merchant Account from a compatible provider.

为了实时处理您的交易,您的网站和商户帐户将需要通过“安全支付网关”进行链接。 所有这些公司所做的就是在您的网站和您的商家处理帐户提供商之间提供安全的连接。 此类最大的公司不是商家处理器,因此您可能需要使用安全支付网关获得一个帐户,并从兼容提供商处获得一个单独的商家帐户。

Some of the big name Real-Time processing gateways are AuthorizeNet, CyberCash, and VeriSign (formally Signio). If you’re interested in a Real-Time processing solution, check with the Merchant Account Provider of your choice for details. These gateway companies all charge a substantial software and/or licensing fee when you start, as well as a monthly gateway access fee of $15 to $25 per month. Typically, a "Real-Time Processing" software package will cost around $495, but you can save money if you identify Merchant Processors who own or include gateway services and Real-Time software at no additional charge.

一些著名的实时处理网关是AuthorizeNetCyber​​CashVeriSign (正式为Signio)。 如果您对实时处理解决方案感兴趣,请与您选择的商户帐户提供商联系以获取详细信息。 这些网关公司在您启动时都会收取大量的软件和/或许可费用,以及每月15至25美元的网关访问费。 通常,“实时处理”软件包的价格约为495美元,但如果您确定拥有或包含网关服务和实时软件的商户处理器,则可以节省费用,无需额外付费。

It’s only by virtue of the fact that these big players spent millions of dollars on advertising and affiliations that they now dominate the market, and unfortunately, many people now believe that their services are required for Real-Time Web transaction processing. However, there are many more smaller players that can provide these same services, so shop around.

正是由于这些大公司在广告和从属关系上花费了数百万美元,他们才占领了市场,不幸的是,许多人现在认为,实时Web事务处理需要他们的服务。 但是,还有更多较小的公司可以提供这些相同的服务,因此货比三家。

延期处理 (Deferred Processing)

If you don’t deliver your products over the Internet, deferred processing – or Offline Sales – may be the options for you. The big advantage of deferred processing is that you can manually examine your orders (and correct them if necessary) before you ship. If you send your products to distant countries, you may find that the credit card issuer’s’ network is often down. Deferred processing will allow you to call and authorize a transaction rather than declining it, which is what would happen in this situation if you used real-time processing.

如果您不通过Internet交付产品,则可以选择延迟处理或脱机销售。 延迟处理的最大优势在于,您可以在发货前手动检查订单(并在必要时进行更正)。 如果将产品发送到遥远的国家,您可能会发现信用卡发行者的网络经常中断。 延迟处理将允许您调用和授权交易,而不是拒绝交易,如果使用实时处理,在这种情况下会发生这种情况。

Deferred processing allows you to use POS (Point Of Sale) software or terminals to handle transactions manually, over the Internet, or by Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO). However, a disadvantage of deferred processing is that you must securely download your orders, which requires daily attention on your behalf. It also means that, until you download your orders, they’ll be stored on the server –- you must ensure that they’re encrypted, so that no unauthorized parties can make sense of the information, even if they do gain access to it.

延迟处理使您可以使用POS(销售点)软件或终端来手动,通过Internet或通过邮购/电话订购(MOTO)处理交易。 但是,延迟处理的一个缺点是您必须安全地下载订单,这需要每天代表您进行处理。 这也意味着,在您下载订单之前,订单将被存储在服务器上-您必须确保已对​​订单进行加密,以使未经授权的各方都无法理解该信息,即使他们确实获得了访问权限对它。

Don’t be fooled into taking the cheapest solution – hardware (a swipe terminal). You’ll be forced to enter all your transactions manually, which can be a huge drain on your time. And make sure you don’t pay more than $400 for a software solution: in most cases you can get a POS software solution for less than $200. Lastly, don’t pay for any programming or software setup services.

不要欺骗采用最便宜的解决方案–硬件(轻扫终端)。 您将被迫手动输入所有交易,这可能会浪费大量时间。 并确保您为软件解决方案支付的费用不超过$ 400:在大多数情况下,您可以获得低于$ 200的POS软件解决方案。 最后,无需为任何编程或软件设置服务付费。

There are several POS software programs on the market that will meet your deferred processing needs – PC Authorize and ICVerify are among the most popular. For information and downloadable demos of these programs, visit MerchantSeek. These programs connect you to your Merchant Account just like a POS Terminal would, so unless you receive a huge volume of orders, software processing will work just fine – just make sure you verify the credit card information before you ship. If you carry out real-time processing, you can simply use the Virtual Terminal instead, and everything will be operated from your Web browser.

市场上有几种POS软件程序可以满足您的延迟处理需求-PC Authorize和ICVerify最受欢迎。 有关这些程序的信息和可下载的演示,请访问MerchantSeek 。 这些程序将您像POS终端一样连接到您的商户帐户,因此,除非您收到大量订单,否则软件处理将正常进行-只需确保在发货前验证信用卡信息即可。 如果执行实时处理,则只需使用虚拟终端即可,所有操作都将通过Web浏览器进行。

If your business sells merchandise by retail (storefront, trade shows, etc.) in addition to making sales over the Internet, it would be in your best interest to not only invest in a Real-Time solution for Internet and Mail/Telephone orders (or a POS software solution if you prefer to process cards manually), but to also obtain a POS swipe terminal along with a Retail (Card Present-type) Merchant Account. This will allow you to save money – by processing your retail (face-to-face) transactions through the swipe terminal you’ll pay lower fees than you would if you processed all your sales as MOTO type transactions (where the card is not present and fees are higher). Note also that many POS Software products support the addition of a card reader so that you can enjoy lower Card Present transaction fees.

如果您的企业除了通过Internet进行销售以外,还通过零售(店面,商品展览会等)销售商品,则不仅要为Internet和Mail / Telephone订单投资实时解决方案(或POS软件解决方案(如果您希望手动处理卡),还需要获得POS刷卡终端以及零售(卡赠送类型)商户帐户。 这将使您省钱–通过使用滑动终端处理零售(面对面)交易,您将比将所有销售作为MOTO类型的交易(没有卡的情况下)支付的费用更低和费用较高)。 还请注意,许多POS软件产品都支持添加读卡器,因此您可以享受更低的“现卡”交易费用。

If you decide to use POS software to process your Internet orders, be sure to use the Electronic Commerce Indicators (within the POS software) to identify those orders that originated on the Internet. Visa and MasterCard now require that all orders accepted via the Internet must be "flagged" as such, and if you fail to indicate them appropriately, you can expect to pay a hefty fine. So be sure to read the software instruction manual on how to use Electronic Commerce Indicators, or contact the company you bought the solution from for directions.

如果您决定使用POS软件来处理您的Internet订单,请确保使用电子商务指示器(在POS软件中)来识别那些源自Internet的订单。 Visa和MasterCard现在要求必须对在互联网上接受的所有订单都进行“标记”,如果您未能正确地指出它们,则可能会被罚款。 因此,请务必阅读有关如何使用电子商务指标的软件说明手册,或与购买该解决方案的公司联系以获取指导。

Also, make sure you use the Address Verification type Authorization Requests for your online sales, otherwise Visa will charge you an extra .17% to 1.25% on those transactions.


Next week we look at the fee structures for transaction processing solutions, and more! See you then.

下周,我们将讨论交易处理解决方案的费用结构,以及更多! 回头见。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/online-payment-acceptance-1/






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