

We're well into autumn, here in Canada, so it's time for another Excel roundup. To get Excel links and articles every week, sign up for my weekly Excel newsletter.

我们已经到了秋天,在加拿大这里,所以是时候再次进行Excel综述。 要每周获取Excel链接和文章,请注册我的每周Excel通讯

语境文章 (Contextures Articles)

Here are a few of the Excel articles that I've published recently.


Drop Downs – Sometimes data validation arrows disappear, for no apparent reason. See some of the causes for that behaviour, and how to fix or avoid the problems

下拉菜单 –有时数据验证箭头会消失 ,没有明显的原因。 查看造成这种现象的一些原因,以及如何解决或避免这些问题

Macros – Put your macros on a custom Excel Ribbon tab, by making simple changes on a worksheet, in my free sample workbook.

–通过在我的免费示例工作簿中的工作表上进行简单更改,将宏放在自定义的Excel Ribbon选项卡上。

Pivot Tables – Use macros to automatically name drilldown sheets, and delete some or all of them when closing the workbook

数据透视表 –使用宏自动命名明细表 ,并在关闭工作簿时删除其中的部分或全部

Comments – Use these macros to move or resize Excel comments that have wandered away from their original locations

注释 –使用这些宏可以移动或调整偏离原始位置的Excel注释的大小

Microsoft活动 (Microsoft Events)

Watch the recordings from a couple of recent Microsoft events.


Power BI - If you missed Microsoft's Business Applications Summit this summer, watch the session videos online. Type "Excel" in the Search box, to see a list of those sessions.

Power BI-如果您错过了今年夏天的Microsoft商业应用峰会,请在线观看会议视频 。 在“搜索”框中键入“ Excel”,以查看这些会话的列表。

Microsoft Ignite – You can also watch sessions from September's Microsoft Ignite conference. Here is the list of Excel sessions, and they all look interesting.

Microsoft Ignite –您还可以观看9月Microsoft Ignite会议上的会议。 这是Excel会话的列表 ,它们看起来都很有趣。

Excel技巧 (Excel Tips)

Shortcuts - Harvard Business Review has a list of 10 Excel features and shortcuts that everyone should know. Does it really take 15 minutes to learn Freeze Panes?

快捷方式 -哈佛商业评论列出了每个人都应该知道的10个Excel功能和快捷方式 。 学习“冻结窗格”真的需要15分钟吗?

Errors - Jon Peltier wrote a tongue-in-cheek article about Excel error messages. How many of those gems have you seen?

错误 -乔恩·Perl (Jon Peltier)写了一篇有关Excel错误消息的嘲讽文章。 您看过其中几颗宝石?

公式 (Formulas)

Solver - Kevin Lehrbass shows how to use Excel's Solver feature to solve a puzzle, with simple formulas.

Solver -Kevin Lehrbass通过简单的公式演示了如何使用Excel的Solver功能来解决难题

VLOOKUP - If you're using Excel in Office 365, you should notice significant improvements in Lookup function speed, after the latest update. For other versions of Excel, here's a comparison of VLOOKUP speed and INDEX/MATCH.

VLOOKUP-如果您在Office 365中使用Excel,则应该在最新更新后发现Lookup函数速度有了显着提高 。 对于其他版本的Excel,下面是VLOOKUP 速度和INDEX / MATCH的比较

进阶Excel (Advanced Excel)

Data Model - Rick de Groot has a good lesson on how to use the Data Model in Excel. There are lots of screen shots, and clear explanations.

数据模型 -Rick de Groot提供了有关如何在Excel中使用数据模型的很好的课程。 屏幕快照很多,解释也很清楚。

Prediction - Dave Smith, from Excel with ML, shows how to build a recommender system in Excel, similar to the Netflix system.

预测 -带有ML的Excel中的Dave Smith显示了如何在Excel中构建推荐系统 ,类似于Netflix系统。

ModelOff - The Excel questions and answers have been posted for last year's ModelOff competition. You might find a new formula or two, to use in your own Excel projects.

ModelOff -Excel 问题和答案已发布于去年的ModelOff竞赛中。 您可能会发现一个或两个新公式,可以在自己的Excel项目中使用。

Models - Brett Whysel, a former investment banker, shares 8 ways to make more powerful Excel models -- "begin with your end in mind".

模型 -布雷特·怀瑟尔(Brett Whysel)是前投资银行家,他分享了8种方法来制作更强大的Excel模型 -“始于目标”。

Excel自动化 (Excel Automation)

Macros - Jon Acampora shows two ways to assign keyboard shortcuts to your macros, and lists the pros and cons of both methods.

-Jon Acampora显示了两种为宏分配键盘快捷键的方法,并列出了这两种方法的优缺点。

Passwords - Doug Glancy shows how to make a Password form in Excel, with a Cap Lock warning, and a "Show Text" button.

密码 -Doug Glancy演示了如何在Excel中制作密码表单 ,并带有大写锁定警告和“显示文本”按钮。

Automation – You can create macros to save time in Excel, but are you automating yourself out of a job?


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/10/25/excel-roundup-20181025/






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