

Welcome to the new home of my Contextures Excel Blog! It used to be part of my main Excel site, but the blog needed more room.  I had a long "to do" list for the blog move, and Excel made it easy to cross off tasks when I finished them.

欢迎来到我的Contextures Excel博客的新家! 它曾经是我的主要Excel网站的一部分 ,但是博客需要更多空间。 对于博客的移动,我有很长的“待办事项”清单,而当我完成任务时,Excel使其易于划掉任务。

平稳动作 (Smooth Moves)

Does any move ever go smoothly? I don't think so! Something always gets broken, or left behind, or falls off the truck on the way to the new place.

是否有任何进展顺利? 我不这么认为! 在通往新地方的途中,总有东西破损,掉落或掉下卡车。

In this move, comments were lost on blog posts from mid-2014 to 2018. The articles from those years didn't import correctly, so I had to manually upload them from my original files. Thanks, Windows Live Writer, for storing all those articles! I'll try to get the comments back though, because they have lots of valuable information.

在此举中,2014年中至2018年间博客文章中的评论丢失了。那些年的文章无法正确导入,因此我不得不从原始文件中手动上传它们。 感谢Windows Live Writer存储所有这些文章! 不过,我会尽量找回评论,因为它们有很多有价值的信息。

Links from the old blog should automatically redirect to the same article on this new blog, so I hope you find everything that you need. If you run into any problems, please let me know.

旧博客的链接应自动重定向到该新博客上的同一文章,因此希望您找到所需的一切。 如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我。

列出待办事项 (Make a To Do List)

I couldn't have made the blog move without Excel though! It's a great place to make lists, and I had lots of lists.

如果没有Excel,我无法让博客动起来! 这是一个创建列表的好地方,而且我有很多列表。

It's satisfying to cross off tasks when you've finished them, so you can see your progress. That's easy to do with a pencil, if your list is on paper. But how can you cross off tasks in Excel?

完成任务后将其划掉是令人满意的,因此您可以看到进度。 如果您的清单在纸上,那用铅笔很容易做到。 但是,如何在Excel中取消任务呢?

交叉任务 (Cross Off Tasks)

Here's a quick trick that will cross off tasks automatically, without any macros. This might slow down a large list, but is handy for small- or medium-sized lists.

这是一个快速技巧,它将自动完成任务,而无需任何宏。 这可能会减慢大列表的速度,但是对于中小型列表很方便。

In the screen shot below, you can see a simple task list. There's a due date in column A, and the task name in column B. When the task is completed, put an "x", or the date, or anything else, in column C.

在下面的屏幕快照中,您可以看到一个简单的任务列表。 在A列中有到期日,在B列中有任务名称。完成任务后,在C列中输入“ x”或日期或其他任何内容。

As soon as a row has something in column C, the text in that row is crossed out, and the font changes to medium grey colour. That makes it easier to focus on the tasks that still need to be finished.

当某行在C列中包含内容时,该行中的文本就会被划掉,并且字体将变为灰色。 这样可以更轻松地将精力集中在仍然需要完成的任务上。

这个怎么运作 (How It Works)

To cross off tasks automatically, I set up a simple conditional formatting rule on the entire table. The rule checks column C, in each row, to see if it is not empty – "" is an empty string.

为了自动完成任务,我在整个表上设置了一个简单的条件格式设置规则。 该规则检查每一行中的C列,以查看它是否不为空–“”为空字符串。


= $ C2 <>“”

The formatting for that rule changes the font to Strikethrough, with grey font colour. None of the other formatting (fill colour or borders), is changed.

该规则的格式将字体更改为Strikethrough,字体颜色为灰色。 其他格式(填充颜色或边框)均未更改。

条件格式示例 (Conditional Formatting Examples)

There are more Conditional Formatting examples on my website, and this example is in the first file in the download section.

我的网站上有更多条件格式设置示例 ,该示例位于下载部分的第一个文件中。

If you're just getting started with conditional formatting, see the introduction page.


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2018/04/26/cross-off-tasks-in-excel-to-do-list/






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